w¢mmv mm mm to mmmrvquw It loo YEARS SERVING BARRIE AND DISTRICT Your Ne Toronto May 28 1984s As subscriber for many years and observing with interest and admiration the development oi The Barrie Examiner hasten to extend my heartiest congratula tions as you celebrate year Since three years before the birth of our nationhood your centennial in the current The Barrie Examiner has given interesting news and lnspinngleadership to its many readers in the heart of Simcoe County During those years our young country has become rominent nation the once little town of Barrie has ecome flourishing city and the small weekly Barrie Examiner has become large daily newspaper Its growth and influence have kept steady pace with our nations progress As citizen of Simcoe County with keen sense of local pride in its achievementsit is with confidence and hope offer my best wishes ior its continued suc cess Yours sincerely EARL ROWE Lieutenant Governor ExaminerWas first Winner Mason Trophy r3 Mason Trophy has been mfby The Examiner on six ons but when it iirst into being in me it was an even greater iionor iorttiie paper to be Wilmer for the iirst tims The Mason Trophy was donat ed by Mason publisher of the Sudhury Star ior the best ailround weakly in the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association which at that time comprised steady son newspapers sails prize was awarded in June 1926 to The Examiner the ilrst oc casion on which at competition ior this trophy was held or eeorrespona dents and stafi in October the int lWytl Walilslaald thatlit can ca pleasure or him whenregfeiving the Masoli Trophy at Quebec to tell til convention that the stall wi one exception had received their whole trainingin Tbs Examin reroitlcatv HORSE AND 0mm There is nothing to compare how with the oldfashionedhorse and cutter ouliit you could hjr in the old days in Barrie in in dollars for whole afternoonor the irom any btthree livery htableslAlex FraseiYsaud Alex MacDonalds Von Collier Street or Cromye on Owen at For one hunde years The Barrie Examiner has been ser ving lheCounty oi Simone and the municipality oi Barrie as years as town weekty and the past five years as city daily it also served the village oi Al iandaie across the bay until it amalgamated with Barris in 1397 But itis diiiersnt Barrie to day than when the ï¬rst Exam iner came oil the slow hand cranked press in Febnlsry last The publisher was William Manley Nicholson who also had newspaper In the city of liami ilton Population oi Barrie then was less han 3500 Aiter the iiarrie wee ly became establish ed In several years in opposi tion to The Northern Advance as opposing political influences Mr Nicholson returned to Ham lltonand turned over direction oi the Examiner to his son By Mil who remained at ltshead until appointed to govemmrnt position SOLD 10 HISTORIAN Mr ichoisoo sold the thiam lnerin m9 to Andrew Hun ter the same Mr Hunter who later wrote the two volumes oi the History oil Simona County completed to 1009 govern ment plaque on the imnt lawn at Barrie Public Library com memorates Mr Hunters achiev meals on behaii of loci nd copptyhistory in lti95Mr Hunter sold llll interests to iames Alexadd Macbar who had been city editor oi the ï¬rstborn Daily Banner When Mr Maelsaren became publisher oi the Examiner the office was located at 169Dunlnp Street East near the present Simpsons store There were two other weekly newspapers in Bar rie then the Northern Advance strongly ihryt and the Gal ette Independent but leaning Tory The Examiner was the Liberal tGriti organ oi the day and its new publisher was ï¬rm iy oi that political conviction as were his predecessors in l909 the Barrie Saturday Morning became iourth news paper in the town published by the walls Brothers Frederick and William who were born in Totlenhath Simcoe County tear and later bought the Elmvale Lance Fred cam to Bayrie iirst to startlhe newsaturday Morning whltkWilliam remain ed in Eimvala to carry on the WILLIAM wins ioined his elder brother inher rle and theysold the Elmvnie paper as thenew weekly here became more successiulfHowl ever in 1912 Fred Walls was lured by thsreai estate boom in Westc anode and set out William iwolls nlerest in the Sa turday Morning The Barrie Gazette was pub iishedat this time by Alfred Wilkes but he closed down in rm and moved to Midland to take over the weekly Free Press later selling them and buying the Goderlcb Star EXAMINER FIRE DnrAugust 11914 two days beiore the outbreak at World War One Barrie Examiner hadmalliire whidch bï¬giy damï¬g ed ding so sq ment Madmen set up an allies in the basement oi the Ross Bind new site oi Huron and Erie Tnlst huiidlngi and continued to publish the Examiner using the composingmroom 3d lirfss Lamond Satu ay or theoite oer Walla to help Sixnmonths one no Mac Larchand Mr Walla decided to amalgaman th Itwn news very leascdltoi wins the ride at The Barn In the memory oiymost Tihe Examinerwss the only local meditnnior manyyeara it ely lied the printing trade there Lance year later William papers For several years the name oi the new weekly was The Barrie Examiner and Sa turday Morning but eventually the latter part was dropped al though the place oi publication was made the cities oi the Sa turday Morning in the King Block now Wilson Building In NORTHERN ADVANCE On May 17 me an extrem happy and auccessiul busi ness leiatinnship between Mr MaiLoren and Mr Walls which hadconilnued ior years was broken when Mr Walls died at the age ni set several days iol lowing an appendectomy His in terest in the Examiner was as sumed by his only son William Kenneth the present publisher who had been associated with the newspaper since 1m as ad vertising manager and sports editor World War vlworbroire out on Septl loss in April oi the next year the