on camera awvw Our 100th Year This unlpapcrwtlloclebrcic Ila Cartoonist in use We will con ttancto inform our reader and mwiuamumooauiu city jait tinned until shortly before mid night Year No 22 Congoleae Slay Woman Missionary LEOPOLDVILLE The Congo tAPi Guerrilla fighters at tacked two American women missionaries in stritetom Kwilu Province and killed one with an armw Baptist mlsslonary re ported here Sunday He said the other woman was wounded ltev Peter tluller identified the slain woman as lrenc Far rell Baptist The wounded woman Ruth liege was still in the area of the attack and was lost reported olive Butler said He came here from his mlssionain ltiukedi with his report of the attack ltitss Farrell and Miss Hegc were with the Baptist Mid ltlis slon of ltfangungu They were the sole white occupants of hiangungu which lies cast of Kwilus capital of Kikwit about and miles west of here Miss Farrell was the first re ported Protestant missionary to be killed in The Congo since independence from Belgium in 1960 tier death brings to tour the number of victims of gueru rilia gangs led by former eduo cation mniistcr Pierre lilulele Tlitl Congo government said it has documents proving Mutcics band had lied Chinese support two children Jeanette and Charles said he saw liilss Farrell signalling desperately for help when he flew over the mission last Wednesday She and her friends were out on the lawn be said The mic sioo can only be melted from the air by helicopter because there in no landing strip than we got letter telling us she waadeadkllled by an arrow he said Bertha lttiller from Glendale California who also reached Leopoldvllle Sunday from The Congo inland Missions station at Kamayala said she had been turned to ilee because lttulelos men had set fire to the sav annah grass prairie and the the mission Butler told how he had helped bury threeBelgian Roman Catholic priests slaughtered by Muleles guerrillas and local villagers at lfllembe mission last nresday night it was horrible he said with shuddct The priests were hacked to death with machete and their bodies mutilated The missionary said his litu ked mission few miles north Butler who reached Leopold ville Sunday with his wife and Scores Arrested in Race Flare Up ATLANTA AP Day long racial demonstrations in down town Atlanta resulted in the or rest oi scores of persons Sua day inthe wake of an inspec tion tour by United Nations aniidiscrimlnatinn group At least seven were injured in the demonstrations which flared anew Sunday night New trusty suffered broken leg when he was involved in scuiil ing among demonstrators at the policeman it Wagner suffered head injury when he was pushed to the pavement as Negroes attempted to enter segregated restaurant The demonstrations began about noon Sunday and con Most of the as arrested ith to be carried bodily to jail They were all released upon their Oilicers Seek Master Plan its Question lliiican Troops NAIROBIï¬Kenya lAPbrit lab and African officers ques tinned rebellious native troops learn whether there was inns tar plan for their brushiire mut tnies segregation and the Klan pick at barracks outside Dar es Salaam the TanEBayika capital and the other died when it in Kenya Tanganyika and lab Uganda Sunday in an effort to at rioting after the initial floreup oi itilcmbe had not been at tacked awn recognizance after they were charged with disorderly conduct and creating to disturb once Most of those arrested were Negro students But they also included Negro comedian Dick GregoryFl wh for time di rected emonstration at the restaurant Members of the UN subcomx niisslon on prevention of dis crimination and protection of minorities watched Negro and ltu Klux Klan pickets in action Saturday night The Negrm were protesting eta were passing out literature proclaiming that white boy cott was hurting Atlanta busi sense which have become inte grated Members of the UN group owever saw none of the vio lence that erupted Sunday after they left for New York rit iaoopa duelled an uprising Lanet camp in Kenya Seventeen Africans died in flames were sweeping down on It townandQuebec City gt More than 3500 British troops werein firm control in the three East African Common wealth countries after disarm mg the muttnous African sold lens in almost bloodless opera tions Mapping up continued in the Tanganyika bush Four African soldiers were killed in the week of sporadic fighting Three were killed when Commandos put down mutiny in Tanganyika last Monday fol 011va or Canada likely will vote in favor of ad mitting Communist China to the United Nations at the UN General Assembly this fall highlyvptacod informant said to day However Canadian dipienw tic recognition of lted China would not follow immediately or automatically it was said The informant said the gov ernment still has not made up its mind on either of these re lated matters But it would likely decide by November in favor of admit tance of Red China to the UN white at the some time favor ing the continued presume of body Toronto Waits its Liz Shops bath Taylor and Richard Bur ton mum on their plans for travelling to Toronto but shop