flal roiiltPWANï¬pC Wm IF vol HAVE AGood Personality moron cnasron sate in NIB COUCH new war but lamba prearal until dawn daaoena Molli strap can title eloa for preferred arm Insure any driver segues II WWW Billll 00 Poona molar ran Polo cry ma loaning illllou couplataly Itntlflul on shirts aun visor miteIlia lavn um Iran or bed can olf ar 1siephvaa must dam it me new us us for Jim tars Intel va Iiffb nia wheat discs mince naive Isaaci tires lrnmacnlate homeb only an winter Owner having country II or beat otter Can be seen to clap rs street or whom it pm Lulu can at reasons sasrme nu cylinder use lab ear in automatltr ll my ton panel Demuia duporlm Binu one mile south of Thurston hispbona Ivy unit TRAVEL TRAILERS lwmmluyageeduaad iravnl Trailer with wont toilet for cash Telephone loved um arm pas PERSONALS WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN LIFE PARTNER AFFECTION real bomei sincere companion Close loti macyf Shared interestsi Secur ltyfWhatevcr It Is not all poo pierces give it to you But we may find the one who can He will share your interests views he will match your personality and desires Our methods were tested in the US our consult anis are university trained to help people Absolutely confid ential Scientific Introduction Centre for menu 110 pm Mon tor write Avenue Rd nronio may rasnrouln alaiga ride oh II For information tellohona areas Ore no loll shards IKNF Room with home pri hilt Io elderly lady or will mm from with same at low cert Telephnnl macro INCOME TAX ilalurna prepartd Kidd Accountant Dune It Welt kimono 72H day or avsnlng aoomrmo dnna daily waalr ly or moo awry ii men Accountant Dunlap Wart or thigphena 1163131 also his and Lye modal ara the at srga anonuvar Edmonton fllllnla who slips and Florde Tarnnto Drfn Away Service running Ltd ml You as Tomato aa wit pu== 9LOS 8t FOUND on unless lost about three Meta ago between Firs Points and 11flin Strut between It and 71mBrunln upper rims If found cal HMS 01er WANTED MALE HELP Needed Immediately and or it steady reli able man to drive truck in Strncoe County and Muskoks rea REFERENCES NECESSARY Call MR McDOWELL ransou for an interview gt WANT BIG WAGES GET IN mousse You can become well paid aneciaiiat in Radio TV Radar Automation Computers Day or Home Stlldy Courses Free booklet mrsara in Electronics Act now RADIO COLLEGE CANADA Rte Toronto Ontario mans 0C5 Salesman for 33 °°tidi€°t case no aasam erla BaJ Barrie Inm tner WANTED AT ONCE Pint ollu Isardwllo salesman Must be fully nerllntod none other accomp is Write nor Berna handle YDDNOJMAN or man raouirad for foteraiilnl ouidoor workln ismy production Apply to Cree morn Apiarira Ltd Cnemore giw surpass particulars MST CLASS Mechanic wanted efarably with Ford Incl ply Hanna Motors Salas Hume gas Column Telephon we HAVE AN opening to toll cfllbgr sales anagram person of Eoglar Street arms AUTO ILLEIMEN HIV in uptalnga for salesmen If you are areatad in Innings aaa Visu Motors Telephone mes sausmrl wa ted by ror home trimmings ileid ry and commission basia as at employae benefit pl Apply to writing giving educa and put use to Bar ty tidings are modems There an to res of fall wheat to acres clovar so acres fall plnwsd Full list stock Ind implements AWW loot II Barrln lumfpcrw FEMALE HELP MENWantcd full or park he take orders for com bipNylon Hosiery friends relatives fellow business ofyouc With good commission or free sales ldt N0 in insert NEH cannaorvmus urn or use Que St West ar trip to hire annabie rate phone Blithe at Ann St WOMAN desires position nook Willi SMITH WSWs PIY roll ate Good local and Toronto referee Apty Goal Barrio mm FLORIST DESIGNER in couraa with Toronto School of Fionl Daslgnlnll male so years old wiahss frail tima employment as Spnrca Street Anson mania collect name will apply in the Datum at lie but mien for an Act School Education LikinglFor Contact Work And An Experienced Clerk Typ We Have Position For You INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP LTD 1dr Randall 7285945 AVON CALLING vary much in demand and easy toaell For interview write lira Walked High street Barrie or call TilWI OBI has for will boltloo of Wathtna nationally adv VIM Vanilla 33 It DellL for dull uuanu ups to uu in cm for two children madly wash Camp lerdan area ma phon mim nouunma furraldariy gan tiaman to We In Writs living particular to In larria he Iminar Rafrental helpful but not nuptial MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application forms available at cmcusAnorv DEPT 18 BAYFIELD ST WI All ANXIOUI to win anoth pa You or help us again by buying only list trearea from us Wa are grateful you made it possible for us to go to Paris France sad in Ha wail Now It Ia London Duisnd and Home Italy Again we ask your coopantlon Buy iha world famous Essly Mottnaaca from us make another trip possible Lav ltl Ming MI Chulnl SALES trer AGENTS HOW MUCH IS YOUR ABILITY WORTH YOU are the only one who really