Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1964, p. 11

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Wrm rm new FARMIIS MARKET LtVlIlOCK POI SALI no romeo asuuta au ao rteass macaw 53h INK Pm for llll MI true he nmrue earsla Ar TI Itllllf russa Vedanta boll months all Wu Hutton Cnll Hill at lollflona mom rerun umrore sorta aaan brad Ia and It mourn are all cat and arrr straw massa Laney more lolfl servle commercial alltl Arthur Morrow Codbtblfll FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cast New Holland David Brown Bestty Farm Equipment New liolland Side Dehrery Rakes Dart Wheel Rakes Several good Used Raiser All available now In BURTON ave mm CASH TliADETERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE EBIMOMLI very clean snow tires Good steroid car tar wile stator Maphonl ssrraa STUDEBAKERch nie new good body use or naarrtt AWLV In Dunlap at ms arsrson door uoan v7 automatic tilllflfll audio Ari Boll ditlran ml Thisphone Llnl mt culvstotlr station Wagon or sale or trade tor our or at tla in good runnlnl on Titan Phone IlITIW its AUIIIN lfealay with arm drive and tonnoau cover two tom blue and walls in var good coo dltlora Telrphom no as as door hard It condition Down roar brakes cantons good or lriead for quiet aare as Ottaway Ave lass uonnl vs sutonrauc nu tern radio washers Ina red llsht brown astsrtor Prlva all Al condition leisphons II 37 alter par or apply and Duck wortn at 1m erIIIoUrn nary vs dual ranss automatic tour naw VIN tlrel windahllld washers baohrltp lights owsr atesrua radio no and whta But our wtu taka Can be financed 7M Naen can rNatIItANcnt tits ass lnll for Drafamd drivers WI insure any driver llardlell In or circumstances hill covah ass Bentla and co as ciaoparton st 11 its itaz FORD Oaiaxlo in axcsueot ll tire condition whi two snow tire nlul nsr Eafrayana1rl can arrange so one soreartrr pan TRAVEL TRAILERS It clrarloN travel trailer aletpa titlc uh new nonunion on and no Can be soon aln null app trnant rnonc nur oaNannL Travel Trailer as aw colored with refrig or bathroom facilities extra cards room divider Immacur Inte condition 95 Call Lora 72m opm MOBILE HOMES III exclusive Goldcn Falcon er or air arrimOrillil district Open evenln Pbona swim PERSONALS Paacrrcar nusso has accommo cation for two ladies Convalescent can given Write Box Barfll Examiner aoorrrsaurmo done oauy weekly or monthly incnna tax return pra liCiaaBii ézdt TI ea or Phone Itssrsr Io HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP FUTURE FOR YOU IN SELLING To service and sell newspaper classified advertising This in teaeating position entails per sonal contact with localbiisl tress firms of all types Preference will be shown to applicants with typing and chastifeura licence This is challenging position with consid erable opportunity tor advance mutt array or reason to Advertising Manager fill BARBIE EXAMINER uxnnrnrcsn waitre required immediatnlY BIS Roy Lema Relv taunt or on 7166721 BXPBHENEID Girl to work in Tlant Orada to education Apply parson to it leh at Barrio lAlYflAll dillr26 to live in days wool lccttea Ba tleld strut are near tnnria at Tellpllorl 7191 CMMIHGIAN wanted to takl ehlfll of cosmetic cormtar in Mr till drill store flood ullnt and on love benofltm erto do Dal rrll Examiner wamsss arm abort orer Cook for summer resort Experienced Bretmo ror July and August can write or phono Marvins may Wasaga Iraera tallplwn MALE HELP WI All EXPANDED alas Ital being increased In lblb but not hava ambition rid are into l2 sulfates ori an one IDWW at Manda to vrtp to is noon lumay IOU IALEBMAN 1145 married nod rehrenees with grammar poalllors which etweera evasion per weak tor man not afraid or Title could be of Interact Io Irate WANTED COMMERCIAL RRIN mats NILP TING DEPARTMENT or THE CARRIE EXAMINER requires mature many as sales representative Knowledge at printingwotddbaanluoibut not essential Ideal for retired service personnel Good education ability to rnttt lira public two quulsitcL Opportunity for advancement In printing shop tails at educational and business raucrt carvers WANTED Mustbeliyeanotsgaor older Apply in person only at leon Building Producta 87 fltiin St Barrie MAN OI MAI an baled