Mn nmnmrma v1 nu TR BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY lit to HELPWANTED CHALLENGING MALE HELP OPPORTUNITY Man with office background to grow with well established industry MANY BENEFITS Worth investi atln wno Box as Barriegilnnaner Russians Book Variety TORONTO CPITop Eulo Elozon variew performers be Pf HEY KIDS Calling All BOYS and GIRLS Between and I0 Years Join the Junior Sales Club now Work on your own street Make cash plus tree trips to Hoe Doe Vale leys winter party Easy to do for someone like you Phone 7282223 nu ESTATE Salesman use ed to nr lent II Keith Lid Rumor IT Barrie ilslkutonc hosulna Inn and in nu our iiiha ll Newton St Dorris mmcso Hui Nuts NP Ientllln required outlook for ml clinln wu nlvcr boillr This position after the hither pontbilitler Ind benefits in re turn for capabilities Ind initllv live you feel you can quIllly and your In in from soon then you on It to yourseli to discuss this outstnndlnl Wnortunlty with Keith llllflllll ll CililFClifln 5L Barrio For Iprolntmsni call 7152591 EMPLOYMENT WANTED PAINTING All types of interior painuns monorail rater Teln phone 7259759 EXPERIENCED carpenter dtlhl work Additions nnnes Icarus lion rooms thins Nnilnl re pairs carpentry of III hindl No Job too SmllL Tainpllnm any tlmI 726M NURSE Pnntical reliable hon ui lpecillise in cm of the aid nriy Hour dilly or live in will trust cthiirura licence Or will rivs lender we to lady in my home References unfunded Available February AWL Box 55 Elm hammer OPP FOR MEN WOMEN MAKE 1954 YCNJR BIG YEAR FINISH HIGH SCHOOL NOW at home in your spare time DIPLOMA Writs today or Free Lesson and Free New Booklet without Cost or Obligation Americsn School gtQueen and Dnlhousle Sts Box roar brantford Ont Dept or it soc Address News Media Cited By PM LONDON Ont CPI Pre mler John Roberts met many oi the citys journalists inform ally here Saturday night and told them he believes newspa para radio andteieviion have very large part In creel ing an informed electorate In Canada leople now know what is go ing on hetoid gathering at the London City Press Club where he was presented with life membership by Club Free ideot Robert Howe Recalling that some people voted for one party in the last lederul election and for dlii ierent party in the provincial election Mr Roberts said this indicates to me that we are achieving very informed elcctorate ahle to change their mind and make up their mind The press radio and TV can take lot of credit for this see changes in our political iiic as result of the vastly wider dissemination oi news am aware of the very large part Eese news media play in our Charge Undue jAIScience Push TORONTO ICPI Science fanaticism is turning Ontarios school children into classroom martyrs Hamid AKlinck of Windsor retiring chairman ot the Ontario School Trustees Council told the annualcann eating here Saturday He said the excitement of Sputnik space travel led toa fanatical attitude toward sci encelnthevschoois with the re suit that the Grade 11 science course is designed or future nuclear physician fA student can become good doctor without the ground rng in mathematics necessary for an engineer said Mr Klinnlr or anerrcelient engi neer without becoming coni lately hiiingu WAFERant Scott Manlevies elected chairmaan the council and Darling oi Ritchcoer was namedkvice airman cot picked up by Russian inl scouts and booked in RUE xlnn theatres and grew Jack Arthur oi Toronto said Sunday ir Arthur who has re turned from tour of Euro pean varier shows and cir cuses where he sougIrt perform on ior next summers Conn dian National Exhibition grand stand show saldthe Russian scouts are making it dliiicuit for United