POSING with their conch Cownn is the North Collegiate girls rifle team which won the Ontario girls dismplonshlp in small bore Collegiate students who won in the Ontario large bore cham pionship at Winona ranges ncnr Hamilton last September ALTHOUGH NEW in Barrle District North College late girls rifle teomis only in its second year of operation it has already won ttie top award for girls rifle shooting in Untario fall of 1962 was notified yester woa the Ontario Rifle Associii tion small bore championship last Novemberwith an average score of 934 points out of pos sible 100 The team is composed of Pat Jackson Geraldine Jelfrey Sandra Deazant Donna Jocbos and anncvn Walther North Collegiate teacher Cuwan coaches the girls The Girls Rifle Club was ur gaoized by Dryden when the Ontario Department of Edn cation with the Ontario Rifle Assnciatfotf established the first competitive ritle match for girls Beginning with eight members the club placed well amngtbe competing teams from various Ontario high schools in January 1953 12 more girls from Grades and to joined the club The club weatheri prac tising for the Department of Education challenge shield match which was held Iin March The North Collegiate team placed seventh in Ontario in this competition After Easier last year few more new members joined the with Dominion Marksman and the Canadian Civilian Associw tion of Marksman Shooting equipment was also improved at that time and members began to enter competitions for in dividual prizes and awards REORGANIZEI Last September the club was icorgnnlzcd with Mm Cowan 95 range instructor An execu live was elected witii Pat Jack son president Sandra lsezzant secretary Barb McGibbon treasurer Geraldine Jeffrey beaior representative Linda Ate kiason junior representative Membership in ilie club was opened to all girls but because limited facilities the mem bcrahlp had to be restricted to to when the club was swa Id with over so applications The club has been firing one night weekh at Contraicolleg day that its competition learn club which became affiliated The chili organizedvin the Afterthe Christmas vacation match rifle class is more diffi list the rifle competition in Novenr her They are from leftl PatJsckson is 54 Kempen felt Drive Sondra Bczzant 17 69 Johnson St Donna THREE OF THE four North are shown their scores by their coach Martin From left they are Antony Belts 16 RR Slianiy Bay David Bohiel til so Agnes St in SPORT North Girls shoot With Ontarios Best tion and every member has won the basic bronze maple leaf pin for shooting five targets over 80 SILVER PINS in addition nine girls have won their silver pins for to tsr gets of 93 or better and four girls have won gold pins for prone position shooting 10 tar gets over 98 These pins were won in the sporting rifle division of Dom inion Marksman The junior cult The bullseye in this div ision is only ï¬vesixtcenths of an inch in diameter compared with the one and threesixteen tbs inch ball on sporting rifle targets Junior match contestants are permitted to use sling to help steady their rifle but only half the club has been instructed in this type of shooting The Smooth Move closest thing to perfection the pretend that weve eliminated all thrinconvenlrnoss of inovlng lltltlltlllltb wevs first llieso probidrnfs for 73 yasrs hivc caught most of them Iiiil Eastern Cinsdss must never 75 six have won the silver pin in sin functioning business dont Jacobs is 91 Nelson St Mr Cowan Geraldine Jeffrey is its Mulcoslcr St and Down cva Walther 15 as Codriug ton St and Eric Durnhom in Bar rie Terrace fourth mem ber of the team Brcnt Osa chuk was absent Examiner Photosll Of the so naruciponlslo girlslinve won their bronze pins for to junior match targets over for in targets over on and four have won gold pins for scoring 10 forgets over 93 In February North Collegiate Rifle Club will have team en tered in the Georgian Bay Sec ondary School Association match and in the Department of Eda cation challenge match open to all Ontario high school teams WomanStabbed Aobbed$l4flil WINDSOR Oht lCPlA 47 yearold Windsor woman was gagged hound and then stabbed in the abdomen late Tuesday night when two men broke into her apartment and stole about $14iioin cash We thinks lllll nlovs is the MnkePlans so Addition To New School moonsh commas Board unnn approv ed motion by Trustee Noel Stephenson that architects be appointed to design soddrnw up plans for tender for the tomoom addition to Maple Grove Sdsoot Mr Stephtnson explained that his reason for the motion was to help down time Approval must be given by the Ontario Municipal Board before con situation can begin and this will take at least another month By hiring the architect now draw up plans for tender we will save about month and half Mr Stephenson said His motion stated that the firm of Salter and Allison of Barrio should be engaged as architects it was the original school for Maple Grove Spring Must Be Some coffee drinkers ore be ginning to hum it might as well he