say 1w annulment cams can with cnaaa fauss license II company basalts and to walls to the risks man in person poll to ll Mar Street during other hours MALE FEMALE For Better Job or Pay Raise Study At items In Spare Time All Books and lasinrction As low As to Mu Drafting Arch itecture Automoth Contract ing And Bulidlnggliiml Elec tronic Technology Private Sec retary Business Management Practical Bookkeqring Practical Accounting American School Dept 01 Dalhousie and Queen at BOX 1061 Brantford Ont BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT lti BAYFIELD ST IXPERTENCBD Hairdroam at aitlon in boldly salon in Barrie ll raffle lupt confidentlll erla To Darrin Dllntlsrer EMPLOYMENT WANTED rA ANn renee cted Ind rcvatred Tallnhonl mil ivy WILL no typing to Phone or Sahielcher aux sis Camp Borden vouwo arm an to like on working on arm Pl wrt to Box at la hamlnl CHILD narr cans tiva day week transéortatlon annulled Telephone 72 CIIAIN saw we hour or can bind ar oars would reefrfrflvala aa one 241 one 7166111 for efficient speedy oer no in painting walla and floor ntéa awns cut Ole Reason as l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE will be held at HOLLYWOOD TRADING THE USED CAR DEPOT 225 Memorial Ave 3254581 Orillia SATURDAY 13th JUNE at 130 pm Consisting of so used cars trucks and station wagonsr some basis and mobile homes fully furnished JlM NAPIER Auctioneer 8261101 Orillla AUCTION SALE Saturday June 13 COMMENCING AT PM SHARP STROUD ARENA of New and Used Furniture lbols Appliances and Clothing Stock is banlnupt and must be cleared VERNON am Auctioneer Strand AUCTION SALE Every Thursday pm aha rat ELMVALE STABLES LTD mile west of Elrnvala on Highway 92 Fresh and spring er cows stock cattle calves brood sows boarswaaner and feeder pigs cheap and horses it pays to BUY or Bill by AUCTION ARCHIE OOLWILL Auctioneer Phone Barrie 7268504 Sci lip Study Committees atomizer carm Ca nadian Amateur Hockey Asso ciation which frowns on the pros draitingjunlor players even toyearoldlor rights to their luturerservlccs has asked National hockey League con sideration of ita proposal for universal average drsit Both the amateur body and the Will agreed to set up study oommlttera They will meet at some future date but no imme diate action is expected CAilAwants the HEMP draftzellmlnated unill afteran amhtettr purses his both birth dli llpto that time herwouid be free btanycomnriisnentstn Please reply to Box run manta mailman sivins do or service background Goldwater Convinced Of No Upset Wt AP Sen ator Barry Goldwater says he is convinced that forarrsr preo ldcnt Eisenhower will not upset his bid tor the Republican prev ldcntial nomination neat moottr in San Francisco The Arizona thatcrvatlvs said in an interview here Monday night think President Eisen hower is neutral in this situa tion as he bu been in tlaa part donot thlokhehas dredged his positionInd do not expect him to take any action that would be aimed at blotting me Goldwater talked briefly with Eisenhower and other party leaders while tabla hopping their flew back to Waablugtoo Goldwater said that in the ab sence of any expressed opposi tion from Eisenhowertho only man who could hurt his drive toward the ass delegate votes needed for the nominationhe is confident he will win It at San Francisco in midJuly He added tlrat bethinka he has good chance of defeating amidentlchnscn ln Novem Wait until the people begin to assess Johnsons stand on this civil rights question and come to realise that his spend lng policia erecutoi line the senator said Then well see whether we Republicans can beat him PM Tells Rotary Oi Eggs Rocks TORONTO CPI The table of the eggs and the rocks was put before the Rotary Interna tional annual convention Mon day by Prime Minister Pearson it the egg falls on the clone the egg is smashed Mr Pear son said if the stone falls on the ego the egg is smaslaad ilfr Pearson was using the example to illustrate the fact that United States actions have much greater impact on Carr ada than anything this country can do to its soulhcm neighbor ed to any event we are hard boiled eggs and you are nice spongy roc Continuing in half testing vein he aaid Canada was de termined to