diner nun rind Alive our rflmwlnwLa yawn rm on Are fGrovving People No housewlle worth her salt goes through tile with the lame slender reclpee or the lam UmIied skill In MUD with she began as bride No liab arman worthy oi the nuns sticks to his high adiool book oi ilica or his ear awkward casting No small ets II con tent to go on missing loslsin basketball gamu No the uagster aeta ciao basket at Him and pre the fish orman expands his skill and his supply oi files the housewife collects new recipes and learns new ways or delighting her lion gry iamiiy The people who are alive are growing peolEle They pay attention to quiet voice which promises Behold make all things new course human beings have way ol getting into nits at times We driit into the doi anns and Hie gels list and little All the ireshness goes out oi it Our hearing gets dull so that we catch no good news in the air as we trudge around dresrily doing our duty but not expecting anytiiingmuch to hop pen There are lot at dullheart ed people It may be partly be cause so much oi the worlds work at machines and on as sembly lines is so monoton oua In Jesus day it was the iron rule oi Rome its heavy taxss and its humiliating laws the grinding poverty and sui iering that made tolls dull hcorted People just didnt eon pect that anything much was going to happen In their lives again And then young Man with straight back and kindly eyes and quiet voice at au thority came saying Coma unto Me all that labor and an heavy laden and will reircsh you Foliow lie and will make you Ilshers of men Behold make all things new And crowds flocked to hear Him For He put glory back into their lives Onanithehovatosho character is his heroes Fosahovoismorelhsna Take time is bent to read the great promises Jesus msds toyou saddaretotakeihem seriously Toke Ilia word that He is able to rclruh you to asnewpsrsonalyouto no song In your heart ham to live each day coniidentiy es pecting part at His promises to penis true in you that day Keep at it iaithlully and Easter ior you will be radiant Aa Berton Braiey once wrote in The Set urday Evening Post Oh you gotta act glory In the work you do hniieiuiah chorus in the heart ot you Paint or tell story sing or shovel coat Statement Iorces UN Resignation UNITED NATIONS AP stewart Bates president at Canadas Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation told United Nations committee meet ing Thursday that his stand on UN housing and planning centre had been misrepresented in committee press statement He said he must leave the UN housing building and planning committee because at it An apology by Ernest Weiss inan UN secretariat represent ative on the oomvrsittco ior an error he said was made in re porting Bates stand tailed to change the Canadian represent atives decision He said he would return to Canada today have been embarrassed by the report Bates told an open meeting at the 21member com mlttee Bates is lormer chairman oi the committee considering pro grams to step up International aid lor housing and planning measures especially in develop Ing countries In answer to the plea oil the Argentine delegate to recou 130v AND ins some on tile wall hero is an ideal blueprint of greatness And when does ï¬nd hinlaeroest boy He ï¬nds them in books and am the playing ï¬eld In his school his locally his The churcha ooutrihutioh to childs gallery at heroes is unique Bihle study and reilglous education not only introduce him to the greatest lives ever livad but they teach him how to build the same quali tics of heroism Into his own Iiie Wm snowmen Service Inc Siroalmg Va San nth 1515 THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND EERTRAM BROS LTD nuanqu momma PA DENISst LTD Lunnnu nun eunnnas screams Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurgday Friday Saturday Isaiah Isaiah ens ran1o Matthew 1718 ESTABLISHMENTSI no Blake so our 9399 PA PAW CO0IEJ CARTAGEANDSTORAGEL EAassvs recess 103545 121321 446112 