The couple had train reserva tions for Chicago Saturday but cancelled few hours before de parture because Miss Taylor had gone shopping Cracked Hurlonz One of the reasons we made reservations by train is because dont think jet could get all of Elizabeths luggage off the ground Miss Taylor began huyi winter clothes Wednesday The clothes werehought with one eye on the Weather in Tor onto where Burton starts rc hearsals Thursday for his mod eradress version of Hamlet lowing the coup that toppled tba Isultan of Zanzibar week ear er At Lanet 300 Kenyan soldiers were held in barbedwire compound as one by one they were questioned by officers some oillitem British Similar screenings to determine anyi master plot for the troop rev volts were underway in Tan ganyika and Uganda aohouro CF asked for job in his in his store at the time Hewas after taking money for chocolate fro ter Queen Prince ToVCome Inflatabler OTTAWA loan The from Government House burgh bava accepted the town abouttlct ti mom Co severing axiomatic relottonl with Aforrnalpr flotilla to Par Tit action by the oshaordtoary of JtNEWS Bursts licked For Job Stabs owner In Back SZye old variety store owner Was stab in the back Sunday night when he refused to birea youth who store Police said Harry Horovitz was alone arrested and charged with wounding Mr Horovitz was that the Queen andthe Duke of Editi invitation of tbegovarnment of Canada to attend special centennialgcelebrattons io memorating the visits oftheFathers of Confederation to Charlotte in 1864 Theviaii willbeginiin Charlotte nd end in QuebcciCity about on 12 as dispatched to the rate Nationalist stabbed when he turned around bar Joseph Biondoliito 16 was it is announced rd AP The city zoos 37 year old curator Jerry ole Bury died today after long hours of agony from the bite of the deadly At rican puff adder snake glass door It apectiic fartheAfrtcan adder waaftowntnSundny fro Nationalist China in the world rLos ANGELES Willi BszéfDéfrOYs Shanty deHome an nyvrï¬memwrawflvrqwflVgff wvv an Ontario Canada GIRL employee of the Fres ch Foreign Office hands to newsmen in Paris today can lesof government communi Shanty llny family of eight Mr and Mrs Geraldrbforrcau and their Six chum fled Imov tlteliouse and drowned it outl mime fly mat 35 said At Jones one of the volun swept through lr borne The house at the end at Church street just past St Thomas Church was destroyed Flames were breaking tbrough the root overthe kitchen when firemen arrived at 315 am The alarm was turned in by Doreen Simpson at 310 Fire men estimate that the fire had been blazing for about 15min utes before they arrived Firemen were kept busy for more than an hour They ran out of water and had to drive US Tries ToSStem Rush Oi RedChina Recognition roirvo or as State Secretary Dean Rusk explored with Japanese officials Sunday ways of holding the linengaiusi shi Dhira Rusk said the United JERRY nnannv Bittenuliy Sriake Dies In Agony sasr LAKE ctrv Utah night when he suffered adlzzy spoil while cleaning the snakes Bary hitteanaturliay cage died at 830 am after day ends half of what friend Queen and Prince Philip will visit can ibttetown and Quebec City 0ct6 to Oct 12 it was officially aa pounced today The tenant announcement said aid wasexcruciatiag pain The fivetoot puff adder sank both its fangs inio de Bary leit forearmat turday when diszy all ut October com l1rn 15 off guardian he opeaéd the Snakebitescnun anllvén rssistant that aid actors told rush by other nations to rec ognize lied China atterFrance does in his first working meeting with Foreign Minister Masayo States was deeply concerned over the French decision and said it amounted to reward to Peking for militaacy flask and on the eve of the opening ofLbe third US Japan economic confe use may www ï¬rgflfï¬ï¬wlwflï¬iï¬d mwmrrthrmwfl mmmwmr Monday January 27 1964 due in which France officially recognized the Communist Chinese regime in back of her is map of lied China The French announcement to won one tilt the truck We just put the hoses into yards away to re tccr firemen The truck holds 600 gallons of water but with two hoses you go through that quitequickly Firemen were able to leave about 430 The six children who escap ed four boys and two girls range from it months to 12 years The family is living at Elle home of Edwin White neigh or The fire is behaved to have started from overheated stove pipes The furnace is in the cel tar but the pipes run through the house enee They agreed to rem close consultation on Fren lied Chinese developments Eutitwas apparent neither believed they could persuade President de Gnulte of France to change his course at this late date andtthat it would servenoypurposc to take retal iatory steps against the French Japan is understood to have begun explaining its position to other nations well as its anxiety over the future of Na tlonalist China particularly do the United Nations Thisfol lowed similar initiatives under tak in Washin Inflansia Issues am EST GeCtSeFire Orde JAKARTA Indonesia as eithc cage to clean Indonesian planes dropped the sands of leaflets ordering ceasefire along the jungle bor er