wrmmmIr mare arm rv ï¬rtvfn1WW an1 Estimate For Tour Completely Full or ilooh mAWA CPI Ofï¬cials to HELP WANTED Willie CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITY Man with office background to grow with well established indns MANY IBENRFIIISy Worth Investigating Write am so barrio Mirror Quebec Minister Defends Report cum liifain mum as prime told the Quebec legisla besis of past experiences the tour probably will Involve more dollar gain the dollar exper wlwm thosemmtiooedhrthenport wuenotgivenechsaootode Written applications are invited by the undersigned for the posi tion oi Iii Answer for the Assessment Department of the City of Barrie This pennment position with salary schedule and full employee benefits in eiiect GIGG city Monarch P0 Box 4w Barrie Ontario ramrm IIILP ioi us man may sitereeon and Ivlntnl lien Saturday Hrlb uhool boys accepted Itva Delnay Eons united Mild Sinai Barrio NURSERY INCK salesmen for Simone County Best commissions ence helpful but not essen lis Write Box D0 Darrin new inlr EDUCATIONAL Why Shouldnt you enjoy auawrrorrarvaw CAR NEW POSITION You can EARN MORE PAY its so very simple Success comes fast and easy with Shaws stepbyrstq easy to learn Home Study training Commercial Training Ac counting Retail Merchan dising Stationary Engineer ing Short Story Writing LEARN MORE EARN MORE call or write for FREE Career Catalogue SHAW SCHOOLS Dept BE 55 Charles SIW Toronto EMPLOYMENT WANTED ramp All types of interior Faintins moderate raise his phone 71159 illsï¬NiiD LADY Usarvullly ox crtoiicsd in beatenking would like work either part or full time capable of tsklns full dostgo oi borne Please write Bun 9i Barrie Examiner sxvcnrithsD Carpenter rian work Addlttom nrues reeroe tion rooms tiling roofing rolt Pain carpentry oi all kinds No Job inn snulL Telephone In urns TINA tEGAI NOTICES NOTICE TOCREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of ROSE SOPHIA MAYS late of the City of Harrie in the County at Sisa ooe Married Women who died on the 26th day of October loosmust forward some to the undersigned on or before the 14th day oi February 1964 after which date the asses will be distributed amongst the par ties entitled thereto and the ex ecutor will not be liable to any Person of whose claim he shall not than have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 27th day oi January AD 961 BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROW 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario LEGALNOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA 1964 Dog Licenses The last date for purchasing the above licenses is February 15 mi After aaid date owners at dogs are liable to prosecution Licenses are available at Muni cipal Office Baxter or at the residence of Lee Mordou WV Lot Concession Essa Town ship Mail orders will be ac cepted at either office Enclose your 1969 license or give full information as to breed colour and age SANFORD PAGE Reeve BELL ClerkTreasurer I2 TENDERS SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned in sealed en velopes marked TenderAn nre Lennox Estate up to twelve noon Thursday Febru ary 6th 1964 for the purchase of the Nortirpari of Lot 42 West Parkside Drive Plan 386 barrio on which there is silo Bird House No 23 Parkside Drive iiarrie Terms Five per cent of purchase price by certified cheque payable to An nla Annex Estate to accom puny tender balance as set out in tender or as may be arrang edwith Estate sale to close on or beiore Marchlï¬th i964 Highest or any tender not nee essarily accepted Appointments to see the property may be made through the vAdrrrInistraA to Victor Church ransom is cocoonsntes l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday Feb 14 at 1230 pm For HECTOR TURNR At Lot so Whit Ease ruwtnhlo mil roam Will of ill Camp hordes Kim soda of Utopia Sale of or head of beef cattle hay stmv farm machinery lid Terms cam farm ls sold JERRY covenant Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday Feb 15 all rn ahar For JOHN At Lot Concession North Orillis Township miles north of No ll lilymay and it mile west on 5th and stir side road Sale of farm stock Inr plunerrta hey grain straw poultry milking equipment and some household effects Terms cash No reserve as the farm Is sold JERRY COUGHIJN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 14 1280 pm sharp For HORACE FOX At Lot Concession West Gwillirnbury Iowndrip miles south west of Bradiord Sale oi to head oi Hereford cattle high class farm mach Inery hay straw grain and hourde effects Terms cash No reserve as the farm is said omenvenetian JERRY couortmu Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 