stiltcirrus is Il41 1981 We will um it to return our readers ind aruw with harm and osr iiovi7 was announced Monday Prime Minister Pearson MP for ilesdela Madeleine wili become minister of fores try He has been designated to become minister ot rural do velopment and forestry on par ilamcntnry passage of planned government legislation to merge the agriculture and forestry do portments Yvon Dupuis 37 member for St Jeanibervillc Napiervillo will become minister without portfolio and similar appoint ment goes to Senator John Con oin 57 of Ottawa who will become government leader in the Senate The nt government leader in the upper house Sew ator Ross Macdonaid is re signing that post and his cabinet position as minister without portiolio Mr Pearson also announced cabinet shifts aifrcting six pre sent cabinet ministers TWO LEAVE Mr Pearson said the shuillc was brought about by the re organization oi miplsterlal ri spnnsibilities within the govern mcnt and by the department of two ministers Justice Minister Lionel Chevrier 60 becomes Canadian high cornrnlssioner to London and PostmasterGeneral Azellus Deals 55 has been named to the Senate immigration Minister Guy Favreau to will become jus tice minister and will also shoul der the difficult task oi govern ment leader in the Commons now held by State Secretary Pickcrsgill Forestry Minister John it Nicholson 521 will succeed Mr Denisas watmastcogeneral State Secretary Pickersglli 55 will become transport min later in place at George Melt raith 55 who is central tig ure in one ot the main proposed changes in government organi zation For the time being Mr Moll raith will be president at the privy council buLbe is tabbed for newpostpresident of the treasury board GORDON is HEAD At present Finance Minister Walter Gordon is chairman of the treasury board Five member committee of cabinet which supervises government expenditures New government legislation to be submitted to Parliament alter the new session opens Feb 18 win set up the treasury board under apresidcnt with responsibility for coordinating administration balancing prior Maurice Sauve t0 year old house in Dar es Salaam eign Minister Oscar Kambona District PM Revamps His Cabinet Adds ew Men OTTAWA tCPtAppotntmant at three new cabinet ministers and reorganization oi cabinet responsibilities effective Feb ha ct Canada ism in the public service the Curada Council the proposed Queens publisher and the Na tional Museum TAKES CITIZENSHIP Rene ircmbiay how minister without portfolio will bccomc ei tilenslilp and immigration min ister The 41yearold MP ior MatapedinMatane had origin ally been tabbedwhen Mr Pearson formed his first cabinet of eastern agriculture the original plan to divide the agriculture ministry into two one western and one eastern ministernow has been altered to merge the agriculture and forestry departments Agriculture Minister Harry Hays St will continue in that post with added responsibility for proposed new agency to plan and supervise railway plans for abandonment of branch line services Mr Pearson described the re sult oi the planned merger oi the agriculture and forestry dc pnrtmenls as combinedde partment with two ministers Mr Hays would be the senior minister Once the legislation becomes law Forestry Minister Maurice Sauve will become minister of rural development and forestry with responsibility for such pro grams ns the Agricultural Re habilitation and Development Administration anon and for farm matters relating ape clfiesliy to Eastern Canada such as administration oi cast ern feed grains policy Troops Bushdd To Tanganyika NAIROBI Kenya Britain rushed nearly 2000 troops and an aireriiit carrier to Tangany ikas borders today but the situa lon appeared to be calming lol lowing an army niutiny brief Associated Press dis patch from Dar es Salaam the Tanganyflran capital said government information officer had announced that President Julius Nyercro was safe and would broadcast to the nation today Nyercre was reported at his official residence the state Tanganyika radio quoted For sible for the Economic Council the secretary of state also will have series of what Mr Pearson called cultural re sponsibliities including the Cen tennial Commission bilingual iast Aprilto becoma mlnister gins April informants said ii Johnson Slashes Budget WASHINGTON CPt Presl deni Johnson today presented Congress with slightly pared 097900000000 budget including deicnce outlays it was the first US budget decrease in it years The budget effective lor the fiscal year starting July as sumed early congressional par raga oi do 511000000000 tax ra ductlon Johnson called it giant step toward balanced budget in iullempioymaut lullprosperity economy The overall budget repre sents 00000000 decline from the current years estimated 390400000000 However the government budget usually undergoes heavy mauling by Congress and the tinal program approved may be sharply dif fTreot from Johnsons piopos as Nevertheless on his estimator the government would end the next fiscal year with deï¬cit of $4000000000 compared witban estimatednfliimomoi 000 deficit tor the present fiscal year his would boost the US national debt to peak of 0317 000000000 Financing this huge debt would run to an estimated 611100000000 next year John son said Govt To Reduce 1964 Spending OTTAWA CHThe govern ment is making nthhour cuts in the spending estimates for the 106445 fiscal year which be Monday Tha move was an alter thought as one official called it it came after the years spending by each department already had been approved weil before Christmasand tho planned 