Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1964, p. 3

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gt Gifts Marita it Walla Pubiiaber wm Ontario ll wtlsm Gonna timer urunnrv minus ml Pm lEE OLYMPIC arc in lull up monarch thiccoiumn oi Austria today Harryflror Inddootas mo who he is Anyway this meant that the more than us ooo raised by ticket sales plus the not Inoonsiderablo ber pro tits at 06c par elbow liit went to the Ontario Society For Grip pied Chlldnn THE DINNER WAS held Wed nesday night Despite the sell out it was ria to Ilnd that the local wa lill who no in charge oi crl pied chlld rcna work ior this istrlctl had ticket available and almost bogging on Monday night But Jack Butler iinnlly got it reli lod oil hero Norm Synnotl was the mutual winner Ind rais ed another $21 tor the clubs CC Fund The Kiwanis group even had to take Lion wit QUIET PAINSWICK SCENE Niiiiil HIGHWAY Fair Symbol Oi Decline In The Value Of Money The Montreal Worlds Fair in 1067 will symbolize among other things our chan ging sense of values and the remark able decline in the value of money which has attended our march to nationhood reports the Winnipeg Free Press The original cost to the federal govern ment was estimated to be $20 million and this was to be ceiling But the lore soeable costs of the fair and related works are now $112500000 for the federal gov ernmentalone according to estimates cited by Works Minister Deschatelets In the light of difficulties airead experien cod and the necessity of hu cling to deadline it would be unwise to read any finality even into these figures The magnitude of this project says the Winni eg paper may be better preci ated we compare the proposed ederal expenditures with those involved in the hu idlng of the Canadian Pacific Railway Apart from grants of privilege the Mac nown MEMORY LANE 55 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Jan 28 1900 His Honor Judge Wismer arrived and was sworn in before Cotter for the County of Simcoe St Marys Church received gift from Mrs James Graham of Mulcaster St in memory of daughter Louisa It was beautiful solid brass sanctuary lamp Allandaie lad ies presented Dutch Festival inaid of YMCA Proprietor Doc Sim on announced that his bowlingalley would accommodate ladies two mornings each Week Reeve Richard sou of Essa elected countywarden At rlown Council Mayor James Vsrr reported on plans for local industrial expansion Prisoners at county jail will no longer re side in comfortable idleness They will be Barrie streets South Simcoe conserv The Barrie Examiner In Autnnnud cnrid ularqu Port Dulce rtrnant altar and lnr plym oi poltlgl ln cub Dally Bundnyllnd Ehtutory Enudryr assented WALLS PIer NICE WILSON Gancru MIIIIIII IL MWON MIIIIIIII Ifliwr WY WEED Advlnlnng MIAMI MURRAY flILLAAecnnnmrt MICHAEL DDNNEILY circulation Mlllllr daily by carrier 15s weakly mall in Ontario thm monuas II and Dinwoody secretary both oi supplied with stones to break for use on atives elected Banting president vigny donaid overnment of 1880 had to put up the valent of $10 million in order to link scattered parts of the Canadian nationsAilowlng for the changes in val ues this was robsny quite as much as Parliament end on the worlds lair although compa sons are difficult be cause of the estimates as yet unconfirm ed that the provincial and Montreal shares oi the centennial undertaking will run to some $220 million One of the outstanding differences be tween the two projects the writercon eludes is the fact that the expenditures proposed tor the CPR shocked Parlia ment into some of the most memorable debates of our history whereas the de bate of last December 20 over the fair expenditures was not much more than gesture The House devoted approximate ly the same amount of time to world fair costs as it did to the world fair emblem which rn rare moment of concord it decided to junk Cookstown Reeve Garden of Barrie is vicepresident Harry Wolten den opened machine shop on Bayfield Si Mrs Martin Burton leit today to tour SouthernStates Historicalpaper in the weekly Sun Toronto geterred to in formation given by Charles Partridge William Drury and Simon Chappel of Crown Hill Area north of village of Kem penfelt began clearing by settlers around 1820 Some were from New York State attracted by rumors of plan to link Lake Ontario with Georgian Bay by canal with Lake Simcoe as midway point Canal would follow Nottawasaga