Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1964, p. 2

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gnflMWWflfih MW 4w mWmavpypumnnimwwn csvai gr 72 rs rm FrwfibvnrflrIflmuIarwwm wwwn eutemma List Committees Collegiat me 1964 Harrie District Col Iegiste Board met for the first time this year snd appointed its new committees The board this year includes Pratt and Stoddsrt chosen chairman and vice chairman by acclsmstionc lio bcrt Ssrjelntuit Chgstla James at Kc rs cssic Clemmens Ry liickllng Mervyn Parker Lockhart it Stoddart Day Gor don Dunsmore Mrs Elvlns Ross Brcnncman Gor don Mciorlr Dr Anders and Jack Webster striking committee com posed oi hlr Pratt lir Sind dsrtMr Ssriesnt Mr Hick ling and lltr Burton chose the committees tor 10M COMMFITEES Management Commlltce ll Sarjeaot Gordon hlciork Dr Anders Marvyn Parker Finance Committee it Christie James Kelly Day Jack Webster Transportation Mrs Elvina Ross Properly Committee mens Brenncrnan Gordon Dunsmore Will Be Harrie trlct Collegiate hoard has decided that Barrie third collegiate institute will be built in the northeast section or the city but the board is still conicnding with pressure irons Innisiii Township to put the school to thoysoulh oi Harrie The boards decision is based rie and surrounding areas Re search has revealed that the northeast section oi the city is andingmostfiapidlyfihr trustees were told last night that this conclusion is supported the growth pattern in the primary school system in Barrie Because oi the interest shown by lnnislil Township and the Central Simcoc Planning Board in die location of the new school the board decided last night to noiiiy these two bodies at their decision by mail and to explain in the letter the reas ens tor the decision The idea at nntllicaiion by let ter hnwevar immediately brought objections from lnnisiil Townships representative Lockhsrt Mr Loekhari said he thought that lnnisiil Township council should be given hearing on INDUS Committee it Hickling Lockhsrt Gard Dunsmore Mrs Bessie Clein Hiekling it Christie and Mervya Parker were appointed Third Collegiate In NE Barrie on the pattern of growth in Bar TODllYS STOCK PRICE Compiled by Flynn as Dunlop at Harris Board to the building committee with two members or the Advisory Vocational Committee to named to the committee later The decision to include mem bers rang the Advisory Voca tiunsl Committee was made to ilcllltate the committees car rying out Its tab which includes building and planning Ho pointEd out that the vocational committee had equal authority with the board in choosing loca tions tor teehnicsl schools Dr Anders sit there was no point in having members oi the Advisory Voralionsl Committee on the Planning Committee be cause the vocational committee sees the plans anyway snd makes its own recommends lions But Lockout ielt that the vocational committee be ing practical poo le would be valuable on Building Committee and his Pratt said that the vocational committee wanted to take handin the planning and not just be ask ed to rubber stsmp something thats already been decided The Striking Committee also decided that the iZmember Advisory Vocational commit tee of last year was unwieldy and should be reduced to eight members this year Erected the matter although he agreed with board chairman it Pratts earlier suggestion that the location oi the school should not be made political matter Mr Lackhart complained that he had been accused of being unable to make any sort of re presentation to the collegiate board which had any eticct 0iher members of the board particularly Robert Sarjeant JeemedJthlnLthatJ letteL would be quite suiiicient to in form the other bodies at the boards decision and the reas sons ior it ttirs Bessie Clem rnens suggested that statistics be included in the letter to sup port the boards decision his Sarjeant said that ii iur ther information was required the other planning boards could ask inr it The only trustee to actively support Mr Lockharts position was Gordon Mciurk who telt that since lnnislil Council and the Central Simcoe