Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1964, p. 5

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an rowvfinv¢mrnvmtmsmvuwmmvsr CUTSPIINAMIIINIWO 104MileWide Strip idioticwide strip of land that cuts Panama in two has beena soiloe of considerable income and of bitter resent meat for the Ceritrel American reptile for six decades The Panama Canal Zone came under vs control in 1906 only fortnight alter Panama bad achieved bdependaice from 41 lombia with assistance from the United States Since then Panama has com plilncd repeatedly about the terms of the deal with the Issue finally building up to the bloody cihshes that broke out Thursday night The list of Panamanian Lom Source Of Resentment Preslde raid that the US had recog ruaed the titular sovereignty of Panamall years anamanian was pennitted butde the us flag in remote comer oi the zone American resldente were uriour The flag Issue was raised again in the summer of 1062 when President Roberto Galast ton Pruldent Kennedy agreed to the flying of Panamaan by flags in an appropriate way in the Canal Zone Kennedy and Chlari also commission to study points of Elka later relaiiufhe marten The started out or paying more succumbing over the sons forso ffltendto it to $430000 In $1900000 In 155 Panama has called for on per cent of the canala enuer with fixed minimum of firth year TREATY is LEGAL Some Panamanian questioned the legality of the ar pald friendly visit to Washing Igaual canal treaty it was signed hurriedly Nov lb 190 State Secretary John Hay and Philippe BaneuVarllla Frmdtman Panamanian representative In agreed on establislunent of WW who was named on by the new iunta wo mama earnarea unqu 17 VTLWTVMVAflfiuflfifiq Iwwummfl affliwmw iv Him lCigdrette Suspicious Started Back In 1936 NEW YORK flirtAfter the In Ill expressing thlt cigarettes might be SIM reported eviden atlon World lung cancer In Baltlm the renowned biologist Dr mond Pearl was finding afatls tlcal evidence that smokers did not live as long as ebstalnetn In mo in Engl ard Doll and Dr Bradford Hill on of an associ bia suspicion and Dr Rich cer was rare among men who never cranked but was In late portant cause of death among men smoking two packs daily or more Again smoking was linked with dish heart and blood vessel diseases In March 57 cigarette sntoklng was called cause tive factor In lung cancer by study group set up by the American Cancer Society Arn erlean Heart Amputation Na tional Cancer Association Nee tional Cancer institute and Ne tlunal Heart institute in June that year the final Hammond Horn report con tinued earlier findings of 10 than higher risk oi long can cer among smokers than non smokers Persons who quit for at least year were said to run stand hllmlnl errlatofoi rd from In October that same year Surgeon General leather la Thrry appointed the advisory committee on smoking and health which reported its find lots today Cigarettes have not lacked for scientific and medical defenders the centre developed Many hold that no cause and effect has been shown They point to other aiispected causes Muller the revolt against Colomv between cigarette smok ring and the rising incidence of lung cancer in 1051 Dr Evarts Graham and Dr Ernest Wynder than in St Inuit reported producing skin cancer in mice with con centrate of tobacco smoke plalnts is long one but it breaks down into three morn In sues Sovereignty Panama ls content for the time being to let the US run the canal but wants its legal and civil author ity to extend into the Canal Zone The US grants only fit ular sovereignty but no actual control ll MoneyPanama feels the currcnt annual payment of less than $2000000 for the zone Is ridiculously low The 115 ar gues that the actual income to Panama from the canal is much more$75000000 in 1962 for ex ample Duration of 118 rights The 1903 treaty provided that the us would exercise all power and authority In the cone do perpetuity Panamanians see this clause as kind oi leftover coionial Issue that can no longer be tolerated They want fixed tmie limit for US withdrawal all the complaints the sovereignty question has been the most explosive in 1959 it led to riots when oi lung cancer such ea sir poi lotion and viruses They point to nonasmoketl who get lung cancer and to the majority of smokers who dont dispute over the Canal Zone or uction which apparently gave the Panamanian high hopes that their claims would be no ogoized MADE