upsw aWmmmw n4 Site 169 Year A90 Discoverchrrrie Hudsons Bay yearebyanarmed scent omen On Sheltered Bay Barrie became city Canadas newest and Simone Coturiya first ofï¬cially on January 1959 and His Worship Willard Kinda had the honor of being the ï¬rst chlel magistrate parade and ceremon wns held the next day to mark this achievement in the municipalitys 109th year bFirst ol all Barrie became separate lncoArlporated town in the county in 1853 The village or andate across the bay joined Barrie as its ward in 1897 Prior to World War Two popUlation of Barrie was around 8500 It was during and immediately after the war that the tremendous growth started Applica tion for city status was not made until after intensive Qtudles Since taking the big step it has been neces sary to acquire further land twice by annexation from neighboring townships and there is no rndication of any significant halt in the citys continuing growth loday Barries population is 23500 Let us look back over more than 150 years and see how this com nunity grew from tinysettlement at the head of Will WWW the bay called Kempenfeit on the billwhlch is now Shanty Bay Road Just over no years ago an agent the Hudsons Bay Com illnl more or less accidentally cama across shelch bay oif Lagesimcoo durinl his travels was impressed by the lay out ot the land when he went ashore Today we look around the thriving community which is Barrie it seems little strange that this was actually the story the founding ot our city FIRST WHITE MAN it was at the beginning of the nineteenth century that the gentlaaded here becoming the ï¬rst white person to visit the present site ol the town in 1811 the company erected store douse tor supplies on the site oi the old Gazettn otflol and in me the first pioneers arrived building their homes and clean ing the forest giving birth toa sturdy little village The pion eers were men and women ol enuine enthusiasm courage and nyielding conï¬dence In the in oure at their village The settlement was named In honor of Admiral Barrie then in command of the British Fleet stationed at Kingston lExactly 111 years ago Barrie became separate municipality strum the Township o1 Vespra dad elected her first rceve lon ithan Lane in 1854 hit one time the old landing place which was located on the waist of the railway depot mark ed thesnutheaslern terminus oi the trail known as the Nine ile Portage leading to Willow ek and thence by canoe down the Nottawasaga to the open wa ters o1 Georgian Bay lt is impossible to ascertain just when this portage was lirst opened but it dates back into the lath century perhaps ear and was portage over ch the lndlans used to carry their canoes Towards the close at the rams war this was widened so that supplies to the government posts of the upper lakes especially FortMlchlli shacinac at the entrance to Lake Michigan could be transported by slelghs and wagons THE FIRST HOUSE Aecordlng to some writers the first house non in the town was the government storehouse rectcd near the railway station but it seems to bequlte apparent Irons early records that no store liouse ulsted until the year idle Sir George Head was sent to Canada during the war to sup erfntend the cornmlsariat duties sit the proposed naval establish ment at Penetangulshene iln the springol 1815 he was temporarily living in cabin at idempenialt but resolved to move his quarters to the head the bay the site or the town For this purpose he set at work to build dwelling with soms Freud Canadians who fanned part of the small dctadr Estrent ol men stationed with him llis log house world appear to have been the first building on the site of Bsrrle of which there is any record In the antenna of 1919 as near as can be ascertained he uilt two storeshouses one at Willow Creek end of tire sportago end the other at Barrie 11rd log structure whlda was erected at Barrie besides being depot for military supplies in translt to the posts on the upper faker also served to shelter the railway depot was situated upon mllltaryreservs at 45 acres bounded on the west by Bay fleid Street and on the east by Heresy Street Alter being used as storehouse for some time it was abandoned by the author ities and was used as advlcii ing tor about three years by David Edgar the second person to locate upon the site of the town Howevenwhen it became evi dent about mo that town was rising at Kempcnfelt the gov ernment disposed o1 its reserve at the head of the bay to Cap tain Oliver However at the end at two years the captain re sold it to the government which thereupon surveyed it into town lots rSeveral persons immedi ately locattdupon the new town slte and its existence may be said to date iron that year EARLY lNHABlTANTB The government had built shantles along Dunlop Street tor settlers in the spring of 11132 Priorto that year the only set 11ers were David Edgar and Al exaoder Walker but during the next three years the influx of settlers was considerable By 1537 there were about three doz en settlers According to the early rec ordsnAlexander Walker was the first settler to locate