Virvi mmflahwflrflw 1x our sw wwevwv rn 31 nvrrvmmwlifflm aw rutW AFleZMOSTTmmGIm criticize Prin Dated By Ron lcumuz LONDON FlHow lllould teenage prim dreu Uh Rnoer or prian Should she live up tn the pop ulnr image at toyl child or adopt home oi the wny out is frDifférém To French Fries Havin or skiing party Invitad the ktdl back 3d house and he slelfll e2 We l1 uure aiumped about whnttoservotbecoldand hungry group we suggest cheese fondue and french tries lhu glarnmoua and easy Io prepare dirh is simple but heur ty mush to satisfy the most nirnulated appetite Served in cessAsi Oldngshioned modualthenlodanldml arr Barbar crlru wrlune The Evening Standard brought Ilse lubkd up or W12 who the lmplled thnt 11yearold princess Anne tar amino maternal is Just too old mm or wordI Commenting on picture of the your princess alhede Dina for Men no duwe iGriw writ lobed Mk Primer Anne in plemnt noktngymxurlwllhnlofly MM guru nice mule Badlandflklnyhuirsoihy Ibo the lending Renate url In the country haveto be not uplikglheuoiogblmm oaths rout long trot like with ntlmsy tur alibiw ldnl dis use vicar wire Come come Buckingham Palace Gift do little better than um To Dance out as might be expectod Mord mom wertnl long In ovum In the princunl de truce So lat all letters ooh lubed have been iron women by tho story For kheerrudc uemtothe The debale eonflmu that Primal Anne now has joined athclrmnle member of tilt RoyalPalmly an able of milkymid shim lads and bank in In this department Prime Margam holds commanding lead as Mal lrendlettar The only previous occasion an whidl Anne drew much anal ANNE nhd all nitric Miss Grim or her new rkr tivu was when she was hriaes laid at Prince Alexandrax weddm last April and turned up with loshiouahle upswept hairstyle rustlied that the style was too old or girl 13 Now Min arirgs or one thinks the cur rent shoulderlength err is too olflluhicmed Contributing Teens The album teenagers have and ed mad in Teen Talk and are border be of he Bame Tana teals looks like selioolrirl and ieuetattired like street walker Another termed Ml Grixgs alledlor and pointed out out Prince Ants nus mommy to Itth uhere there are certain other dress What would Miu Grim ex black kueelenrlh leather boots hlnek stochnu and Beanie hairstyle One roman syld she and at her friends uae appalled Ptul Club Bob Kiuzie Kathy Cblunl Bob GalamsIEZ Terry Diggle Tom Collins Diane Humble Dennu Brown Kristi Dnberson Peter Slepherd Bill Gram Lryne Slnlk Donna Jenkim Tom 5150 Bob Hawkins Terry Chamber $2511 or fondue pot it add flourish that make AauypartyxpeciaL Pint come the sauce Pro pnre thick velvety cream sauce over moderate heat udd shroddedohem and wine and stir nntll the cheese in melted and the mlxtur smooth Pour the undue into daring dish and keep piping hot while the alreatly prepared Lrozeu French tied Damion are heat éd Jnn bdam urvlug if have ma zine adulI met Inn and and one ounce of Kirsch into the fondue To serve encourage your hun gry guem la spear the French fried with ark and twlrl In the fondue For this the 5m in designed two lined arts with iszlatedrnandles are lull but dual or lurks can be used juxt as well SWISS 01mm PONDUE WIIH FRENCH FRIES 36 cup butter or margannq LabIeEpootn fluul teaspoon salt pound pasteurized mee Swiss orruld Cheddar chaos shredded about cups 54 12 dry white wine or glngor tablespoon Kirsch optional package to each tram French fries teaspoon nutmeg Melt tablespoons butt margarine stir in flour lemme salt and garlic In Add milkall at one and cook stirring constantly until mix tun thickens and hid cheese and dry whit will or ginger ale Stir until about is melted Paul into chaï¬ng dish or fondue dish and keep hoL Just hetore serving ll wine in used bind in Kirsch Melt remaining tablespoons bun or margarine on baking sheet add French rig and brown turning pummel as necessary to brown evenly Sprinkle with nlalning 56 teaspoon Salt BM nutmeg Yield servings ADVICE cowml From Iéen To Teen Recently met buy whom like v51 much but be rather ah How should towards him uithout appearing Inc forward nor mo SURE Be round Ad nalural In ame you will ï¬nd that he will 501 your company more and more and um overcome his slum have been going out with this boy for monthn but we are not going flatly real like this boy an awful lot My problem is this fliue is an olnc boy who has asked me olrtaudlwuuldliketogamrt will him Should rennin true or go out with another WONDERING You said youwer¢nl going steady so eel free 80 Oil will anyone you wish You do Mhavc In give your steady later an account of your ac tion Go out and have on much but she says am like Hand How all to about dimming ha atLilude Mwarï¬ me DJ more in way you can overcome thin Sic warms tor brothcruot hoylricud texture txeat her as not and try dating aux girls have this girlxriend who II lot of fun but she exagge ates everything can never be lieve anything she tells me la she is constantly lying dont want to lose her trima ship huthow can stop her mm making fool ot bernelt for everyone know her stories arw true REL his kid needs help not you It you are her best lriend tell her outright that you ltnow she is lying Sic will reel oilended at first and you may lose her txiuldslnp but at least she win start In see hersell as others do her is gm like very brother lo her do not want her as sister but aza girL my EXAM um ADS PHONE 7262414 Ger The Gang and 90 Dual KEMPVIEW Bowl 