TWO CONCESSIONS The results were limited Last January the US announced two concessions it said that In fut ure the Panamanian flag would fly beside the US flag when rter it was flown by civilian authorities And It permitted the Panomanialirtls tg license iii cign consuls ronc though the US refolded the right to vein The Americans have refused to re negotiate die treaty al though they have made at tempts particularly since ions to remove some causes of fric lion Salaries of Panamanian work ers in the who were increased to bring them closer to the level of American workers there Public facilitieh in the none were olilcinlly desegregnted In 1560 and Americans were encouraged to get to know Panamanians less risk than condoning smok rs lNCREASED RISK in 1358 Dr Hamid Dom of the National institutes of Health studying smoking hab its of 249000 war veterans re ported evidence linking cigar NM MEN cites with increased risk oi But mice arent men lung canm and other diseases The biggest shock came in In November 1559 Dr Leroy 1054 with the first report of Burney then US surgeongem study of 187000 man by Dr era writing in the loumat oi Cyler Hammond and Dr Dan the American Medical Associ lcl Horn of the American Cen ation said the weight of cut ccr Society Cigarette smokers deuce at present lrnpiicates they said have death rate as smoking as the principal etiolog much as 75 per cent higher then feel causative factor in the in nonsmokers They die more he creased incidence of lung can quently from lung cancer and car heart dlsease in 1560 the cancer society he Two years later the Ham gen campaign to discourage mnndvliorn study said lung can smoking by teenagers Panamas Foreign Minister Galileo Solis says BanauVnrllia was to have served only until Panamanian negotiating team got to Washingtonand that the negotiators arrived hours after the treaty was signed Others contend the treaty Is not valid because it was signed before the countrys constitu tion went Into effect and it was never ratified by the National Assembly Despite the differences cool heads on both sides have tried 51 to solve the Issue without letting emotions get out of hand Presi dent Chinri has repeatedly em phasized that he does not want to pressure Ilio US in the autumn of 1961 he wont so for us to praise USauthorities in the zone for their firm and ludicious attitude during at tempts by Panamanian extrem lsls to Invade the zone Diplomatic observers said this made it particularly regret table that the fictllpn cg elgroup of American ig on stu youp of students tried to plant The Americans also discussed dents in refusing to fly the Pan VANCOUVER CP Irene First Aeroquay hear on in Shimmy 33imiictiislinaiaiidiut $33335 mm To Open ignfiifimfigafiggé m3 ilka the annoy the pen Says Banned Drugs TORONTO tori Tomato gates and will meet air traffic we WI mush Germ Being Sold Here Broice Promises blondc China bum language llflll End Chinese she said llllemallllllfll Airports lllll demands of the future teacher who lectures to four Miss Rebrtn attended schools aeroquaytiiore will eventually second aeroquay is planned classes of lgt dents each acJLEsklwSbeJeILCItinawi dommlefivrmmmsea lllVElEIly of British Drum her parents and young brother ounnnc tori Lawyer mailV been Ball for Sidney anaroviiz said Friday at least no drugs are being sold omwa CPI Social Cre be dit leader Robert Thompson accusedlleal Caouettcs Raffle mant dcs Creditines Friday of in in 11367 going to Brazil via Kong the other two Mlss Rebiinwhn had been Kohl on United Nations rol The 9300 foot ninway has said in reference to Mr Cauu banned by we Food and Drug Stlcmemw Administration In the Untied failure to keep its commitments to the Social Credit party at the inderthreaiofdepartauénirom new rgss Her father and in operation during day Canada since 1959 has been mother live in Sao Paulo Bra Mr Thompson came hero for states because they have ham number of meetings which side cums last election he denied in an interview light hours for several months granted status as landed lm ill and Is expected to be ready for migrant She recently settled on OKEEFE CENTRE will determine whether Social The statement came during Credit candidates Will be cl the trial of Harry van Uler mm rnortra YONGE EM36633 Mr Caouetfes statement Wed nesday that the former Quebec 74hour serviceshortly 60 out of court libel action foothigh control tower has been against Toronto newspaper