spring The reason is the rise in mice of the international break and the rumor that it could he omecilywlde At least our restaurant at horrlcf has uppcd the price from If to 15 costs This was ans credited to or blamed on the rise in the price of coffee itself For the time being at least there appears to be no mass rise Six other coffee houses can vosscd said no rise was con templated for the immediate future One spokesman said the price of pound of coffee would have to go up considerably before the customer would have to dig little deeper CA5 MEETING Board of directors of the Chil drens Aid Society hasa meet ing scheduled for tomorrow ev ening in the CAS otfice The meeting is scheduledto begin at eight oclock WARDENS BANQUET The annual Siméoe County wardens banquet will be held at Guthrie Community Hall on Feb at 1230 pm VON ANNUAL Annual meeting of the Barrie branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses will he held today at it pm in the Laidlaw Nurses residence AGRICULTURAL Barrie Agricultural Society has its annual meeting schedul edfor this evening at Stroud Community Hall It begins at eight oclock sonasrnv Barrie forestry committee will meet tomorrow sftemnon at two clck in the committee room of city hall cantons onus Bud Watson of Midland will sari KING cannon ovraciiOrmro Seek Public Sch not In Allandale Areci delegation asking Public School Board to building another School Barrio classroom The Department of wider Education has set the number intheofpipilsperclassroosnnanot King Ward School area win more than ts he said there tinned down by the trinieeast lsnotmerooiniothoprimsry 151 our meetingw division with more than as The dolegntlon known as the Pupils Nr McKay told the King Edward interested Pan Emil And according to do cnts Groom said that class Wilnsnt of education require rooms were overcrowded wash meats it is not overcrowded mm and 1mm mum and has not lhelsrgestnumbcr were inadequate too mmy Flip PEI Classroom hi the students had to walk too for to school and that better piny Spokesman for the parents ground facilities were needed mop we lack Matienley of mu mm mm on or crescent who told the hoald that this meeting request Burton avenue to the Allandala Baffle ing new school was prelim architectural firm oi the new City Councils Finance Com mittee will meet with represen tatlvu ol the board Monday to discuss approval of debentures Cup OfColiee May Cost More iOCAL AND hum that car driven by iRuth EsterAniirewsol RRl Shall iaw address Barrie Camera Club to 1w Cosimo so FRENCH FRIES SIRLOlN STEAKS TURKEY LEGS mm oneness FRESH SIDE roar lb n59 FREEZER SPECIAL PM nnar owns or BEEF smasor user BIRDSEED MIXTURE veir roots Manner viimoi EXTRA SPECIALI oi nary appmadi to the board N0 OVERme Speaking on behalf of the board Angus Mclfny super intendent of public sdiools said that compared to some other schools in Barrie King Edward has less pupils per Around Corner This spokesman said his as tabllshmeni pays 74 cents per pound of coffee conserva llve estimate he sold is that we got about iso cups per pound Last spring several reatnuii ants raised their coffcc prices because of the rise in the cost of sugar One plnce of business lower ed the price to five cents for short time Within month or two the price of cup of coffee was down to whnt is considered nnr mnl 10 cents Somtl pinch still charge more than dime for tnkcouts The question now scents to be llow many restaurants will raise the price pm how long will it lost this time day at eight oclock in the Lib rary Hall No Charges In Accident Au accident on the second line of Oro Township north of Highway 11 caused an estima ted 595 damage Tiienlay eve ning Ontario Provincial Police say ty Bay was proceeding north through an intersection at the top of hill The driver applied the brakes but the rear of the cor skidded to the left The vehicle struck the left front comer of car driven by Francois Contard of 8860 St Denis St Montreal Contard who was proceeding north had applied his brakes and stopped in the centre of the road No charges were laid rls0NEizssszn FARM 95o STYLE LEAN SAUSAGE COTTAGE ROLLS 53 LEANVEAL giggle ii 59 ï¬gï¬nea lbs 5967 We wish to know what are the exact requirements for new school what steps we can January This is going to be record January for accidents says hBarrie Police Chief Ed Tsohir an Weve slrcadyhad it acci dents this month compared with during the same period last year Were proud of our low fat nifty rates but accldnls are up 33 per cent over life past year The national increase is only it per cent Last year we had no accl dents Any of these could have been fatal he said The problem is the publlcs at titudo the chief suggests Citi Zens fall to realize that the pol ice force exists to help EDUCATE PUBLIC Only by educating the public that is by showing the people that safelyprecaubons are in their own interests will we be able to stem the flood of acci dents andprevcnt needless sor lW Motor vehicle accidents here cost an estimated 528513 in