1w ii iornvsoN son HOWEY ELECTRIC stream Manon But you gotta get glory or the lob lacks soul Lord give me glory to it much to val For you colts set slow or you lost dont live The great whose Ia bora make our All are men who got glory in their daily lob The battle be gory and the odds dioxin But the men who got glory never knew despair Lord give the ry when all else is anew It youve got glory you can still go oai sider Batu said cannot iI must reium to Canada The committee has split wer whether new specialized agency should be established to deal with world housing prob iems or whether department or centre inside the United Na lions to provide technical an alstsncs would autlice The United States Canada the Soviet Union and Romania are among those that have op posed establishing new Ideally The centre idea was proposed by George Davidson Conan dian who conducted survey ol meet ior UN Secretary General Them In opening the discussion mesday Holes spoke oi the need ior an intematioual struc lure to deal with housing prob lems UN press department account oi the meeting made it appear that Bates dliicrcd with the US approach Late Tuesday Bates and hlasahllio Houlo oi Japan co sponsored resolution that called for establishing only centre to be financed by the UN regular budget and clearly iodpposed to specialized agency ea Bella radio prop Dill CEOB Mark Luke Psalms BUSINESS MACHINE SHOP Lackie Prop no Rosa St Howey Prop Bass Vincentst new 4w lumen are ly AIRS EMUNIBIE lunoos spruce grouse sumo coup and onqu kinds The com ladies on NI VI troy iuuosy evuiinl ism meeting not Bell and Mn Alln Nd woommniuusuamw held recently hearty or SUMMARY DAY think Vila tendered Robert Sin clair who has reth alter be Waive India irom Churchill Womens Institute attended the worth rid summary day ior the dessert 11 We treasurer for course In Barrie mud the out 17 years in me Mr Sinclair made thundeuert such UP the late George Constable was 3mm by sueceselul In getting the signa tures oi practically all ratepay ANNUAL MEETING ere oi school sections and The Junior Farmers elected in lavor oi purchasing the Or tbalr oliicera at their January sage Hall and eoovestlng it In meeting as Iollowa President to community halt The new Bruce Thompson vice pres hall was opened II I7 ittli Allan Thompson secretary and haa been added asset Joan Cairns tress Joan Knee to the social and cultural life shaw team captains Pete Van in the community We owe much DerKooy Brenda Allan llin tothass man or tltelriouaight Fitulmmlns and Bob Givens Ronald Allan replaces Mr Slip toboggsn party and meeting cisir on the board and satin will be held at Churchill Hall ter takes over the duties at are Friday Feb It Note date All rotary treasures young people are cordially in vlted to attend at 030 pm BIRD WATCIDNO Miss Lillian Sloan with her bird leading station is attract ing more birds than most oi us ever imagined were in the UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP EARRIE REGULAR MEETING FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS EVERY SUNDAY ll am YMCA BUILDING Children at all ages wel come at the school oi Re ligion OWEN ST HARRIE BETHEL CHURCH THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH What in Gods Will For Beautiful Barrie What Would Its no 050 am Sunday School ALL WELCOME FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 liaylield St Rev HOLTONPIIlor 1000 am Sunday School 1100 nns Worahlp LORNE PARK COLLEGIATE Ladles Trio Rev Byron Withenshasvi Speaker 700 pm Family Gospel Hons FIRSTCHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Pastori Rev Jan Geuzebroek Phone 7200370 157 Shanty Bay Road 980 mamSunday School 1030 aimEnglish Service THE 945 arn SUNDAY 300 pmAllcrnoon Service ist Isd Sunday Every Month Both Services in English The Church the Bach to 000 WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Johnson St School Rev Summers Mrs McKinnon Pllnlst ortiiia eval Sunday at 300 pan 930 can