Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1964, p. 4

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rw Immoral 7r VYis wwovmWfiwm in wow Ws Elia detachment Published by Canadian Newspapers Umltod 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walll Publlabor Wilma General Manager WEDNESDAY JANUARY ll Page now THE GREAT WALL OI CHINA Smaller Communities Can Adapt To Changed Ideas REPORTFROM 0K Theprincipal speaker at this years annual meeting of Barrie YMYWCA Dr SWybourne of Toronto said that the present generation lof western ers faced with the most rapidly chang ing conditions in history milst learn to recognize differences between them selves and the rest of the world They must do this without making judgments on the rest of the world if they are to deal with change satisfactorily Change is something that we priv ileged peoples in the western heml sphere find hard to accept We have for long been taught that our demo cracy andfree enterprise systems and our traditions of religion are the unly right ones in the world But we must understand now Dr Wyboarne empha sizedthat these are not always suitable in other countries We must be able to see different values in others with out condamnlng or trying to change them The speaker asserted that his talk ap plied to Barrie because he thought it was more difficult to make changes insmall communities like Barrie than in larger centres He emphasized that it was necessary to convince people thatre assessments could be made Without abandoning Christian values Dr Wybourne no doubt compared Barrie in size to Toronto and as such small community We could also compare Barrie for size with let us say Elmvale or Egbert As for Barrie had he lived here for the past 15 or 25 years the evidence of chaugef is everywhere and we dont mean physical growth We heartilyragree with everything he said about understanding in the western world except that one thing The people of smaller communities are quite as capable of mental and spirit ual understanding and acceptance of change as those of metropolitan areas and in fact more so Down MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO WAR JUST OVER Barrie Examiner Jan 23 1919 Mayor Dr Robert Sprott entertained town coun cil at dinner Manager Victor Knight and staff at Allandale station restaurant provided delectable meal For 19th year Daniel Quinlan reelected presi dent Barrie Agricultural Society Coutts and other local fox hunters will have to hustle to beat Sam Draper of Elmvalewho disposed of 71 skins re cently for totalof $1000 Charles TymunJppointedA assessor for three wards at $275 per annum AScott of Burton Avenue appointed caretaker Allandale fire hall Midland in bet ter condition beat Barries intermediate hockey team 96 Tim Villlers in goal for locals after four years retirement Tonvayment Dot Meeking and Tiny Keeley est for Barrie Many letters printed from local soldiers still over seas including and Tom Fletcher sons of Mr and Mrs AW Fletcher of Toronto St also from Corporal Victor Gianelli of Toronto nephew of Byron Hill of Allandale Cpl Gianelli who The Barrie Examiner Authorised II lpliOfft Ind for payment of portal in DIliy Sundays and lututniy Holiday pt KENNETH Willl Publish Vlml EKWILSON General plunger MIPHERION Mlnnltnl Editor FAMILY WILSON Advertising Mmllli munnorvw HILL Accountant MICHAEL DDNNELLY Clrcflllllflll Mlllllll subscription rntoolllv by cantor loo weekly ills mfloyc in both th V125 your man man month CloudCumin oio Outlldo chion Dritlnbpvueulouc urooy and Forgin ulMLyalr offices 42 University lorontoi can Street Montreal Vancouver Member of th lmemidasuclntlcn Tho Audit Bureau or olauoo CanadianJmr aublicatlon of all quI no Iloowtbn local and publishIth headstones Want Ads Telephone tassel The boot numbcrito OIU for nucleus or moonlit nut is 139 and class to year Neooia loin Pry Jamal our fllKDIiClfll in Ill bohspiel slum copy 1r cy millennium WI 1200 Walt Pcndu Strut It orTlu Auoclled Prev or went over with Princess Pats Regiment was said to be first Canadian soldier to reenter Mons Belgium Pte Lorne Campbell wrote from Cologne Germany having crossed the armistice line on leave Ca dian soldiers were well treated an their chocolate bars were in great demand Capt Roy Thomas who won Military Cross arrived home He was star hockey goalie for Barrie Colts and Varsity Major ReedLewis arrived at home on Mary St He went overwitii 228thBattall in 1916 twice promoted in field Soldiers just homePte Bert Owens Pte Rois Robin son Pte George Reid Gunner Max Ness Bergin Clayton one of five sol dler sons of Mr and Mrs John Clayton of Barrie PtepEldon Parlridge Pte Ernest Hobson who brought