Examiner was asked to lake overthe Northern Advance whose partners oi only two years Messrs Pitts and Davies were inclined toother interests Advance ataii mem bersthe late Mr Morrison Walter Bayiiss Liew Beaver and the lateNorm Hooper Joined the Examine pony was iormed solder name The Barrie Ekaminer Limited which purchased dvance and absorbed leaving the town with one eeklvahere there had been iouru andtman ing editor oi the new company with WKebneth Walls as vice president and business manag er Tile secretarytreasurer was the late Miss Poe An interesting sidetigbt oi ibis amines history is this When Mr MacLaren purchased the panic expanded and Monday sooIrENIa CENTENNIAL EDITION Ministergoi this greatprovince ours vanced to years he was still able to do good days work as printer Following the war as Barrie look on boom statue business the Examiner found ilseli badly cramped ior space An addition to the Wil son Building was leased in 1917 year later the Examiner be gan publishing twice weekty Monday and Thursdayas well as carrying on an extensive com mercial printing business and the two Camp Borden news papers Citizen ior the Army and Eordenaire ior the Air Force Mr MsrLaren whose health had been declining ior several years retired irom active work in 1950 and on the death year later the company was reorgan lred with Mr Walls as presi dent and managing editor Leslie Cbittick vicepresiden Ambrose Rivetth secretary treasurer John Boys QC and Robert Chittick as dir actors in 1951 the newspaper became tri weekly Publishing every Wednesday Friday The same year it won for the iiith time and again inl952 ior the sixth the Mason Trophy emblematic oi the best all round weekly newspaper in Can ada Previous trophy winswere in ms liirsttlme it was put II by William Masonoi the Slide bury Start again in tlm 1832 and lim SALE THOMSON in1956iollowing the of Mr Boys Walisac red complete stock in he libraminer when Bob Chilticlr wenttoMids land to take over Midland Prin ters Limited and the Free iress Herald publications On Sept 1957 MrWalis sold his interests to Thomson Newspapers tCanadat Limited which organization immediately acquired new property and be gan building ior the Examiner modern printing plant This building atits present location 18 hayiieid Street was occupied on Nov lï¬aandl days later the Ekaminel commenced Accordinebt limitEflWmid publicatio MrWalis continuing as general rn nage until last and still aspubiisher ta far cry rpm the Exam iner oi loo years ago withiewer than half tadozen empi es andiour pages week tekthe present more than 100 pages week on daily basis with more than 70 illiivtime staii 130 car rierrhoys and girls 84 corres pondents and man tbtodays produetlnn the reader must limit in 1395 MILO the men who ity worked forhina was Thoma Fox Davies who established the first newspaper in Simeon Coun ty the Barrie Magnet iwhidr later became the Advancht in Although rnsn an ad below the story had beencoirl plated Tile original history than years member oithe library to bring therasderuptodate wsnnper jThenondttm Torontc0nL May 29 1984 This centennial edition marks 100 years of service of The Barrie Examiner to Simcoe Count As Prime am pleased to commemorate the occasion with few words at greeting Barrie the seat of Simcoe County on Kemienielt Bay wasthe site oithe first structure erected the government of the days it was depot at the east eMile Portage amititary transportation lInk between Lakes Simcoe and Huron While it is not certain whether the town took its name from Captain Barry oi York or from Commodore Barrie who com manded the squadron at Kingston do knuw the citi zens of this thriving community sharewith me the pleasure of recogninng the service this enterprising newspaper has given the district and join Inein ex tending best wishes as it enters its second century Ontarios economic development in which all this reglon has shared has been stimulated by growing population and widening markets This growth and development has been assisted substantially by govern ment policies designed to complement and encourage private investment and enterprise My congratulations and good wrshes to The Barrie Examiner and greetings to the peopléoithe large area it serves as we look to the intureiorcontinued pros perity and flourishing economy in which everyone can play his part in the years ahead JOHN HOBARTS Prime Minister oi Ontario Miss Ciiardy Is Librarian The leaders attention la drawn to the history at barrle Public Library which appears on Page 7A section two oi to conventpeninsula no itlon VUnidrtunalelyL the type was put in the page to be written to years ago by Mrs Montagu Leeds ior rnany board Tile iollowing tsmeant For the past dccad it circulation hasheen steadily and iorsons me brary iac ties have been quit inedeguatel Constructionii now or ceding on 1a to th ry rodellcd building will be re opened lata hellsnlilm Presently the stall are earryl ha limitnd libraryscrvicetin the iormer Dangeriteld Mr building oIyCoIlieriSt No mention was mad aiorerneutiolied stn about the present lib rs ri Constance Hardy Aiter Mrs Nelson the librarian Iforitwoyears was Mrs Helen Fe son and sheuwas sIIceaededIn September less by MisrvHardy native ol Barrie Miss Erownchildrens librar lan who is menlio IroN rollN nonanra The Barrie Ekaminer would like to expressapprseiation to the many people who submitted old me photos ibi thisCenlen niul Souvenir Edition it was impossibla eprnduce some and they will be returned as soon as possibi it was alsdl possible nuse all the photos which werosulr EAMOUS FOR BANDS Barrie was always iamaus ior its eft ent ban whether we io brassbands here the Citizen ndtth geghlgllent Temperanceiland and nmbfl this le lIEVE been ciovgled no to lack it you ub itted aplet is not in toda