Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1964, p. 1

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Continuing to mend 100th YearNo us Mayor with Barricand Simeoo Cmmty Grilled Over Payment To Conference Mayor Cookes trip to the Regina conference of Ian edian Mayors and Municipali tin touched off storm of con troversy in council last night Aid Roberta persistent questioning on unauthorised expenditure of city funds for membership fees appeared to embarrass the Mayor Finance Committee chairman Aid Hersey and City Manager Wall tor Gigg Tire Mayor had taken dieoue Issued by Mr Glgg and ap provcd by Air Hersey to pay for membership fees in the or ganization Barries fee was 3113 NOT APPROVED Council had authorized the Mayor to go to the conference but had not approved payment of the fee to loin Debate developed when llld ItL it lolliile asked how Barrie had baoome member of the conference when council had voted membership down its hastened to add however that he believed Barrio should be mcmbert The Mayor said council had authorized him or his repres enlatrve to attend He had oil ercd to take cm oi the full cost himself if council objected to the payment of fees He checked with Aid Hersey and Mr Gigg before Leaving June Even thcn he said he was still concerned and was ready to take the miter to council But Aid Hersey polled finance committee and advised him to accept tlrs cheque Aid Jollilia said this was an droidlace on the part of Mr Hersey who had led the opgoei lion which had resulted in aa rle dropping out of the confer encc lRliEGULARlTIES Aid Roberts said there were lrregularitles to be looked nto soy llr Roberts said he would not approve the unauthorised Pfllmcnt Aid Hersey noted that mem bership had been turned down because of the bile in fees from one to 1V mills The Mayor stepped down from the dralr to enter the discussion lie said he had checked on councils wish as cereiuill as he could before going to the conference it is not my intent to em barrass but am concerned Aid Roberts replied He ques tioned the right to authorise payments of this kind without councils approvals HACK DOOR He said the Mayor was going through the back door and had put the Finance Committee in bad spot City Manager Gigg stated he could not sea how council could authorize its mayor to attend convention without ail lowing him to be member of the organisation He said he would stand by his decision to issue the cheque but would be prepared to write for refund of fees Aid liarselius chall enged cmlneiliors wltlr any opin ion on the matter to stand up and give it The matter wal dropped Family Conierence Brief sxnmns azomrllo rustic OTTAWA CPLA brief un der discussion at the Canadian conference on the family today recommends that the minimum rrlageagoinaiIprovi be raised to halt the Increasing number oi teenage montages The brlel prepared for the conference by the marriage preparation service oi the Ho man Catholic diocese of Mont real sayetllat at present both civil and ecclesiastical laws seemiooncerned only with the physical capability of marriage lhey disregarded psychological and emotional maturity The dominanta as to th bills will be 0p minus happen stool rhi Seeks To Raise Marriage llge Present minimum marriage ages in the provinces range from is years for girls and it years for boys in New Bruns wiclr Newfoundland ebe tintori girls and 2t years for boys in Prince Edward island All prov inces will allow marriages be low their minimum ages if the girl is pregnant The brief notes the growing support for extension of compul sory education to the age of re and says the minimum mar rlngenga shouldgat least be set in accordance with compulsory educational requirement meak3$it ialephoned by Aid Her llK PRE BEAVERBROOK DIES BELONGlNGB are removed Erhard Arrives Today For Talks UllAWA CF The central twin problem of EastWest relt iatlons European security and German reunificationla expected to get tllotdlilbdi lug during tha twoday visit here oi Chancellor Ludwig Er hard of West Germany Dr Erhard arrivestoday and will awiaglatu the first of series of talks with Prime Min sisterPearsonaimoummedlatas At the same time External Affairs Minister Martin and German Foreign Minister Ger hard Schroeder will resume the conversations they began during visit to Bonn by Mr Martin last month Informants said Monday the four men likely will discuss nearly everything which touches on the future of Germany This will include EastWest relations in eralr continuing Sovietattempts to neutralize West Germany Russian Chi nese relations proposed dlsa ament measures such as clearfree