Divine Worship THE FOHERUNNERS DEMflu aso IIll Church School you an wnncoaia cuuucu OF THE NAZARENE Rev Weldon Bull rumor Meeting in niunene School Auditorium Toronlo St at Dalton SERVICES 10 ans Sunday School ti mm and 700 not BURION AVENUE REV DAVID REEVE BA ILD pounaas uagaawav INORTIISIDE lllBlECHAPEL norr now Gums Street Rev uni si Pauls United 1mm Sunday Services 945 am SundaySChooI CAN wa ammo mm MryanIlVasIeyl PENTECOSTAL Eiilllil What calm Would lie Visit no Nor MISS TIIIS auNpar mom ssnvscai 1100 am Worship and Communion CHRISTIAN scuucr scam l59 Collier Si Service And Sunday School IT mm Testimonial Meeting 2nd Wed pm Sunday School 945 arn WORSHIP ASSEMBLY 00 em SUNDAY EVENING 600 pm CHRIST FOR THE WORLD 630 EACH SUNDAY cuss BARRIE CHURCH or cuhsr si Wiiiovdaie Ave ALLIANCE CHURCH STEEL AND COOK STS rota International Cassius boas THE SALVATION ARMY BARRIE CORPS 00 Deities St VCCDIIIIIIATMIIIDW RheaMIN NJ on Sonny School Classes tor all ages 00 LII Worship Service Sahlccti ran AMAZING loose or pootis 700 pan Evangelistic Service Sobleet Partners with God WEDNESDAY 000143 Prayer and Bible Study Commencing aerlel or Wednee day evening sermons THE SECOND OOMINO OF JESUS CHRIST Importance and Characteristics oi Bible Prophecy 00 IM HIS WAY ll Christ should Visit our Ollyi Where would its got REV TUNIIS PASTOR ST MARYS GUM Ronlon Catholic ISMUMASIEEST TICSSS suuoav MASSES sin up lOI5 am IIJD can EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pan Wednaaday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES BAPTIST CHURCH ClapperionvféENAprisley SUNDAY BER 730lll5 am 600 pm Sunday antes School it to II was 41 an err0 awen urvonnunmwr at negmwsww Wm LUTHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD 130 Steel St ell Dlnsvay No II Rev Joseph Moillcrls Church Phone 7230022 Pastors Rnidenee 7000400 SUNDAY SCHOOL MS can anunr niasn mass 1000 am Study ol Corinthians FAMILY WORSHIP Lin SERMON TEXT Church oi IVa This is The Lila and Radlea The Luther Roar Listen To Lutheran Boos Every Sunday won no am and trim 030 pan THE FAMILY THATPRAYS TOGETHER BAPTIST CHURCH STAYS TOGETHER EMMANUEL BARRIE VINCENT ST AFFILIATED WIIII FELLOWSHIP 0F EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES 945maiaiescandalous FAMILY WORSHIP pun EVANGELISTIC SERVICE anisrnn nav WILLIAMS Mitt Presbyterian Church IN CANADA ESSA ROAD ST ANDREWS Cor Burton Ave Aliandaie Dorrie REV DELL MA Mrs Walker Organist Ii am GREAT WORDS 0F Owen and Worsicv St nuv spares an WI Rev George Ross Pastor DEPARTMENTALIZED 00 am and 700 pm GUEST SPEAKER Rev TlIIey SUNDAY ran 300 pm LOOK FOR DETAILS NEXT SATURDAYS PAPER SALVATION It CHRIST COMES AGAIN pass aiitrri or INITIATIVE Semen CHURCH SCHOOL 080 am years to adults 11 mm years and lander Visitors and Residents Welcome SCHOOL M5 aps Senior Sehed 1050 Junior School IT mm Sermon GET UP ANDWALKI Come And tiring The Family In Church THEANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA sr GILESCHURCH as Oook Street Rev Rooney 1u communion 1100 am Holy Communion 700 pm Evsopg you and WELCOME ansimam Streets REV DONALD IT JAY 13A In IRELAND HART Orrslat Ina morasscu ANNUAL UNITED CHURCH womaN snitvrcn Gout Speakeri Mrs Wanda Miller at Gravanhurot Ont 700 pan Jolnt meeting or Illc group and Young Adult Group lmlrerl Bruce Reynolds lTooAIohai Senior School 030 ans SEXAGESIMA ST GEORGES ALLANDALE Burton Avenue at Granville Street Rev Walter Dyer 900 mm Ilnly Comnnminnl 11 am Morning Service 700 gm EveningPiAyaa Assoalnte Reverend euo Itiddolla Cor Lloyd Organist and Minuter Tiillurd Choirniasles III snooivn annrvsns an TRINITY CHURCH 24 Collier Street Nest to Post Mine ran Veii nun 400 am 11on Communion MD am ilon Communion unto am Holy Communion 700 p111 Eveniong and Compline YOU ARE WELCOME THE UNITED CHURCH or Ariana CENTRAL icoiiiinST Minister Rev Gardiner Shelly UNITED CHURCH Future Building sin Cools warmers Ave new Baker on Pianist and Senior Choir oroaacscUNirsp