we flrwwnra out wont4 qu 12 ml mmquflym WP runav VJLWWJ rrvnwuvvavmr wmm Irwmmna turnout corona IiiNorth PereseenOver Next 20 Years Use KliiMAi 56 CMHo clt position as regards rv ard Mitchell preslduat oi sources oi their own he laid thaCamdlanfltamberotCom tnaniatervievr meme said patriade northern Canadas industrial predile Canadian areas are betas than will continue tor several man no to wave at duvet oration at least to be opmeat Itateb over the out than her earn relatively 1040 years will have great rural population will need impact on Canadas position as While there are other noun major exporter of industrial tries with great polemial to aa port raw materials must oi lhao inevitability comes not these countries at present are mudy trons uritutoe in Can tmderdeveloped and tor various aria oi the raw materials but reasons Including physical to becauuthemoathtghlyindua stability srenotaareadyae trialleed nations oi the world Canada to respond to the cons an loamy histories in dell logppportunitter umaasmsxamuouoarrlananrntut Whommm doomu deadolhraindam age However the Chrmp Heart In Transplant not coincide The prospective JACKSON Hist lAFlTbe recipient went into collapse and the surgeon team used the heart ol chimpanzee kept in reserve University at Mississippi medi cal centrehaa disclosed that clttnllmee heart not bu man heartwas used in trans plant operation to save man dying lrom terminal 1heart condition university lpnkumnn said Saturday the plan called for human heart transplant human to humanbut the clit lcal course ol the two patients did not coincide ihe prospec tive recipient went into collapse andateamoietlrgeoitlhadlo use the chimpanzee heart which was kept in reserve tor that purpose The tnnsipant worked tor mild an hour but the patient the statement issued by the medical centre said The University oi Minia Ilppi medical centre announced Friday that team at surgeon hhd transplanted heart Into man dying irom terminal heart talltue ihursdsy plant this statement stdasequenlly was interpreted in some reports to mean that human heart had been transplanted into human being in clarii the record at the request at news media the medical centre spokesman said late Saturday the recipient was man dying oi terminal heart lailure no plan called tor transplanting human Dieienbaker Hits iGovt Card Plan ntunerlcal system at personal identity cards is not in step li Nothing will be accomplished it we keep this information to ourselves he said We have much to oiierlittasla and they replica of hrlstopher Columbus Santa Maria moves on tallied trailer thrwgh bor ough oi Queens on route to her mooring at Santa ltluris inhibit at the New York Worlds Fair the replica built to Barcelona Spain shipyard weighs no tons is 90 set long as tool high and 75 leet wide it will be out onr mm FOR saute Mllttill iiitod with iota masta and olhcr equipment and will stand oitshoro at thetoot of floating dock part at 15in Century bazaar at the tair tAP Wirephoto Says Cancer Serum Useless PARlS The French govern ment cancer laboratory has de scribed as useless prepar ation which seiiestylcd biologist Gaston Nnessens claims will cure leukemia and cancer The government agency un dertook the tests oi the prepar ation which Naessens calls in ablast alter flood oi treat ment requests flawed in from parents oi leukemia stricken children Dr Pierre Dcnoix director oi the government laboratory said Sunday that the preparation is devoid at any anti cancerous or anti leukemic therapeutic action His report said the ï¬ndings had been handed over to the try oi jus Jus tice sources said this did not necessarily mean legal notion in Harlin Corsica where he makes his headquarters Naes sens rciused to admit the vol idiil ot the tests made last week by Dr Denoix and sev eral other cancer researchers lie said it was impossible or proper tests to have been car ried out so quickly and said he would continue to supply Arr uhlnst or treatment at eight leukemia patients now in Core aicn Naessons also said he will fly to New York lircsday for talks with doctors at what he retained to as the Rackciellcr institute Hospital ryleasimr Tm Smart girls stay warm and comfortable indoors on washday °i° and trust their most delicate wash to the sale gentlodrying of nuns rasr gas clothes dryer Why dont you decide right now to do away Gives Ultimatum MONTREAL CF Le Ral licmcut dos Credilistes voted Sunday to throw itself behind the Quebec separatist move most in 1966 unless sweeping changes have been made to the anlnadian constitution by that The new deal demanded ior Quebec