committees BARRIE CURLERS WATCH FROM SIDELINES The above trio were among the spectators who looked on from the sidelines at the La dies Invitational Bonsplel held at the Barrie Curling Club yer icrday The reason tor the smiles order on the rink they were cheering for lust took out shot rock mmwmnq sowr razorv rrmmWWWT ts so nurture norm raunchy mum it IMI Tar ouora curs New Barrie Womens Club Plans April Tea Add Art Show leaving two stories counting From the lolt are Mrs Ver non Admas Mrs Willem Stephenson Mrs George Sey mour Examiner Photo President Names Church Groups WLA Conveners Mrs Bruce Edcy President oi the Barrie Womens Liberal Association announced the ap pointment oi conveners oi vsr lous committees at meeting held at her residence on How man Avenue Those appointed were Mrs Vlgg publicity Mrs Han old Pattcrson telephone Mrs auckiewicz Ethnic Mrs Mao Walker and Mrs Frank Cald well social Mrs Joseph Who lan program Mrs lnoson membership Miss Mary Agnes Moore social hostess Wigg audit WARD REPRESENTATIVES Ward representatives include Ward one Mrs ngg Ward twoA Mrs Charles New ton Ward twol3 Mrs Pat Brown Ward three Mrs Her nice Murdoch Ward four Mrs Scottie Church Vespra Mrs Richardson Mrs Edcy was named as no presentatlve to the North Sim coo Liberal Association executive and to the Barrie Liberal Ex ecutive Special committee members lppointed to represent the three ridings were Mrs Charles Now ton and Mrs Calvert past president PLANS FOR 64 Plans for the coming season VPotLuck Supper Planned By WA The January meeting of the Womens Auxiliary of St Giles Anglican Church was held Mon day with 24 ladies present Mrs Moodie president opened the meeting with prayer Mrs Lamb read the scrip tare passage Reports of last years activi ties were given by the various It was unanimously moved that gilt oi soon be given to the church from the Womans Auxiliary The work meetings of the Womans Auxiliary will be held each Tuesday afternoon Mrs Hutchings and Mrs Ferguson volunteered to call on the shutins and newcomers to the pariah tor the month of February The Womans Auxiliary will be in charge Coffee Hour following the it oclock service on Sunday Jan 19 The Parish Pot Luck Supper will he held Jan 27 with the annual meeting following Following the business portion of the meeting Mrs Honey gave the first of six addresses hristion Issues in Southern dismissions til illustrations and MRS anucr annv include two general meetings the annual pot luck supper to he held in February noon luncheon slated for the spring and rummage sale to be held on April 25 convenedhy Mrs Helene Winter was also announced that card parties will be held at homes at members during the winter with the general round up to take place in the spring when draws for prizes will he made BRING MEMORIES LONDON ICPlA group oi loo officers and men or the Black Watch regiment are back in London aitar threemonth tour of Canada and die lIS Nine of their pipers took part in the Kennedy funeral ceremo nies at Washington SAVE 20 TO 50 AT WIGGINS Annual JANUARY FUR SALE FREE SILVER PLATED Tobponsor Dance Party lhe social evening or sound and square dancing which was to have been held tomorrow evening In the Parish Hall of St Giles Anglican Church has been postponed until Jan 81 1111s announcement was made following the death oi Rev John Riddcl the former min Ister oi the church The event will commence at Koo oclock on the new date with Bill Judge as caller as sisted by Mrs Judge The combined ellorts oi the Womens Auxiliary Girls Aux Iliary and the Anglican Young Peoples Association are being directed by the convcnorE Mrs William King to make thrs pro lect an entertaining one as well as profitable for the three church units The AYPA and GA are Iln charge oi refreshments with Mrs Hutchings as convaner assisted by Mrs William Westr gate Advertising