States and Cannde impruarloa He said in an interview that many oi the acts he tried to book for the ONE are already signed up for Russian theatres and that Ed Sullivan is running into the some problem in his search or talent Icr his weekly US television show Spear May Be 5000 Years Old gnninstion oi American States and Panamas OAS Ambassador llliquei Moreno SUDDUllY CPIA ioyoar old boy has sent to the Royal Ontario Museum 50wycar old spear be dug up In his yard at Naughion 20 miles west oi here last summer Thomas Rummei sent the spear to the museum to check on its age Walter Kenyon oi the mu seums ethnology department relumed it with leitcrwhlch said The specimen an ar chaic spear point fashioned from quartzite We are probably solo in saying that it was made more than 5000 years ago Mr Kenyon said it was prob ably made by nomadic hunters ï¬gygg kpvftonvwm p1apanrmwmruwmwm 5me suuonr ssssrou IN USPIINIIMII routs EWrtb Bunker left Ambauador to the 0r who crossed Imm Asia suing dangerous conscquenccs conic Sunday beiore the start of an extraordinary Sun day session at new attest to work out an agreement to end the LSPanama crisis Britain Denies Alleged Plan MOSCOW AP Denounc ing alleged British plans to in vnde Zanzibar the Soviet gov cmmmt declared Sunday this would be an act of iniernn tionai inequity with all the en The oiticlal government state ment distributed by the news agency Toss contained no open rocket rattling or pledges Io spring immediately to Zanzi bars sida with military old However it quoted Premier The OAS Inter American Pence Committee convened this morning utter faillon to reach final accord yester day AP Wirepbotot Khrushchev as saying Every people that has fought aiainst the coloniuiists Iclt the ï¬rm support oi the Soviet Union and of other socialist states Today we declare once more ior all to hear that the peoplesilghtlnz Ior liberation may continue to rely firmly on such support The time oi colonial regimes has passed and there is no power on earth that can save them TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Die In Fre annotation CPI Six pertain Sunday dutroycd iooyunold stucco booI In this Ottawa Valley community in miles northwest of OttIlI The dead here identiï¬ed as Expert hbuu who mired from the Canadian Paciï¬c Ruli Iu three weeks In his sons Stanley aspad irvinil two lrcndchildrcn Donaidl Ind LIrry5 and Edward Gnrndy native oi Cobdcn who lived in theirsvilie Ont Mr IAbeIus wit and sn oiher mndchild Iohn its csped when tin bebcsu threw the child out oi secondsiorey window Into the snow and then lumped to safety herself Donnidlobuu father at the youngsters was on his lab with the Ontario Hydro at the time His wife was killed in csr ac cident two years can NewChapel Seats Twenty SUDBURY CPIA titsent nondenomlnationoi chapel was opened oiiiclally Sunday at the nearby is industrial Form The church wsi built with material mnnuinciurcd by prio opera at the penal institute morons RICHARDSON PHONE 72ml SPRING If SROCK SERVICE WNEELBALANCING WHEEL ALIGNMENT Ibo Vespn St Barrie Ont Sudbury To Get wbcnfiflooli 303Foot Nickel SUDBURY ICPl Pilotfnr the nation Mootblah modelv at Canadian livech piece plus park and coin wars museum all It cost of shout 0000 were arr bounced Saturday The tourist enterprise for this Nickel CIpItal of the World is planned by Nickel Monument Devdopment Limited recently formed by three businessmen Ted Sdivs president homo CIvIlIv vice president and John Goodesrio secretary trcosurcr said they will raise the price oi the unique develop They said an unsetu me dallion will depict the ï¬lm tiooIl Nickel Company It nearby Cooper Cliff Ind the other will bear the crest oi