Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1964, p. 6

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ONE OF THE other duties oi the Justice of the Peace is that oi Court Reporter Above Mrs Cola sits with pencil Woman Radiaies Editors Note This is the illat oi series oi articles Dill lining the responsibilities at women on stall at Barrie City Hall The first article out lines the duties Mrs Ellie Cole must pcrlorrnln her oa paclly no Justice oi the Peace Dy EILEEN DIXON One envisions Justice of tha Peace as being an elderly gen tleman with thinning gray hair wearing horn rimmed glasses and residing on the outskirts of the city Perhaps this is because we have been exposed to the Holly wood image of Justice of the Peace who is always being awakened inthe middle oi the night by young couple wishing to get married Mrs Elsie Cole does not iall into any of these categories 0n the contrary she is young has thick shiny black hair and doesnt even wear glasses How ever she does live on the out skirts of the city She and her husband Craydon reside on Rosslyn Road in Orillia where Mr Cole is member of the On lario Provincial Police stationed at Orillia in fact to keep the record straight Mrs Cole was just 22 ANN LANDERS raised ready to take notes The capabla young woman has it years experience as court reporter Examiner Thain amrunsx CELEBRATTON Mr and Mrs Omi Carr idr and Mn ibrraoce Black oi Thomtnn were in Toronto on lbuudoylo celebrate Mr Boakal and birthday and the birthday oi Mr Dookna sister ills Mary Boake lho celebra tion was held at the home oi Mr Boakas sisters Mrs Her bert Wallace and Miss Mary Books NAVY LEAGUE INNER the mount Fa er and Son Banquet sponsored by tbs Na Lcaguo oi Canads Ladlsa Aux iliary is being held this evening at the Allanduia orange llall The Auxiliary chairman Mrs Madigan il convensr oi the av not which commences at 030 pm Guest speakers will be Commander Jellrlea and Com manner Stupart both oi Navy League at unada Headquan tcra Toronto TORONTO GUESTS Mr and Mrs Frank Moran oi Toronto entertained hlr Morans Justice Of Peace Understanding years old when she received her appointment as Justice oi the Peach for the County oi Slmcoc making her the youngest person appointed ior this position in the province of Ontario On August Ti 1958 eight years later Mrs Cole bad the honor of being appointed justice oi the Peace for the province of 0a tario Her career began when she commenced duties as Court Reporter at the Magistrates oi fice in Barrie in September 1950 At that time Mrs Cole was Miss Elsie Switzer daughter oi Mrs William Switzer oi Orillia and the late Mr Swliwr She became the bride oi Gray don Cole at Crown Hill United Church in 1955 and since that time has combined the role of homemaker with her official duties have never found that one interferes with the other said the young woman My husband and iind we have much more in common as far as our work is concerned than most couples Aitcr all our work is very much the same Mr Cole is the son oi Mr and Mrs Harvey Cole of Perry Street in the course of week the Justice of Peace often travels as much it Isnt Immoral Iusi IgnoreGMirs Dear Ann Lenders lm career girl in my into 305 My brother is is and unmarried also He has his own apartment and have mine Several weeks ago we were talking about thcloneiy lives we both lead realized ior the first time that hes as miserable as am it occurred in us that if we pooled our resources and got large apartment in one of the newer buildings we could live together for less than we are spending now and enloy each othere company When told my friends that my apartment wouldsoon be available because my brother and plan to take aplace to gether the eyebrows shot up and the jaws dropped One per son said ii sounds immoral and that should prepare myself for some vicious gossip We think you are level headed What is your opinion 805 Dear 80 Most brothers and sisteragrow up in the same house dont they So why is it immoral it they live together in laterycarsi Youknow some mighty funny people lady After you find youracli now apart meat suggest you find some new friends companions Dear human have hasnwantin to write to you ior long but have been reluctdnt to doso loibepea is candld what is Eflmgimel defeat at please clarify in print the hand ling oi your mailiFalthlnl Fan Dear Faithlnl All letters ad dressed to Ann Ladders are for worded to me every weekun opened Your local newspaper editor understands that the letters written by his subscribers to Ann Landersarc strictly per sonal Anyone who wishes to write to me about an intimate problem may do so secure in the knowledge that his cooll deoca will be respected T00 SMART Dear Ann leader need sympathy so please go easy on me shouldnt have gotten my self into this fix but Im in it now and must have guidance