Hamup 1w EMIMLE Stall Flee TownshipCouoeil to considering byMbmggledméo link Tiny vs row in Township pupil attending wb tic schools in Flor The two schools concerned to flee arc the three roamed Waverley Public School and the one room Seurio Mile Schoolsom located near the Tiny ry The Waveriq school with an enrolment at so although local ed in Flor bu only tI lice pupils enrolled The rest come item the Idiotan townships Tiny Toy and liedonte Eben so under the equalised assess merit Fine Township Fly cent or the operating costs oiuthe Waverley school nos Township clerk Robertson pointed out Titty Township Intends to send the pupils now attending Wav erley school to new school hultr near Wyebrldge The Township pupils going to Sauna school would be traosterred to Vycvalo Public School which now has new two room addition more mlttedtewb ï¬n ti Hoe tor Once approved by both low rhlmthe bylaw would takerei Iect inn race At the February meeting at Flee Townme Council mean benblp tor the township in the Georgian Bey Development Av soclatton was renewed for race However More the oeouury motion was passed there war lengthy discussion on whether or not GBDA membersth was worthwhile or the townsh Accounts passed tor payment totalled an tor roads and $34523 in general accounts Vespra IIpproves Easement Sought for IIEPC Pole Lhre ltIIDHURSI tStaIIt Vespra Township Council dealt with one at two easements sought by the Ontario itydro at its February meeting here Reeve Carmen Downey and Earl Richardson township clerk were authorized to sign an easement covering lo cation at hydro pole line on lot 12 hacesslon This branch line estmdiag from the httdhurst station will go in short Iy The casement not yet dealt with by council is one sought by Ontario Hydro across Lot 21 Concession ll tor hydro line Council applied to the Depart own stories BlLl sprnoyau This quartet oi congress men pose outside Mouse Chnmber after the civil rights bill was approved by 299K student meat ot Highways tor the slot utory grant or work done on township roads in the Grant totals sought are 0000 Ior maintenance and $45000 tor con structtoo and bridges in bylaw passed Murray Coombes Mtdburst was engag ed to continue as assessor tor Vesprs Township The tender at Beaver Lumber Co Ltd or an overhead gar age door tor the township mat chine shed at Midhurst was ac cepted pending approval trorn the one Three leaders were submitted no vote Thorn lcit are Reps Emanuel Geller tDNYl Edwin WillisDLa flowr ard Smith lbVat end Wit item McCulioch Wot Cel Cldah greets Official armvs Greece tart clash between policeaod thou sands of Greek students tryin arch on the Uls and Brit embassies greeted tinder secretary at State Georgeliall on hisCyprus peace mission Monday Demanding union oi Cyprus with Greece the students dem onstrated to underscore their opposition to the tendonWarns ington plantar NATO national opeoce force to police Cyprus Hall was reported tohave run into an unexpected check in to to informed sources said Greece approvedtbepeace torce plan provided it that got approval ot the United Nations Security Conn The Soviet Union whic could veto it in the council Government sources in Nice sia said Cypriot President Arch bishop Malrarios was certain to reiect thetplsn unless the pro pused torcejwas placed under Security Council control Mak iarins was said to have onlerred the Security Council iv Britishforce has been try IiIg to keep the peacelbcmcn Turkish and GreekCyprlots mgngcd in bloody clashes since ldst Dccember The United in Greets approval pposesthe peace torce tiolts London and Washington agreed to some sortoi llnio be tween the United Natlonsflaud the peaceorce huthavc re lured to consider Security Coun cilcootroloiltnu The clash between police and students erupted alter Mayor Angelos Tsoulralas at Athens told rally the Cyprus head should be deoldedby residents at the islendlwhero GreekCyp riots outnumber Turkish Cyp saaritices Ph using loud speakers called on the crowd to disperse damn as tor broke through poiic lib ens elubcwinging police dro them back Authorities said eight students and six policemen were injured but hospitals ed that beds nervous ltaly dartmn coca dating to the lath were discovered ilsthg dral Castel olfrcd leous perished Monday in tire rhich destroyed their farm ou Killed were yanelt Chris one oi the children many persons stationing lrom with advtserson thebest way 11 to bring the Cyprus issue belore not Junel ingl month that anemone vornoro souls to collision This is the destroyerVoy agar at tho Australian navy which sank tollnwlng colli stop with the navys flagship the atrcratt cantor Melbourne nboutbttrnttesotl Jervis Boy The navy said last night that ttta crewman were missing The 2800 ton Voyager was launched in May less tAP dtiirfphoto by cable irons ion Alliston PUCl Ponders Subdivision Policy ALLISTON tStalil poIIcyi decision on supplying hydro to Alllstoo subdivisions and de cision on buying anew truck were deterred by Alliston Pub Ilc Utilities Commission its February meeting In the PUG btlllding here Monday night ler and McOulIoch led the light for the measure white Willis and Smith voted against the bill The bill nowgoes to the SenatetAP Wirephoto Three Pariah Infarct Fire CplThree ot the four chil dren at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Por in Ramsay Township eamrles west at this