sons in central Eur ope and observation posts to verify any agreements designed to prevent surprise attack and EastWest trading relations HERES ONE hunter and his friends stop podinasmallvgun shopin remote section of the country for some minor repairs 0n the wall was sign quoting prices which included Labor to an hour dlseuss ing hunting fishing polities eta 7750 per hour arguing ma warm Ionlo at Canada Tuesday June ms fro ones at Waterton Ai by flood waters following CF Wlehoto threatened with rain weekend oi torrential rains Montana Floods Claim GREAT FALLS MontwiAP Floods described es the worst in memory swept out oi Mon tanas northwestern mountains Mund killing at lesstelght persons including Canadian motorist sweeping away dams 1ndbrld esandl dreds of residents isolated Damage estimates ran into millions of dollars as rain pelted the area for the fifth straight day no Canadian casualty was Stanford Creighton 35 of Card stoa Alta His car plunged into the raging Kennedy Creek north of Babb His body was recov ered authorites said he died oi exposure Authorities said the death toll included flvamembers at one Blackfoot indlan family Rescue workers fluid to enter the area but were blocked in many places by washedout bridges and long stretches of in undated hlghway At least 20 Damage WATERTON PARK Altar crlRarnpaging water tinned this peaceful tourist resort into disaster area and caused an estimated 500000 damage Mon dayas creeks and lakes spilled over their banks after aaweekv $20 per hour discussing women no charge of the plant Theywlll ref news coming in over the who type being set up in the com poslng room and the big presa roaring as it turnaout news spars Bannister Photo Roberto Shot in PANAMA CITY lAP Ro berto tfito Arias was given chance to live today while pm lice sought disappointed party associate who pumped three bullets into the colorful centre versisi Panamanian politician Arias wife British ballerina Dame Margot Foateym said in Bath England has brothardn law llarrnodio Arias telephoned her that her hashandwes out of danger But Dr Antonio Gonzalez Re viila whorheaded team of neurosurgeons In aZKltdlll op eration on Arias said It would be 71 hours before boconld lay whether his Aoyuroid patient wouid live or bathe he would be paralysed Police sought Alfredo Jime nez memberof Arias Penn menista party and an old end second political End of torrential rain our on assess Arias Panama shooting since Panamas na tional elections May 10 Panamas UN Ambassador Aquilino Boyd fired two shots May 31 at the editor of news paperwhim accused Boyd of electioniraud The editor Ea colastieo Calvo received mil nor wound Arias was in surgery twice Monday night over period of almostelghtbmrrs Dame Margot said that unless her husband had relapseshe hoped to go aheadwith her first at three performances with Email Nureyev at the Bath Festival tonight But it hear anything that indicate he doageri will go to Eanania immediatelyI ahanslded At Waterton Lives bridges and fourearthen dam were carried away by the pounding water of streams and rivers nasovnn as amcmfi Despite poor flying weath seven persons from perches ranging from tree llmbsto rooi tops One man was taken from roof lust as it started to go under water in the hardhit community oi Chateau all 2000 residents left their homes to seek shelter overnight in church and coun try club on higher ground Nearly 1000 persons were housed in emergcnoy accommo dations In Great Falls including schools MAGISTRATE arenas oto oar HAMlLiDN GP Mag iatrata Waiter flucbtia iopdiy recalled Monday the good old days when every neighbor on the street had the risht to spank me Halthen ordered aldamll ton woman put on bond to koa1rthrpeacasiter1hrwah convicted of hitting an eight yearold neighborhood child Magistrate iuc htie re marked bow tlrneL have changed since he was boy Now children are aware of the changing attitude and are becoming more cheeky to their elders be cause they know they wont be touched Typhoid vaccine was tfis patched to number of cities where community drinking wa ter was polluted by floodwaters lha dams that broke at Chateau and East Glacier held city water supplies High Between 125 and 150 residents were evacuated to the posh Prince of Wales Hotel on knoll at the north end of the lake There was no report of injury or personal hardship Fred Browning Waterton Lakes National Park superin tendent declared thetown disaster area during thesfter noon as water in the Waterton Lakes rose five feet He estimated damage at 500 000 although some residents weed the limrre nearer £1000 Wow rinses is datizfiimiile IE WE