28 pm shar For JACK RE VE At lot 14 Concession in niafil Township one mile north of Churchill and one mile west oi No 11 Highway Sale of 35 head oi Scotch Short horn cattle Jerseys pigs sheep horse arm machinery hay straw grain and some house hold effects Including some as liquor Terms cash No reserve as the than is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 1230 pm sharp For LAMBERT WILISON At Dot Concession Whit church Township on Wellington 12 Aurora one mile from the termJoins Sale or registered accredited am using Holstein cattle M0 tractors full title or ï¬aymg equipment forage harvester forage wagons spreader seed and fertier drill and many other Implements Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Allme Department oi Highways AUCTION SALE OF BUHDDNGS FOR REMOVAL OF DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE N0 TMZII One and onehaif storey room frame horse car home gar age and frame shad situated on Part of Lot RP 19 City of BarrierCounty ot Simcoe on the northeast quadrant oi High ways No is 21 and 400 Sale to be held on the property at 130 PM LOCAL TIME FRIDAY FEBRUARY it 1964 TERMS Cash or Certified Cheque icheoue made payable to the Treasurer oi Ontario plus 510000 Performance Bond to guarantee that work Will completed Inaccordanca with DH regulations NOT permit Isrequired to move building along across on over Provincial Highway andor Municipal Road or Street Persons who may be interested in purchasing those buildings for the purpose oi moving them Intact or in sections to another location must obtain informa tlnn regarding permitshorn the District Office noted below PRIOR TO THE SALE For further information please curtaet lthe Auctioneer Mr AtoherColwill loo Codrtngton Street Rarrie Ontario Telephorgï¬dmm Central Regional Office Department of Highways Downsview Ontario Telephouer moons OR Toronto District Oliioc Department of Highways Downsviow Ontario Telephone Mil3331 DWARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS feairrg them with phmol convertible nornrrn TIIEBLONDE Vonnia Von Hetmoit is says she thinks people either like snake or they dont Ere lilies them ihe Winnipeg blonds stappui forth Thursday NDP Leader Tells Future Policies OTTAWA SpeciailThe New Democratic Party doesnt mind the Liberal government steal ing our clothes as long as they wear them party leader Douglas said here tth week in an exclusive interview with the Ottawa bureau oi The liar rle Examiner Mr Douglas said the NDP will play the coming anion oi parliament by ear and will follow much the same line it took in the last session We will continue to give the government simport on its pro gressive measures such as tho pemion plan medicare and Canadian development fund Mr Douglas said claiming that many oft he more progres sive Liberal measures have been taken Irom the NDP Ii they refrain from bringing in reactionary legislation there is no immediate prospect oi an election Mr Douglas admitted there have been meetings between members oi his party and the Liberals in Ontario to explore closer working arrangement but said these had been on personal basis We not been any such discussions at the federal Hihe basic differmca Is who and bed hos constrictor wrap itself srotrnd her neck ditiiiil department store show of birds cs fish and enhnals Ci irephotot level because there are too many fundamental difference between the partlu he said you plan for The Liberals plan to metre the rich rIdror Instead of bringing about the elimina lion oi emloltation and monop oly control The NI lasdor refuted aug gestiona oi rift among his fcd erel group and said he had never been part of pollheal organization which Worked so well together He particularly praised Arnold Peters MP for iImiskamtng and Frankhow ard liii7 ior Sheena for the firm stand they have taken on the divorce question rirelr eff Orouly exonerated acid Completer full of boots said another at the officials arent will nuke an estimate new of go for untdholfedersl oonoem may only he one per cent oi the tr 000000 figure on which Laval University etudents an basing their protest against the Queens visit Moreover oIIiclsls say on the Links Cigarettes To Prematurity SIMCOE CPI psychia trist from landon Ont said Thursday cigarette smoqu is cause oi metal reurdatioti and other detects to newborn children Dr Koegler oi Iondons Psychiatric Research institute also said mothers who smoke have twice as many premature babies as those who do not He told the Norfolk Assocls tion for Retarded Children there are four or five times as many retarded children among premature babies as among normal babies Cigarette