Barrie Examiner, 29 Feb 1964, p. 18

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my nrrpmyllflrm w4r up EPOKEXMEN for the On tsrio Farm iProducts Msrltct in Board re in Barrie Fri day ottemoon hearing opinions Eggproduccrs from Simon and Duifcrln Counties com mended the Ontario Farm Pro ducts Marketing Board for in lustingI series of public henr logs across the province to gather opinions on implcmurt log proposed egg marketing plan This is new venture for the OFPMB hearing chairman Herh Arbuckla told the audience We hope this innovation trill enable the board to gain clear er understanding of the pro ducers views than was pie viously possible Panel Gathers Audience View An egg marketing plan to be effective must control prices with quota deficiency base price to achieve stabilization Bert Dobson spokesman for the Simcoe County Farmers Union told the hearing here Friday on rproposed egg marketing plan Excess production over an agreedtilmit should be controlled by twoprice scale he said llis oblections to the vague wording of the proposed plan were answered by one of the three panel members of the Out ario Farm Products Marketing Board conducting the hearing it has to he vague to give brosdbsse for operation The proposed marketing plan has the dust ornount of power that marketing plan ean havs and still be called marketing plan Another Farmer Union spea ker leopard McKenzie direc tor also urged attention to the price structure He said two price structure should be based on modern production costs not onysverage egg prices over the nation years Referring to the promotion and research aspects of the plan he insisted No amount oi adver tising is lustttied unless the pro duper especially the small prolt ducer is paid fair price for from egg producers on pro posed cgg marketing plan no tails of the plan are written on the blackboard behind them From left are Gordon Comments from the audience suggested the hearing was an ideal way to register the pro ducers opinions The hearing was held in the Simcoe District Coop hall in Barrie Friday afternoon Five prepared briefs were presented and discussed before the meeting turned to an ex change of opinions from the floor Only one brief from the Simeon County Farmers Union opposed the proposed plan All the others supported it IDENTICAL BRIEFS Identical briefs came from the Simone and Dulferln Ooun ty Federation of Agriculture Secretary Harold McKee read the Dufferin brief while Len Cumming president read the Federation brief for Simcoe County From the Federation view point plan should go into operation before vote because it is hard tor producer to understand plans merits without having seen it in so lion Several proposed mar Egg producers and their re presentatives from Simone and Dufferin Counties gathered at the Slmcoe District Coop Hall here Friday afternoon for pub lic hearing The hearing was across Ontario to give egg Prolt ducers chance to express no inions on an egg marketing plan The first hearing was held Feb 21 in Waikerton arid the last one is scheduled for March The OFPMB is collecting op ininns on this proposed plan answer to request from the Ontario Poultry Producers As sociation The Association is seeking implementation oi hisgsgs John Hehgin an Alliston egg producer and Rosenberg spokesman for Festharcrest Farms York County both spoke tin favor of the proposed plan With this reservation They wondered how the plans prnvrsions could be put across to all the producersrHow rnany people understand this plans existence let alone its provis roost Mr Rosenberg asked threecent fee on each bird sent to the processing plant was too high Mr Rosenberg told ths OFPMB panel He suggested twocent limit was the maximum price feasible as axrneansv of financing the proposed market lng plan WC the second of 11 to be held he Rendezvous Room Esrrles Largmsnd Most ENTERTAINMENT Moron Horn ROTH DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP OPENDAILY incensed in accordance with LC Hill Vama Huron County Herb Arbuckle Toronto and Aldon McLean Mulrklrk Kent County Mr Arbuckle wcs chairman for the meeting At kcting plans have been rejected by small margins Therefore the Federation wanted plan introduced for twoyear period with pro dutcr vote at the end of the trial period During the two year period wanted the plan closely super vised by the OFPMB When in troduced there should also be an election for members of the marketing board SMALL PRODUCERS Don McCutcheon member of the Dufferin County Egg Pro ducers Association delivered the Association briei It out lined the need for an orderly system of marketing eats through marketing board with representation on the county level The marketing hoard envls aged in this brief should strive for equaiity of opportunity for thepioducer regardless of the size of his flock Small pro ducers should have an oppor tunity to market their products on an equal basis with the large producer the brief said Ailote 0n FivePointilgg Plan Aiter TwoYear Trial Period marketing plan on trial basis without calling for vote of producers At the endtof the twoyear trial period produc er vote will be taken to find out if the plan fills their