rrrrvervyma we and ï¬ve watts nuns is sound Street Berrte th saunasoy autonomous untrue Ontario mums com um washer men not majs Pciying Of School Trustees Has Been Long Overdue mixed reception has greeted an Ontario Government announcement of plans to cut back the number of rural elementary school boards and to provide for the pa ment of trustees Sharply div ergent op nlons have been expressed in Barrie especially in reference to remun eration In essence those who oppose pa ment say it would not improve the call re of people seeking to serve furthermore one Barrielte says payment may attract the wrong kind of person lhese reactions are understandable Many trustees of the past and present have worked without remuneration their only payment being the satisfaction they have obtained through public service The public has had good reason to be thankful for such devotion But times have changed and the work of trustees has increased enormously School board spend hundreds of thous ands of dollars often millions every year l5 YEARS AGOlN TOWN Barrie Brandner March 1949 Geor Johnston MPP introduced bill so ntario legislature to incorporate Waso ago Beach MrJohnston also an nounced that Magistrate Gordon Post er of Barrie would likely be pointed Judge of the Juvenile and Farn Court or delivered broadcast on merits of Bar rie from Toronto radio station Per cap ita sales were eighth in all Canada His Worship said Mrs Jean Gable pre sidentreceived cheque for $100 from Morrisop MBE general man ager as contribution by Copaco emplo ees to Womens Hos ital Aid Barr Ladles Curling Clu organized with 70 members Hydro restrictions lifted to ermlt store front and advertising signs Bowntown Barrie at night now provides striking contrast to gloom that pervaded business section for several years Wing Commander Decompte DFC succeeded Wing Commander Hilts Inspector PM Scott addressedVictoria trends in education former mem ber of the notorious West Toronto Bean ery Gang gave testimony at Youth For Christ rally in Central UnitedChurcit LEADERSHIP SSUEPOSTPONED Hamilton Spectator The Ottawa conventionrevealed that this verdict on leadership is challenge rather than vindication The open dis content of the younger PCspwhich prov ed so disconcerting to Mr Diefenbairer the coolness of provincial leaders and inability to heal deep wounds left by the nuclear warhead farceall these muddy currents kept running gt TheConservative party was faced with bomb choice Without any apparent successorfor the leadership they could only wrecktheplahrty by ousting the pres ent incumbent ey hadto thus salvage facade of unity by protecting Mr Diet enbaker iheysolved the leadership issue postf ponmgit Mr Diefcpbalter knows as well as any of them that he could not lead the partyvinanotber election withany chance of success The Conservatives strong and coherent platform and look hakerHe knows this as well as any of willunquesti bly stepaside cows naeioutv HUMAN Milwaukee Journal an embassy dinner Howard Larsen University of Wisconsin dairy scientist reports that the herd alwayshas one The Same Examiner Alrtboriredu second oil mail Post Office Department Ottawa end for payment of posters In cash may Sunday And statutory Holt excepted FINN WALLI Publisher moron WMDN0Ineral Idlmglr flaMoPBBBSOM Mullins advruns nouns niacin ulnarr to dell llrsopy 1c all in antarfo sums ailmenthr threemonthr 123 Oumo Ontarl Outside CID It corrections iii end To no nivdlll out Street bntneii Wt 3x5 for Simcoe County Mayor Grant May AFC as C0 of Camp Borden RCAF Homeand School Association onmodern Whatthey really did was bu time must now find themselves rebuild the others and when the time comes he It appears that the cows have social structure as rigid as the seating order at bossbossycow with first access to food public an overly int cats is form Wills weekly on education includin maintenance of schools Trustee must Ive business ab iili and good judgment in addition to de vo on if members of town and city councils are paid there iano reason why trustees should feel any reticence about accepting remuneration School boards often an up to half the civic tax revenue In fat provincial grants too Members have responsible job and they deserve some monetary reward School board members are not always business men or housewives who can get away from business or homeslt any time Some are workmen who might have to sacrificewages to attend board com mittee or board session itself If We can pa our MPs $19000 year and our MPPs 7000 surely we can find few tax dollars for the men and women who devote long hours every month to the administration of our schools This is simple justice DOWN MEMORY LANE Barrie Ladies Bowling League held dance at Eastern Star room in Masonic Temple with music by Allandsie CNR orchestra In charge were Mrs Edith