mm lt own mm WW MW name or Impromptu muses Barries great flood 1690 it shown in these three photos Top shows washout on Bay riield St south from Five iPoiots To lett may be seen old livery stable on present reat F19 site ot Barrie Examiner and farther up is corner building which housed Palka furniture store and across the street Wellington Hotel In centre is scene on Clapperton St in tront ot Fixat Baptist Church 9d ed and there is little doubt Iha the new wing would have out tered only unallndamags As it the itremenhld aditti cidt situation to handle anr they were handicapped by lack oi water pressure As tber was at this time only six inch min on Blake Street there was not autllcieot wall to give adequate pressure to the four lines whidr were re quired to Pmtxrly light the tire Lower ure shows Clapper ton Lnning north from Worn lc St corner Damage was estimated at $75000 huge sum tor those days Contri buted by Sloan Little 1390 fade Candi Streets di rife greatest deluge in the his tory of Barrie occurred on June 1890 when the town was hit by the biggest storm in the an bals of the town To very few of the oldest residents the following account will bring to memory the town it was then but even to the resent generation this account akes interesting reading Last Thursdays storm and flood will never be forgotten by the people of Barrie Iheweek ad indeed been one otviolent himderstorms such as seldom gilt this belt of theconotry 0n ursday soon alter noon dark ouds began to be beapedup the northern and northwest era horizon and before two block it began to rain th blowing from the we lashes of lightning trcoue uminated the dark clouds beal alter peat at thunder tnediately followed the ligh While the storm was coming trom the west and northwest other was observed coming nm the north east the two uge banks of dark threatening floods gradually approaching ne another The rain which was in sheets of water rather an drops came sometimes rom one point and then from nother and agai aight own nava wanumo EOne resident whose home was on the ridge on the east ï¬ide of Peel Street saw thatan unusual volume of water was the angerousflood gnomes cumin Soon however flood was in full force ng down Muttaster Owen inpperton and Hayfield Streets lth resislless iorce carrying the dr yawning chasms through which the water was madly rushing taking sand earth stones and everything in its way towards Dunlop Street and the Bay Olapperton Street was grand and wonderful scene It had the appearance of the rap ids of great river as it rushed past Five Points carrying large beams of timber boxes cord wood and otiierithings down to the railway Dunlop Street was submerged and the water rushed in the cellars along both sides of the sire taking with it mud and sand nto the stores LIKE GRAND CANAL Itwaa like grand canal born the Points to the Barrie Hotel By tour oclock Clapper ton Street was excavated into huge gully insdrne places the wholewidtbot the street from tle north ot Vors Street tothebay andv Collier Worsley all le deptbwas from 15 to no teat The main sewer oi the town on this street was washed away and utterly do motished The houses alongVSop Mc DonaldVStmets and on Clapper ton between Worsley and Mc Donald Streets were tlooded The Central Schord grounds formed lake that wateraiso covering first floor so that thechii adlo he carried out Wa tenmahin through the grounds swept awaythesldewaik andex coveted largechasrn nearvan other residence STATION FLOODED eapptoaehes citation both sides oi the Postoltice were badlydemotalized being washed out in in places to Lor and further on towards Allan daie was washed out the cars thatwere our the track sinking down number of feet into the cavationbelomi verything before it and exca atin th is creatin liars of many boniel and res were completely flood ed and one wooden building was completely under mi and wrecked The little stream which runs through the old park was swollen to dangerous portions and in the west Kidds Creek became wild uncontrol lable torrent overflowing at the lts larcry from the first the brigade ot nearly three ouarters century ago with it ck hand engine to the motor hoseoar was thecomment made wh in August 1920 site itijiirst teats Barries new tire truck was den edas the greatest advanoe ln equipmentsince 1050 those early days fighting house on tire was almost hopeless task nearly all the building