needs More is summary of the five main points oi the plan lnp promote and advertise eggs To conduct market re earch and development pro gram To establish an Egg In dustry Advisory committee To study and negotiate terms conditions agreements charges and costs relating to producing and marketing eggs Metbods of financing the program Luxurious Presenting Nicnrrv Resisttional the Federation wwymunhtrmvvrwmrqrm1 the far right is Murray Reich Tomato secretary for the meeting He works for the De parlmcnt Agriculture Ex amincr Photo one Of Five Briefs Opposes Proposed Egg Marketing Plan Funds for the marketing boards operation should be rats cd irom Ices levied against sale oi hcns when marketed at the processing plant Research should be done on the price spread between producer and consumer Sale of eggs should be pro mated through advertising possibly through the Ontario Poultry Producers Association the brief suggested These themes were also im plicit In the Simcoe County Poultry Producers Assodatlon briei read by its president Craig Hunter Unanimous ap proval for the twoyear period preceding vote was registered at the Associations recent an nual meeting the brief stated FARMERS UNION Bcrt Dobson Goldwater es sistant director at the Simcoe County Farmersi Union out lined his groups opposition to the plan In the Farmers Un lon view no plan should be adopted until producers were in formed of its advantages and disadvantages then so odors tional program should piecedo vote onlhe scheme Anyegg lilan should be concerncd with price and pro duction control for the best pos sible relurnstor the producer the brief sale Any finances collected should be used only for marketing the product Where producers fin ance in plan they should direct its entire operation Since the proposed marketrg plan appears to be mainly pro motional why not make the egg grading stations and industry in general pay for it instead of th egg producer car axaurnan warn ans room as can iEETttEriitnts Winona atacrtrns lT HAPPENED canine north erattonot of ment celebrated its 50th adol muvV v7l1INFan uvspwnwmryewv wirywunnrmmrrnw arsiancasuus an indie Changes Seen By Lougbeed In the next to form will the fun lit cu Eoducer told IM hearing Barrie FridIy The hearing was collecting opinions on an egg marketing also outlined by the Ontario Farm Products him kettng Board Mr laughed said he could lnothssardogoeuutothe slxa oi the term egg on toycm from now Few us today could have predicted the change thIt have come upon our business within the int 10 years The Arturo now remains equally in doubt the only rare th with the ifthd tlnmettitlniudd lathcorres pending growth in Dock new pay for it Mr Wghecd said close sup ervision of the proposed In by the OFPMB of not cons tute state control because this close supervision was sought by the producers lhcmselves in democratic process State con trol is legislation from the top downwards while the close sup ervision sought here is the dc sire of the majority from the grass rootsupWIrd he said There must be strong reg ulating body to miss the plan work he added Hog Producers Elect Officers ALLlSiON Special Dalton McCracken Everett has been elected president of the South Simeon Hog Producers Associ ation fhe election of the execu tive committee came at no ent direcian meeting here Sewing with Mr McCrackcn on the executive committee are Davis Webb Bradford vice pro sldent Bert Kidnie Everett secretarytreasurer Eco Stcera Bradford and John GsUaumter Alliston both executive com mittee members The decision to postpone the election to the first directors meeting come at the annual meeting held Feb lb inAliistou At the annual meeting the members attending thought the agenda was too crammed to al low ttme fortths election that day WI Started In Stoney Creek Not Phelpston reader of the Federation Agriculture supplement publisht ed recently by The Barrie Ex aminer pointed out two more in story on page 13A about the Womens institute Tire WI movement was organ ised in 1897 at Stoney Creek by Adelaide Hoodless not by Mrs Russell McElwain Phelpv ston Mrs McElwain is loss president of the Simcoe County area WI Also in 1947 the WI move versnry not its 15th as stated in the story iiiirniiouiti film Animide Foil Fairsltinsrgcrbw Keep Pace WithTimes COOKSNWN lSpecllii The Ontario Ituoctatlon of Auicui ture Societies Convention was held in the King Edward Shera ton Hotel Termite Feb with record attutdsnoe represent log or societies to the provtoto The meeting opeoed with iolnt session Photography words were presented followed by most dlecnsson on Drus tng up our Fairgrounds and thr hibils which was iniéresllog and educationIl The reminder of the program for the men consisted of hell Ind addresses on the fol owing topics FIlr Problems Secret ary and fteIsurers Problems Public Relations the Role of Fair In Ontario Agriculture Fair Day Program Commercial Features MD as planning for Canadas Centennial Year Mrs Oriel Bell Blnhrook presided It the ladtec meeting She slidths present generation urbgdgteutmr Mil little or no rots Irmlag which is so vital to notice She felt thIt altering the situ ation 1n 1m 73 agriculture She also mentioned