knows We can offer you training assistance guidance and the opportunity to earn an income only limited by your ability and desire infant commiuions and fringe befits lfyouwouid like further de tslls telephone Barrie moron EMPLOYMENT WANTED manor Ari painting phone MIND DA CARI ar Room and Board for children in my llama Vary reg Telephone means for further inlermation HAIL LADY will look Iftll prruhool abueras in my home lion Strut vfcinlw Talephona mil OI modern THING DONE in my own borne Neat accurate and efficient isla write Min A= melee or rsuosns HIM Department of Lands and Forests TENDER N0 P2 FOR anovnvcuu PARK CDNCESSION Sealed tenders clearly mark ed Tenders for Refrahmeot Booth Concession BessLake Provincial Park will be re ceived by the Department of Lands and Forests until1230 February laid 1964 deposit in the amount of twentyfive dollars $2500 in the form of money order or certified cheque must any each tender Tender terror tender envel apes and detailed information are available fromthe District Forester Department of Lands and Forests Marple Ontario zlehders must be enclosed In envelopes provided for the pose Tha highest or any Chief Parks Brnrtcli concurs Ontario February index GAL NOTICE rs hereby Telephone no and interior Tale laminah chomp nu tender not necessarily accepted NOTICEOIT APPLICATION FORLEGISLA 0N giventhai The Corporation of th City of Legislative the place of rzrsuosas TOWNSHIP OFlNNlSFIL Garbo Tenders Sealed ra clearly mart ed as suds will be received by the understated at the Town ablp Office Stroud until pin runway Nraury lids flu or in South Area Collection Nita Area Simmer Goth cc is North Area Yeariwod Collection ai scrawled School Area Coil on is St Pauls Area Collection to Stloud Area Collection for the years ms and sass Applicants must submit sep arate tenders for eadt area Particulars as to materials to be collected number and times of collection may be ob tained at the Municipal Offices Strand certified cheoue for of the tender price for one gar must accompany each tea Lowest or arty tender not neo assnrily accepted GROH Clerk I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb 15 at ah For it JOHN 0N At Let Concession North Orllllo Township 1M miles north of No it Highway and it mile west on 5th and on side road Sale of farm stock im plements hey grain straw poultry milking equipment and some household effects Terms cash No rcserva as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb 22 1pm sharp For WILLIAM BELLAMY Lot Concession Nottawa Avenlng School Sale of farm stoclr implements 2000 holes and quantity oi grain CHARLES FOSTER Auctioneer In Lunches Set New Trial TORONTO CF three dayold murder trial will start afresh next week because iuror went home for lunch Wed ncsday onto schoolteacher John Gan hella and his wife Mary charged with capital murder of taxldriver was discharged when juror Hebert Jardine tele phoned his wife when he learned her father had died Jardlns said policeman let him call his wife and that he went home during lunch hour new Jury will be picked Mon ay with slaying Michael Wurtz who was stabbed and beaten in their apartment Sept 10 GENEVA AP Switzerland has sharply rejected the Soviet Unions complaints about Swiss security in the case of Rus sian disarmament delegaies de fection to the United States Itene Helg president of the Geneva Cantonsl tstotei gov ernment Wednesday calledthe Russian charges unfounded unjust and unfriendly He said the Russians refused to copper ate with Swiss authorities and even hindered the Swissypollce investigation Semyon Isaraplrln chief Soviet delegate to the interna tional disarmament conference accused Western agents ofer vocative activity In the delete tion of Yuri Noseeolro He has been identified by US officials as an officer of the So viet KGB security agency In no statement to reportch Tsaraplrin accuses wlizerland of failing toipro security for delega andde manded the Swiss get echo hack ISSUES PROTEST Summoning Soviet mbassa on Alexander Loch airov to his office in Bern For ign Min fsierhiadrlchWahl handed to To permitiho Corporhiion of theCltyot Barrie ot ntrrtntseVeouefofthe Co ation rants in the 1m inclusiveof $400000 anrdirmally for its BulliiingFliod for the the City of Barrie to the Barr erection of DATED at Burietbe eui aids as Jean boys 37 SEAGRAM AND ROWE ilsaiers and Solicitors Sire saga Township ls mile east of ll Ihe allmaie fury trying Tor The Garbellas are chained Monday the II as use aluminum The March of Dimes mono sored by the Cu 40 Club rattled $5400 The club with to thank the canvaum who so wortedoothiacoil are moon aocsrr intermediates won the first game of the playoffs at Alliston on Sunday against Egbert it pm Strand va El Ooogratulatioaa to Mrs Vera Bail who won an silcrpenu trip for two to has Vegas Vera won this on the Take Chance program on TV Sorry to report Jack Ibomp son Sunday mnmlog suffered slight stroke He will