51100000000 drop in JUIJGES anniirnwn an won an honorable mention in the under 25000 circulation TORONTO CPiThe Wind sor Star and Brandord Exposi tor are the 1908 winners of the John MacLaien newspaper The Barrie Examiner which ttiea among government pm iects and improving manage ment at the public service This move was main recommenda tion of the Glassoo royal com mission on government organi nation Until the legislation is passed by Parliament Mr Mciiraith will he vicechainnan oi the treasury board and actas chair man on behalf of Finance Min ister Gordon Another key cabinet shift moves Maurice Lamontagno new president or the privy coun cilto secretary or state The toyearoid minister an econo mist will continue to he respon GOvT rows to OTTAWA CPiUnder pro vincial pressures government has remodeled its proposed retirement pension scheme in way that would at fect 7000000 Canadians by re quiring many of them to make slightly higher contributions in lreturï¬n for lower benefits paid The maximum benefit pay able at age 70 to person who hasvbeen the plan at least logyears now would be 575 month Insteadot $100 as planned originally Atop this would be the taxfinanced old age security pension ot $75 month payable to allot age 70 iherate oi contributions would not be changedit still would be two per cent of an in come limit siiaredequaiiy by employees and employers But by raising the income limit to $075 month from $333 the gov crnment would force their at or chew the limit to contribute slightiy more Remo the Pearson is as denying reports that Nyero raa whereabouts were unknown without apeciiying where the president was The broadcast also said the capital was calm the government was functioning nzfrmally and all ministers were In Salisbury Southern Rhode sia Central African Airways said all airports in Tanganyika were reported to have re opened they were closed Mon day by the mutiny Reuters news agency said re ports of new trouble in Dar es Salaam closed stores and started hameward exodus of workers this morning PHIIssuari employee employer contribu oneto staggering 32500 years or more than 10 times the reserve under the original pension proposals TO BE AVAILABLE Ottawa would make half this reserve available torinvestment inproviocial bonds or provin ciallyguaranteed bonds on level proportionate tothe total contributio of ovince It likely would mean more than $410000000 earmarked for in tario alone HA5 NEW SHAPE This is the new shape of the proposal it would be compulsory for most people The only ones not required by law to participate would be the selieniployed than working whcroit would be administra tively difficult to make collccl tlot of contributions and mem bers of the armed torcea lihe main result of the new system would be rapid hold up of reserverinth This would take in more than 00000 people included would both to per cent 000000 plus interest after 10 kid five yearsor 3375 amorith change for companies to whole package had been sent to press Care report said the govern ment was trying to find an other m000000 by reducing ex penditures from the level previ ously paasm Total spending likely will be around $5000000 000 HERES ONE Pretty girl May try on in twopicce dress in the window Store manager Go ahead it might help this slow winter busi ness dels Pension force that now has no retire mentpension coverage of any An income ceiling oi 5150 year is provided under the new scheme compared with $4000 year under the original prue posal This will go upihy $100 year as required by changes in the average nationairincome But the income limit will stay at the $4500 level for the first RATE WONT CHANGE The rate of contributionsrtwo per cent of earnings up to that limit sharedequally by employ ees and employers or paid by the selfemployed would liol Howevar the street of rais ing the ceiling to $375 monthly from the former evei oi 5333 means that employees who earn at much or more wouldsee their own monthly contributions rice by lzrcenta month from what was planned originally it would take the plan 10 years to build up enough money irnmcontributionato pay full from age 05atthe tart Iii iowe awards for typography and ap paarance The papers also won last year when the awards were established in making theiannnuncement yesterday Pres Rechnit zer oi MacLaren Advertising Company Limited the sponsor the judges considered The Star the most perfectly pro duced paper mechanically in Canada The Expositor was good traditional newspaper consist ant throughout and with well balsnced makeup Entries from 91 of Canadas 102 daily neWspapera were con sidered editions of Oct 30 be ing the basis for judgment This is the elfeci oi thailtt year transition period The benefits will be only two per cent at pensionable earnings in the ï¬rst year at the plans operation This will rise by two percentage points year until the full 20 per cent is reachcdyin month year wonr arson AT e5 Pensions wou he paid stead the go rnm would ne step Hhe eligible age for collecting hone fits it would begin at age 00 in the first year move down to ea in the second and so on to age 65 in the fifth year For the firsttime the govt ernment no proposes that those batwee 65 and 69 will be able to claim reduced old agesacuritylpenalonJuntil now payable opiyatfagc 10 tMlj Pearson said thoexlail rateaof old ageseeurity tax are by thiarrednc old between tb enough to ago pension aian father and made tip to Cub in 1050 totryvto so by Dr Walterilromber Barrio OntariopConadn Tuesday January 2t 1964 McDONAlD GETS REDUCEDCHARGE hategory in the second John itiaciiaren Awnrds W81 