PeachrnanMra Doris Garvin Hazel Wright Mrs Dorothy Knapp Viola Perry and Mrs Doroth Aycliffe Rotary Club sponsored annual ice carnival at Barrie Arena featuring Toronto Gran ite Club skaters Barrie Collegiate Glee Club and Barrie Alumnae Chorus both directed byliJOyd lhrfford won sec ond places in wanis Festival competi tions at Toronto William Thump son KC of Penetangulshene named Crown Attorney for Slmcoo County to succeed the late Frank Hammond of Bar rie Teachers of Barrie public schools entertained at sleighrlde and party If terward at home of Mr and Mrs Charles Newton Paul Meger was leading scorer of Barrie Fiyers on season pie with 33 goals 48 assists Gordon Penne was second and Sid McNabney third June Dennis of CBC will be commentator for fashion show sponsored by Barrie Soroptimist Club Phyiiss Marshall granddaughter of MrsWilllam Rolling of Barrie was featured soloist at first of series of jazz concerts at Torontos Palace Pier OTHER EDITORS Virus shade and the other good thingsot bovine livln other cows are ranï¬ï¬d up and down social scale accor to their ability to butt and shove DOWNTOWN PARKING SPACE Peterborough Examiner Most cities are compelling builders of apartment houses andoffrce buildings to provide more parking space than they have been doing but Winnipeg is going bravely in the opposite direction Great er Winnipegs Metro olitsn government proposed to permit uilders to put up downtown buildings without providing anyvparking space The reasoning behind this fproposal is that if there is demand or parking space private developers will provide itand jin any case few downtown apartment dwellers own cars Like all audacious proposals this one has its critics They arguethat when land becomes so valuable for tall build logs that it is not economical to retain itfor arkln there willbe no arldn carefully and intelligently for new leader This is no rebuketo Meriefenf space at all Before that time comes however it probable that many metropolitan cities maybe forced to prohibit private cars in downtownareas One municipality in Britain has already decided to charge motorists tall for using downtown streets When suchdevlcesfail to halt the daily automotive flood carefreevclty centres will be the next step SIMPLER TAX FORMS Windsor Star The national revenue department must ave been nonpiussed lastyear when some 800000 Canadianwmadeerrors in their income tax returnslhe department rightly decided so many Canadians couldnt be that stupid This inevitably led to the alternative ofsimpler former The department itself must have been stupid in presentin to an acquiescent its bearer Kln ston WhigStandard Que of the gravestdefects of the edu onsls stem nelementarylsnd sco ndary sc oolson this continent is that givenover tota zanyfmethod of teaching readingwhiw reams contag Mr Walker detected the ersn NDPer Tommyvfhoma Vrr man yr wrap my 20w We Seem To Have gt mom ww wow ammrm Finally REPORT mounts Shipper Attack On Peri Regulations By hIclNIYRE BOD LONDON slashing atw tack on couniries whichhe com riders to be enemies oftree dam on the high seas has been made by Sir Donald Anderson 57 chairman of Britains and Steamship Line regarded as the greatest in the world Sir Donald also happens to be director of the National Provlu cisi Bank and he has used the warmly magazine Issued by bank as the medium for his attack in which he singles out the United States for ape ciai salty criticism in his art icle entitled British Shipping In 1904 he is quite outspoken in his condemnation of some of the practices which are cur rent ln the world of shipping Sir Donald lashes out at the United States which he says is reddog to dictate terms and conditions to all liners salllns in or out of its parts with the aim of barring anything which leht be considered detrimen llel to the United States smremo nssmvsn it would be ironicai writes Sir Donald if after centuries of service organized and pro vided for world trade without government control lblpplnl were now to belenllsved by government in the name of free flomu Othersovcronieati which pen alize shipping other than that of their own nationals also come under the broadp ir Dan slds guns tun South smarts he says are found the worlds roost blatant practitioners of discrim laationCeylon on Charing Cross tor crossropdrt of lbipp ilgreed on lng router is the bestexsmple of country demanding ilr own shipping be used with no possi ble commercial lustliicatlon or benefit On what he calls the expa triate international Greeks he makes this comment their commanding position the fact that they have been able to hire the best lawyers And so far as possible they have shirlrad all national entangle ments commitments controls 1nd reappusibllliies in one laconic paragraph he says The oil companies have all the loformationthat anyone can have