pilJynflmrrgmï¬vu awn varw et ts Ontario et ir to memm mixed comment ltom Betrte ae aidmts oltiaeolwere split on the potentials oi whether the $3in MichaelaMgrde tied Some iett are too high now others said the in creased costs made these to tillel Wililfli my taxed too heavily right now and this is not the answer tor balanced budget Pointing to Alberta which has had $30 million surplus liar Ktnrie advocated the pay youre vim itlnaic isomer ni Barrio ieit the people meat Our 100th Year This newspaper will celebrate its Centennial in rest We will con tinuo to intorm our readers and grow with Barrie and District my Mr Kiosk FOB IUIIDING rues should have hem ro duoed and ovargovernmmt re amlnlned that the tea collected true is used to pay tor maintaining better roads But in actual practice he said Etha bulk oi the modern going or other purposes ban cause oi gross overgovern toora Your No 37 iHome Books Viet Nam Differs On Cuba WASlilliGmN iCP Brits ish Prime Minister Sir Alec Dougiaaaiiomo has swung his support behind United States iiitary action in South Vict am but has split with Presi dent Johnston on how to handle Castroism in Cubs Returning their tormai talks hich are to no completed to ay the two ieadora are ex ted to return to the Cuban asua as Johnson seeks to pen ausde Sir Alec to restrict long ï¬rm credits to the Communist oc not British oiiiclai made clear Britain will not how to any American demands tor trade restraints He said Sir Alecs view is that Britain shouid he tree to trade with all Communist countries without discrimination providing no strategic goods are involved Britain argues the olticiai said that it is no more repre hensible ior Britain to sell buses to Cuba than it is tor the United States to sell wheat to Russia Cuba is negotiating to huytoit British huseawith an option to obtain another i000 inter As for the US opposition to the provision at longterm credit to Communist countries Brill am so iar has limited these terms to live years but lepre pared to grant longer terms eo peciaily on oapilolproiecu it the Communists so desire the oiiiciai added As the talks between the two leaders continue it becomes strongly evident that while Sir Alec seeks close accord with Johnson on general EastWest strategy he intends to pursue an independent economic course wherevnr Britains trade trin volved the oiticiai gave special cm phasia however to thelact that Britain will not support the pros portal by French President do Gauiie that Southeast data be neutralized He said Britain is iuiiy behind the 03 military eitort against the Red threat in South illet Nam while do Gauiloa idea might be worth considering in the long run it hadno value tor the immediate iuturc and in the long run we may all be dead he added in Parliament Firsilor Troops otrawlttcrz urnsï¬t would be consul ad in ahydecl sion to send Canadian troops to serve In an international peace lteeplng iorce in Cyprus Prime Minister Pearson said today Poriiament would certainly be consulted about govern ment decision of that Hod Mr Pearson toirireporters as he entered cabinet meeting He saidthe meeting would go through the details of the speech from the thronethe document to be read at next luesdays opening of the new parliamen tary session outlining the gov emmentaiegiaiatlve program it was unlikely there would be any announcements ioilowing todays meeting delimiterS minaeasenhiohsmttbe mmoompiete Second Nazi Hangs Sell Before Trial ReuterslDr Werner Heyde chief accused in thaiorihcopr 13 gm of Nazisindidednn argés oioarrying outvfliticrs euthanasia mercy killing pro gram hanged himseil in his prison call today with his tronW sera belt Heyde was the second oi the tour accused to die within two days Thotrial was due to be gin next itiesday in Limhurg near here Friedrich lilimann 60 ior mer director oi the Cologne or phanage and director in the Nazi euthanaaincenhai oiiice in Berlin during the war foil to his death Wednesday in Co idogne trorn an eightstorey win ow Ewald Peters is West Ger man police otiicial and body Kuardto Chancellor Ludwig Er ceil Feb alter being arrested in connection with his wartime activities Heydo was charged with aid log inthe killing of rnnre than 100000 mentally ill persons and concentration camp prisoners laMatshltemarlrs Unwananied BRANTFORDCP The chairman oi the Ontario Fina Cured Tobacco Growers Mar acting Board said Wednesday that remarks by Health Minle ter LaMatsh about smoking are ridiculousand unwarranted At one time respected the opinions of theehealth minis ter said George Derneyere Now believe she has let commonringleand reasonable approach as she eon mpaign against lightingibrolre out today intha southern portpot Limsasoi and casualties mnong lurltiathype riots war epnrtind waning Err harranged persons have been killed and 100 We utmommfl flghtin at Li H05 FRANKFURT Weathermen hard hanged himself lna Jail mdusteJotthetthopreaeot rotiotsonstedanoiodsttoeach Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday February is 1964 Jack Ruby wearing glasses ia tinnised by his attorneys Joe lonhhill tell and jldeivin Beiii righlas they an swered questiotishy newsman aoar notation ANOTHER Dill isolate the start otthe third day at Rubyaehange oi ven ue hearing in Dallas Ruby is charged with killing DES Harvey Oswald suspected aw post seasin of theiate USPresl university graduate inn mods stress is placed on the prutlge ota university dense heulti on Pichituatd new on OPPOSITIONR nnru dent John Kennedy Ruby commented on number oi letters he hadreceived and also rmd the translation at eard ham couple in SCHOOL it Hectares does not said No always issue with the large iimt believer in all amount delegated to education critic and trained people coats Out oi the tax dollar iooklitcrthlnga roe cents gnu to education More and more will Peo can Egg creases 1Ioesptwhatgocs nu ooniltiutoo in peopiatodotheabsoiute Local Weather toider tonight Sunny Friday cioudlogover later Low tonight 30 Hiya Nday For lull mammary turnto page two El 59 Our principal duty is to at out and vote and elect the most cigarette tax1aa anticipated some quarters He announced Fianoe AP Wirephotoi chieisieurce ioauavarme Soviet Union proposgdtoday that alinationa agree on shoultaoeons slash sol 1n the 17 nalion oonierence lie rejected to Fr 1posai ior establishment ot coniere hconunliltee consider agreement tor mnitaneous and equal cuts in military hudgets asuhcommitJ tee would onlyba an steals lsa Brazilian delegate Josue de iCastro had proposed that the unodntidilthe reduction should BOSECyprus Heavy Limaasoi whethe scene oi hits ter lighting Wednesday which iinredenewl today lt was the highos ualty toll on the strife tomisand alircepre Christin lighting ciatmedtbelives oi between coo military sources said be d1 saed in the sobcornm tea but that 20 per cent at the money saved should go to help underdeveloped nations otn Ameiican spokesman ex some reservations about both proposals but stressed that the US delegation ve them tcaretnl hi nectaaaiy to ï¬nd somarneans rmln log what constitutes military budget tth spokesman said Not Main Theme Per Copy22Pspu Govi Romances increase 0i va Cents in GasTait TORONN iCPtiho Ontario government ed gasoline taxes two cents gallon today iuliiliing in part what it said was an urgent need tor more money iha mention Will TreasurerAilan that also raised hospital insuranct premiums more then so per cent etiective July the increase will be $230 month iora familyI making the new premium case For sin gle person hospital inshrance will cost 5325 an increase oi 115 Eiiective at will am today the gasoline to went up to 15 cents gallon iromtitthe lig era that had existed since 1057 Dicsel fuel tax was raised two cents to tillscents gallon Mr Allans budget calling ior gloss capsnditures at St 304000000dur gtheilscal year starting April 1l ieit Ontarios threepezceot sales tax un changed Nor did thotreasurer levy iew minortax changesone at them the removal oi annuse ment tax on admission tickets coating 15 centsorless Miv Allan said the provinces program for 1M9clearly discloses that increased raven net are urgentlyneedad fine existingtax structure simply could not provide enough money Even so he did not wish to mate major tax changes before receiving the reportroi the On tario committed on taxation ex pected by the tall the treasurer said the tax changes would Imeire no greater demand upon Ontarios economy and people them is necessary tomaintaln the iinan his strength the province in the iaca sing provincial ex penditure overail spending this wouid vb $95 ih lho add JAMESALLAN pitai insurance plan will be widened to include radiotherapy for cancer treatment physio therapy occupational therapy and speech therapy when prey crihed hy hysicion tuel taxes will provide the government wrth an extra $30000000 in 19 85 bringing the total income lrorn this tax source to $18000000 the prdvincosiargest single tax bile flbe budget address snld changes would he msdein the Corporation TaxvAct to aiiow manufacturing and processing companiesgreater rates at de predation1 their Canadian ownersh compliance withtho iederai Ina come tax act Mr Aiiantoidrrporters this cduid cost the pro ghly $2000000 year gain about $700000iithls year and $14000000 in succeeding years byteising over parrot successianrduly given up by the iederal gover rThisionild