76 Blake 7239761 Kitchens are facing an in Won of Beatles as linen factory in Ballast Northern Ireland prepares or an er port drive Lin ealuring the HAYLEY Minsslle HOLLYWOOD APAt Alas Theyre not very good musl nve have someonekiexplain thsfciaus Yet they manage to BeatlesHayley Mills manufacture group sound Illa Theyre simply marvellous is rather appealing Hayley says martog the opin Augear ago nobody knew just ion of her sister teen32ers in Britain and the United States they WM cured Non theyve made so much Yes but why are they simply money dont sume theyd marvellous They just are that all she replied guess they appeal In the mass of girls Manse they are ordinary Theyre not very good looking ever have to work again Yet theyuuve taken the Whaler thing with good humor and they havwt lost the common touch You know what their ambi tiun is One of them wants appearances among his credits has quit show business In mn cellLrale on sludles leading to new career But his sister Lesiye is keep ing the family name on the playbill Mark is 13 Leslye jud turned warn to study law eventu ally in college said Mark feel have to prepare myself thoroughly now if am to get inlo good college her sixth dillereu rule as Diane au Albatross comedy star bert Prawn In going to continue as lon as possibly can she said After moment ha big brown eyu twinkling ï¬e CM her long brown hair playfully and added And lat probably will be forever The two remarkable young Melx have been in Show busi four years Canadian TV andin have Sean them in ludl shows as The Mendels Home 56 Ben Casey and The Nana And flieyve both done nary lelevision commercials They were bum in New York Ilka dilldreu at Mr and Mrs aim Roth and look the name limiter because Equily the actr union wont list two per and chine here were ï¬mea when nothing me rudeo anioncuntsoont we months year appearing with the Znnd brannus Ior big were actually shaking nut beauty parlor Anong us run garage You know ula camanblood still pulse in Hair veins Hats why young audience like them That and the haildun Hayley hasnt met the Ben tles hut shed like to only one thing hauler her about them The shrieï¬ug femnlm they at tract think those ny girls are absolutely revolting she says Hayley was in lawn to do Danny Kayo television Shaw with her fnthu John Mills and jewellery mauuiaaumr Mark related now he got into Show business We were living in Jericho on long Island and going to public school several years ago My music teacher told me one day had good value So came to New York to study dancing and singing and Leslye just come along or the ride one day as sort of joke the school salt Leslye Ior an au dition lot Tv variety pro gram and she was hired Weve been hang in the middle 01 show business ever since Mark won songanddance part in another TV variety show soon alter that then was hired for Broadways Gypsy Later he played in Camelot to talk ahoutrhe chalk Garden which she also made with bat Katha plus Deborah Kerr and name Edith Evans it was challenge shs laid because it was the ï¬rst time ever had chance to really be nasty in ï¬lm ltu usually 50 sunshiny that it gets sickening But in Chalk Garden could really be had andl suppose shouldnt admit this it seemed to come easy to me The ï¬lm made in England by Universal markeï¬ Hayleys ï¬rst American movie away from Walt Disney Sle has Casey broken leg for ï¬ne Doctors kidney disease or The Nurse and was mentally disturbed for 11 Defenders In real life shes healthy physically and mentally id foul years she has missed only one permmalice because at inner In school work which under city regulations she must keen up to retain her work paratit her average is in the sea Bye Bye Birdie and stop the World1 Want to Get on Leslye broke in on Broadway at the age seven in Chi line she played with Preston in Music Man other credits in clude Gypsm Garden oi Sweets and Gilt of Time Milanass which opened to school at 935 Were out at 205 1211 Mommy picks us up and take us either In singing drama or dance classes and sometimes we have two at critical acclaim several weeks than in day Then its Mme ago is lini first comedy or dinner aud onto the area both she and her brother have Ire bya pm do my home played musical and dramatic work at the theatre between roles slage antiantics and In this era of medical tele allylnbed bymidnlgh Vision shows she has hada lot of TV ailments She and Mark have earningsas big as sing TV rodent gradually got used to it and now look forward to playing lzuesn that prnyea war In series But 43 began to or Afdyunmie Pollyanna woman Haylewa be 18 April and she continues to hlnsam and mum into lovely lively young Hgflin our noses Current let Nam Marshal ill the tall blender adpr who played many have nextdoor at MGM decade nga He let the lot to play that independent ï¬eld 831172 puppup of mi HI the Angel television love ward grey mo his blonde Vlhalch he realized he needed in his wanted wash uhlovie my owntn ecgrpmdnn and act in it said ï¬g ured best chance to ï¬rm market Wolfld In make war story that was timely made ï¬ve for Disney from had been grazed by am Mensa One aetoryssshot through Moonspinuus and has one hand lt more to go under her contract Im mom Mr Disu perle burning silo on hlrltack anddiscov ely graterul er for helplng inc usï¬me in zny career she remarked After all at 1w Dillus for evening Iho Roxy AllStun Proan SfrfsWediiesoi Debbie Rs nan us PLAYERS 19W