thr anntsznawr rr Lalttl called to turn their efforts to management of recreational land or to loin agriculture industries makingngriculfure highly in terdcpeodent industrybglween farmers mo businessmen serv lng farmers TEACH TEENAGERS Mrs Margaret CIm ll 0C Toronto stressed the ct that teenagers should be Iught self reliance and more appreciation for those who help them She also stated women have achiev ed great deal but felt they must not seek privileges if they 4H Clubs In North Simcoe Begin Organization Meetings ay ALAN scorn AstlstInt Agricultural Representative North Simone tClub members should keep the dates oi March and in mind as these will be ths first til organisation meetings hold in the area On Wednesday March the Mlneslng +H Dairy Calf Club will be holding its organisation meeting at Mine slng Public School while on Thursday March the Huronla Calf Club will baorgnnlred at the Goldwater Fire Hall Both meetings will be getting underv way at too pm special in vitation is extended to prospec tive new members One week later on March 10 the Jarrett 4H Call Club will be formed It Jorratt Hall Organisation meetings are planned throughout the month of March with the hopes of avoiding conflict with high school exams JUNIOR FARMEB ACTIVITIES The last North Stmcos Jun ior Farmers Association Exec utlvs was elected recently Here are the names of the people who will be giving direction to the program in the coming year Past president Alice Wood row Moonstone president lion Shaw Hawkestcnc RR vice president Donald Hell Elm vale RR secretary treasurerr Jim Cameron Barrie provincial director Calder Hunter Elin vale RR Centre Flos Club recently held re organization meeting with lsmcmbcrs in attendance The group eleded Donald Bell of Elmvale as president for root and plan an active program or the coming year second meet ingwill be held in theCommun lty Halt Elmvale March All interested young people in the area are invited to this meeting at am pm incidentally the other two county clubs RilO TODAV Ind TUESDAY PERiiii THEATRE strewn Al aso Ind ioio pm are HITS lidllii NUUSUNAiilENt Uiilil ursuttwtist assurancesn normmonitor anowri an open Don and Glenoro would welcome be new members into their club at this time Interested persons should get In touch with any of the countyekecutlve mem bers listed above or the Ontario Department of Agriculture EIr SPORTS PROGRAM The Junior Farther Program includes an active sports pro gram of softball fsld day one tlclpatlon curling and bowling As well there are opportunities for personll development In such fields or drama public speaking debating and singing Each mem ber also develops leIdershlp qualifies from acting on the club executive and directing the club program Its well there is great opportunity to work with other young people both on the county Ia well as on the pro vincial level Is the OntarioJurr lor Farmers orgIntrItlon spon sors many events throughout the province Examples at this in clude conferences at Toronto and Guelph area leadership and rclt creation schools as well Is the provincial field day Ind drama competitions It Guelph You should consider being dunlor Former Member in rest it is an opportunity which should not be missed Young people who are not involved in the on pulsation Ire missing an on portunlty they will not easily regain with equality with men Coro prrins Jhrltisn nd mthrlt tiIn countlea she stated not r1hr IIon Ina hIre received heth concre tlva ccnvnitlon Nev es lld Int1r rigolean luv MIA bah ire hs om erbinct ministers hot few men itdu on ul ts msn orrfcsors at low to man has achievei nyprl tne of Supreme Cc oi Cililt JUNIOR Olti Junior work of the fair not discussed 1d travelogue IIv en by Wu Mrearet Bovlto Port Arthur Ontario Dairy Princess ni her trip to Great Britain and across Canada em phultlng theitflpoltlntd of dairy products to all actions Congratulations and awards were given Grant Cordial Pro ton who won the provincial price for the Ethel Brant Moo ture Easy The Handicratt Room Illroct ed much attention with its dis plays of ceramics enameltlng net lework weaving hiocirprlnt lng buttons spinning and ladies no work ans nisrsavs Mrs David Johnston Dundlik in Norwegian dress IMMH Bert Edwards Proton in III tive dress of Wales showed the technique of preparing wool for sweaters Demonstrations on floral Ir rangernent of cut Ind IrttilctIl flowers were greatly opple ted it was also interesting to know how many of the handl cepped are being taught to be sell supporting through the driftwood skills Handicrllts It the fair were discussed stressing material workmanship and display as be lng essential but above all knowing the crafts of onsl com munity Ind planning the print list accordingly humorous and lndruetlve skit Coding All bodies was presented depicting the probe eras of directors hoses and exhibitors and proving diplo macy is important for the let fare of the Society anon cooasiowrt llrore attending ironi Cosh town were Mrs Giant ier Mrs Clare Kirby Mrs Betl Mrs Draperhtre French and Mr and Mrs At best Gilroy Mrs Gilroyts W0 mens representative Dirtrld No of the OAAS

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