bride with him McConkey and Grose oneers listed seven sales for next week Barries fine junior hockey team beat Collingwood 833 Club consisted Ross Bud ram defence Max Rosenfeld centre Jack Reid and Babe Bogardis wings Bill Craig and Charlie ynch subs Scott nedy and Doc Simon skipwon Gait in Barrie bonspiel Stroud Sutherland Matt Robert Lennox and Walter Patter son skip won primary event Abund ant catches of herring from bay sham ties ParagraphicellySpeaking con no make soon at boys They just finishing touches on his earnin rott lilo oilnin we contented person orrriwa harbor Pollution Water Is serious Problem ny banter mcaouoN OllAWA fhopollutlon of our rakes Ind rlvm has reached so serious proportion that Canada blessed with up proximately lull the rub wI tcr on onto may soon suffer serious shortIge oi pure wI tcr to some districts hitherto overlookcddonn oi pollution of our natural re sources wu highlighted before the House of Commons com mittee on pesticides and drugs This was the poisoning of our foods by pesticides The problem you have cho sen iocx lore is one that must be tolv in our time IIfd Miss Rachel Carson the well lmown US mIrtnc biologist and author feel strongly that bcgloolog must be made on it Her book Silent Spring de scribing the growth of this memo to our health and oven our lives has been bestcellar for many moothl As one oi the outstanding ex ports on this sublect shI wu wisely invited to submit her views to Ibo committee She pointed out that our soil water and air Iupporl hundreds at thousands of species at ani mals and plants as well as man himself The development of science has achieved dramatic results in recent yea but we have tended to overlook its damaging side effects rho said She quoted radioactivewuta nun clear fallout domestic waste chemical waste from lotteries and detergents from homes and industries as other factors de stroying nature CHAIN OF FOOD Her most sensational evidence concpmed the concentration of poison th transmittal along the food chain of nature and the astonishing manner in which this can spread Know ledge of this wide dispersal of pesticide poison far beyond the point of application has been acquired only within the last year she said The most disturbing of all No Indication About Election By MolNTYRE HOOD LONDON Beyond the fact that the life of the present par liament must end in October of thlsyear there is as yet no indication of when the luevitablc general election is going to be But the printing presses are Ii ready pouring out pamphlets by the million and posters by they tonsotthounods and booklets by the too And thesejsaino presses are standing by ready for the day when the amt cl electioo propaganda wrll reach its full flood lo the headquarters of the ril Shh one in 1690th Elihu fish that but It sea Sudl rultlucs have been found in fish caught off both rout of North America as wdl It all South America Eun opc and Asia The species coo corned include halibut living on the floor of the Pacific Ocean and tuna fish at the open ocean that rarely comes close to land Oil from some of Ibcsc marine fish hos containedlpr in concentrations exceeding 300 parts per million To explain the significance of this figure should explain that concentration is poorly t5 times the legal tolerance for DDT in foods in lhI United States What Miss Carson called an exceedingly important method of transportation or these pol sons is fmm oos llnlr to another in natural foodcinrl At Big Bear leo in Califor nia toxIphcoc chlorinated hydrocarbon was applied at dosage of only onefifth of also part per million The tiny panlrton organisms in the lake picked this up and concen trated it to level of 73 ppm Theo fish alelhls plankton and it built up further to no ppm in the fish Finally the concen tration built up in birds which ate these fish pelicans in fact to staggering 1700 ppm Meanwhile the plankton was eaten by trout from hatchery remained unfit for fish for in months Around Yellowknife lliss Carson related there is on in porlant waterfowl breed ing ares insecticides have not been sprayed within several hundred miles yet DDT has been found for several years in the eggs of waterfowl and in the young chicks Contamination of our natural surroundings by pesticides and the extinction of animal and plant life which might follow poan up the fact that these side effects should no longer be overlooked when the boneliis of pesticides are considered Yet Date tlooprioling plans So for only the handbooks for the election agents have gone out But its spokesman said that it the clan lion date were announced at once they would bI rcady So one thing is sale that when the day comes that the Word