Planning Board had requested hearing on the matter they should be given it He also felt however that the reasons given tor the boards decision were sound TRIAL liAltfliE DISTRICT Colleg iate Board held an inaugural meeting last night From lait back row are Burton business administrator Jack Barrie City Council in its first regular meeting oi the year last night discussed whether to relendor tor the new Police Fire and Magistrates Building Notice was received from the Ontario Municipal Board ap proving additional capital expen diture of $0000 Aid Morrow said Now that we have approval perhaps the three other lenders could bid on that now that they can see whats been taken out Aid Jolliile asked it this is ethical to the lowest bide der He has done all the ground work and the others can step in with all this prelmaw ledge he cautioned Synopsis weak disturbance northwest of Lake Superior will move southeaslward reaching the lower Great Lakes Wednesday morning moderating temperatures slightly today and tonight Wednesday will see var iable cloudiness and slightly colder temperatures Lake St Clair Lake Erie Southern Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Variable cloudiness this evening and to lllliston Youth ilworded $12000 HAILEYBDRY om tcni David Holiday is at Alliston Monday was awarded 312000 in damages for injuries received when struck by truck Oct 12 196 His father Kenneth re ceived special damages at $1 SM Mr Justice Greg Evans of the Ontario Supreme Court also or dered defendants City Movers Kirkland Lake Limited and truck driver Roger Charhonneau of Kirkland Lake to bear $1000 in court costs The boy received fractured Industrial up 07 Rails up 57 FBEMPEICES lRUliEP TORONTO CF Chanting cream and butter print prices were unchanged today LIVESTOCK ATORONTOtcPlTrading was active andwpriees were steady onall classes and grades or slaughter cattle at the Ontario public slockyards today Veal eali prices were steadyi Hog prices were lower and sheep and lamb were too law to establish prices Slaughter cattle 071 Choice steers ail2350 with iancyieed lot steers to 24 good 50 incliium tint commo choice heifers 14 5ch rigoodietds and 511 media modern llVl MOST ACTIVE STOCKS Consuhlogui Crninnr lso Laredo United Oil nowuoitss New thilK Aveakuas Utilities up AOHDNTD STOCK EXCHANGE industrial It 35 Gold II Mctlll up 02 Oil down 10 liutteilJ prices Canasta iirst grade ntarin tenders 5152 nantenderable 511152 oil truck PACKAGE in light trading western 521 pouflEs nominal AND PERSONAL INSURANCE cowsqu Albeslol it Dis Sm Mac Pow ltli 27V Abltlhi list Dani Found 55 itusey rug 17v Algonii Steel to Item Stores 1m Norsnda oz Aluminium are Dani Tar iris Nor out NG 20 Alberta niit 100 Falconbrldlo siai iinare corn at Alberta Gss Nil Gt Lair 14 Meta Faro 51V Argus 17M 151 Pacific Peta mi Argus Pid to Pens Plpa eon Atlantic sugar tats Hawk Siddeley oii Page Hersey 21v an of blunt 65 Home on mi Power Corn tttt pink or NS 7W Hud any illln say One Nit Gas to Hall To our Hudsons Bay icy nayi pink is Erasllen 240 imp Tobacco 121 Saldo Funds toll an 011 wt Husky on so Simpson two can Aviation Iron on say Shsll isvi Contaika Col ind Aeecpt 15 Steal of can 11 can Brwr tots Inland NG Tommi Bk 85 crn 37 Inter Nickel rent Tran Can 35s Can ounce 39v Inter Utilities 23st Trans llt tots Chomrsll lati Internrnv lipl it Tue Flu no Calgary Power 21v Jockey Club elo Texaco as con MindsSm att Liniii lets Union as zip Con Paper Wit Lavy talk Wslker cow 6th Com GI 11h Lskelsad M5 Weston toil Darn Bridge zenith Les MINING aim Copper seo Gunnar non Nertngste 410 elhli 22 Hottlrigar zeni Opemlska are Bralnrn toe Keeley le Prnvo isl Caancnib 340 Kerr 635 am Alsnin is Crib Em Ga 106 Labrador lota Sliver Miller Jtts Csssiar tail Lake Dtlioult ans Shemt 195 can DH Ate has Lencmm it Steel flock 425 Con Mogul tea Larson 215 Tribal Les Cusco tzli ltlsritlmea 59 United 011 100 Crolnor 39 lisdserl 22a United Keno and Beer Hum 58 hlultiMn Jo Willray 160 Dcntson list New atom 201 Willsey lsto Gm 32 Nometali Mn windtail 66 Giant var lflls COMMERCIAL tSARJEANT iNsuaANce AGENCY Du