remain Canadian and not northern Texas Colic fornla or even Arimaa You ought to be grateful for this he said amid laughter In the same vein he made humorous but pointed reference to American investment in this country and the fact that Can ada from time to time is threat ened by United States actions that might interfere with Cana dian economy INVEST HEAVEN He put it this way Some Americana do know of course that we are good people with drink land because they have invested $000000 in Canada so per cent at all American in vestments outside oi your own country How pleased therefore you must be to have Canada so well run by its federal and provin cial governments to insure that you can get good return on that investment The predominantly United States audience listening to the noon address in Maple seal Gardens laughed Will Supply Competition MONTREAL GillTin Ck nadian Amateur Hock Asso ciation announced Mon fly that the Central Professional Hockey keaguc will so ply training ompetltion for CAliAs na Shastrii Swans In As Indias PM NEW DELHI inwtmlLal abnormal 33 watfrfrirrmo sworn as mhlstsr to magi tlra late malarial Nehru liia tomatoes oablost also was sworn in to rule over in dlas arooooooo people who beams the or and man to rule modern ada earlier Iibrnltted his cabinet list to President Sarvspalll Bld mull ibs titres top posts la the new overnmaot want to Guluriial ands horns Ininlier flruval lur Krishnde tinsnca mister and litre lodlra Gandhi daumia of Nehru mloiur of information and broadcasting Shastai also utalned the ternal affairs portfolio for him salt as did Nehru Mrs Gaodrl wasqu only To Production WWW CPI An audience that was largely comprised of teenagers and younger drildren greeted the world premiere of John beats the Devil with applause laughter warm acceptance and faint air of disapprovalMo lha Neptune Theatre com pany led by strong perform ance from Ted Follows Ia Sir John Macdonald got off to slow start because at the litter ing the school crowd largely brought on by spectacular en trance irvm George Sperdakos as Bellal Burns the devil Burns entered amidst thun der lightning and brlnrstone to bring the audience up to data on Bir Johns early life and tire devils sneaky efforts to get him in his clutches Two and halt hours later John won tho bargain with the devil by leading his Conscr vatlves to federal power in tha 107a election although he was personally defeated in London Ont lhaplay was combination of comedy largely induced by Sir Johns bottleborn sarcoma and serious history in its effort gaging John nudists times TWEED WATCHES Author is Tammy Need who was in the audlcnca watching US Elections Lightly Touched The Devil Brings Tillers wusmezmmmpuurammmmm 5rrmtv Dagmarion manner of the new cabinet the can It Margaret of the ruling Congaus arty Excluded tsosrr tits cabinet was Nennll basal form tlr dance MW who was Stas lrls molar rival for the prime ntinisteflblp Also excluded was Ram anothar rival of who ls lsadar ot the liartlso tuntoudrsolsst and tumor cabinet rarinister Congress Party Iourcu raid Dual declined Siluria lIWKa lton to Join the cabinet bseatue tire offer did not make him the most senior cablnot minister nan to the prime minister In addition to the id cablast ministers there will be mla isters of state in the Shastal pavementIa in the Nehru adminldntion but with some rshufiliag of portfolios 01 John ll his lint stage play lie was an pleased with the production but could see changes that might be made the play was less than plea ing to several clergyman in the audience who tended to be shocked by the reality of John in the first act He hoisted ulna filled liquor glasses and downed seven more shots In the second This was in addition to several solid swigs from assorted bottles and flasks An Innovation was tela prompter for the audiencean overhead sign working on the same basis as television lcla promoter that at all times gave the scauos setting While the cast changed the furniture lighting effects on the sign draw the audiences attention from the operation Parliament lit Glance MONDAY June me Justice Mlnlatar Fasreau said ilra Commons will be gin the flag debate on Thurs BY The Commons was informed that or