from someone who can third straight entered collage On scholar ship at roaqvu kid type Bet ter should have been wiser in the ways of the world and not so booksmart Today Iarn barely 19 senior ahd three months pregnant The man mm working to put him through school Hevaaya aha la awoadcriul person but plain He lost inter est in her whenhe meime dho knows somcihln orwho My parentslive ina distant home for on ow hefwill lf ivBrain but as 350 to lilo mlles city and woultd die ii thiay knew ariandgctthimver wltb lctly Hcr day begins at am when she leaves her home in Orillia in drivo the 15 miles to horllar rla otilcc oiiicially her morning duties commencn at oclock and her day is lupposed to and at prn however it court is on we lust carry on until we are finished sbe commented Sometimes it is oclock heiora arrivs horns at night ASSUMES AUTHORITY When travelling to out of town courts her day naturally begins much earlier to allow ior travel ling time She frequently pre aides in Magistrates Court in in the absence oi the magis irate and adds Wasago Beach Court to her jurisdictiondurlng the summer months Coiling wood was iormuly in this Juris diction but hasnt been lines 1957 While acting in the absence oi the Magistrate Mrs Cole is rcierrcd to as Your Worship although she confided that this does not carry through to her personal life at home responsible for hearing and dis posing ot cases involving by laws Highway Traffic Act Liqv uor Control Act etc other duties as Justice of the Peace consist of Laying charges Sending out summons Swearing to aiiidnvits Releasing persons on ball lssuln search warrants etc Along wrth these duties as Justice of the Peace Mrs Colo is Court Reporter taking evi dence of cases in court and transcrhng same when neces sary She is in court as court re porler at least three times Alter court Mrs Cole does her transcripts which oiten involve hourr and hours oi typing anvonn CALL or nurv into her already packed agenda the active womanfinda time to take an active art as member or the Lily or valley Chapter in Orillia She was lor merly with the llsyvicw Chapter of the Order ottha Eastern Star here Sbehfullllla her duties as diea Auxih Lioua Clubwith the same dedi cglon as she applies to any she nccepts Mr and Mrs Cola are moms bars of the St Pauls United Church in Orillia in her spare time whicli she readily admits sbe doesnt have much of those days Mrs Cole enjoys music and reading How ever she added find my work so stimulating radiates eating that all thatlmdand cl fort apenth very satisfyinglfi in her iiifieats experience in this llald efficient woman has learned thailt helps to have consent humor Bolkooililry so Barrie Alliston and liradiord Acting as Magistrate she is warrants to arrest week in Barrie and other areas second vicepresident of the La aryto the Orillia since her work deals mainly with people it is going on but she doesnt know what oraa oi Maids Avenue during the weekend other roam in cludod Mr and Mrs Doug Bub ty oi Blnllngtonj 31 MARYS CW1 Harris in or Stanley iotockl will be lucstapcak at the regular meeting olt Marys Catholic Womens Lea gue tomorrow evening The speaker topic will deal with tho drawing in and misconception of Willa meeting will oom Vy room at oclock in St Jo sephs Auditorium HONDA AND NASSAU Mr and Mrs Charles Gril iln and daughter Mavis have returned to their home on Hole gate street Barrie from win ter vacation in the South They two weeks at Miami then took cruise ship ior several days at Nassau in the Bahamas While in Nassau Mr Griiiin attended luncheon meeting of the Kl wanla Club at Nassau at the Nassau Beach Hotel Klwanian Griiiin also attended two dinner meetings of Kiwanis Clubs in Miami and Miami Beach there by bringing hams perfect atten dance to tho liarrla club CAC Names New Director The Consumera Association oi Canada Board oi Directors on nounces the polnimeni of Miss Shirley Mann ng as Director of Testing and Editor oi Canadian nsumer Miss Manning Canadian by birth and education hails from the Consumers Association at the United Klgdorn where she has been Deputy Editor oi Whichi Miss Manning was one oi the first staff members oi the UK Coniumers Associae lion and ior the past six years as shared in the successful dlrv action and work of that Associa tion which has resulted in nearly half million consumeraln the UK subscribing to whlchi graduate of theUnlvmlty ol British Columbia wllh exper ience in consumer and business lields Miss Manning brings to CAC unusual oualiilcations to help us curry on and expand our work for Canadian consum ers We welcome her back to Canada and look forward to appy and succesriul association together Miss Manning has already as sumad her duties with CAC and will edit the May issue at Ciao adlan Consumer Toners RECIPE MELFAI DESERT Llnean pan with whole Graham