OTTAWA fCPi rm Su creme Court of Canada nest tnorttb will be asked to deter mine whether sophisticated tnrlic magazines are obscene and represent an undue exploi Vtation oi lex this will be the second me thI the court has heard an an peat case under rose nneiadv mont to the federal Criminal Code definin obscene litera turs lolhei scare thecourt ruled in slush loci that iawroacos controversial novel iIdy Cbatterieys love was oot obscene iiio new case involves the De camber lets issue of the mag azine Escapade which is pub Illshed in Derby loan by the ammo muons Corpor um Court Judge WW oi Windlm found the issue tobe obscene to be cembsr 1001 and ordered that ooptu on sale to Winnipeg be sin forfeited Dominion News and Gill tires Undtetidiltribiiiors oi the negotiate in Winnie tailed In an appeal to the use ltoba Court othApï¬al est nor is rem Cominglain the lower court While the one deals only with the marine Escapade legal officials said the Supreme Court decision will be appli cable to magaslaes of limb tar nature its ruling also will apply throughout Canada as it NDP Wont Go With Liberals TORONTO tCPlNew0cm oeratlc Party Leader Douqu Friday dashed cold weather on suggestions of an aiilance betweenpthe NDP and the Liberals tie advised an audience of party workers to remember that outofoiflce Liberals have tsllred reform but when in of lice the party was run by the establishment and by those who put up campaign funds His remarks constituted an obvious dissodation irom re ported recent approaches be tween some members at the per levels of the Ontaro branches oi the liberal and NDP parties The reports said these groups whose combined forces are heavily outnumbered by Progressive Conservatives in thd legislature were looking into the possibility of merger itfr Douglas speaking to son Metropolitan Toronto party truism NOTES By nos William New Stroud will showing at the international Shorthornshow innd Sale in Brandon Manitoba lin Febru ary Entries chosen from top herds inthe country will be judged by JackEvans world iiararnus iudge from New Zeal tflii Commenting on stock that will make up the show Presi dent Wilbur Davidson of Short hom Sales states that we have impressed on the constgnors that this should be sale of top quality only From an original list of cattle nominated the consignors themselves have culled the hull entries to about00 Our aims are high There is no reason why we in North America can not establisha sale that will rival Perth Scotland as world centre for the Shorthorn stock bulls We have the material on this continent and this sale is an effort to bring it together in one event We are sure that lnntsiil citi senswlil be proud oi the show ing that may be made and hope for Bill every success both in showing and in the price which his bull will bring We might also mention the fact that Marshail Campbell another Stroud tanner skipped the rink that defended Barsic Curling Club against Oriiits Memory Lane column this week mentioned two other Stroud curlers who years ago beat the Barrie Club Bill Sutherland and Mel Ayarst This year Bill is endeavouring to keep out in the Florida sun and ice is the least at his worrr TIMES IMPORTANT The tide is said to be similar all around the world except in the Mini Mexico Herelt has changed from regular ebb and tilow twice in hours to one high and one low tide for live days this month from mouth to them Tides bare wtiibe high at 727 pm and low at 250 amon the 24th dropping bacic approximately one hour eachday suntiilthe lath when hlgtr tide will be ii00pm withithe members starting their annual drive for funds said he would not want to question the Iiiicel ity oi the people who have sug gested that merger should be discussed They had the right to do this What want you to remem her he said is this There have always been sincere pew ills among the Liberals who be eve that party is the party oi reform and wants to change some of the worst parts oi our dogoatdog economy DIDNT FOLLOW THROUGH Many of these feel they have an aiilnity with the NDP But say to them that the binary oi the Liberal party for almost 100 years is that it has always talked progress and reform when out of office but when in office the command oi the party has been taken over by the establishment and by those who put up the funds Shorthom Show Sale is Planned for the balance of the month the tides are strewn as settling into thesonnet ebbund flow The weekly paper published for the Gulf Beaches shows the tides for the month as well as the time when fishing will be best each day which appears to be about an hour after high tide The tides which are once day are stronger than usual and are marked either strong or very strong The various beaches here have publlopiers which go out long way into the gull and on which one pays tee to iish Anglers will know by the tides when it is best to go and when there are two high tides theyoiten to ride in with the tide Tides bring in much besides fish The debris which has to be ciearedotf the beaches after tide otten takes more