hereulie was Scottish tamer who mar ried Missliletsy Sweczy oi llall nnd Landing itrey lived in dwelling which was little better than barn andindeed was used later for this very purpose Walker however moved from Barriein 1838 and subsequently became lock tender on the Welland Canal SURVEY INA Following the surveyor the town in 1535 several persons took up lutsend located upon them at once and the place received considerable boom Amongst those who had settled herebetore that date were Rich ard Carney John Bingham Si patio Sanford and John Mac Rldrard Carney erected log tavern in the town forthe ac commodatlon of travellers and others lhe second early lun keeper in the town was John Bingham who in 1532 erected tavern which has sin develop ed into The Queens At the corner of Dunlop and Mulcaster Streets the govern ment had erected log cabin or the convenience of arriving tiers in this building Sidney Sanford opened store in 1882 and thus became the towns first storekeeper On Christmas Day of the following year be erected the frame and newbnildlng at the corner of Owen and Dunlop settlers and their etfects bound for the neighboring township This military post at Barrie was protected and enroll few hakaSlmooe kept in commib ion by the Johnson family of Holland Landin Ar me tradersf settlers sndTlm asI passed and repossed this epo On Marcno1mAadrewBur land the ludian trader patented art at the town site otvlsarrleh west partot the past half lt24concesaiori which afterwards hsown Biock ll drooaeraa We ditto the neuron amre West Berni face elulrrrawlth contldeuoc puarrsrrra or Blillltil oazsm Nathaniel King operated one book store llrms in Barrie King and Mann and was the original prdrllsher oi the Barrie streets and condoned in business there for some years He was subsequently appointed treasur er ol the county in last and died Aug 12 111115 Mr Sanford engaged as clerk tor his store John MacWait who had lett Cromarty in Scotland on June 25 1532 or Canada When he first visited Barrie there were but two men living there He subsequently purchas ed Mr Saniords store and be came the that clerie oi the Sim coe District Council in late until 1152 He died May 21 1892 at tlra age at so FIRST DDCMR Barrica first doctor was Dr Archibald Pass who arrived here in July 1335 As the plan eer doctor at the settlements arormd he had some hard ex periences on his travels whilst extended as tarvas Nottawasaga and even further lie died Dec 1861 in his 56th year Among the later arrivals who took leading part in public affairs was William Ardagh native of Tipperary lreland He was roeve oiviiarne from 1361 until ltfll and during the last three yearsxot this term he was warden oi the county From North Simone in the Oratorio on the main street yhewn log 1871 until 1875 he represented Gazette one of three weekly newspapers in town in the 13701900 era He was also an otlicisl of Collier St Methodist march Legislature in the be was Ip pointed judge of the Eastern Judicial District oi Manitoba with headquarters at Winnipeg He died suddenly on April re ms at the age at 65 Other prominent citizens were John Strathy barrister at law who was county clerk for four years 1853 1aso sndRlch ard ii Bernard who succeeded Mr Stralhy the county clerks position from 1357 to 1359 EARLY DESCRIPTION An early historian described Barrie and the adJscent district in the following terms the item of Barrie is de lightfully situated on the pleas ant and commanding slopes which flank the shores of Rum pcnleit Bay at southwesterly eatromlty its corporate limits extend trons the boundary line trio miles further east thanthe headot the bay to and around the latter point where Vespra joinsfthe township of lnnlrtil About three miles of shoreline are thus comprehended the east erly two miles of which abound in succession of handsome undulations Charming glades venture carpeted and forest flanked gentle swells rcvelllng in the natural and acquired Oro and Warm about to giirab ï¬g it Egg an Es is egg in The Township of Veqrra housewares arm the most mldlsnd townmlp oi the county Bonded north by Flos west by Slmnidaie south by Essa and lnnisfll and cant by cm can township cousins superficial area at 37720 acres at whldr according to the cen rus return of 1371 27379 acres were occrpled uses acres imlt proved and 0951 acres under crop this sea was divided among 279 occupiers represen ting population of 2077 SARRIE FROM flil The history at this town and to takes this from 1819 though prior to that year the highway now known the uetangtILsiIJeae mutton lomh arty pass ng name the Mgry BEId was con thaw rom cupca leit to Georgian Bay by the 3m Gerraps with rig may he one be characterised as an in the history Veqera as the 21 named form its entire eas cordof the location of settlers within the borders of Vegan for several years after the An gloAmerican war of 1812 Hove ever the year rats dawned be iorclhe forests bereabouts re verberated to the echoes oi pioneer life when sturdy axe men inaugurated the conquest the rarest In the last year named avdaain of settlements