with Malaysia Sunday amid mt had osld Ilitotilped beating iwlco Sunday stlniulatodthacla but they managed to to it and The Philippines tenittc hrtcedfas an tan in London ng the British thatSulsarao will live up to the ceasefire and talkithiags over with Malaysia The Indonesian leader pront ised to observe the ccaaei as long as there from Malaysia menweaith federation hashes said the two governments had agreed to establish diplomatic relations and to exchange am basaadors AP Wirephato via cable from Paris Forflhursday CAPE KENNEDY Fla AP The camerototlng Ranger Vi spacecraft is scheduled to rocket to the moon Thursday on photographic mission which could produce 3000 clear close up pictures of the lunar sur face The US National Aeronau tics and Space Administration has announced that the space craft is set for firing at 1012 aboard an Atlas Agena rocket its six television cameras are designed to transmit to earth the most detailed pictures yet of the moon They could pro vide clues to the composition of the surface and perhapsdetect some if the dangers which await astronautsthere Ranger VI must fly on intri eate flight plan which involves firing the Agena second stage of the booster rocket into park ing orbit 115 miles high and tag the Ageaa motor to increase speed from 17501 to 24500 miles an hour The spacecraft then will be Local Weather accordsmom tartan to my to For ctanmsry turn to page two TV Menopausal kicked freelby spring devices expanded they areto coutn FRANCE RECOGttiiis RED CHINESE REGIME Paris llnd Peking Make Simultaneous PARIS APiFrancu has oi iieially mognircd the Commu nist Chinese regime the gov ernment announced today Peking radio made similar announcement The French announcement said the two envenomean had agreed to establish diplomatic relations and exchange ambas sodors There was no immediate in dicntion of how this step will affect the ties between France and the Nationalist Chinese re films of President Chtang Kai shek on Formosa French officials previously had said that Peking had hot demanded that France break relations with Chiang as con dition for diplomatic ties and the assumption was that France could therefore maintain rela tions with both regimes This is called the two Chl nas policy which both the Communists and the nationalists have therefore steadlastly op posed Each claims to be the true representative of China The nationalists have threat ened to sever relations with France although the United States has counselled Chlnng not to do so Peking radio said France and Communist China have agreed to appoint ambassadors to each other within three months in Washington the state dc partment called Frances action an unfortunate step and re Announcements affirmed US intentions to stand by the nationalisttcglmc France is the second major US ally to recognize Commuv nist China The other was ilrlt ain which opened diplomatic relations early in 1950 before the Korean War But the Chi ncse have never agreed to can change ambassadors with Brit ain The top official of the Brit ish mission in Peking is charge daiiuires The state department said French recognition was parlic ularly unfortunate since it came at time when the Chinso Communists are actively pm muting aggression and subver sittn in Southeast Asia end else where President de Gaulles governv merit had informed the United States that it would soon ree agnire the Peking regime 115 officials made no secret of their opposition and President John son told press conference Sa turday his government had given its views to France along with an estimate of its general effect on the Atlantic alliance and the free world in general One cause of US concern was the likely effect of the French recognition on Commu nist Chinas long battle for seat in the United Nations But it seemed doubttuithai enaum nations would switch votes to give Peking seat at the next session of the general assembly in the fall H°mel SGYS Offer MOSCOW AP British note made public during the weekend criticized Premle Khrushchevs proposals on set tling frontier disputes as insuf ficiently ironclad to safeguard peace Prime Minister Douglas Hame welcomed the ideas ad vanced in Khrushchevs oooo word New Years message to world leaders but said only min of his four main points was ac ceptable to Britain This was call for interna tional commitments to solve all territorial disputes th rou gh at the precise momentrestart peaceful mediation and negotiA ation under the United Nations charter The British leader suggested Khrushchevs ideas need to be hate to the solution of the real problems of our times DouglasHomes response de livered to Foreign Minister Aa drei Gromyko here Friday and released by the British embassy Saturday resembled in some respects the reaction of Presi dent Johnson The US leader in letter made public last Monday told Khrushchev he has no quarrel with Russians proposal to out law the use of force iiisettling frontier disputes but he sug gested broader and stronger guidelines DouglasHome dismissed two of Khrushchevs points as either too restrictin or too loosely de fined and suggested another did not go far enough