Lett to right Edward Schrader Dr Edward Half Examiner Wins Contest Award There were two categories Pa pers with circulation under 25 000 and those at more than 25 000 The Windsor Star was the beat in the lattcrcategory the Expositor in the ï¬rst The runnerups receiving orabie mention included Guelph Mercury and Barrie amincr Walls is pubï¬ iisher at The Examiner Also special mention was made of the Kirkland Lake Nari them News The judges were impressed with the tremendous amount or care and thought that went into the Windsor Stars Oct to edition The Bra ttord paper was easy to readu and showed general care and consistency throughout The awards are named for the founder of Maanren Ad vertising who died in 1955 They will be presented this spring at the annual meeting in Toronto oi the Canadian Daily Newspa per Publishers Association Claims Ruby Out 01 Mind staining DALLAStnPlA psychiatrist describeddaclr ituhy Monday as man wound up toattack to fightand one who di no understand what he was doihg when he killed Lee Harvey Oc wald caused amsain 0th at exa rou testimony that Ruby had this The description olfuby miner Not More Than Per Copy20 Pages licensed Plea Local Weather Mild tonight Cloudy continuing mild High tomorrow For lull summary turn to page two tomorrow low tonight 25 IFE ds Guilty To lionCapital Murder John Frederick McDonald 46 of Nawmarkot Ontario wu untlneld day after he pleaded guilty to of normpttat murder old Thomatliia Baker to tile imprisonment to reduced charge it the slaying of 10year till McDonald originally charged with capital murder agreed to plead guilty to the reduced charge after Mr Justice Charles Stewart promised he would make every effort to see that McDonald spent the rest or his natural life in jail Do you understand that will recommend that you never be released that shall recommend that you re main adprisoner for the rest of your natural lire Do you an rstand that Mr Justice Stewart asked McDonald replied Yea By HARVEY BLACItSTOCK and MYRNA BROWN The Crown concluded its case today in the trial of John Frederick McDonald charged with the capital murder of Thomasina Baker After two voir dires Supreme Court Justice Stewm ruled that statements made to Ins ector James Harris and Oct SgtSmedley were ad ssable inspector James Harris of the OPP told the court to day that he took the accused from Brampton County Jail He testified that McDonald said want to take you to that little girls body Alter driving while and the car was stopped He pulled Det Sgt Smedley to whom he was handcuffed around swamp in water up to our knees the inspec tiling TwoCiiarged Willi Murder TORONTO chtTwo young men were arrested Monday night and charged with the cop ital murder or Richard John Date Spence iii found bludg eoned to death Sunday beside ar exprcssway wall Edward Eiley 21 and Neil Collins 20 both of suburban North York were arrested by Metropolitan Toronto police homicide detectives 40 hours after Spences battered body was found Spence had made two phone calls the previous day just hours alter hewas released trom the Ontario reformatory at Guelph where he served fourmonth sentence for break ing and entering Ono of the cells was to his rattler but he did not keep an iclaudajtobillard and cairn tor said He continued At the have oi large tree the accrued said That is whm accused said rumored her bodyfromwheraiputttinn plastic bag Next morning we returned to the scene at the base of the large tree There was skull and piece oi blue bathing suit The inspector testified that ho condoned the accused and told him he would be charged with the capital murder Thomson Poker On Nov 15 accompanied by Coast Kelso went to the Brampton County Jail and told capital murder of Thompslna Baker said the inspector Rev George Harold White pastor Calvary Baptist Church Brampton was called to the stand by Special Crown Attorney Tobias Forested Mr White said that the accused had come to his home onthe morning of Aug 10 19M to get iidp pushing his car stuck in nearby tleld WITH FELLOWS As we drove down the road to his car he mentioned he had beer out with some other fel lows They had been drinking and gone some placeto sleep it oil Mr White said Mr White admitted later that to the best of his knowledge he couldnt recall any odor of alco hol about McDonald Gerald Brady owner and on not has the bolt McDonald he was charged with 59° McDonald had led him to be have he did not drink any alto erbavcragea it was Bradys ear that was found in the pmession of Mc Donald the morning oi Aug 20 McDonald known in Newmarket it John Frederick Raymond was triend of Bradyjs and had received help from him in geb ting lab Brady said McDonald had borrowed his ear to go to Tor onto and pick up McDonalds wife and bring her back to New market liendldnt come back at tho cificd time and didnt know his whereabouts until the police phoned me aradyexplained He also told the court he iound three kernels oi popcorn on the seat 01 the car did not put them there he added The court room was packed again with severalpeople sit ting outsida on chairs and others standing The accused sat straight in the box seldom shifting his gaza from the front of the room Only once did he speak and thatwastohis deienceiaw yer William Maekie who whis pered few words to him dur ing the testimony of Mr White First witness called was Gor don Watson farmer in Caledon Township it was on his prop erty that the 1057 sedan had been and by aneighbor Vern erator of Newmarket taxi com appointment to meet him that night pally also toldtho court that Hartley Davis The women Turntopagethreepieasei