Barrie Excrminer Marks 1100th Year ecial Centennial Edition Weather Goldy with area tomorrow Widow mflvlfld Publisher Walla right and composing mom enurloyce linen Barnes are shown with tenants Ex sXanntnr morn amnion toesfr 100th bhihdsy cake itir namesstarted as an aw prentlce with the newspaper in 1908 film anniversary cel ibhh T0 Marcos Councils no if qux Revenues REGINA GP Ganadian municipal leaders were asked Wednesday night to resist ressures to become empire uiiders Stcuart Saskatchewan esth minister and iormer ms or at Prince Albert told the gt no tonventlon oi the Cana Jun that municisl goyarnments lb which yTople have the closest to tact horrid local governments at lerr Myeaucrauies this close in dontact would he lost Mr Sierrartsadd Mr Steusrt said major problem oi municipslities was the widening gap betweentbe cost of the services they pro vide and the amount of tax money they can collect ihls roblem could be met lpertly municipalities form metropolitan nounciisv and regional groupings to tinny financo services they all need such as hospitals Munic ipalities also should keep rein on increases in services son non In SEASia fiwasanrcrou or Jane ay on whatii anyhaw id Johnson kepttight twraps iii pi lining in south ves he is east Asia gt tA White House statement Wednesday rdgbt gave somein dicatlon however thatniohnsnn ave decided from state Secretary Dean Rush and Defence Secretary Robert McNamara on the re suits of two days of policy re view which they conducted at conférence in this week When Wednesday nights Hawaii earlier meetingended Press Secretary George heady issued this state men ibevuorelarles mstwiththe nan tart Manuel Manolo my aniiCaetro henna hadfvowed robe itghtlng in not by May washes of elght ns ah whit Mondayibythe Royai Navy ldsshoyerr Dewy in gt Mineral rlgirtson moon mi land so GentiaiRailwayfiithiway orth ot Sault umedtoths province the department of cw roan the ThePeloro quadrripieis om prematurely yiiuesdfly are dead The Vigil the three be riiedahortiyibcforc noon Wednesw girls into Wetiireeday nightrwltbinio minutes hnson received report ebretiona will he allmaxedlfl an open house next Tuesday evening The cake was dons Bessls Oahfle omen Typhoid Epidemic Nears Critical Time Dr ABERDEEN Reuters critical stage was shaping up today in the twoweelt typhoid epidemic that has swept this east coast Scottish city and filled the areas hospitals within few borrrrit ebmrid heme clearwireiher the out bseekhss rsls injeourss or whether there will be third wave docinrs forecast Sofsr sot casés of the dis ted by local welbwisher Mays Be ofé Royal Commission WlNNtPEG to Wiltred Peiletier executive director oi the national lndian Council of Canada says there isnt enough money in the country to settle indians claims against the white man ids made the comment in an interview while about us In dians discussed in groups be hind closed doors the federal indlsn claims bill given first reading in Parliament last De oember Ho sald Indians iromiima to time during on last no years have pressed for claims act but to tell the truth dont think theres enough money in Censda to settle our claims president about an hour They reviewed thersituation in Soudr east Asia in light of the con sultations in Hawaiiwhich were held to improvartiie efï¬ciency andeiiectlvancss of our pro mm gt GIVES NO HINT There was no iriiltmieniarg ing the war to include military action against CommunistNorth Viet Nam or oi putting 118 milrtpry forcesrinto Thalia or assigning reinforcements toihs southensttosisn ares generally Witbintbe is few ï¬ysiths Communist advance in has come to airaltlnd thiseppar ently ended the immediate emergency as tones the John son administration was con cern Wed in woespee est ay Resident Johnson said that the united states must maintain peace urinezysrd JERESIONE Did yoit eyer winarn hrzu ment with your wile idoohreceli oiihand but do remembéri veryclearly that use are in hospitals here26 conï¬rmed and so persons on the stupendous has at chief medical oili Meanwblls Ie hunt was on throughout Entainfoc eanscon tailing corned beef that were possibly contaminated it was canof corned beet in butch ere drop in Aberdeen whidr was said to be the source of the outbreak ihe total number of cases in Aberdeen this morning was close to the total in the epi demic which swept Croydcn Largest Shakeup Faces UiiAWlA GP Associate Nance Minister Lucien Cardin getting eat to carry out the ggcatahalreupfoitirrsim member militia in decade One or the pieces at informs tinn spurring him on infom ants say is the iscovery by the committee loo into militia organisation thatsome reserve arsny units comprise nomore thanth oiilcers and six merh complete with norm bail and mess ihe committeeis headed by Brig Earls it Suttie oi Monty rest and its report willbe made to the minlsmr this month inlormants said Mr India will scton some commit teere rsrmendstions immedi stely wi the objective oi re ducing mllitiastrangtb to some some and thus saving some 81 000000 Wally er Cardin isvslso looking at ti possibilities poi the army iluvy andRCA reserves using the some quarters in cities and unit has serv premises The RCAF has already cut its bad its own with the deience departments xlast December to through unsurpassed gt rmose urltyi the president told cheering work the Apfrgiication We haveattem ted to out mm1 reader fly 89931 Althou rimary locus notational no also viawedin tires ryqfthia we were putting down new and mouth lh mancy and so onIwa 111 mï¬nwoeeim Claims near London in 1917 Then no cases were reported Fortyihree persons died in the Croydon epidemic Only one death has been re ported in Aberdeen so faran elderly woman who also suf fered from two other diseases Aberdeen port and also tmrrlat centre was described as beieaguered city with schools closed entertainments curtailed