loss The figure for 1962 was $12040 This is marked increase states the chief it could have been avoided if the public was better educated on the rules and reasons of safety Corporal Ralph Berry carries out an extensive safety program in our school but even this Is not enough he says What recommend is to have permanent safety officer who could coordinate true safety program starting at the kinder garten level This way we could develop true image of the police force We can reach the children and show them what the policemans job entails Wa are not lawyers op politiciaï¬pcwa enforceLIhe By the time motorist is in his 50s or 60s safety educa tion has little effect We can no longer reach him becauseha enjoys playing cat and mouse with the police The motoristi May Be Record take to help the board in pre paring for new school and whnt are the requireman for classroom be said Replying to part of his cues tlon Trustee Noel Stephen son explnincd 1b Justify new school being built you must prove you have more than 35 pupils per dassrooni if you had an average enmhneot of 351 per classroom then the department would have to Ic oept your request This would not mean how ever that the board would build new school for an over flow of 15 pupils The amallut addition or school the board has built has been four rooms This would mean that an overflow of at least to to so pupils King Mishaps sake of speeding but because he is defying authority URGE T0 SPEED This lcndency begins when the youth of in gets his first licence and father lends him the car Becauss tblsurge to speed already exists at the highschool level Chief Tschlrhart recom mends that the safety officer make direct drive at educat ing the young folk Cpl Derry recommends the job of safety officer he full time task ills report states that it takes minimum of 60 days teaching time to cover the schools and school patrols four Edward School presently has an excess of Li pupils One bf the parents Plalnts mmed those children who must walk some distle to school in letter to the hood outlining their stud tho parents wrote Many of the pupils liva wdl over half mile from the Idloot While this seems short dis tance in an adult it seems im possible to five or anyone old especially when part of this is an uphill climb Those signing the letter includ ed Mrs John Scott Mrs Mary Williams Dew and Vera My ers lhonnrd and Pearl Cope land Ray and Beryl Mitchell Barbara and Ron Mlscsmpbell Peter and Maxine MansonBer nice and Jack Msttmlay Md Nancy Ind Ernie Reed Barrie Builders Share Award Alexander of Barrie will officially take office as presi dent of the National Homcbullid crs Association this evening at the presidents dinner Mr Alexander was elected president Saturday at the start of the associations convention in Windsor WWOM was recclvodrfrom Windsor last night that the Bar rin association was lolnt winner of the Harry Dong Mercurial Award With St Johns Nfld Barrie was cited for having the greatest increase in member ship last year The Barrie association has It membeia times year in addition the Safety Officer talks to service froups and speaks at the Traf ic Clinics held twice monthly for four hours month Exclud ing the Traffic Clinic the aver age time required to deliver lecture is half an hour But this figure does not cover the time rcquired for compiling the loc lures onirncnded the safety course be extended Prosecution without education Is false economy But the safety course is only one means of educating the pub lic and developing healthy at Iitudc says Chief Tschlrhart The man on the beat is also res ponsible he says EXCELLENT JOE This man meets the public and represents the image of the police department My men are doing an excellent job but they are too few in number Many of the men grew up in this town and the motorin public comprises their friends and neighbors As no tendency fiyorahle policepiibilc relation The real onus is on the pub lichc said They are the people who are dying on the roads and suffering losses through accl dents accidents caused be cnjoys speeding not for the agtsr BOT cause of attitude ANNUAL wmran ARTS froM0RRow rhunsoAYJANUAnvaorH par Sr In this report Cpl Berry rec tIll Keith Sweets Mansfield Rubber Given Contract omwa SpecialA Barrie firm Mansfield Rubber on ads Ltd has been awarded contract by the Department of Defence Production it was asl noiaicod here this week by lion Drury minister of indus flie matrontfor ilia supply of tires is in the amount of $33147 It is among 102 unclassified defence contracts for $10000 or more awarded by the meat during the latter half of December Total valueof tbs contracts is $130642 Charge Motorist Careless Driving Dorrie city police charged of st Bradford Stwiih careless driving follow Police say Sweers was pro ceeding north on Anne St when his vehicle collided with the tear of acardriven by John Dixon Yonge St Elmvalo Damage to Sweers car was estimated at $400 and to Dixons car 3185 log on plain om accident to rnntinuesprlefltlldevelopthis day