in the Creditisie ulti matum was spelled out in our poian adopted unanimously by representatives from the prov inces 75 lederal ridings Absolute control over the creation at its credit Control over its imports and exports 34 Absolulecuntrol over im migration The return to the provinces of direct and indirect iiscal re sources itrals the ultimatum said Party Leader Real Caoucitelat press contcreuce tollowtng the rally It we dont get that its doi lnite Bang its all over we get out of Confederation it was learned later the con stitution resolution included this statement It the other prov inces accept us with these four conditions we stay in coniéder ation WOULD FORM PARTY Mr Caoueite indicated the Creditistc move would take the term of the creation of provinv ciai Social Credit party pre parcd to give iisci hands and tool to get us out ConicderaA tion which would beholding us in straight jacket The meeting stopped short oi deciding the immediate creation oi provincial Creditiste part but opened up the way for can didates to be chosen in individ ual riding with the approval of the provincial oxecul But it took clear decision that Le Ratliement dos Cre itisteswill part in provi crsl politics The meeting was presented some 5000 supporters in the 75 rtdrngs on several questions To the question shorild 1e Ralliement take pari in provin cial politics 76 per cent re plied yes 23noartd one percent were undecided POINTS T0 METHOD The meetiogvotod that the tour points titued in its ulti or by amend mcnts to the present constitu tion that Confederation has served with results oi sounding oi in where the French Canadian population was per cent in 1867 we now are only 77 per cent At this rate FrenchCanadians arc in iiy even in their own province danger oi becoming the minor WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CUi TOOTH DECAY WINNle iCPtA fluorida tion program in Winnipeg has been credited with reducing tooth decay among sevenyear with the ideals oi democracy Opposition Leader lohn Dieter haker said in this community as miles west at Kingston Mr Dieienbaker itll the an nual meeting at the Prince Eds wardLeonor tmgresslve Con servative AssociationiSaturdny night that such proposal is more characteristic of cotmlries whicth have centralized govern men No matterhow desirable iden tity cards are 1mm an admin tstrntive point at view plans ior their introduction should he dropped he said Mr Dtojenbsker applauded on peace iul nuclear intormutlon between Canada and Russia agreement or the czcirango oi have much to oiier us He attacked government at tempt to restrictjlnlted states investment in Canada which he said has dropped imm monthly average 01 $110000000 while his party was in power to $30000000 in the last three months if it wasnt tor the Russian wheat deal would icar tor the Canadian economic situation Mr Dieienhaker said lilG COAL ORDER ilveyear agreement signed in 1563 provides for Japanese steel mills Virnpprtingp up to 000000 ions or Australtnn coal yearly double the previous lig ore old school children by so per cent irom taro to loot itre lig ures appear in report issued by Dr Ciiitord ti McCormick former Winnipeg dental direc tor who now has resigned to rector CHOSEN PRESIDENT TORONTO CP Harold Beaumont at Montreal was chosen Saturday as president oi the Royal Canadian Academy Among other oiiicers elected at the annual meeting were Gordon Adumson vicepresi dent and Fred Finley secre COLOMBO ReutersiA tor mcr member at Ceylons Par liament who was in the sixth day ol fast unto death called it oft Sunday and was taken to hospital at Nikawera tiya 75 miles from here Mud iyansc Tennolroou 29 started his last last Tuesday utter police used tear gas to dis perse inrmers demonstration he was lending The Demon strotion was against the high cost of living become the provinces dental di eel WWW For All Garden and Pet Supplies 119 Dunlap St msooo with clothesline soil and clothespin corners Make your washdays and your washday dis dryer You can dry complete load of clothes in gas dryer for less than 2c For the best car deal FINANCE IN ADVANCE with slowcost loan Fast Service Convenient payments Lifeinsured ROYAL BAN woman To Be PINUP Girl In Weather likeyllaiys position weatherpron with gasiclothea Wemitet firstnt 1otttttatei unitCanadianilliereaisyety or number on radians We mustwako uptotha in that today weno longer lior CAR WASHING SERVICE OPENING sooN BAitRlES NEW DOWNTOWN THOR INGtIS MOFFAi wt has GASCLOTHESDRYERS 00 PER WEEK plus installation Poyoitie On Your Gas Bill 5YettrsIoPtty DRIESCLOTHESH no DOWN PAYMENT