am rrvnvmmnrm nw ostitarrio oititens are tarn wltb tho gtaobaii machines rat the Yt Mens Club ma cttlner aro placed loot oil over town But probably most mldrats Barrie doalJiIVe much idea oihow thornoney is used or hat portion oi the money they ï¬v or their sum goes to pro is at the club The machines are taken cm tot by their owners Ford Cnmpany with men waiting wt at an outta la TorontoI These men take care at the crotch oi the macinnes as well as keeping them stocked and collecting the money ll PER CENT So the its Mens Club Is lreed eotirely oi the worries involved In the operation at the ma clilnes The club gets regular in per cent at all sales how ever This is mutually beneï¬cial arrangement whereby the grim company is allowed the use at the Ys areas name and can honestly say that portion at the profits goes to charity Not only does this sell more gum but it also enables the gum manIuiacturer to place his machines more easily in iront till stores and in public build ings where he might not be so well received it his business wcrc protitvmalring only in return the Ys Mens Club takes toll responsibility lor the WEATHER Farccasis issued by the Tar to weather oilice at 530 Synopsis Light snow in the rioith may push southward into the southern regions as arctic air movas south to prominent wrnwwfw Fr new administration at the charity money and able toraise ad dittonai loads for its commun lty protects HINGE President at the Ta ideas Club Dr William hairs out it til or if guru his were stalled IIItube club has reclined Most of this money has been given directly to the lintYWCA and this policy was especially allowed during periods lew years ago when according to Dr mans the going was rough lot the in meeting its operating expenses Occasionally howevar the money has been used for special protects the We Mens Club sponsored basketball team at one time lor cannula and used gumball loud to help sup port the sport AIME AT At present the money is be tax used to help the Ys Men meet their $3000 pledge to the YlilYWCA building lund aiidIi in this respect is supplement to other tundraising activities such as setting Christians cakes and mixed nuts in the Wine son The club is considering the transfer at the gumbsli nods to new protect ptann for May As arrangements are not yet complete however it Isnt talking about the details FORECAST Sudhury Cloudy and little cooler with snowiiurrio to night Variable cloudiness Sun day Winds northwest lo is Algoma White River Zoch rune Sunday mainly Sunny Winds light tonight and Sunday CONSERVATIOltlST mantras SillETY Students at the liunter Sale ty Course lookthclr last los son belorc Easter Friday night at Barrie Sports on Collier Street Under instructor iohn liarradlne whos bccn con ducting courso torI the past liva years the atudenlm teens and adults learn everythlng there is toIknow about the use ol lirearms in and out at the woods The only bring the WouldTighten course wont guarantee is direct ht However none oi the iooo or so graduates oi the course have been involved in hunting accidents in this picture Instructor Harradlne right and students Cari Bish Control On Sale Of Firearms Should Canada tighten controla on the sale at lirenrms This public interest since the assas slnation oi President John Kennedy lilany commentators have suggested that the murder at the US president last Novcm 9d permit is necessary has become question at great ch strong All over the country to par llowevcr requiring police permit to own title or shot gun Wflttitl be as revolutionary here as it would Stator use pistol as it in many th US States train the UnI dont thinlr it would be bad idea he said so long as pcnnit was sold at nom inal ice and not used as means at raising revenue The need tor morestringcnt control over iiiearms was it ustratcd in statement by Chic Tschirltart SHUNT IzhlUARY IMC Sells Tannery wPlantI In IBcrrrie Charles moron president mini merger will result in better Oshawa Consultants rolled announced todny that negotia t°nti° it was no John hag Ind Sons Limited and the rinlemt which Canada Packer rotted held In Rob son Leather Company Limited Thome ol Murray Selby Shoes Umited oi nnoa is la ciudad in the purchase lhesn acquiriiioiu increase Ithn interest in the Canadian MIlitEt industry in which the 30an Holly has been Iacti veiy engaged atnce ions The Lang Company has tan nerlea at Barrie Cobourg Kib WITH striations up it lelt and Brian Hones it look onIIs Johns aelanger also it takes aim at tar éget The course Is sponsored by Barrio District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club