lop Barrio skull broken arm leg and hip injuries and an injury which will affect his hearing thorest at his lite when struck by City Mov ers truck driven by Charbonlt been outside his former home at ChaputItuglie nanosn FORSTER co REALTORS are pleased to an nounce that Samuel Steele has been successful in passing the Fundamentals of Real Estate Course sponsored by the On iario Association of Boards and held inToronto and invites hismaoytrlends to drop in or phone him at Hamid For iield St Barrie Samgmoved Alberta from here he married Mary Ross lot Guthrie Out in 1924 and came east in town graduate oiTeaeber Collage Dublin BAXdegreoi irom en stcr and Co Realtors on Bay Ho learned taught school in 0i Webster Doug Joyl Dr John Anders Mervyn Parker Mrs Ross James Kelly Brenneman Gordan iliciurk Cliiiord Lockhari hiss Bessie Ciemmens and lit Ramsay Council May Coll Tenderslilgain For PoliceAnd Fire Building ltieyur Cooke said there are nearly always deletions and as long as they are minor is was not unethical to not to tender ii the deletions become sub stantial and they are bordering on that now then the other bid ders might have made lower hid be said Aid Roberts said the architect lelt that the others were so far out at line that they should not be recalled One of them was 5100000 more Mayor Cooke reierred the matter to Aid Hersey chairman of the Finance Com mittee WEATHER night iew snowllurries tonight and Wednesday morning Sunny periods alter noon Temperatures moderating slightly today and tonight lit tle colder Wednesday Winds light Georgian Bay Haliborton Al goma Timagomi North Bay Sudhury White River Cuch rune law snowliurries to night Wednesday sunny with cloudy intervals Not so cold to day and little colder Vcdncs day Winds light Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor 12 20 St Thoma to 15 London 15 Kitchener 15 Mount Fares tot Wingham 15 Hamilton 15 St Catharines it 15 Toronto to is superintendent Seated from tell are Roy Christie Gord Dunsmore Norman Stoddsrt Horace Pratt chairman his her Serjeant Roy Hickling Examiner Photot Return True Bill Against McDonald grand jury yesterday re turned true bill against John McDonald 46 of Newmarkct committing him tnr trial on charge at capital murder in the geith oi 10yearold ihomaslna er Court oiiicinls indicated the trial under ltir Justice Stewart oi the Ontario Supreme Court would likely start Men del They said lhetrial would be lengthy one and they did not wish to keep the lury under lock and key during the weekend McDonald was charged after Thomasinas body was tossed Nov la in shallow grave near Caledon East about 20 miles irom her fathers Beetonarea term from which she disap one at the largest searches to Ontarios history aid serving lo year prison itemi ior wounding Hamilton policemen alter three hour hearing Tobias Forresiai Wel land County Crown attorney was apnainted specialproseco tor minutes before the winter assizes opened Thamasina was clad in bath ing suit when she was led train the term by passing motorist Parts of the suit were iaund the grave DEATHS hfi niecvitnv slosaneile At tba Royal Victoria Hospital Baslle Ontario on Monday January it less Roaabeile Gray beloved wire of Oliver hlcClIrtly or Add iiiiin Street asrriez dear mother at Lamb and Princes of London On Karin sister of Gray at Ktrton Ontario and Harvey cm or Tor onto Fllnsral rrnm Illa Locknsrt new Hams Mitchell Ontario on Thursday January to at pm MdinAUKMSHMfiW The jury committed McDan with her decomposed remains in Ramsey told Barrie Dis triel Jollcgisie Board last night that the revised agriculture course set up by Ontario Dc psrtment oi Education oiiered Barrio Collegiates an opportun ity to do something really out standing in the province its Ramsey appointed as supervisor oi colleglsics told the board that he liked the new course which is to be conduc ted on experimental lines The question at the agriculture oourse csmo up at last nights meeting siter several trustees look trip to Linda Collegi alo to the isclitt es there Roy Hiclrling described the isollitlos at Lindsay which in