mï¬mwmam manr am WWW my vgv wmrxmru manua Wm mwmummwi QUEENS PAIIK Elie Norrie Examiner id Baytieid StreeL Barrie Unlano Walls Publisher Wilson GenerIi Meander TUESDAY JANUARY ll ll PI increase Of World Violence Speech Is Recital Some Old Actions By DON 0de TORONIDIbe Department of Travl and Publicity in fu ture will be known as the Da partmcnt of Tourism and inter motion This was one of the major an nouncementl In this yeah good move Until now this lire Bonsai am of government has ten spread through number of departments and has suffered accordingly University affairs will be completely new department University matters have been Wan seems to ba Becomes Disturbing Trend The new year should be time of self appraisal Many people are wondering why there has to so much violence in the world Wh is it that even in our legislative ha discussion so often seems to degenerate into shouting and name calling instead of arguing the modern way claims to be to denounce your opposition He is against you in thought and there fore he Is des icable person com ments the North ay Nugget Denouncenients are seldom presented in soft words so violent exchanges result Xiolent talk often leads to violent roac on it is often difficult to argue without the discussion becoming bit heated But so often and this occurs in our own House of Commonswe find men of high intelligence resorting to mere de nunciation and namecalling when they are in the throes of debate This is just one of the many reasons wh violence continually rears its head gaining headway throughout the world Similar comments are offered about line current discussions over bilingualism in Canada The Windsor Dali Star notes that strife between races one of the most bitter forms of dispute This is accentu survey of the Canadian Press several weeks ago showed that in approximately 48 hours on an Ontario weekend there were 20 deaths all from traffic Highway mishaps are always big killers They are listed as accident but the word accident we believe is too looson used in relat lon to the real meaning The dictionary meaning of accident says what happens by chance an unforeseen and undesig lied injury to person or quality of thing The Guelph Daily Mercury behaves It could more correctly say unconsciously foreseen and unconsciously undesigned Barely would we believe persons drive with the avowed purpose of causing an Iccldent but whenyou consider car operating at 7090 miles an hour with poor brakes poor tires and generally oor safety factor is not just an accident log propelled somewhere to happcnf little coaxing on what the driver must know is overexertion on an un nlcd If it be accompanied by religious and languages differences it can happen where color is not factor Cyprus is current exam in There the inhabitants fourfifths whom are Greek in origin and the balance Turkish have allowed their distrust and hatred to result in bloodshed even as in times ast We in Canada should head this ex ample the Star continues We have in our broad domain two major group of British and French extraction creasingly large is the number who orig hinted in other than Britain or France We have lived together in friendship if not always entire understanding have been tolerant of one nnothers race religion language and habits We never have resorted to armed force in vain effort to resolve differ ences We never have allowed Illvfecling to end in violence There now are some extremists in our land They appeal to bigotry Theycon centrate on wrongs res or imagined llhey promote bitterness suspicion and ate In country comprised of people of various racial origins religions and cul tures there inavitabl will be some difs fersnces These ferences however must be composed in reasonable man ner by reasonable men Make Sure Vehicle Safe manned by the careless unthinking ir responsible drivar and the potential acv cident is also as easily caused No driver good or bad to likely to drive at 70 miles an hour when ha knows that tire he has will likely blow at 40 Nei ther would he drive at an excessive speed if he knew there was definite flaw in the ateeringpyet in an unconscious way this is what is continually being done Souped up heaps continually are appearing on our streets and highways These are built more for pearanco and speed than safot The river has licenccdor himself little to guru antes the safety of tires and mechanical fitness Some cars are bein driven wtth mech anical defects to ch the driver has become accustomed and he compensates for them but In an emergency the de tectts could easily contribute to an accid en driver owes more to the driving public than his own drivin ability He Aware 0i Dangers OI More Inilation itemruns noon LONDON The National Ee onomlc Development Council set up by the government as an advisory body which would help to steer the MINI economy away from inflation 11nd main tain the era of prosperity is not going to work out in the way which the government arr tlcipsted Mada up of rcprosem tativer of the trade unions the cmploycra organizations and the government it was hoped by the Chancellor of the Ex chequer that NEDDY this council is called would come up with solutian for tho eonno mic problems of Inflation of both wagea and prices increase at national productivity and expan sion of