goes out giving the detect the nlcctio Britain will be subloc tndtoth radiontllbodoipr punch in the form ofprinted material that the country has ever kno tbree moiorpolltlcrl phrtlcl tho boys in the bathrooms many of them highlyqualified ubllc rev lutioor exports are gr odiog out the material which will be fed into these presses and in turn find their any lulothohliids ol till voters in all parts oi the country LAllOlbg PLANS At liInrport Hours the head quarters at the Labor party some lessons have apparently been learned tom the 195 gen eral election In that campaign Labor headquarters llsucd ls diflareut posters which were spread on hoardingc all over the country This lime only two dif tercot posterswillhe issued and it is planned to concentrlto on othetheJnost tdelllngl ot the art opsgao og lIuyllie llso election the Labor party spread its efforts through 24 assorted leaflets which were pushed through the letter boxes but proved too much for the average voters to digest This time the party is planning to concentrate on muchrcmallcr variety of pamphlets but to print them in millions with the idea of making stronger im pact oo the electors by making fewer points with greater force BULKY VOLUME One election piece ol litera ture which the Labor party has alreadypublistredda bulky volume entitled Naive WIS ted Years and costing5150 Said Labor spokesman It is bible of Torynsios recalling ell they have said and done while in power trim Tories so doing silly ngr extra pages will be added snoornoco Ovcr onvlhe other side at Smith Square at Conservative headquartsrs there was great deIl more relicenca in discus alog their intentions One of thorn said am afraid our general olee tion plsbs aretoo confidential lto tell you lint we ready to rm so rgllyri Toldlo Probe sorrows aorssoox We Will Hear More Child Deaths TORONTO lCP 0ntIrlo needs rudely for tho pro vaitioo of cruelty to children says Dr liunld Calhoun lilo provinces worming corona Monday Dr Column laid ho had instructed Ontarios son one open IndpIthologicta to In crun their iridium in him ligatingchild deathe etc an interview lItcr bu gm details of what doctors all the bolterodehlld syndrome People rush to tho phone when they I69 horse being whipped or cat up free but tdhlciy look lhsother way when Is lllorIlty beaten to death since his appointment in moothl ago Dr Colom cold room from Icrou the prov ioco have reported in him easel of Icoldiogr beatings bltlogr bone fractures unexplained in lurlcc Ind reports Ihovt rhildrep were beaten to death during the period Three of them dlod lo the last it run We are shocked and amazed at how many of these deaths are turning up And for every child who dies of neglect Hill nutrition or beating there are 100 other who are mistreated without it coming to the often the of authorities From Ed May ly is amazon Barrio industrial Commission er Dd his bu bearpot oaths spot by letter published in Tomato daily newspaper The letter written by Barrio man said statement attributed to the commissioner implied all too clearly Ihnt the industrial growth of the city depends on keeping wage depressed in the The letter wu discussed briet is It this weeks meeting of Barrie City Council but no so lion wutskcn One must credit scd members with displIylog good hom sense in not accepting any such implication without first giving Mr May no opportunity to fly his piece MAYS ATTITUDE As far as we are concerned lllr lllay has always diaploycd shrewd wellbalanced attitude towards the citys industrial pic ture in recent Interview he cited factors which tend to bring industry to community High microscope no news Recognition 0i lied China JOSEPH DYNAN PARIS AP Prcrldcot do Gauilel rcoogpltlon of Com munist China today is part of ground ple to reestablish French economic and cultural influence around the world Although Franco hos lost In empire since the Second World War do Gaullo believes his campaign can reItorc some political influence and again make France power to com tend with in international Il fairs This is one meaning of the twin olfeullves unveiled last week For Asia the diplomatic recogoltloool Communist Cities for Latin Amerlcl visit to Mexico March row and the an nouncements month long tour of South America begin ning with an official visit to Brazil next fall Paris hopes to maintain rolo lions with Nationalist Chino thereby launching France on two Clllhll policy KEEP FORMOSA RELATIONS Sources disclosed Saturday thatde Gaulle has asked Presi dent Chioug KaiShela to maio mflrl lain Nationalist Chinas diplo matic relations with France There had been reports that the Formosabased Nationalist gov eroment intended to cut its ties with Paris