Ottawa area town Line and Morgan The dearth orteous child Donald dot when tbelire broke The mother Donaldn Postcotts 23 had stepped out of the twoalhrey legend from home to intro outthe1gsrbage cryvftire The three children had been in the downstairs living room watching televis Mrs Ported said she was met by nWnII oil In she opened the She couldnet yearold husband was at work also tobit wholuete in CarletonPlaee Authorities said exact cause at the tire was unknovm but that it appeared to have started the living room urner to operating The tent in the district was have her AUGUST BRIDEB WlNNlPECl Cifl 7Augusi maetmerry ltltanitoba Itlst year Provincial statistics show meets should be in belore the Until the 1m ï¬nancial state meat to received from the audi tore the WC cant make policy decisions on 1964 spending Mayor John Darling and Corn missloner Lotlmer piont ed out The financial state March meeting secretary Mia Tens Melissa predicted PUC manager ttobbtos sought PUC directions on root erectionot hydro lines in sub divisions Under the present policy the town provides this service through the PUC when and where it is nceded within the town limits While agreeing with Mr Latin later that this policy encourages increased hydro use and aids the subdividere development plans Mr Robbins pointed out it costs the PUC considerable expense As it is now according to the existing agreement the PUG will have to extend pole line along an easement running lrorn Church Street to the extreme Iar corner at the Hutchinson Spurr aubdlylsion to connect two houses being erected there li subdivider hes row of vacant lots and some at the for end are developed lirst then the PUC has to run pole line past vacant lots to reach the new consumers The interven ing vacant lots may stay that lcr years Mr Robbins TheVPUC should decide now whether it can allord to main tain this policy in new sub divisions not yet openedtor ric veiopmeot Mr Robbins lie warned oi comp the problem were let summer should the PUC ignore it now The basic tiling to to co cnuragd orderly development Mayor Darlingconunented By exerting cnohcls on subdivisions to ensure sectional rather than piecemeal growth the munici pality gains In more ways than PUC econonuea alone he said NEED CONTROL Municipal taxes will keep climbing until we control rust deotial growth and bold tt down in proportion to commercial and industrial expanded Mr Dar ling commcnted Otherwlae well keep runninginto school problems Actionon getting new tmclr was deferred lrom the Novem her meeting last year chairman Emle Howe explained He sold the 196s cormnlsslon de clined to authorize the truck purchase so close to the end at theyear since some commis sion members were near the end oi their terms That Inyearold truck ls costing us lot of money Mr llawes reminded the comic sioners All electric consumers on dual meters lrom now on will pay one cent per kilowatt hour the same rate as allelectric con sumers on one meter have been paying the PUC decided last night in allelectric homes the PUC will supply the meter socket base in the tutors Wherever feasible this will be located out side the house This is achrom ovcr from the cumbersome Type base which allelec tric consumers formerly had to pay to have installed Halt RebelpFire In Iraq Tr BAGHDAD iraq tttcutersl Baghdad radio announced Mon day that lighting between Kur dish rebel tribesroen and lraqi Armylorccs in northern Iraq has beenordered halted BrigGeo Abdul Karim Far han theirant national guidance ntinlster said in surprise broadcast that the Kurdish leader Mustapha el Barzanl had called on the Kurds to lay down their arms Farhan said the Iraq govern ment would recognize the na lional rightsoi the Kurds He said all Kurdish prisoners would be released and that the cur rent economicblockade oi Kurv distanwouldbe titted It was not immediately clear whether the lannouncement meant the Kurds had won their centuriesotd demand Kur dishnutooomy Baghdadlrndio broadcast in Arabic andKurdlsh heard in Beirut Lebanon quoted El Ban sent or calling on his tattooere listen ibe War to stop shooting and return to their dwellings By doing this there wall be room to take steps which writ ensure the ration of things to normal as well as security and stability There will also be prospects tor achieving the na tional rights oi the Kurds El Barrani said Baghdad radio said Ira President Abdel Salem Ar would respect the rights ot the Kurds and that be hadlssued pardon to allrebels in June last year iotlowrng the revolt which brought Artie to power the lraql government issued aZthour ultimaturnto the Kurds to lay down their armsTheturds ignoredit in December itwaa reported that Baghdad was holding negolt tiationswitir Barranl gt some érvAppolnimattl to the Utopia Community Centre tor it wereI toyed Em Thornspr mo at Its meeting here Feb have named were Gilbert Lithium Maurice lttilier Arolll Muir My Bill Trans and Andy LatratosI tr Representing Em tbwov IN on the Board are Reeve nenlomrue sod Cottoclltor Eugene Smith Council passed one bylaw to Increase the rat erlntendent Louis Truax to $4 200 per year other bylaws pose eed included one to regulate the use at firearms In the township and one to authorise borrowing money or township eoditur ee until that tax resehue and In grant payments are received Clerk Bell was asked to write Mr and Mrs Thomas Duclrworth