than just rake At Clearwater this past week the seaweed that washed in on along sand beach had to be cleared away with bulldozer Along the beach we patronlre truclr with blade clears away the materials once week seaweed pieces oi sponge and sort oi pod which may come from trees overhang ing the water on some for oil shoreShells coma in or course andthls week we saw young man and hiswita who perched along the breakwater and scoop ed up shells in netlromthc water than sorted them on the land taking first choice and leaving the rest for the by standers to amine Dead lists feed thcgullalthat are constant scavengers ileoeoton beiptronrtbatsdive ingredients snows an rsoenarso stay for both The fish are said 100 Fortesttstieihiminnrslnmpainryouoen lre Magamnés hm ï¬fe arr rvrrr vflnwnwwvï¬rwmumvr B7eforeCour In March wtil heaindgtneotlniederaih criminal law vartoouvea tcar who Vancouver housech whoku pictured nude on beam nrg lna United States mm lion Friday from British Coinsn bis Supreme Court to halt the use oithe picture and in nth era of her Mr Janine Angeio Branch on seeingI the picture oi the women Playboy maniac laid arter livRephael had seen this picture he would have painted trea as one of his ma donnas it would be shame to hide such beauty from the public Nora iouise Etchhurat for user German model received the injunction after telling the judge die was legally an in faniunder 21when she eli tered into contract with lo cal photographer in May lees She said she considered some of the pictures he took obscene Lawyer Nell Fleishman acting for Mrs Elohhorst now it filed copy of the Novem her rues issue or Playboy and it color photgraphs mostly thawing Mrs Eichirorat in the an Rules Macieans Was In Contempt QUEBEC tCP Chief Jus tice Frederic Dorion nrled Fri day that an article in Le Mag azine Maciean last November was in contempt oi court The article dealt with Leopold Dion since convicted of murder in the sexslaying oi lsyenroid boy last spring Mr Justice Dorian ordered representatives at Mscleaos and writer itobert Fuiforti to appear ieb to to make their tea the article was published It Mscieans Magazine in Sep tember then translated and published in Le Magazine Mac loan in November Mr Justice Dorion said the article was in contempt because it was published only three weeks before the Dion trial and because it mentioned Dions criminal history The as year old cabinet mairer in prison most of his life was sentenced in Decem ber to be hanged tor the stay ing of Pierre Marquis islast of fourhoys strangled here last spring Sugar Price Decreases MONTREAL Three motor Montreal auger refiner ies Friday announced liteent price decrease in thewhoiesaie price of sugar lowering it to arm toopound bag This is the second price dc crease in as many days by the three refineriesv Canada and Dominion at Lawrence and At lantic Thursday the price went down is cents Tirls year the price has changed nine times five de creases and four increases year ago the price was $10 pound bag in lots the price changed or times72 increases and 25 decreases Sugar economists and brokers Dyer and Co NewYork foresee significant increase in world sugar production coupled with declining world consuhrp tlon in their 1064 sugar outlook and review released Jan 28 aANrrNo MEMORIAL HlGH SCHOOL ALLrsrou Presents THE BOYFRIEND Musical Comedy by sauov vhcsou wso THURS obtained In interim iniuncs WEST VANCOUVER house wife Mrs Nora Louise Etch horst Friday obtained an int junction in Vancouver res training Playboy magazine QUEBEC tCP Still work ing live days week and evl dently enjoying it Rt Hon Louis St Laurent celebrates his 02nd birthday today The former prime minister hasntoliowed ago to end his career as busy corporation the is storey Price Building almott every weekday When he isnt there it is probably because he has so clal ol civic engagement Though he retired irom politics in 1957 he is anything but idle Always family man he was happy to return to Quebec City to be closer to his growing grandchildren how young adultsor teenagers conscription Oi French Youths Worst Than Theirs Caouette MONTREAL iCPt Cradle tlste Leader Real Caouette said Friday the theft of weapons irom Montreal armory Thurs day waa nothing compared with the hatchery of FrenchCana dian youths conscripted tor mil itary service in the Second World War He told byelection rally the raid by band of youths on Les Fusiliers MontRoyal arm ory reflects profound dissatis taction with economic conditions in Canada These youths state machine guns in land in the centre oi Montreal he said iiut didnt the ranges Liberals and the rar are 567 Starting at 800 pm Admissions ADtiLTS ssulrirhrs and sou cannons so Banting Memorial High School Auditorium MPERIill iHEAiRE Evening Shows it at 700 and 900 canm liticnl science department at and photographer irom pub itshing any of 149 nude photos they look of her She appear ed in the November Issue ly ing nude on bearable rug tCP Wirephotot Still Works Five Days ii Week ErrPM St Laurent 82 Today As usual his birthday will