sndvisitors discour agedJromJntering thereon mm One estimate of the cost or iii outbreakjeo farhospital JmloptrevcnusJn tourist 521000 fryAs the government spear hesded for thecsoned corn bed spread some city councils and fscisoel authorities in Britairr banned corned beef irons school menus and 1mm some city stores in other parts of Brilairr cases were reported as at this rammingeh them deï¬nitely his organisation vtowns wheraitwo or morejare lpcetedin the past each re graduating classwofthefls CoastvGuardv Academy at New London Conn Wednbsday iile auxiliaries drastically in line confirmed as typhoid Not all of tiresn were linked to the Aber deen outbreak in an reduce air force strenatlr in 860 from coo lhs RCAF auxiliaries now minnow arm to six squadronslronr iohnre reserve squadrons et Vanmu var Eaigary Saskatoon and Hamilton were eliminated leav ingtwo each at Montreal and ihronto and one each at Winni peg and Edmonton Missiles Bombers Ready For Deience Iohnson Claims GRUMN Conn CRAP President Johnson says LUnited States is stronger milstv arilyg combination of adversaries but the staggering strength is Loot to deshoybut to save notto putanend to civrlization but to putanend to conili The president sddressed hsn any adversary ore to the present withgimp and Rosters SillES melanoma STURGEON FALLS Ont CPl Kelso Roberts tsrin lands and forests minis ter Wednesday ordered that rarealblnobear cub trapped near this town mustnot be destroyed ilev intervened siter being Informed thst trapper Roger Filion of rhcarby iicld hsdbeen ordered to kill the cub which is goldenwhite in color The cubs mother was shot when it drarged the trapper trap injured the cubs leg but Mr Fliion says it doeenot appear to be serious Dr Jack Smileya North Bay Veterinsrlshwentic Filions fsrniWednesdbyg to check the cubs condition Mrdiillon be had bee warned by eslsotficialin was lung toil bear end that he curd it beforeit suifered too much mlcub weighs about lso poundsjand is about three monthsold The mother weighed jsbout 150 pounds investigation Planned Into Subway Fire canonm gtth an no chairman of the Toronto Transit Commission sardtoday an mediate investigation into an ex plosion and fire aboard esub way car Wednesday night has been ordered The identtrwhxch muse panic among passengers stalled some 35000 rushbourcorrrniut ers Mrley said there would also be reviewmsde oi subway evacuation procedures in the wake of angry passengerpro tests that they were locked in hot stuflyrcarsaforimora than anhour Actlng Mayor Alia Larnport said he intends to the for the facts the tleup earmsnBVM Pbr compl anoint hencopy so Pm summary eese Pickersoiii declines Cement 0n Vigitlo Queen omrwa carL Prime Min Pearson told the Commons csday his resolutionfor the adoption at maple leai flag Willcnrne up or ztiEh Vie latenext week But be indicated he hwesnt necessarily expecting the leg issuesnd that oi the anthem which will iniiow it to be deal withdvernighh He said it ispossible Corn mons dehatewili havevto be ind tcrrupted ior passage of interim supplythe granting of spend ing authority iorVJuly The postponement to theend of next week for debate at the flag resolu ion prompted 0ppo sitibn Les er Dieiehbeker to charge that the prime minister was backing down One of the items that definit ely uid tgkeiprecedsnce over the ï¬ght theamend medt Br tilts North Amen ids Act whichisneeded in pro vide survivor benefits under the Canada Huston Plan and which must belonged to insanit ish Parliament Plifli to mention of the pri orityoigtlra13NAf amendment MrgPearson spoke oi1otherieg isiatipn ai ea dy under way which the government hopes to complete asnsoon smlésv MAY iNIEMUPT Ant saying the flag issue would come upat thevlend of bext week Mrs Pearson saldz ii mogrcssonrali the mit iers lhave mentioned rlsnot ve East it may be necessary in errupr debat nord to ask to ntcrlm supply as pose Regardlesso when the flag oiilclally co st subjectoi debate it ontinued dnesday to oldthe dailyqu lionperiod request of Aiue day by tablinga telegram sent to Premier Smailwood oiNew foundland explaining the gnv emments method of choosing the distinctive maple leaf flag and its in to use the Union Jack as symbol of Commanl wealth membership ltoutllncdtirst themethod oi parliamentary psssedash mentioned by Mr Iajdopting thenew flag wnjdd bf Transport Minister Pickett gill who had an audience with thsflueen last Eridsy while on private visit to Britain die dined to answer questions aboirt ihs Royal audience say rngv blswoath oi secrecy as privy councillor prevented it WANTJONGEB HOW Mr Pearson said Parliament will heaskcdto extend its daily hours sitting in order to malts morerapid progr with government business and have summer recess All but thrseprovinccs have agreed ontha wording the constitutional amendment neéded to prnvidesurvivot Vb etlts underthe Canada Pension Plan and the governrent hopestha remaining three will concur soon Parliament can deal with emendmtol to ï¬bril lair North America Act requl action byll the 1iziritish Psril mush cs sonvss lsimportan have it passed beforcth Br rshlcommons Ia dissolved or to general electron cxpectedihlsfaii soonvss the constitutional amendment has been passedby theiflritisir Parliament the Can ads PensiorrPlanin its revised term will be introduced in the Commons and sent to calm mltiee for detailed study Next to be dealt with will be extension of family allowances youths 18 and i7 remaining inscbnol and revised federalt provincial fiscal arrangements Also dish vernrnentfs the fence forces and gle chic oi siaiitlie tibmile fishing none laxsnd tarrit pro distribuhn constituencies establishment or the treasury separate govern rtmentahd creation pa ntoif estry and rural development Opposition Ire Dieien bakcraaid the iacttbat 4o pieces oi legislation bava been ed that the admesit oura