be bar pitallaed for some weeks Attic Brian ady son of so and is Bill duty who ha focal operation last week had to return to hospital but is recoveng nicely now and is returning home Glad to report Mrs Earl Pur vis and Mrs Elli Hughes home from hnspilai Alec Black is un der the doctors care TUCERE Oveerdlll tables 0d euchra were May hired Communty Hail Monday night Winners were Mrs Martin Shirley McNabh and Hildl McNabb Archie hIcNabb Harold Ayerat and Hartley Allen Mr and Mrs Hamid Robertson served the lunch Mrs Kimberley and her sister Mrs Stella Stansbury of Toronto left by plane Sunday morning to spend three weeks in Fort Lauderdsle Florida Mr and Mrs Roy Coodfaiiow eat few visit in lipamlhon last with SlillNlY BIIY By MRS WORTLEY MCongratulationsr to Mr and re am or on the birth of twrllry roulstv shen Bay public school piis bed their anhualahatldlg party in Guthrie Arena last Wednesday and report good me Last Wednesdays winners at the euchre held in the commun ity hell were Mrs Simpson Mrs My Mrs Sim son Mrs Peterson Don Jack McGonlal Mumps and measles are still keeping several aliay from school Mrs John Campbell Ann vitle Farm is patient In Royal Victoria Hospital Fishing is very poor this win icr not like the old days when so to 00 fish day was good days fishing Several adults and students attended The Toronto Symphony Orchestra concert in Barrie Central Collegiate last Wednes ay Visitors now in Florida are Mr and Mrs Ralph Hieirllng Mr and Mrs Earl Leigh and Mr and Mrs Huston Sympaihy from the commun lty goes to Mrs Sam Terry In the passing of her sister Mrs Briton Oshawa Mr and Mrs Moreen and fa rolls are now settled in No Brooks cottage fire two week ago gutted the inside of their Dmfl The annual St Thomas church Vestry meeting was held in the church Jan 29 Rev Swiss Deny Saviet Claim the Russians stiff protest against haraplsina remarks At press conference in Geneva Helg said Tsaraphin waited to hours before infom ing Swiss police of Nossenlg disappearance Heig declared the Russians declined to give swiss police photograph of Noseenlro his birth dateor particulars of his background and refused to al low inspection of his belongings or permit questioning of other tion inquire about Nnasenko they found Hussian security agents had been there before conduct ing their own investigation Helg said not surprising that your inquiries leddto no positive result Helg 55 swiss police sald Noaaeulro nlipped into neighboring France Feb4 There is rï¬indlcation Of his prescni reabouls statedepartr mentannounced had asked for political asylum in the United States Western olilclals Iregard tho West some importantcide Soviet disarmament tlc meeting at members of the Soviet deiega Wherever Swisspolice went to fathers circumstances it is fo cfcdioneed iserious moan rsssment to the Russians nd say Nossenlro may give the edneeday Mrs Paul If who has had cut WP perform In England has offer at her assistance Moot Elga Ws UTOPlii Irsmsssuausa Mrs Alex Denney Thornton spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs John Ellis Mr and Mrs George inrvlaP04 an Ste ear and family oiaarria tad at Bruce Millers on timely Vlaltorg last week at Exella were Mr and Hrs William Exeil Mr and Mrs Harry 2er and tamfiy and Miss Yvonne Patterns of Harrie Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong Cheryl and Jamie and Jobnstone of Carley and Mr and Mrs William Denney of Allandale andMr and Mrs John Muir and girls of Angus Tom and dim Eseil attended the Orfeda show in Toronto Mraod Mrs lom mu ir and family spent the weekend to Brighton Mrs Arthur Dobson visited Mrs Thompson in Stayner last week aosuvhrs MM DOUGLAS GIFFEN Bert Maw attended an exe cutive meeting of Five Oaks baymens conference at Flesh erlon The elders of Edenvais Uni ted Church and their wives vial ted Mr and Mrs launder sun day evening Russel Bcrt and Fred Maw attended the bog producers Guthrie Mr and Mrs Gordon Gifted Elmvalo vuitchSunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Gillan Mr and Mrs Russel Mew visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dori Jacobs Ehnvale The February meeting of the Edenvale How was boldat the home ofers Bert Maw The president Mrs Ernest Dickilh son presided The scripture was read by Mrs Graydon Glffcn The roll call averaa of scrip ture containing theword law was answered by in members and two visitors Guest speak or was Mrs Presser of Slayner She was thanked by MrsGor don Giffen Lunch was served by Mrs Russel Mow Death Claims Jump In 1963 Firm Reports memo CPI Contlnenu ial Life Insurance Co of Tor onto Wednesday hecame the second life insurance firm within twoweeks to report iumpin $33 value of deathclalms in Continent president Her bert Filling said In his annual report that the company paid ability benefits last year388 per centmore than in 1962 The Jump was mystery to management he said Earlier imperial Life Assur ance Co of Canada reported