Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1964, p. 3

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morwvwwxuu gnu PM it was MirF0311wa me HDNEYBUN swooNs into her admlrcrs arms with crash as the little tar looks on lovingly Honoybun port frayed by Rick Hubbert and the sailor Diane lluxtable were part of the Curtain Ur production last night at Central Aodltorhim More than 10 studmts from North Collegiate were involved in the production seen by about 1200 people GOLDILOCKJAW flirts with the oneman Greek cho rus during last nights pro duction of outaln Up The skit entitled The Data foa lured Gary Arbour on piano Norm Quinlan as the nursery story reader and Dairy Pei mer who alienated between the painful boning of elu1epertoftbeteenue audience could not spoil the suc cua of brrtaln Up the VI lety show led by the Ben rie North egiete Drama Club last night The performance Presented on the Oeritrll Collegiate Audi forlum aim was well paced and well performed Indeuily earned the enthusiastic approval of the general audience The key to this mess rm Drama Club president Barry Pelmer Barry who was dlr actor of Crirtaln Up took the land In comic skits to set brisk tempo for the production With broad slapstick and hub lesqus techniques be helped make The Pankhurst Sisters 53 The Data delightful roul Ably assisting Barry in these For North Poppa Bet Monnna Bat lit tie biddy Baby Bat and Goldl iockjevr The production writ ten directed and produced en tirely by North Collegiate studenu consisted of music singing timing skits and two plays Examiner Pho lost Will Not Tolerate Much Unemployment About loo people at public meeting sponsored by the Bar rie Winicr Employment Camlt palgn corrunlttcc last night were told that in the last to years unemployment in Sweden has never risen over three per cent The low unemployment figure was attributed to common be lief of governmenter and management that unemployment phould not be tolerated of Swedish labor unions 70 per merits in Sweden because again cent of white collar workers and 90 per cent of bluocollnr work ers and the fact that cooper atives are strong in the country LESS AnilnltAliON He said that there was much less arbitration in labor settle film produced by the Swed ish government attributed the achievement to the low unem loyment figure to deficit spend by the government when the economy began to show slgns of tagging and in government program which encouraged pri vate businrss to spend money at times of economic lag While these programs kept the economy moving it noted gov ernment subsidized relocation and retraining for workers kept rthe population qualified for work no matter what technological changes were introduced The retraining courses plan ned in conjunction with employ er and employee organizations are undertaken voluntarily by the worker and in order to make it feasible for workers to spend months in learning new trade they are subsidized by the government Retraining is conducted for workers of all ages and often means training for new trade alter 25 or 30 years in an es tablished trade However the film indicated both that workers were easily able to learn in middle or later life and that employers fhund retrained workers more than satisfactory An interesting facet of Swed ish lilo later emphasized by the speaker James Milncr pro fesosr of law at the University PROFMOR JAMES MILNER centre of the Uni veraity of Toronto Faculty of Law talks with hiorden Laz arus tleitt Director of Poult cal Education Ontario ch in lire spirit of cooperation Swedish unlnsgotcnough money for their employees but were careful not to push prim up and ruin export trade in comparing Sweden with Canada Prof Milner pointed out possible reasons for the eratinn of Labour and Jarrett Employmult Special ist in the Ontario Regional Office of the National Employ ment Service Prof Milner ad dressed public meeting spon olanonlo is the fact that all members of tho community cu operatc to contribute to the growth of the economy in the film it was explained ll that the strong Swedish labor on Ions see that labor gets fair share of the pic but wanting to see the pie grew labor Roy llowarth MD of Gait cooperated with management to addressed 61 members of the help the growth of the economy Christian Business Mens Com Professor Milner saw the spirit mittec meetings Burton Aven uf cooperation in the strength on United Church last night Tells Christian miscibility of certain evidence coon oar Policin Life Sentence MolvillelIodgins 284291 Wa baushene drew life senténc here yesterday after he pleaded guilty of noncapitalmurder in the Dec lit NET rifle slaying of his brother Percy 36 Most of the trial yesterday was taken up with voir dire that is trial within trial This was held to consider ad At the beginning of thavoir dire in lhemorning was released and instructed to return at pm Shortly after the trial res ed defenoe counsel Eric Mars dul told the court have been instructedby my client that he is willing to change hlsplea to one of guilty to charge of nonccpitalvmurder SHOULD soccer Supreme Court Justice Stewart said From evidence think itfs pleathatshoold be accepted but Twould do so without consultingtlle Crown Crown aiiornny Uohn blurp out to the jury the difference be prisoners Appears Harsh in spies or