Wafers Make up avanllla custard powder or Jellorpuddlngi tol lowlng directions on package but only using 1th cups milk Cool and spread on Graham aierr Whip package Dream Whip or use whipping crenmi until stiff SpreadVover custard and cover with more Graham Waiers Cover with thiolayer oilc ing made with icing sugar and water flavoured with vanilla Melt square semisweet choc olate and dribble over the icing Leave few hours or over night in the refrigerator RCAF we damp Burden llAM soar Eggs beaten ll Cup Milk Cup Eran flakes dry mustard lisp worcestera Io lcups gray ham slicesplnebpple Milnaessa lmllk analogs Mix than more Gorddn Lloster beenofiy guida through it an and uniunben in motored to Florida and spent arrival ca helium if new not this but an inrtboomiag should ra so well lookedliter she said with mile if lost outolthacarandlnsldaoowc dont led the to Lady Donniiuii arrled as euro in fGautla Alec induce Tho cou pls bars iour children three daughters and non Asked whether the family minded losing their title when Sir Alec gave his up to run ior Parliament abs replied that two oi the girls did mind and one didnt Members of Trinity Anglican Church Guild will attend corpor ate communion service tomor row morning to celebrate the beginning at the lesion Season The decision was announced at the February meeting of the Guild held at Trinity Pariah Hail last evening Members decided the theme oi the annual Christmas tea vdll be Santas Village Convener oi the annual event is Mrs John Malcolm with cocooveneerrr John Otloo The banner date has been set ior Nov 25 it was announced at the meet MONTREAL CF Are we taking care oi those allimport ant means oi locomotionour feet Elisabeth Hammond oi tho Canadian Shoe Information Bu reau says many women think nothing or weekly visit to tha hairdresser but that having onea ieet professionally checked irom tithe to time is often considered luxury From the point of view of health she says the last are more important than the weekly hairdo And irom the point of view or lashion especially with this seasons barefoot shoe styles tha weekly homa pedicure should be considered An occa sional proieasional pedicure rs no more luxury than the weeklyhalrdo she said HEALTHY FEET Dr lrviog Kaufman preal dent of theCanadlan Associa tion of Podiatry has tlllsad vice ior keeping leet healthy foot doctor pedicure has THE non annotation Mixed pltineiary influences make this day in which lob interestsshouid advance coo tion murtbe exercised in ilnanf slot matters Donvold extrava gsnce andor speculation excellentrrper in whichto lain favorc from superiors non maamrunavw tomorrow is your birthday you horoscope indicates that as offlast week you entered cycle highly favorable for fur therillg ilnandlai goals This good period will last until the at that groundsop versdelight parking bled no it for quasi ES iree First pedicurlst is not aiderably but where great can ber VJJflsAVIYv Iv vgltmulryfl 331 434 iwutnmvrrrfi no LADIES our rostrum Mrs Lester Pearson ra toad from left wlia oi the Canadian prime minister acts STilE HARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY ll rm Trinity Guild Members To Mark Beginning OiLenten Season ing that the Trinity College Choir ol the University oi Tor onto will sing evening service on March at Trinity Anglican Church The chair is under the direc tion oi Conductor John Sidg wick and is sponsored by the as boalaaa at lmcbeoo given at Ottawa for the who of the British prime minister Lady Douglas Home lalt With than prior to tbs luncheon is him it Butler wilt oi the British foreign secretary lCP Wirepbotol TSO Plays Note Burris woman was illlcd with nostalgia as she watched the performance oi the Thronio Symphony Orchestra at the Con tral Collegiate Auditorium Mrs Leslie Taylor oi Rosa St viewed the periormanca with icarilllcd eyes as Ilia re called mamorias oi bygone days FULL OF MEMORIES Her memories conned around her father the late Peter Sloan Finnay member oi the Toron to Symphony Orchestra ior many years Mrs Taylor was introduced to music while she was very young and oiten attended pen iontrance and practice sections Guild Tickets will be available of tb 150 at no charga ior reserved seats and will be good until our pm altar that the general public will be admitted lucky lunchton will be held in the Trinity Parish Hall on March ll with Mrs Wm acting as coovener place in the life oi the average woman as loaf as the under stands that ped cure is not con fused with doctoring pedicure is to the foot what manicure la in the hand podiatrist is doctor who specializes in diseases dolomi tlcs and defects of the human loot Podiatry or chiropodyns it was formerly called in North in Americapis branch oi medi cine similar to dentistry Dr Katdman said Quebec and the Maritimca are iheoniy two areas ln North America