inset in byelections in Montreal ww or the Gengflc Drug com Laurier and Montreal St Denis paw Cap Rouge Que charged OPENS NEXT WEDNESDAY JAN 15 FEB wing of the Social Credit party Paid deposits of so unsuccessful finished but will not go into or sbe is now working toward Feb 10 The decision will be with selling500 tablets of both Social Credit candidates in On eration until March when instals gaining Canadian citizenship lation of its complicated elect In an interview with The Ca amount MondHY triparanel and trlfluorpromnzlna Looking ahead to the parlia in 1962 tarlo because the national party had no funds Ironic system will be com nndian Press Miss Relirln told mentary session which opens ltlr Lazarovitz questioned oil The nernquay will rank the Quebec promised to pay but SECRETARY of the Army Cyrus Vance front and As alstant Secretary of State Thomas Mann hurry from helicopter at Andrews Air Force Base yesterday They are bound for Panama as mem bers of fiveman task force dispatched by President John son in an effort to halt viol ence there US Air Force Photo via AP Wirephoto lilien ForYears Irene liebrin Feeling lit Home In Canada orru DAILY IIIIIISESIItlII the Siberian city oi Omsk prior to the 1917 Bolshevlk revolution when he fled along with other White Russians to China grew up with four lang res waun none rows 14 Miles from Blrllo East of Cnighunt Facilities at the doughnut shaped sevenvsiorey complex easily the most prominent builds ing on the monarre $42000 000 airport range from luxu jonls hotet ammmodation to hi it contains dozen departure rooms that circle the building an equal number of open air servafion decks for visitors con ference moms restaurant bar and nursery On top there is parking space for 2400 cars has NO or WGANT AROMAN MUSICAL SPEtllAGLE OKHEFE CENTRE TORONTOBox Offiu llam pan to the Supreme Court of Cars ada Born in Peking China in tons Miss Rebrlu describes herself as thefipampfred daughterHof slern use an parents er session list at the nicknames applied by the postal employ ees In Toronto to seniurmém rhfi hers who supervise and direct RCA Assoc EVES 830 MAT WEDuk SAT pm $175 to 5800 FAMOUS itdtihs liftURI sion combat hardening of the arteru FEATURE TIMES ship his mo BockABye Baby sicko ions ory staff have in my poo Canadians have to decide whether or not they are going to be separate nation If you weaken nations press Indus try you weakan the foundations of nationhood plated the story of five years which Paasenscrsvon Canadian the said had been difficult cific Airlines Flight from times Rom Vlll Milnllfll Wlll PNll Described by colleagues as In Feb 10 Mr Thompson said he ficiais of the Canadian food and airport as one of the must mod facilities Nor due in at is encouraged by Prime Mmll drug directorate on the defini ern air terminals in the world 1135 pm 1ng been sched afigfimzdcém finpfiiidff ler Pearsons indication that ac tion of new drug Van Ulel When expansion at the airport uted to land at 1210 am The worst part or the departs neverdid Mr Thompson said be taken to at the hmed wm mm Is imm it in be lm in mm mm hind Will be lion fight was the uncertainty The national office had to pay paper publishing industry from new may not he sold until they ties in Chicago and toe An sz from Winnl millsdescflm as straight foreign competition or control are approved by the food and pt helm5mm me her He said it is shame that drug directorate last poundsm week in sudbm 19mm me some of the recommendations of Prosecution and defence were She continued teaming Whue Eggs gagrgggizagmmglqfim and which studied the per written arguments The trial be other province iodioala problems were not Put 8511 001°b913 into effect before The govern Trlfluorproniazine is used as we not Rpm mm the meat hnd assured him steps sedative Trtparanel is an tional organizatlog Mr Thump if Eigengfflhawnfigiggd ies ecs ceiling their bursa by nicknames like the Stutter WASWNGTON Pl Tlle Burn the informer and the MS Food and Drug AllmllllSlla Spider are proof of low mor fiEES DESPERATION These are the words of ably he the first to use the new mmcfive the shy bliss flebrln Canadian periodical and acws iiletion that says drugs that are size and scope to similar facili TransCanada Air Lines Flight and wagon she said falsehood Mr Cauuettea Claim the royal commission on publi given until Feb 13 to submit appealing the deportation mm The provincial organizations would be taken