ClEAROUT usro IronsMs Onessso on oonvudon burner ï¬ll controls llaedho than one team 1ouuredlomedanuInne Wfllbutlvlmnbaan One Fess nll conversion burner Excellent coodltlnu mpluo wlll mtw Three used 200 gallon ou tanks 1w used on ï¬red cookstoves Three used oil ï¬red floor furnaces Me In otter Six used oil tired space heaters Varlous lines One used i20000 BTU Natural gas unlt heater CALL SHORGAS LIMITED Days 7Zd0512 Evenings eraan mrI two monuu old unttmt who menu In em IINGII Sewlng Heehlno but connolo nodal air con some Blvd Damn to am or rate with ll ggn In ma eonhum Telephone rrwss molars Ice cum Purser Kelvtrlator new In mu enmwunenu Telephone nzom wurmï¬nollsl lte mm for all In coudlllorrllerl anew Phone Alter pm cuesnun and chalr mlo nhle or entt In late condluuo AlhBahyCflAmliulllxhï¬te oN not mm II mole In engellmt oonoluon rrIeed It 135 Telephone Imml IIAIDIN or III er IVIBDO gamma solemn 1mm alter Itx ussn mu Dow sansta rronl burner with tlnn MINI to loot coosluon us Vancouver at Bath canmnsen nno mou In so eardrum wine oolor nulnolo tor eouoga or meredon room Priced or aulel ode Telephone slums maoaoa lIllfl Ind sansu set In om elass rnndltlnn complete no wlth carryth easel Phon aster ls noon norm Im RECORDER Mm hcbb so also to use will Igwhu nod vartety Tel QUALITY BK than qua tan salami Mug units llbï¬t dial egr Food hum tallyhone no Koltgwwgéngu Silvamm uud eelIan ed to bronze done us Telqlborlo moms nun opnn ICA es are nnoono our lamEur largo oven name lrlll end ttsnel urn new Must be seen In be nwrenulcd Trlsphon ClmP some Ins PAINT all aolnrl sun huhlblu IateIr It hem duty lul nouns yer gallurl dlsh to we lbltmerooleman Apply Toronto tme II was ram ï¬ddlertor ltnva wlIn autnmtle ttrn nor llah AxtrllnslerCa et an All In excellent coodl on ulcohonn news lder on tntl as non Imp model dflvmg 50 hint wttn In and Illson and none lullIts mgr Rasmussenso neutronstar mlbt sent in tow Enougoondlnon oovar Vacuum W95 Jbeotoo It bullet dunaoablnat and Ix In oode III ne inï¬frnnom 13mm um Mmplele alt and Inan me heavy Iplnmentjlxe our burners nty runs the two humor only 110 Turn miler man Store sum solemnaura non Nnnnberlns mnnlnes all ï¬xesgmdn to order be able aervlu do SW11 Contact flao commonan elrlntlnl con ï¬lter or ohh to alsosow leave nor or Street mltly fed bone 72 my ladys i315 man In lldwwer to 100 ergo raswlow no Haaslware telnplaon mn or Telephone namw Temol nemurnnt sell Dnnlo street ng mom In our KItohen eqnlpment Moor relrllentor June Mallet Ja mgr 301 mowx Burnt elee trto deep tryr atlonal euh rel tster Glnulahow ease ob mumr Bullet and work ta also what awning on Killstsswélllen Islcrou Wantedfor allot ar ld Telephone us ï¬ll for In whom any WWI set Ins wrluv x1 Arunds omen am on 71V 501 Ml and Weekends 1287065 SWAPS saunas Fans km when tronl Kluhoar Pm ll natlea rrnIn Parry sound port Inter trnntan wul aall or esohanln tor lood ear AWAY IA ctappertonltreet eventnu BOATS lMOTORS law cmal sun Boat wtdth to II mnnnn requires reptr Alalanhnnl mom for unnu tnlomaunn II CIDAI mu Boat And one If Cedar Sm Boat neutral tour LrnIJ hula lull AP ly to Ceder Park Inu Lake arm omoann Motors hp new rental made by Walt Bend run arenteedumfled unmy only 95 Tenn all an atom srnn naIrIe moor mum nIn rnl ur to outboard fllw cult ped excel ent ennolIIon on roll grammes larger been telephone 15 Poor IuNanoln toward ennlrols wtndshleld upholstered null llheralas hollonn aoxlne may be aold aeplralely Iu Saahtche wan old Comp Borden Talo thna slum somehow entered mu lully equlPErd lua and thIe nxcellent xl non Volvo Qhehdlllbnoareddmlgbuanlin motor In Peel Street eventse ll csnna STRIP Boat sealer wIIh wtndshleld and steerlng wheel contIts as ho Iv eondluoned nqu and trntler conI an 5333 Ior flung otter In one 1501 or erelltnn only run DOGS PEIS cnnwanua Iennl anonImus holler tralflfl $2 lovable Apply so 5va ARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Erghest prices paid tor dead or cnppled ealtlo and horses Small ammalsremoved tree gt For fast service ru0NeoaanmIIsl hum ST ZENITH 91130 INo CHARGE or hours day days week qumead Ontario theean Ito mac Ickl Montague Prop FEED SEED GRAIN Iowans muss ol Telephone our FARM MACHINERY women warnan To Buy Hoot not an Inwerwvtth hlaplsono stoma gtNuh LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YORK BEBE ono Rellsbamd sows tor aale alla chum 5° York Telerbbnn lvy lulu 10rd Bull mull WM Canttflhl 37 13 ABC no wmamIviL SHOEN 011 pertormch months old Tele Inn Fun Endlord Al on uhoflteedlrl CRAIG sum nouurnvtrm srnousl more locus vw eme oath ml perm Teapbanafls two mow um inh ml some Strlto door It eyunou moons In mules wul wander mne In call soon mun mu Na ma cnlvlour Impala Man In doabhudtw VI nnIomtle In excellent runalns column neleohono 06 one pm coon IJIIII can at Holly lotor Sales Io ultra with Barrie an flHthlay Contact Graham ulephono mam Amman lrannntealnn cheer ed and inland by qualiï¬ed law ehaalr Graves Game in nay neld sum Nephona norm or 11502 av mo II VI cnxv not Mr Hard lop enronnsuo rldlo Ignoo mus top eondluon Comer mom Phone rue amp an em Inc our door hardtop nbllllt trmnntnlon Iva to star lob totalIns exeeIlenI condo on 50 Apvb run Street after szso gt nth303 Super OI oor op passer aalety um Idooo mtles Eagles Pitt Print nle Ne Dhorll 715M ma ranrule Partslenm Hurdles mnd InnmIanInn rualon ndln whlls ll ttru one owner ear 5121 dorm balance over so months Telephone 711ml mo molt our door sedan cnlnnlel whtta with blue interior custom radIo automaue traan alnn 15 down Luger month Telephon 7mm Im CUIVlDlEllllndlrd at 11 lndnr our door led radlo new um good body an molar clean Seulnx rtvately Prleeo tar qulnlr aale le Iphono 12358 mscxma I951 Plymouth III cube vs motor Inlonmttc tram nllnlon Mnter wlll tlt ms to law Dodge or Plymouth All parts or sale Telephone Home New Inn ms nu IIarmmr aolt Inp lon lleau overdrtve new am new lately belts wheel lnnm never mempucelllentuevoyfllsunn Ilxrluto one or en 5265550 NIH CAIJNEURANCD BI aaw lull llu mksred drivers WI lmlms Iny driver reludleav of arrowrum Ell In Clappertnn 5L Wgflfll 1er raeeoN hldor one owner en eoInnInI whlta wlth contrast Ins red Inlenorunnunn nolo wInoshIeIa wmm sso down use roan Gnlulnln excellent wnflltlnn whiten blue Flu now Inns Irknvet rnAILelzs FLEETLINE Authorized Dealer SALESan RENTALS 1964 Models on Display 10 DOWN BANK RATES SCOTIA puma Rentals $35 per week up EAST 0R0 TRAVEL TRAILERS RUSS JENNINGS Prop East Oro Dial 4875110 OPEN EVENINGS WEEKENDS 12 miles north of Borrlé all No 11 highway concesslon ll In um chm ansld pleaunt enamoan name All company bend land to walls tam mm was hmonlylofl msflromw hourl onully sum nu em patd only plus liberal on ex enu haul soleu wrtlneo an but not mm kiln II For further Intona nuon can at In um Kilauea lunat Intel lame 1am only htmamhlnn ma WIn Mich mm HELP AVON OPPORTUNITY DOES AN AlloN muss EMAINE CALL ON YOU We may need moose to your nelghborhood No obll Kitten ertejtn WIII ler nltlgts 81Borrle or call 756651 ACCURATE TYPISI Requlred hy Large Barrie Manutacturerv Must be over 21 years age Salary open write to Box Bards Exomlner Immoral Waltms mulled Innadimly ply Itoy Leons he lament or re one mom mm cut to work In flush and lo edueallon Apply person to It Etgh EL Bum 0mm wonK three altemonnl week In ulnd Talov hone flat mu bullno oun tit no nmmry SirInn to on sun Nat III Insole WATER AND Short an Cock or summer resort 511ch greternd For luty no slum lees win or phoneMarvins 5well Wang Duds Islphone sxllslmlm sun can unleo for Ladlu Wear Storesmllflnn or part tlane lyatattng and primer ounces earod Apply arm1x alntner MAMEMM IV In Hg molt and ehun am lwnaihll llrl Inr3mdlri try household or two chlldre and mother Own Mm Mmehtlun Illcomment One child or irtant oiling aceepta one to enlnu or 159m clery ehlgerator ghodeondl em seed drltl Tabla Hall raclr Morris chalr bode we vmrmnmmmmnm 13 AUCTION sales AUCTION SALE 0t Form Stock Implements Hay Graln and Hmnehold Bede 110 Imderslgnod be seeded Instsuettons from mvma limpet to aedlllgewblle mutton mlaea 1M CON MEDONTE NWNSHIP One mlle west of Jarratt SATURDAY JUNE at MIL sharp to tollowlng CATTLE Herdord Cow years old trash Herdord Cow years old mllklng and pr mutant Cow years old rnllk log and open Red Durham Cow years old bred Here lord Cow years old bred ll Young Eerde Cattle Here IordCaIt IMPLEMENTS and MISCEL LANEOUS Mcbeerlng hose tor WI good oonditlon Me Deerlng Humw plow Foonlng mill Case tractor 300 trlple range Spolnthltchï¬yused two seasons D36 MCQIlloeh CII saw nearly new wheel tr 1M hay rake Ferguson tractor plow Murrow Hay rack McDeerlng Blnder 7th wt In good eondltlon Interns tlohal tractor andrhuck rake MH Cultlvator l7toolh wheeltrailer Ml No II Man urn spreader on nlhher in good oondltlonihabber tlred wagon Rentrew seal Extenslhn ladlt 31 Mm mum on trtlll Slush ch ser Frost and Wood mower Mum loaderfAnvll Cook stove Washlogpachloe Tollet aet Sldehoml Ghalrs Whatn tlon many anthues de Termsmail No reserve as be responslhletor lniuryor ne ddento ooproperty day or sale at Hawkestonel RI agingsou grave holler use an on lprn at mum merging NOT GENERAL tnv Trill sleep nve euulpped wlth relrtg mm iatlltttes extrl cupboards mm rum lrnmanl lt Applicationï¬orms late condltlnn 835 Call Lorna 7mm one 637m MOBILE HOMES maven mnm Golden solcnn us than now uddllptly It Tulle sal mm Belle Street tore exclunve Golden Falcon den er or thnjlrrloOrfltt Open evenlngs Phone mun 964 model un our ipflnlvprtteguwms terms bonus at nnmll Church Ed BurtartAvrnII ï¬lmmaker corre an elem vory ant pnper uhlnwo or Lonla Plrklnl hot Plem retum TIME rewarded Isox 961mm nunIra er lonelnnlu mvol bealda ween Gahloa out lnmwtlouath with dtltrlcl Two more nnlrtrl thrTlovmhtp tlea to redoInner lopt HimId Imam starting ct quï¬unutlonr YOUNGVGIIE avallabla aa moth helper or so and MM mu canalen Teluhrgn MAW Womtnl out Inn honadesptuduttu tor win er Good res rem lellph more we no es Vltl In It tlelnlnl ll math nvaflmle ehullsao governmentprennmot do per entIntoalsooonhoao Hot Conceislorls Vespra Towns Ip one mlle north oi 400 Blghway ooHIglzwsytn Sal nt Jersey cutll III ent Including bulk 600M hiss gloss turm machinery gold and some household el omwa Ice Nonhun Amnnnmmmuseneoln tinno thanegotlatlons but under no eeawould It Im was an abrupt change In gov ermnl services on the Eskh mos without tlrst eonsllltlng tbelra Hr uvasque who has been presslng tor some than year to transfer the Est tlon and weltare department loldt lellalaturo nlesday talks are polnllrsa and hrul themott Elect Governors mchsmn ch slate ot II dlstrlct governors was elected Wednesday by Anna Chm delegates endlng thelr ï¬ve day dlstrict convention here Membersalso chose to hold thelr 1965 conventlon ln landou Ont and the 1967 meeting In Sault Ste rMere 0nt Next years conveotlon wlll be held In St Catharines Elented dlstrlct governors tor llyodman Kunpt Jean ï¬ckle Blind Elven man South Pump Crosstand Newmarket Dr Blsaorlnette Ripley and Philip Wallet Brampton IV Engmeer Dles BRADFORD England Reut ers An nIgllm railroad use gimgavohlalllohstheCauy louu tradxlon Wednesday In last mlnute eflontn surgess that th drlvtng was about tngrush hour In not Iohn Smith blared wasvllng on Ms dleael looomo ves born betore the two mad tnln mum between Mdochester and Bradlord stemmed Into datioonry mall traln at the tattoo Srolth wastound dead at the controls passenger was also kllled Nelvo taller persons were Injuredg Men Pace Charges VIcIquAIcrlA total of It charges have been lsld agalust two Vlctorla men In irlecruodenlo 35 Eh 34 new Hugh ls Mnclï¬lï¬n 70 at Toronto Ietlredmlo rlonarywllh 38 years at sen vice In Fonnnsa was elected moderator at the 90th general asseth ot the Presbyterian Church In Canada In Toronto Wednesday He Is the on overseas mlsrlooary to be elected to the uponpres bytertnn oltice slnce the elec tlnn ol Rev John Buchanan lndla In ma like photo Columbia River Treats Seen As Test For Govt mum to The Colum bla ltlver treaty representlng an rottentroubled 20 years at I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday Evening June at pm sharp For LUELLA PARKER v79 GROVE ST EAST EARRIE ONTARIO Sale at room home and prop erty nlso all household turnls logs tncludlog liners dIshes sI verware some antiques and Mommy Termscash No reserveexcept WWW JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer SEE FULL LIST JUNE tloII was launched Wednesday on the tlnol parllamelhnry step to rntltlcatlon It was to continue betore the Commonstoday tn the shape or government reenlotlnn that the power and floodcontrol pm teetrlvllllngtho St Lawrence Sonway In matbe approved once and tor all But theNewDemoernts Indl cated Wedomlny that they wlll continue to buck ltdown the line and at least one amendment was expected to be moved to day Dre governments posltlon oven In the prolonged scrutlny otnnre than 100 hnuraby the external attain eommlttee Is that any change wlll be test ot cnntidenee In the govern ment Since only the New Demo crats oppose the 1381 treaty and the protocol of last Janunry the government ls sale The Columhls is one hlghprlorlty Items to be hersrllnrnent betora theflag Issue Is debated Prlme hllnlo ler Pearson lodleated day He warned that longs malls hours are comlng and that he hopes the cholca dlstlnctlve Canadian tag to replace the Red Enslgn cannba debated stortlng late next week Expanded term credlt chnnges to the National Hous lng Act and constltutlonsl amendment lovolvlng the pro posed Canada Pension Plan all the other priority Iegls we measure mentioned Andrew Brewin INDP onto Greenwood sold he va thattIIe Columbln dedsuhl IIns been made but his party hopes by mslutalnlng opposltlon to the last gasp to make sure that It ture slmllar Canodlan projgcl otter more sategunrds won llllslullll IIIIIIIII Ohoer ormanagerheutwlfl not Tips on Increasingllllilk Preduetion during pasture season Thous and dfidairymé whohéVesviitchetl tthIlrinahaveuppe production per co as Iouéhf as 310th lbs perlacratloh Extra milkfbrAeXtraproï¬t Thats why we saijurina feeding costs Ilessl Because in 1h quality ration LlurinaMIIIung Chow pasture better and they ong run its actually cheaper to feed lcflivq sihelp heldbody eoIIrIItiorIrotilize good supply tholImilkmslting properties needed for high production THIS wears srscmr Ioooo r00 andfslNoen