er IB dies the international boundary macho On lllerl llsfldods Hit MAYO Yi ONThe Yu lton communities of Mayo and Dawson City remained on 74 hour alert Monday night as riv ers flooded their banks in the wake of rapldspring runoff la wannweather Parts of each communit were under waterbut there were no reportsoi inlury or se riousdamsge nspeople were inoculated against typhoid as swollen riva era caused sew to overflow One quarter of Mayo com munity of 350 persons 1100 miles northwest of Edmonton lay under water Monday night as the Mayo an Stewart rivers reached their hi levels in southw rn Albert lawyersaid Monday gration departments not oblf gated toadvlse persons Adar its Jurisdiction at their rights court but it should on sold interests of Dame Margot and Arias met in when she was lit and hopeful soloist during summer oi balletat Cambridge iair play and lusi til landslides took ht tow1V MariyaIrm WuawMWWPW WVAW Ir on weather mower WWM wwwmtonlghtufllfll om mmary uFora ate and Than Copy16 raga to no CdnadianBom Tycoon Succumbs lit LONDON Reuters Lord heaverbroolr Canadian born today at is count home the use other Beavarbrook who was born Max Allken died only few weeks after newspaper men from around the world met in pay him homage on the occa sion of his 85th birthday Baaverbrook the owaer of the mass circulation London Daily Express and the landon Even ing Standard served during the Second World War as Britains minister of aircraft production The fiery opinionated pub lisher whose name was near legend in iondons Fleet Street was also widelyknown as philanthroth who is vl ah ed gifts on the province of New Brunswick where he grew up man of unlimited energy and staying power despite the handicap of chronic asthma he had one or the most amazing careers of modern limes Starting life in Canada as the penniiess son of Presbyterian minister he made fortune as financier and was million sire when he arrived in Britain at so to make his marl esa power in British politics and as the promoter of popular Journal CRUSADE FAIIS As politician he failed in his Empire Free Trade Crusade whlehnrose from his undoubt edly sincere imperialism But he remained undaunied in television program in JMFaaflfilthalabW on behallni Empire commen al union for nearly 50 yeisrs without rest and without suc cess have been failure But be sure another propagandist will arnllsa the British people to take an interest in their Em lme Unconventional in his ways Lord Beaverbroolc was nomi Country Home British newspaper tycoon died Lona aaavnnaoox party He attacked socialism and etsthe same time was con temptuous of inherited wealth lhough peer himself he did not conceal that he had no al fectlon for the aristocracy lie was highly controversial personalityMany hated his pol itlcs and his campaigning meth ods Many othershad warm esteem for the man llinrlelf Small he Was boon to cari caturists who made himknown to million as kind of grin ning 1m As boy he hadbeen called an imp of mischief and impish he remained all his mumth quick intelligence and charm with gift for maid ie litre him MP in discussion with his oppo nents he kept his temper and retorted usually without malice He was also capable oi ggreat kindness and was very generous with his wealth His benefaetlons were consid nally Conservative but was both within and without the isvvdrnps OTTAWA CP In de bats iargelypnmed of party pol ities the governth was swamped in the Commons Moa day with suggestions on how to deal with public bottling Fromrthe lack of sewers in the Yukon to the slum problem in iororito bills skipped over the scaffolding of variety of housebuilding questions One member Reid 5th ND ioromo Danlorthl laid the foundationfor acorn plele overhaul of the govern ments approach to housing Another Sociserraditleadar Robert lhom son suggested aonn an are 3yeara that the eaplta made available puhlr diam arable in Britain as well as in Canada Public abusingI GOVT by government for houses should he considered asmoney for social development needs and interestrafes should be far lower than at present jWe are obsessed in Canada wath single family ownership saldMr Scott Canadian must be made more housing oonscious and frealiae that putr lio housing is perfectly respect able and subsidizedhousing is economically necessary As first stop he suggested the government appoint qu time minister in hquslng to carrythe message to thcprov races municipalities to NEWS Hurricane Kills 11 Inhome hurrllcane followed by lashing ralnstorrns arid insnorthern itaiyYMonday night was thlwFirst and the

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