Briandner Photo gt Will Outline Signiï¬cance 0i White Cane The purpose of White Carin Week will be explained to hun dreds at local public and high school studentsnait week when Donald Ferguson iicld secre tary tor the Canadian National institute for the Blind vLsits their schools Mr Ferguson will visit every chenor and loaded The Robson Leather Comp operates tannery at Oshawa Ontario The combined leather companies will operate under the name oi Robsombaag Leath era limited with its head oliico at Oshawa BITTER PRODUCTS The technical and maritilac turlng lkltls brought together by man complained to pot iccman this week that ho was almost run down by car while pointing his wny along crosswalk This dont doubt at all itl happened to many people However We wondered aiace Barila lltho motorist was last being negligent or Just didnt give darn olteo get the impression that lot at motor lsis are led up to the teeth with crosswaiiis and people who use crosswalk were installed in ted products and services tor the customers ol the new company Plans are underway to inan ulacturo new lines which will be added to the wide variety oi quality leathers that the two tamer companies produced tor the iootwelr glove and gar ment industries llienc prod act are well known in the domestic and world markets lhovahoe company will oper ate under the name oi Murray Solby Shoe Company Llrnltcd and will continua to manulae lure the world lomoiia Selby oea adding new lines to Its extaialva range at fashionsde staple lootwear for both ladies and men Montgomery former president at the bang and Mur raydelby Companies holds the same oiiice in the now com panies and Pettit continues as vicepresident and general manager oi the shoe company Mr Robson is the chairman oi the board oi both companies GOOD EVENING By STEVE rowescu tire low choice words your way TO HELP YOU SLEEP Sympathy is not the only tool ing that lollaws tragedy Bitten acts is always there too the con la oi weeks ago that killed atria children promp more controversy over the location at the proposed new tire hail Council set the inca tinn and the price This body is made up at your elected oiliciais Leave us not target the miserable turnout at school in Barriaand many at them Llifliotï¬iï¬thgwm the schools in neighboring comr only hope that their on tio tint ev to th ol muniiics including Stayner mm use my mm Mnmvéyoï¬llngwah To lind the reaction at Barrio people to the idea The Exam iner lnicrvlcwod some local sportsmen hunters and others as well as Police Chic Ed Tschlrhart The suggestion that permits be required to buy all nine ol lire arms met with the approval at most at those interviewed or at least did not meet with any strong opposition Typical oi the reaction was the statement by Jack Garner that It ynu require man to have licence to buy pistol it seems reasonable to ask him to get licence kind of gun bar might never have occurred ll US law did not make it so Easy to buy guns And the suggestion has raiscd serious doubts in the United States about tho wisdom at al lowing guns to be sold to arty onoevcn as is legal in some states through mail order houses The extent at public concern to the US is shown by recent public opinion poll which re vcaied that 7d per centIoi Americans favor low requir lniz police permit to buy gun This is considerable in crease in peopleinvertible to the idea since irce availability of guns is an old tradition in the us in Canada the tradition is not Lake St Clair Windsor Va riable cloudiness and little cooler Sunday Winds west to northwest 15 Lake lluron southern Gcor clan Bay London Sunday mainly cloudy with occasional snnwtiurries Winds west in northwest 15 Lake Erie Niagara western raake Ontario Hamilton Tor onto Sunday variable cloudi iiess Winds west to northwest Lowe tonight highs Sunday Windsor 25 42 St Thomas to London Kitchener nlount Forest Vingham Hamilton St Catharirns Toronto Pcterbornug Trenton Ktllaloe iiiuskuka North Bay Sudhury Eariion t0 cloudiness Wind north fflï¬ingmm its 15 Sundw White River ltl Northern Georgian Bay Hails it oosonoe iurtoa Timagami North Bay Timmlns More and more sawedoff rifles and shot guns are being dmhfldmrnhe td mam commwmi because it it want to court Although the chic did not mmngimtday could see where it would ho dii eel um Mung would MEI lie writ discuss this work of mm MN the CNN in the prevention oi flail 31 gym blindness and the rehabilitation For instance as rm could be positive step in cut 05 1153 Mini Wm at mm Md pom out um The nIddrossos ItIvlll be 15 min Viilk tier ll mean 1y 5W i0 ngu some the other side ot the street