exports all of which are vltalto the national wellbeing of the country and comic Today tho chancellor of the cxchcquerh Reginald Meddling is well aware of the danger of renewedperiod at inflation lie is greatly disturbed over the fact that recent pay increases in it would give priority to the Na tional interest regardless of the political views of its members Subsequent events hava shown that when what looks Ilka baing closely fought election il in the offing political advantages take precedence over all other considerations stair THOUGHT And this is love that In walk after MI commondmentlr John Genuine love derives ItI mean Joshlawman dith mural TODAY iii HISTORY Jan 1904 The Canadian defence dc partment granted three months leave to tanner coal miners in the armed sons Peoria one HARD TO couviucr arrest sion Illf Forest OIIiciaI Dies In Toronto TORONTO CF Wallace Acheson Dclahay 73 promi nent Canadian forestry official died Monday in Toronto Gen eral Hospital Born in Balmoral Man he moved to Pembroke and then to Toronto where he graduated with bachelor of leisure de gree in forestry from the Uni versity of Tomato He served with the Canadian Army overseas in the First World War and was awarded the Military Cross Mr Delahey island the do rtment of land and forests iii rant and was first disttld forester in Sudbury and Pam broke He worked it years with the Cansde International Pa per Company in Montreal In 1942 and 1343 he was as Ilataat timber controller and in charge of pulpwood operations for the federal government in Ottawa Howssmanagerofoie tarlo Forest Industries Associa tion until laid and execuiivs vlcepresident of Great Lakes Paper Company In Fort WI1 iiarn until rots Mr Delahay acted as an ad viser to several provincial gov arnrnontl en forestry affairs following his retirement HI was former president of the Ontario Forestry Associa tlon Canadian Forestry Asso dressed up with bit of pepper handled by an advisory corn mlltea underdinn Leslie Frost This committee Is to continue and it isnt clear yet Just what the functions of the new depart ment will be it has been suggested It might slimulsie greater use of university facilities rh start state university postiny coordinale some activities such as assembling of libraries and perhaps launch junior college program MANY COMMIHEES speech from the throne The speech said the new name for the department would convc more adequately Its in crease duties Ind responsibili ties This in turn covers pretty ade quately the character of this years speech long recital of old actions and promises and salt but no sauce There were few new steps promised but generally it was tepid document NEW NAME There also In to be an em One other department gets phaais on Itch committees 58W 19 The committees on consumer credit and municipal aifaira will be reappointed in addition there will be new committees on the problems of youth thd pmblema of the old erly and on mining This II cynical but one Ins pects that the most Im orlant consideration in appo ntlng these committees is to give pri vats members something to do when the House isnt sitting Tire department of energy re sources wlil be rciabclicd as the department of energy and resources management The main point lI that all con servation activities will be moved into this department also It would indicate that the government may plan eventu ally to put stricter controls on the use of water Consolidating conservation is GOT CHILLY ROOM ADDING BOOM IIIIAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT VISIT VOUR flECIlIIC HEATING INFURMAIIIIN CENTRE iliiin lilliliii rs corn some can mars Qualified Electrical Contractor uwnrvrr rarer safe vehicle will most surely cause what must be aware of the con den of the key Industrial Veblen we mm an caninwud st mam the driver hopes will not happen We vehicle he has charge of Driving is 515° 16 if Will 53121 19 nmgï¬ 31 531113 $13122 also can have the case where the mech privilege but only if that driver controls Sybyiigggnfgp in relieve acoal shortage dur vanlcal condition is most excellent but vehicle that is safe ing the Second World War lvo ANSWER comma 1m Carrie Nation dives FREELY Mr Meddling has been look wracked asslion in Wichita BURY 91 Emma Eng tag to the National Economic Kan dramatirlng crus iand iCPtThe cathedral exten Development Council to provide ads for prohibition that plan fund of this Suffolk town him with the answers to these swept the United States has received an anonymous gift ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD problems But at its meeting tactNikolai Leplm file of £10iiti through the mail said so INNISHL 5T PHONE 7261859 hdd the other day it became Soviet premier died at tho WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Jan 20 1944 Geor Banting of Ivy Reeve of Essa ownslri elected Warden of Simeon County acclamation Members of Town Council dined by Kiwanis Club welcomed by President Les Chittick Judge Harvie in address claimed Barrie was not capitalizing on its natural beauty At Cookstown shotgun blast at night by Postmaster Coleman frightened off five robbers who were try ing to roll safe out of Jebbs service sta tion Three cases of rye whisky were stolen from liquor Store Manager Partridge said entry was made by forcing back door and