Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1964, p. 5

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rinntmo rmna Queen Ellubeth Ind her it guest Sudanue President Geo Ibrahim Abboud are intent on on exciting finish at the Der 34 by ht Epsom Enzllnd Wed nesday him their vantage point inthe royal but the lLSUI mnniog OI tbs Derby Staynethust Flies fAS DHO Silent SIAYNER tStalll Whether stayners streets areuiied this week or not depends on whether nt of Highways ap proval oi the lender accepted by the town comes through In time it the Dill approval doesnt come soon enough it may be two wedts or more belora Dish Grant Money To Stay Home ELMVALE Stall From now on materials bought with out money donated by the vil agc must be bought in the Elm vale area it they are stocked by local business firms Finance chairman Dr Patchell said he would not authorize any grants oi money unless the res oiution contained this rider The decision split council Pub iic Works Chairman Ken Knox lell grant recipients should be allowed to buy materials where ver they could get the best pric es Councillor Norman Crane greed Councillor Alex Currie sided with Dr Patcheli Elrnvalelree idenls depend on local busines ses ior their jobs MruCurria laid Bargain purchases outside the community threaten these jobs Therefore ha ielt purch ases should be made around home even it prices are higher Council To Call forts to tind an acceptable and irseiul sentennial project or Cnokstown will continue at meeting tentatively scheduled for June 16 Councillor Louis Monk man toldcouncil here Tuesday night Vr Mr Monitman who has agreed to act as chairman tor the forth coming meeting described an earlier meetlnl he attended re cently when preliminary cen tennial suggestions were disuw reds they want anew library Mr Monitman said told them in my opinion they would have to have qualiiiadpgradn uate librarian to stali it belore library would quality for centepnial grant Reeve Ira Wilson reminded council that Aug is the dead line Ior submission of centen niai grant projects by munici palities After that date no submissions will he considered Ior grant purposes The grant structure was ex plained by Mr Wilson The government centennial grants are calculated at one dollar per capita on matching basis That means the maximum grant Cookstnwn couldlget would be equal to its pment population oi 675 That would only come ah ii the village spends Asaresulttheproledsopen Ior Cooksth are hmited by finances needs the villageLMr Wilson adds the total cost cant go beyond $1350 Before anydecision Ia reach everyone should be con suted Mr Monlnnan continltl He hopes all organizations vnil participate in the June meeting couocll decided tocall an open soon altar the June meeting In gettogether lto bring all shades oi opinion intolocus The centennial grant an iication must beimada through coun cil ot eachmuoioipality Tryiugto findout hat people wan asacentenniaipro tactis the hard part one coun or observ all natural arllarrand will have time to do it Mayor Elmer Dority com mented Disher Farrand Paving Co Ltd Mineslng Station unmit ted the tender selected by coun cil last month for oil applica tion DHO approval must allow beiore the work is done Other wise die project will not quality tor government grants applying to roadwork council was told About 60 per cent ot the towns unpaved streets are earmarked ior oiling depending on how Isr the oil can be spread public works chairman Allister Mao Donald said Paving plans will remain indefinite until the new er pipe routes are definitely es tabiished At Monday nights meeting Mr MacDonald rapped Stayner ratepayers who remain silent early in the winter then de mand roadworlr for their streets alter the budget has been struck for the current year All those people clamorinl these days or paving and oiling should have approached ooundl belore the loot road budget was approved he said flta atoo late now Mr MacDonald found no sup port or his suggestion about using road salt as dual layer tor the streets which will not be oiled this year Both Lawn foreman Goldon barman and Mr Dority thought its benefits would he too shortiived Within mouth alter salting thsdust would be as well as by the flying again they told him Open Meeting For Cookstown Centennial Talks cooxsrown sum no and Iorth to every month Mr Monkman saldihs Tweed muir history book compiled by the Cookatown Womens insti tute should also be provided with place for permanent dis play Its the only written record at Cookstowo he laid Over in England each community council meetings wanu to woman was won in thrilling burst oi spud by Santa Claus rid den by Australian Jockey See his Breasley AP Wirephoto by cable Irom London Vespra Seeks Nod 0n ProjeCt For Centennial MIDHURST Stall Vesprs Township is investigating pm pects tor its centennial project At the lime council meeting on Monday clerk Earl Richardson was asked to make inquiries He is to contact the centennial grants committee about chances at grant or new building to housethocounoil chambers