and posters have been convened by Mrs Ii Per guson Mrs liourne Mrs Ia cobs and Mrs Norton Ticket sales are In charge cl Mrs William King Printing of the tickets was directed by Mrs Roworth Mrs Moodie and Mrs lid worth are convening the apoi dante prizesand door prizes The cloak room will be in charge or Mrs Delaney Mrs Ferquhsrson Mrs Whit taker and Mrs Muir Mr and Mrs Wililtogers will look alter ticketsat the door CALL US TODAY Wm 73 Dunlop St 726107 Stan Peacock Prop EDUCATOR SPOON osinmsupoehuyrmonwhnm mas parcels tor needy Although the Quota Club of Barrie held Its Charter dinner meeting only four months ago club members on well advanc ed with plans for tho tuture Arrangements are already well under way or tea and art show to he held early In April Mrs Dorothy Gardner Is In charge or arrangements Paintings on lay will be the worn oi we known Owen Sound Artltt Plans were out lined It the January meeting of the club heldot ths Bayahore Motor Hotel Duniop St West on Monday evening sixteen members wen present other club protect Include as slsisnce with the Social club tor tbeRctsrded AdultrWtdnudu night bowling sessions Club members also mil tho Royal Victoria Hospital Cillt Shop every Dready evening Miss Gladys Gllhsnlr presi dent thanked members of their ooopentlon In preparing Christ family in the city noting that donations made by Barrie businessmen were greatly appreciated QUMA ANNIVERSARY The president announced that an imitation had been extended to Mrs Flora McCallum the Quota Club ct Orlllll out In ternational director to be guest speaker atths Feb meet in when the Barrie ub will ce ebrats Quotas 45th birthday Another important guest will visit the Barrie Club In April In the man of Governor Doro thy gsn oi Ottawa Miu Mllllglnl visit will mark the Quote Clubs annual business month Promote Woman To Wrong Post Due to on error In punctua tion Mrs harbors Wheeler was Inadverisutlyroportod as being Vice President oi the Ontario Progressive Conservative Asso ciation Inths socialcolumn of this newspaper MRS DOW GARDNER goes ovorpisor for the April tea and art show at thoJau usry meeting of the club Mrs Gardner will convooo the event Examiner Photo Rotarians Wives Plan Bridge Party Mrs Lens Webb of Palnswick demonstrated the art of making ribbon roses long stemmed ros es and corsagca and candle making at the meeting of the Inner Wheel oi Rotary last evening Mrs Webb was guest speaker at the session which was held at the Poinswick residence of the secretary Mrs Denis Sheard with 23 members In at ieirdanee Mrs Emls Holman president oi the Junior Hospital Auxiliary distributed wool for knitting ar ticles tor the Hospitals Gilt Shop Plans for the next meeting in oluda bridge party and box lunch social This meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Peter Dean Feb 19 at 830 pm 3500 nuns or Drapery and Slip Cotter Fabrics All Reduced For Quick Clearance Printed and Plain Terylene and Arnel Block Lin ens Sun and Suds Fabrics Plain and Printed Antique Satin Heavy quality Cations Teryleno Sheer and Batiste Bark Cloths 45 to 48 wide Wide range of patterns and colours Reg Values To 495 uowourvrouniissd YARD closurrc GOODS Fred lett Pr ï¬nrrtnicmirwwvn Something new has been add ed to the decor of the Hospital Auxiliary rooms in the MM thy Residence new to this on sanitation but an Idea that has been tried Ind proves In other larger business groups the added touch ls sugges vm lnltdllod Mrs Roy Chris tle president the auxiliary told membm that she hopes they will this advantage oi tho opportunity to air their views which might constructively ud vanco the lion and guide the assistance undsrodhy the IX Ililry to the hospital NEW MEMBERS No new member Mrs Pugh and Mrs It Hogan were Introduced at this meet ing which was the January boo iness session Mrs Roy Chris tie presided with or