River and en ter bay about foot of Hayfield St Where Barrie now stands Barries intermed iate hockey team did not fare well at Coilingwood losing 111 Team consisb ed of Goal rIlmmy Viiiiers point Crog ban cover Thompson right wings Se and Longhurst left wings McMil lan and Russell Horsiieid However Barrle juniors trimmed Meatord 144 with great pinyby Gordon Mocking Sih Rowe and Stan Horsfield Farmers all over Ontario were complaining about government delay in establishing tree rural mail delivery as promised lion Grand Trunk Pacifics transcon tinental ralliine was being steadily push ed across the prairies and from the west ern lerminai of Prince Rupert sat eleci them Harold Forster to till out thatbio its was so im pressed with the coichrltlea that he let his hat in the hotel garage WE WERE NOT the bill Barrieltaa present Early in the prodionor reception you would run into people wearing red Winter Carnival buttons it was discovered that Bill Caldwell from the Chamber of Com merce and some were busy promoting will some rucceu the big weekend event here Feb 15 TEE RECEPTION tor an hour belorc dinner is the but part oi the event in my books Here the celebrities are brought in onob one and introduced by Phil tono oi Cliilld Then they mingle with the crowd sign autographs and chat infor mally with the cm Our most indelatigable nterviewer was thlr year II always Will inm Willard Long Kiwanis past president and sports len thuainrt Best way to get news is ioliow Big Bill around He tackles them all lust listen in and ranks mental notes Here are some JIM TAYLOR star fullback or Green Bay Packers Best quarterback in the National Football league is Johnny Unl tar of Baltimore Colts not YA filtle Yes he expects his run ning mate Paul Hornung to be reinstated to the Packers by next seasons WILLIE PEP former leather weight boxing champion oi the world He had 66 amateur tights lostnone Oi his can pro tights he lost only nine but that dont count thosel lost to my old ladies three exwives HATER JOHNSON IIS Olympic decathlon winner at Rome 1960 Why didl take up track and iield Indium down Iurrarrrrlnorin news Mediocre Mauls Emerging Future Leaderiil India ammo nanvrsr Cnnadinnflrpu Etafl Writer msnwho calls himself mediocre and probably means it has suddenly emerged as the probable iuture leader at India With Hyenaold Prime Mln ister Nehru showing signs at wearinesr the expectation is that the complex burden ol governing indias 40000000 people will gradually be rar ruined by gentle seNeftnclng Lai Bahadur she receth appointed minister with porttoliov They used to say that Nehru Indias ruler everrlnce inde pendence dsyin 1947 was the hnnyan treeunder whore shade nothing ever grows Abruptly however the shade was lifted and Shestri stands revealed on the heir apparent aluomnrrnausran BEEN Ihiormanta visualize the transfer of power smoothly tak ing place over period of six months to two years Continu ity wiii be assured indlg feel by Sliertrla devotion to Nehrus policies and by the prerencc nt Shastrir elbow ot the premiera daughter7 Mrs lndiro Gandhi with whom the coran manner to eye uiprob ems of pove city and teracypdéspite tbe Group Mean Sports Celebrities osmium VW at1lngtrurIArybrra hdgllhpynwmlrmi war Empty and training the reactions can Yogi goodrnanagerendlmsurol judgingby can help coach alter it tabla But button to add the Barrie delegation is not Dir out you know the ma yurr in big league baseball WARREN SPAHN Milwaukee Braver lm then on many bartonight letting proud at being over it Spahn is and bu won more games than $1 scuttpr pitcher in base history He lust signed new contract ior 0000 plus tor thin yelrl DANNY BLANCHFDOWER international soccer star and errcaptain ot the tumour Tottem tram Hotspur Club ot Inndon England flow over especially tor the dinner He made tro mendoor impression in Illl re marks at the dinner with hlr droii North lriah humor He arrived early at the reception and had Mr Langs undivided attention ior some in minutes At 57 he ilgures to have an other live good yearn CCNSIANTINE SMYTHE better known as Connie got great ovation when introd uced athead table Later he came over to our table when he spotted Jack Butler and shook hands all round Youve got great guy in this Butler at Bar rlo he said to pore you know the grand lob is doing or us thuoclety tor crippled children of which Mr Smyllro has been treasurer ior many yurrl We do Connie