to congratulate them on their 60th wedding on niversary Letters were also to go out iron the township to ex reevee Higginsort McMaster and George Wil gioflr who have been in poor so Accounts passed for payment were $278530 general $2508 06 calories $374370 waiters tor total at $890710 Road ac ootmts of January came to tenure Council was scheduled to meet again Feb 11 here at pm No Connection To Troops Call NICOSIA tltauterst Arthur Andrew Canadas high com missioner to Cypnts and am bassador to Israel arrived here Monday night tor talks with Cypriot us and British oili cialr Andrew called his trip to the Mediterranean island on tutor mottvo visit and said he planned to return to Tel Aviv Israel Wednesday lie added that his visit was not speclticatly connected with the possibility at Canadian troops coming to Cyprus to join force to keep the peace be twsen warring Greek and Turk lahCyprlots But he said that it Canadian troops did come it would be usual for him to know the setup Andrew said his visit is not connected with eny possible evacuation of the hour so Ca nadians living in Cyprus most of whom work for the British Army and the United Nations One leading Canadian on Cy prus is lorrncr Ontario Supreme Court Judge John Wilson new president oi the Cypriot high court Raid Triggers Central Storage OAKVILLE CPLSecret con voys in the last two weeks have drained Ontarios militia acm orles of their ammunitiona spokesman lor Central Com mand headquarters here or the Royal Canadian Army disclosed Monday The moveI he said was prompted by the raidon Montreal armory two weeks 380 Inches mortars 13173 rifles and the Belgian 7262 EN weapon the armys standard infantryrlilc were removed and nosed in centrsl placei instructions from Central Command say ammunition in target practice can beobtalned by Ontnrlos 100 militia units only by oldeltrond will bode Ilvered to tiring rangesrs beiore tiring takesplace Militia out were ielt try of road sup Mmyorvnnt monochrome Buicuriannoo flier 301 winter wt thebudut an the in ship in to settle and many deubt veer lieu needing attention it we will Ithe year the mu these was theendeavour tonget the new hlghhrchool located in part at Barrie which would be adjacent to ionislil the proper attests needed in Innislii ior m1 which Is not only Centen ntel Year but also the year when to international Plowing blotch will Cb hngd lrLiflnhlsï¬l and Sim one ngopmgram to divide the township into words with representettoo treat the various wards on council reeve and deputy rceve to elected at large inaugura tion of township ubllc school board innlslt boards running the prime edu cational attain at the toyldrship TRIP PORTFONED ExCeuocittor John Torrens in note tells us they were unable to make en anticieptcd trip round the continent by bus This trip which must be made in continuous direction with no doubling bacir allows the passen gere to choose where they go and when they stop and return it they go to the west coast they can return by way oi Cat ilornls and Florida so long an ed the circle la continuous with unlimited stopovers Mr and Mrs To lull circle but the day at the township inauguration Mrs Tor rens was in hospital We trust she is home by now and that they will still be able to get dean Florida way BURNS SUPPER We have received couplo oi letters about the Robert Burns Supper at intrclends Hail Mr and Miss lteid oi Elmvale piped the guests to the head table then piped in the haggls Mr Wilson local grocer gave the Ode to the baggie and the Rev Belt the irish pastor from the Presbyterian Church at Stroud said the Burns Grace Beeton To Get Six New Lights BEETON Six new lights will be erected onrthe Main street here following motion passed by Beeton council at its February meeting The lights authorized by council are the same type as those installed last year lVillage accounts passed for payment amounted to $392464 adede accounts totalled $2 Clerk Watson was to structed to write or informa tion on theprice of sender or the village truck which would meet Department of Highways speciï¬cations Hand nanosecondsinn ba now has three rrens had planned the 15 ea mvrm was Preventlrip EZEEEE lore hire Jean Head or Stroud and bin Agnes Robertson oi Lyoden The plane swooped In on the nonstop tight tron Mal ton with over the passengers on board to ï¬nd torrential rein in progress which had begun Monday and showed no signs at ending in tact it went on until Wednesday night Filly miles north el Tampa they recorded 48 inches of rointail and Turn pa Bay was not tar behind To day the sun is art and cod weatherflls heralded BOB SPROULES HERE we were wotltl to Platform which is at iii tar end at theairport we heard call trom behind Robert and Mrs Sprouts had also come one to welcome the taco tllght They had arrived the day below and hated to at Tampa to await better weathervihen they lotendeddoing some driv log in tho state Bob stated that hie hadlelrï¬ady run into lot peep are summer ro etty owners in lunlslil sou NAMED ac Mrs Robertson who was Age nee Sutherland ot lnntstil is on holiday from Lyndon where she is postmaster She were lovely corsnge which had been present by her son Don who In the January Honors List had been named Queens Counsellor lie one of the youngest ever to receive this honor being only id He is partner with Ton onto legal hm rev newness Shown at pin WIVES LOVERS Shown at 805 pm