members attending and one visitor Miss introduced by her Ilatci Mrs Dr Doldge olthc Hos pltsl Stall sitcr reading copy Mrs Pearson Views Fashions PARIS Reuters Mrs Les ter Pearson who of tho Cona dlan prhno minister Is to pay nominate visit to the famous French hauts couture house oi Christian Dior Friday Mrs Pearson who Is sccom parrying her husband on so of ficial visit to France will see coals made of Canadian furs and will he presented bottle oi Dlors newest perfume Dior liog spokesman for the house said today 50 OFF DURING OUR FINAL JEAN lion box which was the Idea oi tch one of the numbers Alter It Irene Reid of Gonnloy who was ch cunsur Dunlap MW at the annual auxiliary report unintended the women on the role they play in the traction oi the hospital Dr Doldgo com merited to president Mrs lle that he had been unaware Group Hopes Suggestion 30 Will Improve Auxiliary Work mootedherwlthabououctot ilowmhom the culinary Iho trumrr report was given by MrsJobn holler show Lng balloon in the bank of 0161171 Imus thogtlt shop and of the wide scope ol activities nrurhin at In which auxiliary numbers pan pa Corresponding secretory Mrn Bhroton reported that three letters and Iour thankyou notes had been received She II I0 noted that plant had been sent to Mn Isobel Churchill who Is patient in TorontoHon pita letter oi thanks was read from Miss Greenï¬eld thanking the auxiliary for the $50 donation presented to Miss Helen Mrsnlhan for the purchase of Christmas gifts for the nurses REPORT ILLNESS Members were informed oi the Illness oi Mrs Jean Gable who Is presto Iy hospitalized at tho Tomato corral Hospital Mrs rials and Mrs Butler villi ed Mr Gable yesterday and JANUARY un Msmbers held discussion ro gsrding the contention tor the Cltlnen of the you and do cided that some thought should be given to this matter and that thodeclsioo be left until the Pebnrary meeting PAY TRIBUTE The Isle Mrs Ids Mills had wasted that her plus he returned to the auxiliary II was decided that that plus should be rultsbi framed and hung In tho aux ary rooms as tributs to lalthlul member It was decided that members would continue to sponsor two nunmsge sales year Iho Iirst to he held In April at Trinity Parish Hall will be con vened by Mrs Sid Roach This lI one ol the Auxilis main thrlhlalhg protect COLD WAVE SPECIALS Reg l250 for 1000 Reg 1000 for 350 Reg 750 for 550 Reg 550 for 450 Come In No Appointment Necessary Open Daily am to pm THURS am to pm Wiclts Beauty Salon 45 DUNLOP ST 7282980 upturn DAYS wr HAVENTLOST our urns You con mi assured Its still the lame Flemings The same store with the some down tomsrth outstanding values BUT THE PRICES ARE RIDICLILOLIS CHECK THESE RIDICLiLOIiS VALUES PRINTED CREPES SUITING ENDS CORDUROV HEAVY QUALITY SUEDENE PRINTED TERRY CLOTH ournoruur yo 54 56 DRESS BRDCADES 5456 WOOLLENS rwscos euros This is RIDICIILOUS strum nus Heavy pile with novelty calcurs Washable Skid Resistant ex Backing Substandards with imperfections so slight as to he hardly noticed started collfeeding Iho bowl is rounded for safety and dscp enough to ml izo spilling The short hsndis is for small handstn hold Heres all you do to got your spoon Send the labels from hrs of Gerber baby Food Strained or Junior or box top trams packageof Gerber Cereal whhyour name and address sndspootyourbohyhurh lsu pliourclimitod Bahioaare our business our fly business cursors courou or Anywha In Th Gerber Baby Ponds box 271 Toronto ontorlo World by no um Phonninwdi noon Harris inmrï¬bwmv ï¬TEASt Refreshmch were served by MrsR Muir and MII Ito worth CLEARANCE or rucusnuosv or hst 19 CHOOSE room Momrizcd Brosdeioths Print ed Sséconc Printed Flsnn or otlon Flannel Shirt go Sports Textures Llngorio Prints Drip Dry Our thsy go ï¬ne Low Price Sin x36 27x4A 30x60 it at It zoom RIDICLILQUls PRICEI Delivered Locally Plannpdmwsrmfl