window with are and bar Harvey Jones elected Insidth Horticultural Society Paul Fisher elected president Victorian or der of Nurses Barrie branch Miss Ruth Russell of Royal Victoria Hospital staff succeeded Miss Margaret McNabb as VON nurse Miss McNabb joined the new health unit staffof ElginCounty at st Thomas Flt Sgt Fred Barre 27 sort of Mr and Mrs Robert Barre of Home and RCAF bomber reported mis sing after air action overseas Petty Officer Norbert Moran RCNVII left by Ab and Frank Sinion won Tankard cup at Midland Strood rinks skipped Bill Sutherland and Mel Ayerst best Home rinks skipped by Walter Craig and Harvey Paddison in District Cup play but lost final to Orlllia Barrie Colts heat Toronto Navy 51 in junior hockey Low cal goals by Don Clark Art Adams Ab Bowen Murray Richardson and Larry Lougheed This years supply of ice for CNR at Aliandaie is coming from Cravenhursts Gull Lake lted Storey in Montreal hospital convalescing from operation on knee hurt in football with Argos several years ago aggravated re cently playing senior hockey in Quebec SurgeonLieutenant Helen Holden daughter of Mr and Mrs John Holden of Parklands Shanty Bay one of two women physicians Who broke tradition when they were commissioned as full fledged officers in Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer lieserve Barrie Lions Club made further grant of $500 to Navy Lea gue Dundas of London Grand Master of IOOF welcomed at district meeting in Barrie County Federa tion of Agriculture reported big success in membership canvass apparent that no such answers ago of 54 are to be forthcoming from NEDDY in tho forseeabla fu ture One of the main stumbling blocks Is that the Trades Union Congress representatives on the council will not support policy of restraint to wage increase unless there are equal measure rot restraint in profits dividends and prices To the surprise of most people including the TUC representa tivcsthe employera group came forward with scheme which would skimthe cream off in creased profita it looked like sensible move and one which would have been of considerable help to Mr Maudliug in attain ing his objectives But it has done no such thing for the simple reason that the repre aentativas ofthe unions regard the Idea with grave suspicion garners two main reasons for inthc first place the propos clsln their opinion are too Vague and are aching in teeth for lheir enforcement The second andprobably the most important reason In that the Trade Union Representatives the provost Rev John Wads dlngton ussocans AkaSlkAMBLERDEALERSthelengtiiandbreaddrottho country have embark ed on SPECIAL CAMPAIGN during JANUARYFollowingontiiccmstofthoirAMAZlNGSALES SUCCESSin 1963 they are more ihancagcrtoget 1965on ROUSING start With this intent they are offering the dropot anxious at this stage to doanythlng which might help the government in its general electiopcampaignw The discussions within the Na tional Economic Development VERY TEST DEAL that you will encounterthix year Take ntivnntagc of this exceptional opportunity to become tins PROUD OWNER of beautiful new RAMBLER He who hesitates is missing GREATDEAL Present your USED CARofmdentomccntvrntagctoyournoamtRAMBLEK DEALER today for East Coast after twoweeks leave at home in Barrie Barrie rinks skipped OTHER EDITORS Virus lanes CANADIANUS Van ouverProvince The Barrie Examiner Authertzed second clue pull Post Office DepIrtment Ottawa Ind inhplynicnt of pruth to cash MI and statutory Holldayl excepted KENNETH WALLIEPnblilblfr rIl MInIgIr minor editor can wlrsou Advertising Mmnr MURRAY WHEEL Accountant MICHAEL nomnw circulItian MInIler Suhlcrlptfnn rItn daily by under Ida week Single copy to mall in oatiii rca months moo year orderturnI UniverIit cm strut aioatmu 1m Vlbcouvlr 30 11mm of tho CInIdIIn burr Nameammo ClmflmMlflfl the IllIllfl MIociatlon The Audit bureau of circulation ra cesarm run is ml is entitled raise inthlr uu of ya uhllcatlon of Ill gonor ora vcdto itor Th Ame to to hours IndIIIo the ion General description Vacant stare fool ish grin easily amused im ulsively destructive Field marks stu bin or small heard on chin long hair impress ted clothes Often affectshlack leather jacket It can be confused vlithnojother mammali Subspecies ThIs is branch of vBoobus Americanus and closely relat edto the Great Northern Ynlio burs withminor variation fromthe Atlantic to tliaLPaclficLHa Street corners Grey Cup gsrnes gball parks jandalmost any place where large numbers of genus board can be disturb ed or pro art destroyad There has on arty haavylinfestation in this area believed du tode climatic been ndi Gulf of Mexico to the CanadianArctic Council have for these reasons 1reached the deadlock stage There is little hope for any suc icessful formula coming from its deliberations in order to become effective as government policy inclusion generalelectlonr This atallingis quite deliber ate on the part of theiabor representatives on the council Thaynre hoping that after the e1cctlonihero will be in Labor government In power And they wouldha quite willing toldo thirws to cooperatewith Lay our government which they would shun fills the plague if theywere likely to lialrarCo aervativaondn gt The high hopes with which jNEbDY was oatahllched there gt sartorial is mam DPPORTUNITYMONTH