HAROLD CMION chic scout tor Boston Bruinc meted us as an old playwrup liar tor Barrio Fiyera Ha be had been in Barrie the night bolero to see our junior loam in action 1was rm 01mpme so wet ng game WWW You should be bound No wonder you lost this Junior club to Nia gara Talia We had no de tour to that one Also greeted by Pat Patterson Iorrncr referee up this way And by Wes Mc Knight CFRB executive tormer BCI student Also by Toronto Controller and exldoyor Allen bamport who was senior Id min oiiicerat HCAF Camp Bor den in war days And by Nob by Wirkowsld Argo coach who addressed theKiwanls Club in Barrie onlnthcr and son night two years are so hnpreuiveiy Elli Lang intercepted Dick Shatto with flyingbloek and extracted promise to address our kids this year STANDING OVATION was given to blind swimming liar Jackie Parsons and to the blind golt champion from Hm iltoo Whipper Billy Watson as usual carried Timmy to that head table This donorold from Windsor Charlie McMul ion with two artliiclaiiego bred in the bone by tradi tional village lite based on ma jorlty decision and protection of minorities Situtrl silent figure of only live test two inches is Brah min orhighcaato Hindu born Oct 1904 oi humble fam ily in the holy centre oi Bana ras in the state oi Utter Pra dosh schoolboy he was so poor that occasionally be tied Ilia books on his head and warn the Ganges River to avoid paying the my tare gNEVEBIEII INDIA He won his iirat big political advance atthe age at ill when appointed general secretary of the War Prsdesh Congress committee Litremanpower Congress leaders he got to know Erltlrhltadminirtered pris ons iromtbelnnldeu poll cai detainee but he see to haveilttlebitternmHe as nevertravelicd outside indlo His horizontal modesty his scrupulouahonesty litioal pragmatism bn cared himtolndln tootbrll hmIIllll DROUGHT down the Euler Johnson appreciated this alarm to race Ihen Mir molt have got WitllEY FORD Yankee the occasion ubo Inflected piloting tier You they allould inle the ladies lll Berra will be otheryear our idea ten list the looks around the BIBLE THOUGHT word at the Lord endur atb lamen Peter has lite which Is established up on the word at God does not need to be eirald oi the luturc AIC May Sign Heavy Water Pact omwa CmAtomic En orgy ot Canada Limited be ac mpted tha heavy water roduc lion proposal oiDeutc um oi Canada Limited and is expected to sign contract wt company within week or to days it was teamed today Under the contract the gov ernments nuclear agency will buy 200 tons oi heavy water year over ilveyear port will not total oi 1000000 lot the 1000 tons lobe delivered industry Minister Dnrry an nounccd in the Commons Dec that the government had so copied Doutcrlums proposal to dumb iy rules $3050 mamplm When oylee came born the Deep louthtoooaebllrrniltooitwu comm NICEOIJON UIIAWA Dnrnkenoua has risen acrosa Clnldl to the level at serious national problem Our vincial governments de tor larger oiioe oi the tax pie will not be lolly met by Ottawa Ihoro two lacta can be pcctcd to load to widespread measures aimed at runoiuding the nations drinking hlhill Ontario Premier Roberta has suggested that prices charged by the Ontario Liquor Control Board will be boosted by II much as 73 cents bottle on some lines Manitoba is already considering higher ll prices and rtr suggest in mi along underlines other provinces will will ioliow Ontarios lead since ouor il luxury purchase which can well contribute more to pro vincial revenue The latest hot rolling line in Carl not Am the stores oi some Ontario willo companies are Canadian wines artliiclally strengthened by the addition oi alcohol These iorti iled wines otten selling under novel Madison Avenue names unknown in the vocabulary oi vinophilr like Zippoo or Whango sell ior about ti bot tle yet they can the alcoholic punch of hailbottle oi hard lquor The provincial govern ment can or expected to bring fllcil price properly upward into no LE5 HAND LIQUOR Representations being made have the cited oi modliying acrossvthbhonrd price boosts So instead oi soaring by 75 cents bottle the price at reg ular whisky may go It by only 55 cents with proport uncle in4 creases tor other spirits and wrnca ihadrinking pattern expected to ioliow irom higher prices will miarger uao oi the less costly ih that 0d It apoundorn or natural wines and beer and highly ilrd National Problem at PEI to the Ontario government may less