incoherence urd Me the Hodglns stoodup in the piisflnefs dock and pleaded guilty to tho marge Mr Justice Slewartenplained tween capital and Ironcapital murder He directed the jury to bring 31 verdict of noncapital mur er Thn jury milled at tocnnsider=thainst jury foreman sa find the prisoner guilty of non capital murder The prisoner showed no emo tion as Judge Stewart pro nounced the life sentence Alta passing sentence the judge told the jury that the sen tenoc might appear to themlo behar But he said it need not nec essarily be so He explained thetthe ould barrows pe parole board and dopendingolt fhe behavior1ha could Business Men Voice Of God Dr Howarth was speaking on the subject The Voice of Ghd and traced instances of God speaking to men through the story of the Bible from Genesis to the New Testament Among the instances be cited were God speaking to Adam in the Garden of Eden His corn munication wiui Noah in his dot and His revelation of the law to Moses in the story of Moses Dr Holt warfh found an example of the importance of obedience to God Even though Moses was appoin ted by God to lend the people out of bondagebheflwasrremp from commandbecauseol obedience But Dr Howartb nevenhelese felt that Moses leading the people out is picture of Salva tion He said that Christians rush log to do things these days often miss something impor tantfiand must be carefulflut to miss the Voice of God lwouldnt wanttogo through last loyeara lotlnylifa without Jesus Ch he said warning those present that if they heard the Voice of God they should not hesitate but go to him immediately The meeting weavdiaired by Ron McFadden Rev Mr Warr led the singing with Dalton Kirk at the piano and Brown the Ambassador Mens Chorus of Weston asbgueat solo Final more cooperative outlook in skits were two excellent comics Norm Quinlan and Gary Arbour Barryelso contributed music ally He played Ctlnib Every Mountain and Theme from the Apartment with Gary Arbour on the piano Ginny Walther contributed two piano solos Put on Hopi Face and mans 5MB DISTURBANCES Unfortunatoiy tho noise of the audience lid the spectacle no paper darts floating through air proved too distracting to ill low fair comment The program opened win musing production of Another Opnln featuring the cast Barry Palmer as director and Brian Coltrell as lead This number was brightly done Sueden was that the country is oonwiosed of only one ethnic group In more compact and densely populated and seems to have sense of purpose wonder he said in con clusion Whether we have any reuse of purpose in Canada An education program on the treatment and effects of tubes culosis will be steppedup duh ing January in all secondary schools throughoutfilmcoo Coun ti Step llpProgram 0n Treatment And Effects Of Tuberculosis lovers and was enjoyed as much by skit entitled the audience by the cut of Effective and imaginative This use of lighting added greatly badlherudience mite effectiveness of this num Tbe outnumber was Couple ofpSwelie senate Ill ditsbobocafiluongmddanco WWWM proved too slow to follow the did MN The Skltwu This the first variety show attelnlited by the North Itudentl was well done and provides the Round work for future about Tbse could perhaps include more dancing and more satire to give the program broader Wit As for Barrie Norths Cur tatnUptbinyurlntbe words of Central Collegiate student li wowed cm are sin unseen but adieu onenlnx mtg mm nu docsl oneact plays were also show DOUGLAS CASSAN presented lbeflrst The child Won der dcl ted the audience This coin bode well balanc ed cost which proved to be quite funny Marty Stellar was exceptional in amen on olse played by Debbie Craig TWO CROOKS The second ploy Two Crooks and Lady was presented the senior students Tale in represent North Collegiate in tho Georgian Bay Drama Festival in February No Crooks lea lurcs leading lady Jean Farr as Mrs Sims Vane the tough old nut who foils the schemes of her maid Diane Huxtablo and Miller Norm Quinlan Miss Farr who won the best actress award at the Drama Festival last year looks like sure bet for acting honors again this year Her actlng was flaw less Norm Quinlan appeared miscast in this rather flimsy drama ills performances in the comic shits were polished RECREATION COMMITTEE Poo Attendance Delays Election Poor attendance forced Barrie Recreation Committee to post pone the election of the 1964 chairman until next meeting Barney Latin agreed in stay In the chair for last nights meeting at City Hall Twocouncll rcpruentetlm Les Jolliffe and Nelson Garrett wcro obliged to attend special sitting of city council and rlnke chairman Jack Garner was out of town in its brief meeting the com mitten referred letter for fln social aid to new member lien Pledger The request for finan cial help too specific amount noted cams flom Barrie Mid get Hockey Tesla The letter noted that the on ganizatlon started with no play ers and is now reduced to 21 it has plans of entering the team in Ontario Minor Hockey Association playdowns The letter further noted that the club would have to curtail activities lf financial assistance was not received Teen Town has requested member of thonrfnmlttee to act here agreed that the outdoor ice surfaces were being put to Road use lac donning has been facili tated by the purdrase of snowblower notification