smoking he said is the civilization cause oi the abnormalities diseases and In juries which often result in mental retardation In newborn children tiFEIS IIISTA tour or CHERRIES aria over the post number of years have finally forced the government to accept the prin ciple of commLssioner to hem die Quebec and Newfoundland divorces No one else had the courage to grasp this nettle Mr Doug Ins claims Ile believes Canada should have recognized Red China years ago and said the last ves Ltge of an excuse about Rodi Chinas sovereignty over For mosa has gone Nazi Guard Killed ReuterslJoef Klehr 59year old former Auschwitz death camp guard admitted in court here Thursday that he had killed 250 to 300 hall dead and exhausted prisoners by in to AUCTION srucs AUCIIONSAIE Friday evening FEBRUARY PM TO 11 PM Saturday alternoon FEBRUARY PM TO PM At RUBYS GWRAL STORE Complete dispersal of all grnc cries clothing rubber wear hardware including bolts guns wire farmers supplies sundry drugs washer dryer TV sets Sépiece bedroom suite some store equipment 1959 Lincoln Premier door 1958 Cadillac Terms cash No reserve as the owner has other interests and the building isria thohands of theReal Estate JERRY COUCHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SatmdangarchT pm sharp ERANK THOMPSON AtLot 12 Concessions Essa Township Va mile north of Egbert Store Sale of on headrof beet cattle sowspigs fa machinery hay straw an some house hold effeck Terms cash Nn reserve asltha harm is sold JERRY coucrum 300 mehr chief hospital order1y in the Nazi camp said that within three months he admin istered phenol injections at least twice week at the order of Dr Entrees camp denier But he denied he had inlectcd prisoners who had survived ex periments in which they were artificially infected with spotted fever lawyer representing the Iarnliiesrof camp prisoners told the court that up to 300 persons day had been killed at Ausch wits hy ahuirtingcamp lar gon for phenol injections Iwantyvtwo former members of the camp staff are being tried here for their part in mass execution at Auschwitz where somei000000 people died gt Continents Stationery and Systems Oiflca Equipment Repaln SIMCOE business Machines Write 175 Pt at 915 tomorrow in rose when the Queen and Prince Philip toured Canada for six weeks the woolpocket cost to the isdersi trenntry move This of course did not include the upensee of the armed forces and civilian branches of government which could be traced to the tour but which would he spent on pay and services in any case As memento oi the royal tour and in plsca of gift the former Conservative govem meat established ti000000 hard ior medical research Into childrens diseases Many of the provinces set up scholarshi and similar funds far exceed ing the 91000300 iederal fund SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE IRAYS BODY SHOP Specializing In BODY WORK Oi llllflil TO ALL MARIO itlila St mun sir no 915 sm and pm nunmo HE REGIONAl CHERRY PIE BAKr vorr its tOCAt courrsrirus commmnrowssrrowwruoow SHARE IN THE FUN AND EXCITEMENT morning and 100 in the aitemoon when local contestants will compels to see who represents Barrie in the National Cherry introOff to he held at Prudhommas Stariigsteilroorn at Vineland Ontario on February Pie Baking Conteat Championship TilEC lie said Education ls oer tsinly expensive for most poo pie in the provinu but It is gold mine for few Thats what we leaned from the report ii In defending the royal commission report Igslnst op position chsrgel in some of in vicarious DEPBIIJAIIE DEIIVEiIES or IEXACO HIE CHIEF Home Heating Oil See smcoc rrraorcon PA aorta is ANNE ET fend themseivoe lie us also Mandi till governments time for release oi the report which came at thesurtoidebstsoublnm atlaa Quebecs first Web department It also found that millions dollars hgfldndï¬ ties and books was odntlvlled by Ian1 group of WWII Garners SPECIAL CDAMONIX atria arm HARNESS it it in ï¬iis in ion was Millile It hlnolnn Rel Ht arrow rnrcs LIA SKI BOOTS Daonet GARNERS lirnroe Cons Llldlhl IN floods Outlet Dunlap It IA H5 EATONS far 51 or orru rrourorir nu lteep cleanmakes It run to prepare 9pm have inc truer VIKING soon Pleasing to roar hte to mcnt everything from just snack to big dinner This is the big thriiiymodei with combination range timer and interval timer timed appliance outlet infinitely variable bent switches for getop cooking and hrol automath even control withpreheat feature full width storage drawer fluorescentiy Illuminated and manyother wantedestrrrs corona oannnv ens permanence backward remit ht muors useo IN cnraavrreaAKsorr EATON Guarantee ff Mosstilt to