with podla acts protecting the public rvm people calling them selves doctors at podiatry but who fail to meet North Ameli can standards KEY TO HEALTH Dr Kaufman and Mrs llam mond agreed that key to healthy feet is wearing the right shoe for the right occa sion During the work loadi part oi the day shoes should not compress gt nor distort the 00 Heel height should beconslst STARS sat ny cornstarch end of acids andynu censor pool iuriher upswing along these lines in midJIme still an other lasting throughout 0910 NovanberDo be con servo monetary matters during April May and Septem turnover matters arecon corned theperiod between now and late March will be as arousal in monetary ialra with promise of recogn tlon ior past ieiiortsin mid1 Aprilotber opportunities to ad venue in Saptembar and Ne vember BAYSTAIR Enjoy privacy and convenient band and most reasonable rates Tried and proved by many do Our esperi ace and counselling are lha Burris woman recalls Symb stories told by her late father abouthla the Roya Alexandra Theatre opened musicals 0o Tho or The World Mrs Taylor remembers each being thrilled when she was al Foot Care Isnt Luxury It Helps Our Locomotion eat with the laws oi gravity to as not to throw the body out oi plumb Aa ior foot hygiene Dr ltaui manadviaes irenuaat bathing drying wall between the toes and using goodrioot powder Trim the toenails straight acrossnot oval shaped Do not wear short or pointed stock gs Elevate your feet slightly Moth above the hip level for live or 10 minutes once or twice day Cb good exercise Dr Kauirnan said is to wiggle the toes to count oi lda stop and repeat 20 or so times Toss ara made in for dripping balancing and pro pulsioo it they lose their on mal mobility they lose their iunciinn sumo ms Points to remember when buying shoes he said are that the brightat the arch in not necessarily an indication oi the health index oi the loot Somoarches are naiura and some flat feet are nor Shoes ior everyday wear should be bought him into all ernoon and measurements ot the loot should be taken while standing The Lillaét loot should be conuortahly titted Dress shoes should be bought earlier lntha day becaurathey will ill more ugly sivthatperlod And cl waya make aura theraia ample roomiior the toes aulniao tor the average par 11 to go barefoot on car petor lawn for little while dayto gel aw irom hard ilat surfaces rw dormithc ieet Norma Hearing Ald tiny but powerinlvnoan lng device that the co fortsny behind either car With this tiny and rsumrlrw cinch car car churchpierrn rons conv tion at friends and ovad ohesu Television and radio will again beyoura to miuyu Philips New Lila Hear ing Aid could mean an on tlrety new world of pound and instance you can in how conuottahly andinoonapicuously it can be worn TREE Romanticlion North 01 Ohil lion mother at the Central Collegi riormoncs the night when he played in did with 115 Wolf Pack ins good practice said dav From Viewers Past lowed to attend periornunccs at loaws and Sheus when her is ther was member oi the prob than when vaudeville played are MET ARTISTS When Mr linncy became grandiathcr ho oiten tool hir grandchildren to performances and introduced them to visiting artists ills granddaughter Mrs Peter Hellman oi Painswlck ol ien accompanied her grand fatbor on these occasions She was In the audience with her ata Auditorium Mrs Taylor has oiten watch ed Sir Ernest Macliillan in his role as conductor of the Toronto ony Orchestra but this was one oi the law times she ad heard the orchestra periorm under the direction of Walter usrklnd People do change over the ears lira Taylor told her hus and following the perform once and added that she only recognise one woman in the entire orchestra There once was time when aha know almost every member and tho lnatru months played But that was many moons and Mothers Plan RummageSaie Card Party The Februarymeeting oi the Sixth Barrie Can and Scout ers Auxiliary was held last cystic at Central United Valentina theme opened the meeting Mrs Show demon strated the art of cake decorat and showed members how each individual decoration was made Plans were discussed for rummage sale which will be held on April 11 bridge and cbrf1 party will be held oh In recognition or hdr conun button to Sixth Barrie Pack rs Reg Rowe was presented gold compact bearing the crlpiioo The gilt was presented by Mrs Richard chk Campbell president eu PERMAN ENTS By Appointment Only 550 florain mm us in use an Shampoos Dona was soar warns EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE or llaa an Attendale HAIltCUTs $100 Phone 11134571 lunar boon to Causation Three months to pay For Foodonlyor FMIild lireaur Combination Ev cry ltcm conspired Prompt Service cialTrloea jarootuuutcr oi Iain lslod Gainer at Best

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