gtpwmmmms mapW WWflmVaWWW ng Wm yewv MW WW Planning To Establish OI Theft than Wmmtlflllafle mania lldN was meuoyuul nuhlnrxoeachargeotrtaall mmhmthehome arena coupe mm tn season at breaking inlo hlra imams Pictures of him Cooper Ihnse body In battered low in ararb mrbotlake Lienlï¬rdihatui Minihelakelaalnt thatnihlswife WILLIAMSON coileclionde veloped by Donald Williamson w111 Not Filibuster pver Flag Dief Claims NEON CF Opposition Leader John Diefenbaker turned aside Wednesday night an election challenge Issued by Prime Minister Pearson saying government is sale because he smaller opposition parties have been sewn up with higher parliamentary pay fr Diefenhsker told the ark Scarborough Progressive ervstlve Association the parliamentary party will battle to block adoption at the maple lest flag However he added were not going to filibustert Spurning the idea of making othe flag an electoral issue Mr Diefcnbairer said that gen eral election on this question will separate this country or years and generations to come He suggested plehiscito might she one way to choose flag The previous night in speech to the national Liberal council in Ottawa Mrt Pearson the opposition of ob but said his minority government Intends to carry on responsibility or an elec remains now with the oppo lllloll he said Mr Dlefenbaker Addressing an overflow crowd or 575 st the suburbandinner dance retorted tlrai thaprimenunlstervknows Jandi iuno danger from sillesthe Social Credit Oredltiue and New Democratic rtles because the govern ment voted him pay increase to 018000 yesr from $10000 it had wonderful effect on thirdparty support he said On the flag vote the attitude batting to make this protect rullu 111a speaker was David Willl or more than decade annotated with Ontario newt Williamsonhss oi loronlo contains scores oi log to Ontario newspaper his inleresting photographs relat tory would be not that love the diplomacy he said When Red Enaign less but name there is opposition to anything more lie drew the loudest burst of applause in the hourlong ad dmss when he pointed towards two Red Ensign on the wall behind him ï¬nd declared ring that does not contain the greatness of your heritage is no flag for nation 0n Mr Pearsons obstruction charges he said the govern ment is obstructing itself by in decision luster and mnnlvonoe with the smaller parties Mr is the government at AM DINE and DANCE NIGHTLY II PM TO AM LETS DRESS up AND HAVE DANCE or teams BEFORE we Go 10 mm COCKTAIL UDUNGE lHEN LETS com BACK ANDlIAVE CHINESE FOOD AND MORE DANCING BEFORE WE GO HOME WHY NOT KENNYS CLOSES AT WEE CHINESE soon TAKE UT ORDERS DELIVERY 7260291 KENNYS FACILITIES FROM 25 To 250 cuesrs they back up He charged the lag proposals were changed to please Liberal Premier Joseph Smallwood of Newfoundland who wants the Union Jack retained The Can ada Pension Plan was delayed in the face of provincial oppo sittoh budget proposals were altered to allay United States more and now Wm mom can paper uses one at Canadas most moms hobbies At 23 he has assembled the only collec tion in hexistent ï¬x email pho tomp illus is ory of Qatarios daily papers in com4 unmiter outside presentday me tropolitan areas More than so photographs por tray the allies and puhllshers of more than score at provin cial dailies and their weekly pro With little Imag ys Williamson ll can self outside the old Kitchener Telegraph building looking over the editors should or in thedingy office of the old Port Arthur News or on hand BAR MAGAZINES JAKARTA Reuters Indo oeslns lusticedepsrtrnent has taken steps to prevent certain oreign magaainea including four lrom the United States irorn entering the cormtry no diiclal Idid Wednesday th us publications are Time Life Newsweek and US News and World Repo ears and redistribution of elec toral seats has been postponed because of counlvaooe be hween the ND and Liberal par sesraunanr BlllllllE EQUIPMENT BENTIII 151 mm STREET BARRIE BUSINESS HOURS MON lil FRI 800 Inn to 500 pm ctosna nounsvs ssrunosv coo am to no mo sansnu Auto Top Carriers Axes Angers pest hole Appliance Caltr Blow Torches Block and Tackle Belt hedoclng Machine Brace and all wood Cement Carts Chain Falls Cement Mixers Chntrs Folding ta Ida Coleman Lamps Coleman Stoves Car Polishers Carrilan Glml Cement irowels hand Cement Edgere Chain Saws Caller Icaflnlrl Clamps Chairs otllce Dies ii to DrillaM electric Drills it electric Drill Press Stand Desire oftlcei Electric Concrete Vl Extension Cords Extension Ladders FloorSandera Floor Polishers Cornbremrs Concrete mam Fans electric heat Grinders House Jacks Hedge Shears Heaters electric Hydranllclaciis Elaine and Sledgea Hole Saws nammera miter Jig Saws Jacks Lawn Rollers lawn Seeders Linolennr Rollers Dedela Ladders Mixers concrete Nall Pullers Pronto Shears Post Hole Angers Pick so szadsSawsh Towers Sanders bell Sanders car am one Saws ill Sid Saws Soldering Irons ea Sump Pump electric Salamander Heaters Shovela Scallold sled Scaffold Accessories Stapler wood Stroller child lmwela head Tin Snips iillers may Rqu foldllll Ml soallold Weed Sprayer Wheel Pollen Wheel Barrows wrecldng Bars Ioalon Prod Pumps Tampera air ace Beaten Wheel Wrench Wood lolnler sock nun Iqu Roiiry Drills Winches tiltor rrMsAons wresiyPteasscastlr Nnrusran went so far as to ask How Would You Like to Help the Publisher drawing heavily on the act that Williamson offers free of charge to news ape prints irom motographs so th theymay derelopthelr own ar chives Frequently discovering pa per Ls about to reach milestone Williamson notifies thejadveriie ing manager niggesting spec ial edition and offering to pin an advertisement When the per oomesout he been it gerly for early photos at may exist unknown to him then ap proaches the owners Recently his efforts at preser ving oawsp per history have been recognized on high level officials of the National Film Board and National Museum pro lect at Ottawahsvsexpressed interest in the collection for pa nadaa centennialyear Williamson would like to see his hopes for museum of tour nallsrn materialize by 1067 Can ad centennial year its not as farfetched as it sounds he says its being done in Mary land and haplans to represent the province and its newspapers here this all When his travels took him to papers at St Catharines Strat ford Sudbury Windsor llamlh ion and ufisl Ilse nation and Ihn world at time when news as roiesslon was scarcely recognized Camila East in Hamilton and Wayne Helen reporter Ior the wetly Napanae Saver at the time at the alleged offence hall erltlnally beer charged with breaking and entering and theft on girl worked In the pera honing oltlce Judge Anderson oi Sale ville withdrew the charge ol breaking and entering after him Lean had been warmed of the same charge hesday in sep arate trial He was found guilty or the charged theft and given me Sarjeant co nunorr PLAN spreads IiAIiNO on payment unilossnly Spread your fuel oil payments evenly over many mnruhaAveid heavy midwhiter hills when fuel expense is generally heavier ll no HEATING 01L wwrnptinn In high md aha Coll vs tedeyl PHONE 7282 MARY STREET when you more WWmi mere DIMM Humanism Ww unmanaan ulnarreams