be marked by an intimate fondly gathering at the St Laurent home on Grandediiec One oi his daughters married Lafi orty and another so ODonnell and there is alw lawyer in is in hlsoiftca in mm ays bilingual to these at Mr St Laurenta mother was of irish descent HES FEELING WELL interviewed Friday Mr St Laurent said he was feeling very well He dismissed as nothing wrencbed back suffered last summer when he tried to break his Wifes tail alter she slipped bleus Conservatives steal our young people to send tirem to the hutcheryi Was it not graves matter to have the governments blood hounds scouring the countryside and the towns during the years from lilati to toss to ransack the silica and the cellars and lake ltiyearold boys from their motherseven it the mothers shed tears of bloodi ADDRESSES RALLY lhe Creditlste leader speak ing in French was addressing about 500 persons attending the opening oi the Creditlste cam paign or the Feb so byselec boaranBiliuaua 1r wanna feltv1 war swampsx yearsspivrrnnu wiryanti or av estIan snows in 13am Lists 15 Investigators The commission confirmed Friday that Micheal Oliver 38 past president of the New Dem ocratic and political sch ence new at idetiill Usi vanity will act as research div rectors llucntty bilingual Prot vcr is head ofa new Prciitlrlh Canada studies program at Me Gill ills appointment was re Monday on an unofï¬cial Titticommlsalon disclosed um hls reconditioommand will be Frith Leon Dion to head oi the Laval University and an an tborlty on French Canada Mr Oliver will more over an advisory committee on re search Committee members comprise 11 university protes sors irom across Canada and three experts from other fields wris cans EXPERTS The commission said it in tends to call on large num PindManGuilty Deirauding Mine roaorvro car An on tarlo Supreme Court Juryp after 25 hours deliberation has found so yenr old hotel owner Barr smith oi Toronto guilty of de frauding Erilund Mines Limited oi $60000 to 1957 Smith was not in the comb room Friday to hear the var dlct lie became it about half hour before the allmale jury rrmde its decision and was taken to hospitality ambulance He was remanded in custody until Tuesday tor sentence Mr Justice James Donnelly told ahetjury he agreed with its vet rc Smith was chargedott four counts of conspiracy and fraud involving Brilund Mines and the imperial Bank oi Canada and further count of forgery in volving $060000 cheque in 1967 The tbreeweeir trial coded Thursday The jury deliberated for eight hours but failed to reach verdict and Mr Jus tice Donnelty ordered it locked in downtown hotel overnight unttl deliberaqu could so sume Friday Smith was acquitted of four of the five charges against him Three New York tawycraaiso accused in the case did not ap pear for trial They are Stan icy Schonbrun ti Sol Ranch it and his brother llar old 43 Mr Justice Donneiiy will conduct hearing March 31 to consider retreating the $5 000 hall each of the lawyers posted SAVE 20 TO 50 AT WIGGINS Annual JANUARY FUR SALEl mourn neroiuoeruutertom mmeahcmuroaomieda the expert research together with the briefs lisbmitied will eoostltou the prime our recommendations the statement said The ltmenrben commlui on pionsioholdassricsofpob lic Informal drums in all tin in Can flan ettl be to dismiss Formal bearings tor the pres entatlon oi briefs have been put off until next fall toglve community leaders the tttoity to draw from dis one at the spring farums TORONTO GP Royce is member of the royal p0 commisaion on bilingualism and hicuiitirnilsm said Friday that faulty communications between Canadas two main language groups may be an important root to the whole problem of na tional unity lie said that the English onguage news media distort the picture by reporting many ex tremist statements on ebeca demands while lgno the more moderate and significant lemon iuioe Recipe Relieves Arthritic Rheumatic Pain fluctuating Iil Ill Ind MLAIh this mlwflfleu ram unsettle hi ad to hhuhld iithapaiasdon ulaktyiaaveandrilm the up can to lion in Montreal St Denis views of average hards Canadian He told the Ontario School Merl Federation of undulyme Reach and sneaking Conditionsremain ends we matinpotl naturonrdau upmttmnovemgef lhoiprontobroedcuusvuw ycrstrusedtbatbenuex amiaaremuaioaiaiuaanot speaking on basalt of the 10 memberroyal commission bloat Ontario residents had no personal daily contact with the problcor oi bicultunilnn They had to depend on tutorinon relayed by the press radio and television be said RCAF ASSOC aruoo svsav MONDAY at 000 pun Ojsascrsrs iacxror broom 1swans THE writer Admission 50a is HIGH sr Above NuServtca Cleaners KEEFECENTRE FRONT Sr YONGE EiltJtihii OPENS MONDAY THROUGH iEB 22 oraccr FROM aaoaowav WITH rus dRIGINAL sraas SID CAESAR LITTLE ME nvn aso MATS who and ear pni aox orrrcn orsrv is arn p111 he Rendezvous Room Barriaa Largest and Most Luxurious Presenting Entertainment By rue gt JIM cowosav TRIO arrsuoasuorortirtrtttr BOTH DINING ROOM Ir COFFEE anon OPEN DAILY Liesnseri raceosdnnca volttr 14030 Mutilation