about the demand for tank ers But be cracks the bunch of Norwegian owner in some obscure lilord has been right lust arolter sir Donalds article is arous ing considerable attention bolt cause it has come at time when the United states is in the midst of heated argument with the shipplnl interests of other countries through its gov ernmentl demands that all companies sending their ships to United States ports must sup Pll full documentation of their cargo shipping rates and bow iness practices so far thil de mand has been strongly resis ted by Britain and other count trles with large shipping inter csr unoccurcsus Observation not old age brings wisdom Publillus Sync amorous isomellewfflemb Can Be Reiteshitig son oananu TORONTOWhen titers ere new faces in thsHousess there are so many this year one of the Interesting sidellghls lsfsisinl up the new men Eveutuslly most members adapt into stfsrn They be come confo air But in their curly days they still havent lsstthelr indivrd uslism and can be refreshing member you particularly like because of this lsAlbert Walker new PC member for Oshawa mus was very considerable achievemean but when you see Mrwwalksr in action you can understh how he did it He is obviously amen ofrl dependence in the House some forthright where he statements has really been When you look at road such Mr Walker you wonder what might happen if he could keep IhIIVlndependence Youfeel quite sure however today stems to major extent from llCommon Weapon srus ruoucur And June said unto them yo me and will make you to become fishers of menMark is Jesus invitation is to forsake ihs legitlmaie for the intimate the Hood for the best Cells Parliament Political Sandbox By PATRICK mmouou GHANAThe Mull ll felting across Out daily press pounding into the ears of its readers that Parliament is hr coming disgrace to the con cept of democracy Nov letters from readers of this column are increasian reflecting the rising public disgust Our one time politically unconscious population is getting amused by the antics of our mm yepr MPs and 855000 year front beacberl who are using Pan llameat not as fonim for re sponsible legislators but bustings for reliueklnl poll ticking Glcshrccht of Semis in letter to me calls Parlia ment Hill The political sand box played in by those kids Mike and Diet That rise to film year has led Canadians to expect better value may writers rur lesl They will be much more lodlgnlui when they learn the full measure of the hidden fringe benefits that now go with the lob One MP for instance has just received cheque for an extra $900 to reimburse hll cost of air travel around Can ada during the int six weeks of the less session ENGLISH SEPARATISTI From Old Soldier of Kel owna received one of many letters criticising the govern ments intent to Iprcld the French language across parts of Canadanamely nine prov inceswhere our constitution does not give it oilicisl stand ing Canada is not bilingual Who is running Canada aoyo how he asks Hitler Another letter writer on this hottest topic of the moment suggests to me that if the French language is now to be given cgual status with English in cerfnn unsuthorlred parts of quarsrnuc To News New Commonwealth Concept Envisioned By British PM By ALAN HARVEY Crnedien Preps lief Writer new concept of Common wealth lies behind the one senleuce announcement that Prime Minister Sir Alec Doug laeHomo is to visit Nigeria Sir Alec is to so to Lagos for talks March illat with his old friend Prime Minister Sir Abu baksr Tafawe Balewu and central theme will be how the rich northern nations of the world can help the poor south especlsliy in Common wealth context The idea is close Sir Alecr heart Simplifying his longterm view is that the EastWest cold war is no longer the first coo ccrp of international politics now that the Soviet Union is reconciled to nuclear stalemate So the next big lob for the West ll to close the nonh routb gap The developed countries must see howthey can Africa and Asia not only in in dustrial and economic affairs but also in ensuring their stabil fty SECURITY NEEDED Sir Alecisunderstood to feel rtbat events in Zanzibar Tangan yika and Uganda where order was restored by British forces relief iocal mutlnien show that the developing countries desper ately need some meanspf guar anteeiog their own internal se curity ffralnedspollce and military units are cardlnal require Intent This is why Britain is advocatiugto the Ess African territorier therestsbllr ent of military missions thereproh need for economic help that he wont Conformiam is the general rule here You remember back though and recall that in test man And though he never turned into rebel hedid man to keep mind of his ow Stephenum already has beenmentioned here Thlr young ND to be the freshest oewgmemberln medims But there are other