Sud buryuAiouod the edxe will be inscribed City at Sudbury Canada Nickel CIpllIi oi the World The company officials said the rite of Incidevelopmcni to be completed in time for con tennial celebrations in 1967 will be on the citys western out skirts it is part oi scheme to Irch other coins in the park on eightfool diameters as they mcnt selling nickel dollars Ined 31 each Ions struck in at DO IT NOW with an HFc Householders Loan The time in puthnrne improvement plans into action is nowl Suvice is better prioa are lower For many to cover the out bormw conï¬dently from HFC Get up to $2500 to do the work now repair remodel redecorsrc even replace womout furniture and applianchJtepIy con lvcnicntiy HFC now ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE Oil DANS AT LOW GROUP RATE are made available by metal companies rovcrnmenis or to dividusls Home need fixingup nun Inna mluiau IliaIn mummmuhukmmmd IIIm HOUSEHOLDFINANC Burns Manny Telephone PA 665 Dunlap sum BARRIE Modern Home Improvements FRANK BENIROSE FUELS SOLAR HEAT Fuei Oil Stovo Oil Free Home Heating Service 177 WELLINGTON ST 72mm For Emergericy Repairs Free Estimates Convenient Terms TOP VALUES For Your Home Remodelling and Repairs BALL PLANINGMILLCO LTD 48 ANNE STREET SOUTH 7282496 couriers smacrroN or FRAMING LUMBER PANELLING moon comma mas HARDWARE PAINT AT YOUR CONVENIENT one sror SHOPPING CENTRE worn use me DISPLAY nounsmo AMPLE FREE PARKING non EXPERT SERVICE CALL 7mm SMITH CAMPELL PHOTO MLS REALTOR 32 HIGH ST 7260241 Res 7207380 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE Joan Lungmaid Charles Readmvflfl Del Cole7234587 Mrs Loreen RicoOre NR5 Joe tannin1mm Member of Darrin and District Real Estate Board wNew Nomi4m Mm For Expert Service ADVANCE RADIO TV VACUUM SERVICE Repairs on All Makes Also New and Used TVsior Sale RENTAL USE AVAILABLE 14 MULCASTER STREET lBRUCE PEACOCK PEIROLEUMS Quality Texaco Fuel Oil Automatic Delivery FINAL IllPERING FUEL DELIVERY 24Hour Service In WELLINGTON sr EAST RAFTIERS ANTIQUES European and Canadian Antiques COLLECTORS ITEMS China Glass Pewter Copper Brass etc anus FURNIV runs 12 MILES or BARBIE 0N HWY 93 7283401 CRAIGHURST YOU CAN DO IT NOW WITH ASSOCIATES NEW HOME OWNERS LOAN OPLA rWALLWIN ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD Now you can borrow the moneyyou need to First and second mortrrm loans remodel your entire home purchase simmer uncommon ormdrei cottage or for any good bigsrnoney anon Its the Associates new Home Owners an Plan big money ior todays bigger needs Heres how it worirs If youre home owner you can use the equity in your home as collateral for the loan And you may qualifywhether your home is paid for or not its the easy you want howl SUPERIOR PROPANE THE ONLY AUTOMATIC GAS SERVICE From Complete Building Service MANITOBA Repairs Alterations To Remodelling NEW BRUNSWICK THE MODERN FUEL Home Cotiage Farm lndus BURTON AVE ry IRWIN BUILDERS Custom Home Builders BARRIEMETAL AND SALVAGE 204 Tifï¬n so 7282983 DEALERS IN SCRAP METAL STRUCTURAL STEEL FREE ESEIMATES PAINSWICK 72er visitor For Quality and Expert Service7 Andaman Indian WIRING Electric Motor gt Associates FInance Co Ltd my96 way in the things snob chain 5r Next Io non of Montreall rnL nelson Repair and Rewinding so rNNrssrL STREET We Win Thatldeal Home You BUILT UNDER THE $500 WINTER WORKS PLAN For Expert And Reliable Service Contact OW GIORDRILSPEAREMERPRSES WHILE MEN AND NAIRRIALSFARE AVAILABLE Do It Now Why wait mispnn Lets as gigantic Winter Works Campaign This isthe prime season of the ye at for unemployment lets get on the band wagon and Give aMan Job THIELIFOLINDATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT