vflrrPWI spur vberwVM an more mums maintires itiau Til NOTES any Muymwflwqw hates the Adopted ForCommunityRink ny ILGS lnnislii Council met with he Community Rink Committee headed by Stewart Fisher to settle certain regulations tor tiligkoperatlon ot the new Stroud The committee wanted to ob tain authorization to add two lights which would be included in the village street lighting and controlled by the same switch This would mean that not only would the parking tot he lighted around the rink but also the patch leading lrom the Community Hall to the new structure Rates adopted tor the use at the rink were per hour tor skating hroombatl and hockey too tor whole evening schools irom to pm Saturday morning boys i150 per searan ticket Harold Robertson recom mended that these rates be adopted With the season so tar advanced the boys are playing two games week instead ot onc The caretaker is to receive 550 weekly to make the ice ready and took alter the booth Sunday pleasure skating came in tor long discussion Mixed teclings were expressed though oh charge would be made Mr Robertson stated that the site oi the new rink had been mov ed back mm the line so as to be away from the Presbyterian Church Deputy Reeve Camp bell expressed the opinion that it would not be right to have skating while service were go lng on it the skating time was in the evening the United Church service might be interfered with Clcrk Groh was instruc ted to obtain legal advice on the matter as to whether Sun day skating could be allowed rimso cnmcrzcn Somememhers ot the Com mitten expressed dissatisfaction with the ttnlshed lob tell by the contractor Hugh Jackson said that some art oi the final pay ment short be withheld until the matter is adjusted The lumncn cost was M30 tsnu amwn told council that arrangements had been made tor the handling ot phone calls of the lbwnshlp Police Owing to the time taken with the Risk Committee this matter was tett over and inlonnatloo is to be released to the public ll soon as possible DEVELOPMENT ROAD motion by Deputy Reeve Cam bell to ask the Department at hwaya to reconsider the accordance ot to aideroad 0t tn nlstil as development road was passed The Department had preterred aideroad as first development to meet with chst Gwililmburys road in the south The tnnistll school patrols are arranging toboggan party tor the evening at Feb 27 They will spend the ï¬rst part at the evening on the slopes on the lith line returning to the com munity hall for refreshments and entertainment provided by member ot the thansport De partment Satcty branch It mem ber ot the Ontario Motor League will present membership cards and pins to patrol members Bob Thompson the otticer in charge at the township saieiy patrols in eodeavorlng to or range special tour tor tow members selected tor their out standing achievements and man ners They would attend the Na tional Sniety Patrol Jamboree in Ottawa to May The lucky members will be selectedby teachers and will be given points by the judges The number of those going will be limited by units available Find Deadgttlan In Snow Bank KAPUSRASING out it Joseph Lon Ward it at nearby Fauquiar wu tound dead now bank may by search party alter his brother crawled three miles to gethetp Manuel Ward as was taken to Smooth Rock hospital tor treatment ot exposure malnw tritloo and treat bite Manuel told ProtnrJat Po lice he and his brother set out on snowshoes Feb trom Gre goire Mills small commu nity miles east of hero on trapping expedition When they were unable to find abandoned logging camps nine miles south at their home tllsey slept in the open beside re They both became in Sundry and Manuel rat out tor help in Gregoire Mills Ha crawled three mllea to the shack lrom when they started their tour ney he sold From there he crawled 1000 yards across Highway to general store htesday from where police were called Get Years For Car Theft warray Ont GP No Toronto youths who were to stolen car which plunged over throat bank during matte anhour police chase at nearby Pickering were sentenced Tues day to three years in peniteo tiary Michael Mcltae 11 and Man rice George Lusster 10 were given concunent terms on charges at being in possession ot stolen car and burglar tools and ot breaking into got clubs and stealing three type writers on adding