on unexplained se of 19 per cent in its mortali claims last year New business writtenvby Con tinental in ms toialiedfliiMw sea compared with Locumlo sous not enough to account for the increase in death claims Mr Filling sold soul or van Man Ieparaie achool child ren who have been truant since Nov to in the Metropol itan Winnipeg city Wednes dli Played happily during re been in the yard of Sta Emile sctzool on their first day had any reappmvrflflwi 94 ï¬mlfllrjvrr at clause The childrens par ents withdrew them In pro test of assessment of to month school hiss fee for each child ICP ercpbotoi Pupils Back To School After 3Month Protest WINNIPEG CPI After Circemonth absence 21 Roman Catholic childrenwere returned to school here Wednesday under circumstrocu provoking flurry of new controversy The parents sent their chlis dren back to Ste Emile paro chlal school in neighboring St Vital on public school our one of the psroita Mrs Wil liam Schick said they obtained free student passesfor the bus from the St Vital school board in return the parents agreed to register at Lavaiieo public school near St Emile it need be lira Schick said She and group of other ar ents withdrew their chll from Ste Emile Nov if to pro test $amonth bus transpor tation fee imposed by the St Vital public school board Up to that point the children had been riding the bus free the same as the public school children Victor Wyatt Si Vital schoola superintendent confirmed he is shed the bus passes because the parents gave evidence of in Sepeylc Mere Aid For Retarded Alliston and District Associa tion for Mentally Retarded Cbil dren held social evening evening Thursday Feb at the Library Hail The purposes of this gettogether was to se claiiy introduce parents of children afflicted by this condi tion and to Inform the pubic of various benefits available from the association This was shly done by the education chair man John Brennan and by the mayor of Alliston John Darling who ll also the vicepresident of the association Following discussion on the problems of the mentally retarded an en oouraglng progress report on each child attending the school regulsrly was given by their teacher MrsIreland who is very optimistic for the future Mrs irciand who has taken specie teaching course in Tomato has six children from five toll years of agefrom the Alliston nreaMrs Ireland was commended by the execu tiva and the parents fora warmhesrted and efficient per Preceding the entertainment specialfinancial discussion was held It was reported that in spite of the provincial gov eroment grant of yearly per child and not withstanding the many generous donntlons from social clubs of the area money available for continua tion and success of this project will be insiufioient flhis year the class is being conducted In the basement of Knox Presby terian Ch ch on rentfree flilision glibrticultural Group Appoints iterative For Year Alllrton and District Horticul tural Society held its first tutti tug of the year It the Library Hailihur evening and 37 of the 7p rowers present prcsld ilce presidents Mrs Margaret Latimcr Clarence Leachritec rotarytreasurer sHGrny differentcities social eve nings surprise potluck suppers and guest spea kers for the usual monthly meet ings andamongthcrnwlli be Mr Cullen Dr lves of Stayner Mrs Gablo Barrie and Mr shley Toronto Mr Goutlayf presented th directorsone year term Merrett Mrr it Pattoners Roll Mrs CMlller Mra Whiialde formance of becard our dutv out $1101056 in death and dis swap night tent to transfer from the church school to Iavailee The parents had transfer slips issued by Ste Emile parochial school Fred Groves Progressle Conservative member of the provincial legislature for St inf termed the parents the lowest form of deceit He claimed they hoodwinhad the school board by prondsing nigh relglster at lavallce public on basis new locale for next ierrn will have to be rented adding to expenses It is felt by the committee that unless there is greater response to vari ous iundraising activities the foundation could be obliged to curtail some of bandits singsong was conducted by John Drennan with Wilson Ab ernathy as accompanist on the piano Charade directed by Dr Burgess with Mrs lrelsnd and Mrs True of the Health Unit conducting each team ware enjoyed delicious lunch was served by members of the Womens Institute For anyone who wishes to help the association Mrs Florence Ridges of Evans ltoadI phone 4357101 has on hand abooltlet containing list of wellknown products used In every house hold labeis and seals from these products can be exchanged by the Association for equipment needed for the school the available tittH iiicu SAW iiitliifiliiiiiitl Fortheflrsttime noon have aoowortuherd working McCuiioch chain savriorenl 1512995 Own the sol MAC v15 wapaolel frr nciel IY rangementecan be mode you Your local McCullochdcaisrwillgiva IIaround use Safe eutoniatin latch eTekesbarsupto eWeighs