at the now can andtdtolesterol drug used to HALIFAX CPI Employ crpt Quebecs in the last year tion announced Friday it has 31 desperate man Mr lhoinpson their activities Goldwater wants Investigation Gap In LongRange Missiles WASHINGTON AP Sena tor Barry Goldwater asked Fri ol damaging US security with what McNamara called com pletely misleading and politic launched seizure campaign to Tablets from the 05 market Is the tablets are misbranoed under terms of the US federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act That was the contention of Reid Scott New Democratic MP for Toronto Dantonb in an address hera Saturday about atrociuus conditions in the post office department Bee of inadequate working conditions the mor nio in the working section of the department In at an ex tremely low ebb bottom the Nova Scotin convention of the Young New Democrats They are as follows The Candy Nut Mad lian Willie the Coolie Killer the Eleva tor Operator the Bed Under taker the Grey Eminence the Contormist Great White Father Bwan DavcFuMan Cbu Cbnpsti Joey Boron the Clown the Spider the cornea Mr Informer the Loan Shark WhlatieBum the OneArmed Bandit Nervous EVERY MONDAY BINGO at 800 pm screws Manor SUNDAY TIMES and at 130150 320 Rock at ass 615 915 day for tullascalé Senefe lu vestigation of what be on led ally irresponsible reference to dependability gap in U8long the countrys intercontinental range iriisslles ballistic missiles Refusing to back down on his Gnldwntcr said in his state statcmant that our intercontin meat Friday it seems strange entsl missiles are not depend to me that the secretary of de abIE the Arizona Republican fence would call dependabil pressed it eontsovcry that could ity gap political issué when develop the bitterness of the the missile gap so profusely missriegap controversy at the used in the 1000 campaign 1960 US presidential election wasnt so considered by his pre inaniipaign sent ashsoclates And it was lain proved wrong gap the way that never be very pleased and happy to cxIsted as the secretary and admit it he said but if there his associates well know Iaa lack of dependability do gr Nam pm Winnipeg will be appointed do only chief of staff at the gen eral start in0ttnwa Defence not believe the American pen plt should be lulled into false feeling of security by numbers Headquarters announced Fri Iday Brigltosshas been so tending the tons course at the and statistics Goldwater ossertln ho prob imparlal Defence College in London England CF Wire hly wouldchtilfhe for do photc from National Defence Sam MrUseless the Weasel the Detestlst the Agitator loration in relations eiween alq Mousy the stutter employees and the aupervla Bum the Big Fisherman lEarlRowo Opens Eighideiripiiépiifiiioii llrt Exhibition present decade TORONTO CF Marathon 7000 persons were on hand Fri RScabana JAIL day night as Lieutenanthover HE Fm West lemony nor Earl Rowe opened the Pi LIAMThe city fathers have cease and Man exhibition at the the mm In been the Toronto Art Gallery cook quituand they didnt want The attendance topped the have to send out to rea ssoo persons who attended taurantl for the prisonersiufoodi The prisoners were transferred Van Gogh exhibition opening berethree yearling toolbar falls in display are more than on paintings drawingsaud sculp ture from England France The Hagu ussia an other srArrs MONDAY ALFRED HITCHEUCKS FANTASTIC WORLD OF SUSPENSERUMIINIIE As evidence of to deter $31000 snare THE WEALTH Admlsglon 59c 14 HIGH ST Above NuSarvice Cleaners WILL WSIEND WEEKS LONDON AP The anti lah Boxing Board of Control ruled Friday that ahoxer de featadgin any British profess aionni bout will be automatic ally suspended for 21 days The new rule tightens up the old regulation under which ahoxer knocked out or atoppéd was sus pended until given medical ciaaraii raised the issue ata press conference in Portsmouth Nll Thursday while campaign ing for the Republican partys presidential nomination for the November l1 eleeticn Defence Secretary RobertMc Namara promptly issued statement accusingthe Si ator As in past yearsthe regular Saturday night dence will uotbe held during the monihvof January WATCH rosyou are credits basics iN rsauuAay ledlthutliul The Rendezvous Room Barries Large and Most Luaurious VPresenting Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH attire lug unmounoneau auo PJANOw ror Horn

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