new more hers who have the stamp of our fereoce Knox of Lambion West Personally risvsum miss secondary Mealprincipal end not young man in sge he yet seems very youthful fliers ll Gordon Pittockof2 assist the youngeroetions of ablyjataffcd by British soldiers Sir Alec also stresses the He alluded to the north south old problem in his Feb ii Tomato speech to the Empire Club He said that the division of wealth broadly coincided with the division of color and there fore in these economic discon tents there lurks the dunes of racial division of the world on horizontal lines Sir Alecs visit to Nigeria his first to ihe iormerhritlsb colv ony first is rovan itself one of the most sis is of the newly lib erated African countries may also improve the chances for conference of Commonwrslth prime ministers visit this month had talks with Prime Minister Pearson and it isaimost certain that they dis cussed in an informal way the possibllitler of holding such meeting similarly Sir Also will probably canvass the opinion of Sir Abubalrsr whom he came to know at United Nations rneeb lugs British informants are stress ing thatolficislly no consulta tions have yet taken place on prime ministers meeting but it can bs assumed that the unof ficlaircontarts are under way Sir Alecs emphasis on the de sirability of the Commonwealth playing role in the new so latiouships being worked out with Africaand Asia may have been given boost by encour agement received from Pearson who has always supported lllch policy There are some observeran London however who wonder just how the new Common wealth concept is going to rec oncile the differlogluleresls of ray Nigeriaoh the one hand an Ghana and Zanzibar on the ot er ormwa savour Sir Alec during his Canadian else to go upniwa auupupwr rm we Army prawnpry Canada why should we not even nmra reasonmly give itallll recognition to Threats where the second larrert ethnic group is of lltallan originumd the ï¬le man aaruueeou recon in lane tracts of the Prairies where that ethnic group an ceede the French and In on POSTAL LOBBY Canadians are writing more letters to him than ever before Protest suggestion and lobby But many Canadians still are Unllvlllml that Emmett pend El any III if it is addressed to him at the House of Commons Ottawa while Parliament is sitting The heaviest mail lobby today is do mending portable universal pcnllen cplan but this lobby is dirrcur ed entirely here be cause it is in the form of quite mamlarleu printed postcards composed distributed and perv haps even signed flclitiourly by one central body This does not represent the true voice of the people as do individual and poo Ioni letters PINLESS PAUL Defence lflnlrier Paul Hell yer is expected to be the target for deep probing questions by him The aeroplanes of nuclear arms by Canadian forces the economy drive shrinking our rclerve forces andthe cosine ties of our naval fleet are re cent mafor policydeclrioos by Mr Hellyer which should have promoted thorough question ing But instead the raids on armorch and the consequent gathering up of rifles from un derprotected encoder have been the rubicct of questions fired sfhlm in the HCIIILOI Commas One correspondent writing to me on Ihh subject lured into the pot an ingenious nickname for our defence minister Fir ingpin Psul he called him This suggestion prompted laughter on Parliament Hill where another wi nucleated pithy shortening Why not Plnleas Pault said radis commentator Sam flossbe cause many of the newlypro tested rifles already lacked their essential firingpin The old Parliament Hill tradi tion of succinct descriptive nick names is dying out The last defence minister to rate this was Brooke Cloxlob who intro duced the first naval aircraft carrier and thereby won im mortality as Flattop Eskimo Barbers Will lieadi North OTTAWA CPl The North may never be the same after Charlie Cookie Tommy Johan her and David Ukuukouk set back But its inhabitants will probably look llttis fancier Charlie Tommy and David srsthree young Eskimos taking barbaring coursein Ottawa Later this yearlbeyll head baclrto tbs fsrnorth armed with rcissorr clippers hair timid and shampoo VThe federal department of northern affairs which spore coring their training says they will be the first professional Eskimo bothers in Canada How will the Eskimos react to barber shopst Well most of the old peo ple still cut their own hair but lots of the young fellows like to get brush cut says as yearold Tommy who will re turn to Fort Chime on Unzava has 000 miles north of Meat re can cut my brothers heir anyway says charlie 16 from Great WhaleRiver on Hudson Bay boo titties north of Toronto David 23 who comes from north of the Arctichrcle in Baffin laiaud has the most optimistic vlew Maybe business will be slow for while but ll getcum tomers Theyve got nowhere