toliowed by question pcriod Vtilte Cane Veok which is their way to aatety Tire other sponsored hy the CNIB and the 59 115 Wtm UP Canadian Council lor the Blind Pedestrians IIIII is Feb 2o Question can the people who be Mrs Eleanor Howard will ac do not point he considered ped automatic great lon and my company Mr Ferguson on rsirlans in the proper rennet WW Emain 9th Monday and Mrs May Corbett sped IIIIIhiII ï¬st2 Wde with will join him on Tuesday Both ghwe Izagmmehm Hulls 186 are blind housewives moving VIMCIEI you me On Monday CNiB Club on AnthlNiTION shootln going to get the worst suggesuonIby bothIMrI bowlers travel to Bradford to p11ny is 25 Ins 25 15 SD lid 32 25 28 75 20 ii Though most at the sportsmen interviewed were agreeable to permit system it issuing per Eastern Lake Ontario Cloudy ild little cooler with low snowtiurrles tonight Sunday vo ior any other rlable usgsgummssï¬gggggrsga give demonstration oi blind aiiiinhnht°iri°iiiiil bguiu forum or Club rirrvrtbtiii°filtbiiii it thus ought be plated on the tympaniï¬bgï¬idedbiglgtyugig lli never understand Its one mi on me IIan mug this at the easiest things we have to rail for direction he then bowls da in the usual manner On Saturday six Club on specitic reason for his wanting mgrsangyse mgszaï¬ buy ammunillfln lng tournament The bowlers He could be required for ex Josephine Green Mrs Agnes while in hospital for check ample to state where and when Maison Gary Bradley Mrs ing in walkerch street With it he intended todiachaiga it and MoyCorliett Don Ferguson his or her arm extended lor autumnSam Wilkinson beailowed to buy only thigh and Eleanor Howard will he ward Yet Its lot less em 33 Vetï¬an oi BoerWaraeertB tor his project say ahuriting accompanied by sighted coach barrassingthan being seriously with 2nd Prince oi Wales ISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIEIIIIIIII VIII it John Corbett injured or having motorist inadvertently became the iirst than to relieve besieged Kim auisror tire our SPECIALS sale oi ammunition This has theadvaniago that it would control the discharge of iirearms purchaser would have to demonstrate in Newcastle MittWilliam Gallant so who sat as Lib arol member and later as an independent in the New Bruns wrck legislature neimltLucien Reeborg ii rookie tackle with Detroit Lions of the National Football League its certainly not so irritating as waiting tor the lights to give you the goahead at the Five Points its not as diliicult as titlingo parking meter One might feel it embarrass bIcrioy when lost on an expedi tron KlagstonDr Calvin Hendry Cameron Cantrell launder nl the chdryConnoll Research Foundation and iormar assist ant prolessor of medicine at Queens University Cornwall liiayor George Simon7u otAlexandria first elected in toll and serving his tom term Militiaflidvises The Govemmenl OiiAWA CHAll elements at the CanodianArmy Militia are represented on acommla tried to advise the government on militia reorganization Asso Available srd and rob ONLY coiiuirioris ciate Dalence Minister Cardin said Friday tvaroRAuontK senior ofï¬cers dlern prion n1 White of MurrayHarbors PEI tain Simpsons companyat the Enhlh chm mice and Private ii Foster Camp Borden Provost School irighliolUnionljayVancouv It xaminer Photo Sutliaoi ï¬tIialmell Br Ianrea In omantsc nh toflsqutyouiourtcal my jumped at McCulloehdaaiatWitiglva yogIIadciIemonstrIaItlonDiI ure am wel ook in run or nroun Icome to Canada here he said to automatic ï¬rm Situation Captain Simpson career sol Hiflm IaptaIin Simpson one at live or who will be in Canada at ti Bllltsb officers east two more years says that iCamotBoIden 01 ha linds little basic dilierelicd between the Britt cmaannivau Simpson er island The two are in Gap Forttta llrstttrnoyoueari have powerful hard working MoCutioch chain saw tor oni $12995l Own the int ty MAC 15 not unusualglleI remembers one experience in Cypruawben terroriata bomb sent the arm ored car in which he was rid di II tow inches in the air ejuat at on nth he raids 53 sh and Can Alien 3pr he was transler ran soldier ad red to Germany to littla place 13th have relatively the north ot Hanover ii is inioooiiovrar lie other icliowiIiI youre egoing present RI mfnwédflï¬ï¬‚ ch Wk Vim ht he Edit lice tTliero were better pros Hestrca this oedioriiai pacilarid lit IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII II was more litlt onceptiona about tMIoat oi the vet aï¬IenciIm depdlIct CanadaIIas II he erapara ands BOWEN won mi mi lie arrivbdip Canada Doc imuiid at Vi Atï¬Cnmp Borden ho iacaptpln Ioi the General Military Training PACKAGE rottCIEs