alcoholic drinks such smaller consumption or the alcoholic spirits and torti as This would have tho client of lessening ai out At the some time much thought is being given to im proving the atmosphere oi mn outlets seiliot beer by the glass While lour out oi live Cant dim adults drink beer our venue room are seoen ally squalid and unattractiro com to the German been to on the hunch ale and the English Canadians cannot take ther wives to enjoy European trimmings with glass oi beer such little music perhaps dance gor rip with irieodr at the bar game oi darts or In entertain mcnt by strolling layers in some parts oi Can the con sumption oi beer has oven put on the level oi answering the call or nature with separate rooms tor men and women in coonart many English pubc oi tor social atmosphere and also serve good cheap lunchel popular with hurlncumen GOOD ENOUGH FOR MA Our ooclttall lounges on the other band do achieve an ele genes in which any Chnndlrgl can entertain his motherinviaw but than encourage the drink ing at ard liquor seldom ai tering drought beer lllaoy European countrica hove alrcady established pat tern oi beer drinking on the grounds that beer in tho oi moderation in such coun tries beer is smart drink not restricted tot be young or the mammary Switzerland and The Netherlands have all delib erately raised taxes on hard ii quor and iowcrcd taxes on beer Belgium oncn imposed iorm ol prohibition to tight alcohol Ism engendered by spirits and now has the highest consume lion oi miidheer in Europe more than twice the Guard nn ilgurc Some European coun tries have coined widely popu lar slogans such as italye beer drinkers live one hun dred years and Englands Beeris best This in lhc direction in which Canada may be headed too rev EXAMINER wm ans drink bu ld $0000000 heavy water plant at Glace Bay NS r11 fir and district and making PHONE TINA =3 rrI Saturday February to Saturday February TODAY SATURDAY FEB llv luhiic Skating at Guthrie Arena Children mm to pm adults from too 10 pm Darrin Curling Club invitation Muted Boospiel three draws starting at and ii om Ladies Auxiliary of the Armoury Euchre party eta pm in Sergeants Mesa Every one welcome Public Skating at Enrrls Arena Children Ilolii no to bm students and adults mm 030 to 1016 pm runner ran Evangelistic Meeting in Allandale Orange Hall at 130 pm conducted by Miss Soutlr and mu While Dorrie Model Airplane Club meets at Barrie Airway at 700 pm MONDAY ran Ii Essa Township Council meeting at term Midget Hockey Shanty Bey vs Hawkeatonc at 145 pmln Guthrie Arena Senior Hockey Edgar vs East On at 915 pm in Guthrie Arena Kempenielt Kiwanis Club meets at community House at 1215 pm Kiwanis Club oi Barrie meets House at 615 pm Barrie and District Film Council presents iilm on Quality of Nation in council cham hers at pm Joint meetlng ct Barrie Horticultural Society and the BreretonNaturaiist Club at Library Hall at 815 pm Guestspenkerto be Dr Colin apsychiatrist ruesoav renal it Georgian Bay Junior Hockey oriilie vs Barrie at Barrie 630 pm Public Skating at Gutitrie Aron meets at Community House it own pm only Council Buiidlng Evapggiiatlc meeting inAllaodnic Orange Hall duatrinlirt aummed up by saying that burial in thnr rerun nor rightist our good clean man who has no great ideas ut economicst Inthe bri pefiod inst ppl iNiEiiNliTiflNlii KINGcSiZE run Skating at and trout store if meets at to in County nonssoav seen Barrie Curll Club Annual District Lions Club Bonspiel starting at em Banting Me orlal High School in Allister pro rents in tiny Friendat pm Eimvaio Con all meet at 745 pm in the Board oi radoroomCommunityHall ioronto Symp ny Concert at Central Collegiate at can pm nsrm tree oi Midget Hockey Edger vs Ore Station atlita pm in Guthrie ens Senior Hockey vs cum at an in Guthrie Arca Banting Memorial igltScllool in Allist roots The tiny Friendatvli pm BeamsBelles Square Dancing Club meet at pm in RCAF sodstionllsiyt Esrrie Rotary Club Community ii at 1215 pm Free Skating at HarriArena Preschoobago children irom 10 to 11 am Sirrlcoo County Warden Banquet at 1280pm in Guthrie Communl Hall FRIDAY DIE ll Hunting Mcmoiiai High choni lnAliiston prev cents The Boy Erie etia pm sarunnav ran ens Children from 430 to studts and adults from use to 10 pm oPubiiclSkattrlg at Guthr rAreneI Chridrtin from atoll pm adult mm to 10 ryiHm mi lthil Sillli man

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