being ot frame and about the only thing the brigade at those days attempted was to keep the flames from spreading to adjoining buildings in the fireworkers required equip ment which could he not to fire in minimum time not sut ticient water pressure ate several lines or all parts th it as claimed wasrllrrnisbedlu the new Chevrolet tck nlh atiou pumpid chemical and hose done pip These tiremen er possibilities by climbinglhls steep hill at good speed grove Street wheroithe lack at water pressure had always given trouble wasthe sceneo the next trial and there the in KPREAD SWIFTLY With three lines of hose the pressure was very satisfactory but the swlitness with which the tire spread rendered three lines lnsutildnnl to com with it Shor tly alter oclock the roof oi the gymnasium was litted as by an explosion about two feet then it ragged in the centre and oollapsed mass ot homing timber little later the upper tbor ot the gymnasium went down with crash Less than ï¬ve minutes before this boys had been in the gymnasium re moving any articles that could be easily carried away Halt an hour later big ledge at the roof over the west on trance tumbled to the ground in blazing mesa smashlng one line at hose and mining several firemen by less than yard REGIBTEM LOSE included in the contents du troyed were old lciiool registers dating back some thirty or forty years the library the physics and chemistry department the piano in the assembly room and most at the books belonging tor the students The school and contents were valued at $10001 in the spring otllsis 300000 had been spent on improvements and two years later the enlarged school had been reopened Many People in Barrie still r6 memberthe blaze and the night was one ot the coldest experien ced for some years For tew weeks atterwarda tberulns were still smoldering on Blake St op posits St Vincent Park crossing on the Sunnidale Road The house at the Chief of Police was flooded and in such condition that be was com pelted to desert it The Baptist Church as in great dangerthe eartheavrog away into the great chasm be atb nearly upthhe foundation trees wet washed out and fell into the yawninggultvbeio eiegraph poles were washed ouLOn Duns lop Street there was caveein and an immense volume of war ter ran under the depot of an agricultural implement company making hole big enough to bury lots at their machines rough estimate of the damage at the time was something like at town ilus the motordehioristrated pow $80000 Barrie silew Fire Truck 1920 Greatest lldvance creased pressure to be derived through the electric pumps on the truck showed panel sively that this new appliance would pea greatacoutsition in lghting tirasln armportion ot the toWn where the water pressure was not up to standard At invest the tpwn pressure of the hydrant was not oveavmpoundstothe shuntel with 7250 feet ghose When the trucks electric pumps wereset in motion pressure of 120 pounds was developed in few seconds with an inch of nozzle no pounds with one nozzle 110 pounds with one andoneeighth inch ot nozzle and lift pounds with two 250 feet ling it hose ï¬le newka ha yore ighttrig appu ance ates back to about 1550 bucket brigade Since 1850 CONGRATULATIONS on YOUR weve BEEN AROUNDA WHILE roor Loco lilllfllilll 75 YEARS TO BE EXACT It was the horse and buggy era the Barrie Post Office had just been built Walte Sari growth just as you did and in 189l porch Dealing vin=al typeson tuelihe busi gt C6 Limitedwns formed branch wasopened Orilliu and an insurance bus their business here in l889 nessasetru Burrievusport Our 75 changes THE ans of deli venient way to heat modern Sunoco fuel wit regular heat and its total eliminatio Through the years the company has grown strum Jenkins Fuel and in l952bought outCamcron Ellis Tremendous changes have been mode added but today as always backed up by 75 years of dependable servic the Sarie ant Cq yearsof serving barrio wit th best from early days whenwood was ering it Gibson Ltd new lines and products have been is known for qualityrpvroductsr the telephone had just been invented when Sarieant and Johnsontounded eant had vision and faith in and in 1945 haVe seen rainy THE fuel andhorses we daysWhe coal was the newer co to better consistentiybranded coai its cleanliness automatically cont oiled Wmwmwm flflvwmï¬wwnmrwmmwwmwmqu war arrlési asedhispartner prospere urndin l905 the Sorrennt