Canadian military air cratt have crashed in the last three years immigration Minister Trem blay said aaarnber of per aoos are being held ln lull in connection with immigra tion cases Reid Scott NOEToronto Danforthl called tora fullr These titres lsandop girls show their enthusiasm tor the browsed Canadian flag with ST JOlmS Nfld CPI new kind of bilingualism was proposed to the royal commis sion on bllhaguallsm and blcul uaraium Monday night Dr ualie Harris history pro fessor at Merrtorlai llnlverliid hold mutated be ideal solu tion to English French rela tions might be situation where most school children would learn to understand not speak the second language This way Newtotmdlander could go to Montreal restaur ant ordcr his meal in English and the waiter coarld reply in swimmingly Dr Harris said Both language groups would retain their respective cultures lnrtattlresametlmeihelang uago barrier would largely be torn down improved communi cations would then lead to bet whore the informal meeting was Fronds and theyd get along haw rtsnrorrs sroar rite DESIGN the dresses they made ulna white with blue strips down the rides and three red maple teacher exdraoges between tho two laograaga groups commas armor Brother Au Brennan president at Newfoundland Teachers Association bod harsh criticism at Canadian history race We know our history badly and teach it worse We dont teach Canadian history at all Newfoundland Quebec and the other regiotu eads had their own hlalaly ran version of Canadian atory Generals Wolfe and were har oce or ee on ethnic badsgmrmsl of the hiaim an The exdrangea took place at public meetinglalttaeodadazz 150 corrrmrmity l1 three mtrmbers ot the royal conunlssioo Members ofytho audience were more pasle than usual at airnilar meetsnga elsewhere in Canada and the JliLPMlnfiafiech Minister Pearson touched dell catcly on the November United States presidential fight today when he said that the world lla tcns with deep hope or anxiety to American leaders especially during electlons when politic ians can use words in the heat of campaign that send eold shudders or warm impulses of appreciation to the people who are affected by everything you doand that is everybody Addressing the graduating class of Johns Hopkins Univep slty Pearson said theUS has been called on in live world leadership at critical time to history in this leadership the US will need strength and steadi oelag wisdom antipadence he as hasten to add that your stollticlans are no dhiarent from those in any other democracy including my own But in the US they have more power than others overrnans destiny once they are elected You should not be surprised then when we listen to them so carefully when they are trying to get elected Pearson yspoke alter having received an honorary law de gree His remarks were contained in text of his address issued to the press before delivery tional team that will compete in the world championship and in the 1963 Olympic Games The national team this year will train at Winnipeg starting possibly around Sept to agreement for the Grill to aid in training was reached at meeting with the National Hockey hague whose clubs operate farms in the CPHL Gordon Juclres of Melville Sash secretarymanager ot the CAliA said one difficulty in the past has been suitable training position and that the new will provide condoning program Jucltea sald thssources of players for the CAHAs national team tra lrag camp will be from lira ldnlpeg area those available from the not squad and new players from other sources in addition to Winnfpe Thi tralisninlg camp operator as tall sexpe ablesttlfi to to BlSil REV Afliaward an rectorotSt Joi coo BALTIMORE GP Prima Todgod minister01 housing Thom gave secogd rea unending National Housing Act TUESDAY June The Commons meets at 230 pint EDT TORONTO OP Delegates to Rotary Internationals 55th convention were to debate to drry British proposal to change the bylaws governing British irr gependeuca within the organiza oo Also scheduled for discussion was resolution by tlaa Rotary Club of Mount Lavinia Ceylon to perrnlt women to Join the club and an lardlan roposal to allow honorary mam rsblps to women All three propoa have been