in protest at the rec ognition of Mao lsoiun rc gime ThcFrcnch loader regards normal relations with Commu lst Chinl os II prelude l0 tablishlrig Frenchlnfluence Southeast Asia ills initial elm lr an oteroaliouolly guaranteed neutral status for Viol Nam Part French Global Plan and it poisoned them The lake Laos and Cambodiaall ports of former French lodochioa DoGoullo who hnl urged lho reunification of divided Viet Nam and settlement oi the guerrilla war lhcrsiceis only with Communist Chinas support can the proposal be achieved The United States and South Viet Nam vigorously oppose the idea arguing it will mean the countrys copiiulatloo to com inunllm pincer CONTACT But even beyond settlement in Southeast Alla dc Gaullo feels Franco should have direct contact with both rider or the struggle between the Soviet Union and Chino In his Asian diplomatic olfen tivc do Gsuile has not lie gleciEd Japan the other great flower in the Orient The French we built up their economic and cultural outlets in Japan France also is seeking closer ties with The Philippines Their land Burma and lndonesia Unlike the United States France does not have long standing political economic ory and emotional com mitmcots to Chlsng During the war dc Gaullc and Chlaog were allies but hardly hadany contact At the end oi the war rela tions becamo chilly France re rented what it thought was Chi aogs encouragement to lndo Cbinesqhsiionalism pndhis op ties to French rule in indo Dc Gaulle is also not neglect iog Africa and the Middle East where Fraoio once had eon rauf apnea on his list were reasonably low in rates cootmllod capitol debit aghch affects taxes and tho aj vollablllty of good industrial land It fair and competitive prices We cannot speak for Mr Ally but never in our upefleoco have we heard him say or imply that depressed wages must be mIin uioed lllr my would be silly Indeed to ram such on men lion Ind we would say be has been the oppmltc of lmprudcnt in his statements tor publica lions or in his privatelycxprcs vcwc about the industrial scene Aid Gerald Roberts and Aid ewlorywero concerned This is natural reaction liut they long with othcr members of council were prepared to let hfr llloy speak for himself No official action was taken al though motion was offered to refer the lctlcr to the finance committco for report The mo lion was defeated Meanwhile we will be hearing more from Mr May and perhaps from his employers the industrial Com mission Ono other item of business sparked unusual interest in short meeting it was concerned with motion by Ald Roberts He asked council to instruct Wol ter Gigg city manager to re port on the efficiency of the various city departments This would have been tall order which could have involv ed many lhlogs Would Mr Glgg have had to conduct lob evaluations and time checker Would he have been expected to say whethor position in the assessment department or the city clerks office were expend Iblet We were not watching Mr Clggs face during the debate nor did we ask him for his own comments Our thought was that the ovontusl defeat of the mo tion saved him from headaches Evaluation of jobs and of ficlency checks are problems to dump in the laps of outside ct ficlency experts They can bard en their hearts and bring in report which would lot the chips fall where they may We assume that Mr Glgg as city manager must regard his civic machin ery as efficient Otherwise he would have done something bout it BIBLE soonest Comeand let usreloro unto the lord for he hath torn and his will heal mi fie both smitten and be will bind nounHose 61 The pmphcts advice to lsraet will have the same beneficial resulls today if we as genero tloo will heed his words LONG WNW Oldest religious series on tel evlsion Lamp Unto My Feet on CBS is in its lbtb cooldtu live your rinse rosrclr clinic You NEED Eucrnlchccv you CANUSEOVER 200 cations or PIPING HOT WAIER EACH DAY anoircosrsvouoww iMatchlessolectric water 90 efticlent oth at gt Independent surveys healed at lower cost healing than any other way The same volume heated is cost over $13ll0 per month heating is provoolto be over methodsmay only be as much per MONTH 10 wear it another method could prove that morewater can be with flat rate electricivwater rirciiiic writs HEATlllli initialsi Cascade 40 Is Homeless clean silent Andthere is tenyaarguarontoeonlheiank PPRblED The new coscade WatetHeeting tepplianoe lg In APPROVED PRODUCT developed through the combined research and resources of Ontario Hydro and electrical manufnCturerI gt VcoMMIssmN EletlricilyloSoieleonllontelessA MbreliilicionlJoole Uroarurtosniliscatl not PUBLIC

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