that one me of the ritys new oom lnlttcc to study rccreallon facil ities had been held the mem bers mead it was time one got down to the business of com piling its functions for the study crews newt Next meetlng is scheduled for Feb 12 Capl Hovercroft To Be Posted Capt James Havercroft of Barrie will be posted to the staff of Headquarters Western Command at Edmonton in nlidJanuary He is now serving with as Canadian Pransport Company Royal Canadian Army Service Corps with the United Nation theSimcoe County Health Unit will not receive any additional nursing services this year Last year two registered nurses were loaned to the health unit by the National Sanltorium As send by the Barrie Winter Employment Campaign Com mittee last night He spoke on Sweden after tboshowing of film Investment inMan power Examiner Photo Install Officers or Kiwanis Club Officers and directors of Kem penlelt Bay Kiwanis Club were innalled for less at Harrie Conn munify House Monday by Mur ray Anderson of Toronto OQM division five lieutenant governor Mr Anderson was in troducnd by Walls of Dr Scott Simcoe Coun ty Medical Officer of Health stated in his December report that the education program should help decrease the death rate caused by this disease It is felt that the educational program plus the tuberculin test and Xrays will contribute to the reduction of the incidence rate as well as the death rate from tuberculosis be said The annual education pro gram to prepare secondary stu dents for the Heat Test for tuberculosis began in December rather than January this year The tests will begin this month Dr Scott also reported that soclation newfilrn on tuberculosis will be shown by high school teachers during Health classes Provided by the unit the film The Quiet Betrayal la the story of business man who becomes ill with tuberculosis When he falls to complete the recommended treatment must be readmitted tn the San itarium The man is much more critically ill the second time and his teenage daughter be comes infected also This year students in Grade will receive the Heal Test An Xray will be offered to posi tive reactors their parents and to all Grade in students To Visit This Sunday Rev Pai mer SSJ CD of Brace bridge will Thinity An glican Church Barrie He is widely known in Can ads and the United States as celebrated scholar and leader of Missions Born in England be came to Canada and graduated from Trinity College University of Toronto He became associated with the Cowley Fathers which is the So ciety of St John the Evangelist religious order within the An glican Cbuicll He was the first Superior of the Monastery eslt tahlisbed at liraccbridge He handed the monasterys work when they established the Daugh ter House in British Columbia and for long time be was missioncr for the Diocese of Al gums and be has travelled wide ly in this country and abroad giving Missions Mission Leader Psalms found in all Anglican Prayer Books He is known man of deep Christian love and be has left his mark every where in tbecllurcb He comes to Trinity at the in vitation of the rector on the request of the Mens Club of Trinity He will preach at the euro and the 11 oclock services dinner will be given to him by thamen of the church for the young people of the parish Many know Dr Palmers many boo Amongst these Good New was chosen as the Canadianlientcn book it was published many times An other llis WorthyPraise on the new Prayer Book has been republished and enlarged Dr Palmer has been famous for his work with children Many boys camp hasbeen looked after by the Cowley Fa he as judge or the Miss Teen Queen contest next February Because of Mr Garner ab sence only sec foryourself report could be given on the citys outdoor rinks All mem the unmistakeable look of quality TWICE THE WEAR FOR THE during Tailored to Measure Featuring FREE EXTRA sausuousv sun sue Driergent Force in Egypt Capt Hovercraft previously served with the Quartermaster Genernle Branch at Army Head quarters Barrie Kiwanis Club immediate past lieutenantgovernor Robert Bentley was induct ed as president fifth since the club was chartered Mr Andor son pinned three of the four past presidents William Hinton Graydnn Kohl and Chart les Tierney The fourth Lorne Jackson is vacations in in Fiorld Vice presidents installed were Donald Allan andRalpvarank flin Mr Allan also occupies the office of treasurer Norman committee of the Anglican Church of Canada fortbe new Prayer Book and was closely associated with Dr Cosgrave in the new translation of the PERMANENTS By appointment Only Shelswell is secretary Directors inducted were 3th ma George Wilson James Green HMRCUTS on halgh Gordon Roach Delno PM Jermey Henry Dobson Fred Seller and Glen Stewart Huber Shop in Contention THOMso AND COMPANY MITED ANNOUNCES ohicehaibeontranaterredvbotheloronié rJ fissonAY He washes of the revision there at Bracebridge and Dr Palmei has given the NOW FROM THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIM study most respected name in the clothing industry choose the styling and cloth best suited to your individual taste from wide range ofrbeauti fully woven regular weight fabrics and save during this unique opportunity to purchase quality suit ingsfrom our regular stoclr Cflll INSURle

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