sprung up around the Puseianguiahooe Road the names ottimo locating on the Vespra side at thatflearly day belnglohn Lawrence on lot Thomas and John Mairlot 12 gob Pnrtsindgg if 117 ones exc Navy lot 19 John and Samuel Bmwn1fatherand sonilots 79 and 21 Peter White lot as crime Darinham lot 27 John Gilrby lot 29 This lot formed the northern lindt ot Vespra settlements during 1819 hr the toilowlngr year witnessed the in flux of other settlerswho ex tended the iine ot civilization larther toward the north Pole though several years elapsed be fore the tide of settlement was diverted from the highway re erred to in the more lnland portion of the township About the tlrhe ot the corn mencement of the AngloAmeri can war the siteof Barrie fig hredln the military rrnnrylof Britain by the establishment here of storehoupe or depot through which mthtary stores were shipped by portage to the upper waters of the NMI saga River en route to the rants stacrsmrrr in from loge shop on Charlotte StreetiCol In The Barrre Examiner 100th ANNIVERSARY kwar arid illicitill liar noweaat from ideach Blake 136090 ittware appliances this laltlr twesraeao or and landing ia mm of the mime Hm rigamnion Bay Time surf sites were conveyed from Hot we st to the shore and WWWM we present god west at the Their 7bereh5Br¢ing and LOOKING Noam FROM Forms on orderearouaaom ms naming Hamish en route to the north pole by the northwest aven land route Just west of the there re serve on whlda this storehouse flood the reserve bdng bound edontheeastandwestby item and Bayticld Streeta re spectively the land was owned by David Edgar who canto here tom the Bay at Quiute region in rate and took up his residence in log house on the govern ment reserve whlda had been abandoned by the authorities af ter serving Its functions storehouse to the satisfaction of its owners 0n the land then owned by hlrn good portion ot the present town has been erected 1b the north of the re serve defined Alexander Walk er owned several hundred acres on which he resided some time prior to Mr Faigars advent up on the scene He became sublt scouaatiy very promineri in the conduct of midterm aliaird in thebownshlp previous to the erection Vot Barrie as village nanny rowus lb facilitate an understands Barrie and the causes which led tothat result it will be ac cessary to return to the early Part or the century whur the Penctnngoisheae Road was he outed and the TownotKempcné telt plotted at the point of its intersection with the bay ol the same name 71d was but an other attempt on the part at the government to innuencsxthe muse of commerce lbefnon the early settlement of realization at their anticipation in this mowed however was by no means anvisolaled one as the maps of several Wutarn Ontario counties are adorned with towns which never read ed position of greater dignity than place on paper reflect ed mm the imagination of gov eramontargineem The area embraced within this town was soo acres which was mediyJeserved and serv ed tor the represart vex o1 commerce Ind trons the cum es of the sgriuriturll We have no record of any merdrants taking up their residence within its precious however until the surrounding territory had been loccted by aaual settlerswho commenced the sublugation of her forats for the ot husbandry rather thanof hade In 1331 considerable number of English hat pay otllcera were located in thevicinity by ths gove cat from whom they recelv large grants of lead free of espouseOne of the most prominent of these was ex tiéét ilrm°l° est en tatethe locational Barrie on its present site is chietly at tributable as will herealter ap pear mam PENFELTrmRB TAVERN BREWEBY store and tavern were oplt shed in Kemponlelt in 1631 try William Mann who subsequently owned and operated brewery there for several years Mr Mann was the commercial min on sotlag or the village while is continued to exit as such and for years afterwards the name of Manns Point In atone more cornmonyapp than that at Kaunasde When drumstances began to indicate prospect ol Lirlurw town at Kempenfalt the govern meta disposed of as tsscse re serve to the westbeton allud ed to and its influence was pronnecd to assist the develop alert of Kenmaatelt which place together with the lily were named tor the admireioi that name who perished on board the ltoyai George tn Portsmouth Harbor The serve so obrlen meotgï¬ned was Pmbmd Cart var lore alluded to the intervening trad between it andKetnpen felt having long previously paw ed into the hands of Cherie Heresy some time postmaster of iomnto by whom it was laidoutintovillagelota im mediately atter the survey at Barrie FUTURE STATUS Belore two years had passed over the now ambushed ham letot radically dif ferent op one as to its future stann had been lonned by ran ties in interest 11 represent tlves of government became convinced that the etforts to bulldupatowninthatplaoe must end up in failure while Capt Oliver owner of ern reserve seeing not future in store for Ksnrpenteit Itlhrrnto page sourlplease gran snaps OFBARRIE Saluie The Barriej SXaminer on Their ilotlth Birthday