rejected by the interraatiopals committee on legislation but some 14000 delegates can re verse thsdeclsiona in plenary session William Carter presides of Rotarlaas in Great Britain and Ireland said Monday that gt whatever the final decision there filOHiiS amazon Me for metros this terrmderstaodtog Dr Harris said children in the first three grades can learn to understand second lang uage very easily if they are ex posed in correct pronunciation This could be adtleved with language laboratories and Rotary Debates Bylch Changes was no chancelirltlsh members would accedeme Rowlin teraatlonal The British felt we have en loyed constitutional rights for more than to years Our view is that we dont have anobll gallon to pay pencaplta dues although in fact we do pay vol untarily The view of the par ent body is that this is obliga tory BAY NM MONTANA Baker of Cleveland chairman of the committee on legislation saidfrlctioo with the British was merely an admire istratlvo matter of the collec tion of dues dont think it is as important as some individ uals make it seem The proposals for womens membership if passed would reverse policy of maleonly membership to which the serv ice organization hua adhered since its inception to years ago NEW YORIHAPI aItI air oat in It ll firfihfid waa Mr and Mrs William Loan and family Trenton Mich vls lied on tlaa weekend with the lattera parents Mr and Mrs Ari Kid Mr and Mrs Nelson Jones Midland visit on the weekend with their daughter and sonid law Mr and Mrs Robert Riley Mrs Jones remaining for week ilfrand Mrs William Riley Mrs Grace Nay and Ronnie and Murray Riley visited on the weekend in Brampton with Mr aild Mrs Rileys daughter and sqnlolaw Mr and Mrs Clit iordSchrana Mr and Mrs Norman Baker spent the weekend in Fergus with their daughter and son law Mr and Mrs Allen Green they attended the ballet re cital in Guelph Saturday evening in which their two granddaugh ters Sherry and Shelly Green took part Torontonlansvlsltlag in town recently included Mr and Mrs Herman Whitmaaro with Mr and MraDon Barratt Mr and Mrs lienrywltls Mr and Mrs Jim dortananver golf prosirot the that Donald and Mrs Williamlfey at Mr and Mrs Bruce Mo Leana Mrs Keith Couse Mr uadMrs Jackltidd and Ewart Kidd with Mr and Mrs rt Kidd Miss Vi Graham at Bernice Grahams Miss iorle Eldridgegwlth her lather and Mrsme Newsth with her arents and Mrs Ar chi inert WWWmung by panel of live education Nay Mrs Mulean and leaves on the root hour ldt are ltfsn Whitland Joan M0 Clclland Ann Boynton DD dust Free Purl Bilingualism Gets New Twist At St ohns In four born the Wet university The fifth panellist Glidiord Andrews trip of Maritime son lllgh Sclroo here said he We on past of the Erwin nation of the Britldl wealth of nations be said dmt belong to the French moowoalth Martians Wicidcrd Colllm said he the final nllltlori to the Canadian em tloo Gee had Morel in Scotland lid and French world same fate in Canada wilhbr next so years He said Predominant slam on eulturalism is no bad lay iris gi SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS was made to Mrs heated on behalf of her fondly andWA friends by Mrs Sinclair and Mrs William ltlley Visiting for this special occasion were Mr and Mrs Sinclair Willow daIE Mr and Mrs Link and fondly Toronto and Mrs Beat rlca Payne oi Drillla as well as several triendsAfrom Markham Many of the choir visited Rev and Mrs at Howard and family for lunch and Mrs Wil liam Riley entertained num ber ot friends and relatives in honor 01 Mrs Hansen alhy is extended to MT and rs Sinclair Nevlla totbe suddent death of Mrs Netiia mother Mrs Edna Shaw at Royal Victoria oopital Friday May re KNOCK By Ivraa Macadamtort Mrs Beverley Cochrane and Debbie and Mrs Donald Shan nou attended convocation at the University or Western Ontario London where their father Art Liark of Thornton received lite Barron Mr aodMrs Robert Wilson Bande Bilt leoo Parklrill Mn Choate Miss CarolElv lltoa Mrs ll Brewester Toroatov Mr and Mr Walter Bell Guelp gt Mr and Mrs TL sealyaaad Mr and Mrs Norval Stewart spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bill Calder at tit Mrs wauuersrr bud Brown Mr

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