cludo greenhouse and said that it was about time that such course was undertaken here He pointed out that it is be coming necessary tor iarmers in take scientilic approach to their warts and that agriculture was strangely neglected course in an area where ho said agrlnilturo is the basic industry Mcrvyn Parker agreed with Mr Hickling pointing out that Canada tags in the training at tumors in Scandinavia he said 00 per cent of tumors are cott ego trained and in some US States 40 per cent were college graduates Mr Ramsey in answer to question tram Robert Sarieant said that the course could be taken as an option by almost all students including those in the academic course and stu dents allowing the tour and Hg ii The installation of officers of the Kempenielt Bay Kiwan is Club took place yesterday at Community House by Murray Anderson lieuten antgovernor oi Kiwanis Div there 1a do Several And theyre all enjoying it Well earned vacation paid ethociiloneytboytversavedbnzincomasaitsthikyear Thats because theycontributo to Retiremént Savings Plan These plans are ideal for self For 100 Yen their own employed and professionet people Within limits the deposits you harem tandoduciible and its quitopossible you save several dollars 418641964 iiiHe ng Peoplede 1bmarroos8ecuso Celladaflrusi liveyesr lechliicsi courses He said however that it is not possible at presentto estimate the number at students who would register or the course He added that the additional classroom incllitlu would cre sle space required by the con version at the library at North Collegiate to fulltlmo room CollegiatesMoindOm lt All Agriculture Course Another trip in colicgbta which has facilities tar such course is planned for tnutees Since the greenhouse and other iaeiiilles tor the nsrlculs lure course must be built into the new wingoi North Colleg iate the decision to include it zvslll have to be made bolero Jan Dial switchingi Equipment installed In liuial llreas Diai switching equipment is being installed in the new tele phone hulldings to betray Orb and Stroud in preparation tor lilc introduction oi dial tele phone and direct distance dill ng in April oi thls year To provide for these common ltics telephone needs special equipment has been designed and engineerid to meet their motile requirements The Installation work and test ing at the exchange equipment is being carried out by Northern Electric crailsmen Helerriog to the many other activitlm suriounding conver sion to dial and the introduction oi DOD it Nelson Bell man agerior the area said that all phases at the project are pro gressing according to schedule in addition to work inside the buildings the cable network that links all telephones in the area must be rearranged nndextcu tied to adapt it to dial use The whole process must he dis jKlWliNIllNS lliiE PINNED lsinn Part of theccremony was the presentation at Kiwan is Club pins to oiiiccrs Hce tiram leitl Bob Williams the clubs newest member plus buttop on second vieepresi dent Ralph Franklin and Don so on the beach uniake depositswben suiteyou anduhe amounts slot fixodpAll depoeiiearo invested in diversifiedportfoli and documidste interest The only on 34 otl per ennumforadoiinistration The more you look into it the more youll like this prescrip tion for retirement cANA st to you id modest carciully coordinated to ensure completion on schedule Mr Nelson said oncees littend ilurora Meeting lour members oi the Barrie laycees travelled in Aurora last week ior the monthly meeting of the Aurora chaptcr They were lim Shute Ross Funccotl Bill Mnndley and JohnMcGralh Guest speaker was Fred West Canadian national president oi the Joycees He spoke on his recent trip in the Jayeeo World Conference in Tel Aviv Jaycee units attending the dinner from District also in eluded Newmarlret Markham Midland Pension and Orllila Allan first vieepresident re ceives his pin from Ken Walls immediate past Lieutenant Governor Seated from leit are Harold Cockburn and William Davidson oi the TorontoBionr Club Examincrpboto aerrvsrt

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