machine nail cart and gait clubs Donald Michael Hoitman 10 at Toronto third occupant oi the car was remanded to Feb tailor sentence on charges oi being in possession at stolen car and breaking into the club house touth rider in the car Nor man Lavolec 19 at Toronto is still in hospital Brain Storml Brewing British Technology DDNDON CF The big brainstorm new building up in Britain shows how the scien titlc ago tends to separate the men hoist the boys Basically it comes down to matter at size to the modern world rcienoe and technology torn new dimenlonio which the big battalions possess trio mendous builtin advantage Only superpowers such as the United States and the Soviet Un too can afford the huge sums needed for researchand re search in the cmelai factor Britains whiteamonked work ers have an outstanding reputa tion For years they have com plained about science on shoe stringabout low salaries luck at status poor facilities They made many discoveries other countries did the developing Hence the brain draintha galloping Exodus of Britains men ol science to the lusher laboratories of the US This Week the latest halladozen Britons announced they are crogiog the Atlantic touching oil bot debate The situation has political im pact The opposition Labor party making modernization its motif for the election ex pected in June is taking dead aim at the youngproiessionot classes lho Conservativerccord is not easy to defend The topic ot emigrating scientists was raised in Whitehall by Commonwealth correspondents as long ago as 1057 government spokesmen acknowledged the problem but said the allocation oi available resources was all matter at priorities lo society bled by war claims accumulated tor new highways hospitals and educa tion The theme song at succes sive chancellors ol the excha quer was that Britain was simply trying to do too much with too little Continental countries are probably not much better oil than Britain Western Germany devotes more money to scienti lir education than Britain and France has an edge in some departments but all are made to look puny by the US and the Soviet Union Sun Lite Reports Per Cent Increase Sets New Record Sales by Sun Life Assurance Company oi Canada in 1861 were live per cent more than in 1062 and reached an alltime record tor Canadian lite company at 31103000000 Tom Anderson Sun Litemanager in Barrie an nounced toilowing the com panys annual meeting Sun Lite scored new records in all phases ot its operation and anoouocedthat dividend scales to policyholders will be increased in 1064 tor the 15th consecutive year Sales at individual tile insur ance in 1903 were up 111 per cent at $8497 million and group insurance sales were tons rrdl ion Total Sun Life insurance in toree at year end was $11 512000000 Annuities were the equivalent ot an additional 5270600000ti oi lite insurance During the year the company paid $217000000 to poiicyhold era beneï¬ciaries and annuitonis eight per cent more than in 1902 Dividends bohe paid in 1904 at $51000000 will be nine per cent ahead oi last year Sun Lite assets increased $115W0000 in 1963 to 32693300 000 Total income for the ye was stasoooooo At the companys annual meet log in Montreal President Alien tait Campbell spoke on the social and economicrole of tile insurance companies which he said by providing both the incentive and the means tor amily protection throughpu sooal initiative have helped pro vide the vast sums necessary for investrneot in the many fields of humanyendeavor souoll sonousrrr Porittiiiouns GOLDENDEW Statotugwwom Rib INT PRIME RIB CROSS CUT BONELESS RUMP sarimu econornv mu smotorsttonrns to or oven ROUND STEAK non to READY TO EAT CLUB STYLE HAMS ma LOIN PORKHOPS or BYTHEPIECE END CUTS PEAMEALED BACON star are uvsn PORK gswccr wxro TOMATO JUICE Ltaavscootcso HYATT rots VAN CAMP iii LIVER 69° 15 476 GOLDEN VALLEY suceo BACON nanometersl BEEF 550 CUT AND WRAPPED NO EXTRA CHARGE BEEF 39° CUT AND WRAPPED NO EXTRA CHARGE ONTARIO NO TABlE nroas LB PEAMEAbED Ls CENTRE BACK matters PKGE 1502 to oz 5lIN is oz not PRODUCEOFUSA monitor or Mhnsitwmre seebtes llPEFRIIIIT Insomniac 5m inouurnmvtcw CHOICE ms reunions Makerids Decides 0n Peace Farce AWACPtn the tidal nalysll it is up to President star 01 Cyprus what coun ea if aouy wlilparticipate in not peace torcehtor ournkio no