lire bail and municipal olllce On per capita basis the maximum centennial ant tor Vupra would amount about H000 The council meetings are now held In the Mldhnrst township hall the fire truck is kept at lididhurat with other township vehicles and the clerks oilica is on Owcn St in downtown Barrie James lowe Barrie repre the Barrie and District hsso atlon tor Retarded Chil dren asked council lor grant to the association Council ap proved $100 grant Township council appointed Murray Coombes Midhurst as inspector under the Construc tion Salety Act eliective lime 10 An agreement will be made betweenVespra Township and Bowers Mr Bowers will supervise the township dump on the loih concession in return he will have sole right to all ralvagetrom the dump hylaw was introduced to establish speed limit in the village oi Minesing resolu tlop passed provided tor the ex tension oi street lighting in Minesiog on Huron Vespra Township is requesting the mlnisteroihighwaysto have Vespra remain in the Toronto district at the DHO copy at this resolution will go to Arthur Evans MPP Ior Siniooa Cen tre There has been proposal to have Vespra taken into the Owen Sound district Veapra stay in the Toronto district hasreeords dating back him dreds oi years These record books occupy place oi honor in the community and are read iLV available toihe public or relerenoe purposes washould do the same hsr tor the Tweedsmuir history book nightclub smartsi Hill4 Special tuition has beta madeot the unotfidal to on tIIIIIouIt it is to follow the re 1m and to silt out the really hnportant poiat ol dlsursaion The writer has endeavored to do this with every iairness to the ions members giving my mum variosu members giving any member credit by special men tion it he puts iorward rugged com amus bow anti ALIILSLOII TORONID CF lbe 0n IarioOouItoIAppe hasnlled Stayner May Get Illiision Dentist aroma tstatll Pros peets that stayner may get resident dentist were raised here thiawedr by Chamber oi Commercepresident Ken Nich olson Mr Nicholson made the suggestion in his plesenlationpto council bloodsy night in support of the at annual request lor lunds Dr AngusBlair an Alllston dentist has requested an audi ence with the member oi Oom merce at its next regular meet lng June 11 Mr Nicholson said It Is hoped the doctor may provide muchneeded dental service torour commun MPERIAL THEATRE urn sEeEtrgfig centennial giants protect allies which Iound fault with the art film lfis ught in approve so stallatlon oi atondreta tfoor tor tbs Fins Community Arms 0b Sections rsised by centennial grants personnel thatthc pro led was nnsatisiartcry because nothingto do with new ious accident other than the Inviting oi the lovely tables which the ladies had spread on the lawn resulting in the lunch having to be passed around alter the work was completed An interesting point was the loot ttm two mm who were oi the teamwhlch bad the ralraog oi the orig barn vlfit Webb and Al been Inal bert Pnrvis were both pruent MrWebbumldmtmisttaking part oi this work was carried on in Min which made the work treadserous and danger ous However the whole lot was carried out without any aer thatmaking ice is notmanu adoring and reversed court order erupting the Alliston flirting Club 40 milest of Toronto Irom gvuto taxes on its icem madtioery lhe decision made Wednes day ia the first appealzcourt ruling on the issue in Ontario It will likely affect realty taxes on otherxcurllngclubs skating rimmfid malt ers province awyer Bernard Chernos who repre suited the town of Alliston in thermal Mr Justice George 1A Maill may ruled throttling clubs W8 Imy W3 llO exempt under the Assessment 33 °it purposes ruling reversing an earlier de cision by Silncoe County judge waa supported Justice DauaPciter vandMr Justice James Motennan The curling dubhad arguad that the changing of fluid to Now SHOWING Evening Showi7lr 79pm Calcium Viqu SELLERS GEORGEC SCOTTf fittitfllliltlfls BARRIE HURUIA DRIVEN THEATRE HillWEN Tonion REE oaeeaei we cannons racss ACADEMY Anson aanetiva part intba work Mr Purvis however was satisfied to look on Irom the side lines Mr Webb stated that 18 years ago the same trmbe rs warr made into the original bar urlers Lose solid ice was similar to the dis tilling andblending oi liquors and thamxxingand processin oi wines which have been hel the courts to bemanulae procms WW PWW mvwmfibfliwimm Wayemote WW Continuous Satu From Noon Contlnuous From l80 COUNTRY SUMMER SPECTACULAR iN reason noon room with SLIM GORDON and his Ontario Country Boy CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT and DANCING atrium 3301 onRRIETIRtNA GIANT nnaweacn WEEK Each week two people will flyTCA to New York and stay it days and nights at the American Hotel Admission to the Worlds Fair and Sightseeing ADMISSION $250 TICKETSAVAILABLE AT BiRITE DRUGS MOSTYNS MENS WEAR AND DOWNTOWN WOOLWORTHS SAT Junes IN PERSON mmmmcmmLN JUSTIN TUB Firestone ueMoptrybuwu sowmomutvsamsur unityramminmunrLP Aminudism to ad MN powimam kxmgvrm

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