Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1964, p. 2

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HOLD PARTY FOR DIINGERIIELD STAFF Staff members of Danger field Motors and their ladies were guests of George Dan gerfield at party held at Pinccrcst Stat mcmbcrsre celled bonuses and the ladies were presented with cosmetic cases Showoabove are em ployees with 10 years or more service with the company Back row from the left Don Gibson Garfield Peacock lien Bell Ed Hagan Jamel Home Ray Torrie Harvey Peachman and Hill Hardie hoot row Jerry Coughlin Mel Smith George Dangerfield James Handy Bob Jensen Sill Mor rick Summer Swim Plans AlreadyBeing Reqdied Simcae County Community lie creation Service is preparIng early for its summer swimming program The service announced today the beginning of series at 10 rwlrnming lessons to commence TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Compiled by Flynn 98 Dunlop 5t Home Statistical Summary for the week ending January 1m AVIBADI TillDI Saturday March 21 at RCAF Stv aiion Edgar Swimming Pool Director Jim Reid said the classes are held at am for Tadpoles ltilnnows and Fish 10 am for Red Cross Begin hers and Junlorr and 11 am for In YenrAlo airmanstack meta do too Hulk 17 19 enrolrm and It amt soc tat Common ludtllhiu Mining as as BULLETIN HRIEFS Salada Foods Ltd Net earn logs for the fiscal year ended September so 1963 amounted to $2400436 or 95 cents per share as compared with $1475735 or so cents per share tn the 1962 fiscal year For thelaea fiscal your operating profit was 56 963000 depreciation interest and other financial charges 32064 000 investment income $9000 capital gains $95000 resulting in total profit before taxes of 55032000 Taxes in the 1963 fis cal year amounted to $2400000 giving not profit alter minority interest of $1490000 Net earn ings per share after deducting capital gain on the sale of fixed assets were 91 cents based on 2028138 shares outstanding The increase in the number of shares outstanding la the result of ap proximately 104000 additional shares being issued through the exercising of stock purchase warrants Calgary Rower Limited The Company reports that for the 12 months ended September 1963net earnings amounted to 363504 or 6121 per share as compared with schooner or $125 per share in the previous 12 month period The fiscal year ends iorCalgary Power in De camber New Chartered Bank Appli cation for federal charter to open Canadian chartered bank which will be operated in West ern Canada has been made by group headedby James Coyna and Sinclair Stevens chairman and president res pectively York Trust and Sav Inga Comoratlonp Tomato It the application is granted the new bank to be called the Bank of Western Canada will begin operations in Winnipeg in 1964 Argo Corporation Limited The Company reports that for the fiscal year ended Novem ber 00 1963 net earnings mounted to $404496 or all cents per class and common share as compared with $3760 952 or ill cents per class and common share for the prey lqu fiscal year value per class mon share at amounbedto $1369 wrth $1177 at the end of the gt 1982 fiscal year Crush International Limited The Company reports prelimin ary net earnings for the fiscal as compared DEALER WANTED Mattimillion doliar=Canadian Wholesale Mail Order Cont pany deahng in complete range of department store mer chandise requIres Exclusive County Dealer over 10000 items by catalogue on to consumers Due to sales volume an exclusive Dealership will be granted for this TY OF SIMCOE Everything necessary to become successful in this log and profitable business is oupplled EVENj THE CUSTOMERS ualify for this valuable appointment Have goodcredlt rating Havelaufficlent operating to suitable premises 0190500000181112001111111 arrangelntervlew phone or write The Company sells Wholesale Mail Order basis COUN Have REFUNDABLE FEE Dealer Divl TEIQPLBTIBW barrels daily In the comparable alnn Canadian Giftsales Imited year ended October 11 1063 amounted to 8949993 or $149 per share as compared with $045223 or $112 per share for the previous fiscal year Share earnings are based on 637700 shares outstanding at October 31 1962 fllclntyre For In Mines Limited The Montreal Trust Co acting for Power Corpora tion of Canada Limited and its subsidiary Shawinigan industries Limited is making cash pur chase offer for 1000000 shares or 42 per cent of the outstand ing stock of McIntyre Porcupine Mines The offering price is $51 share The offer expires Jan uary20 1904 Thomson Chairman and President of Pow er Corporation said theotfcrlng is to be made to all McIntyre shareholders other than those resident in the US and is con ditional upon at least 600000 McIntyre shares being tendered Mr Thomson said that in the event more than 1000 shares are tendered the two offering companies will have the right to either purchase them or to proratetheir purchase in rela tion to the number of shares tendered Central Del Rio 011 Limited The Prmidents of CentralDel Rio Oils and Scurry Rainbow Oil Limited announced the pro posed merger between the two companies has been called off The two Calgary based oil com were planning to merge but gave no details at the time Neil McQueen President of Gen tralDel Rio and John Lang slon Scurry Rainbow President aaid the merger was called off due to tax consequences For the nine months ended September 30 1963 the Company reported that net cash income amounted to $3701277 and gross income amounted to $5 437093 as compared with $2 953350 and 54319425 respec tively in the corresponding 1962 period Oil sales in the 1963 per iod amounted to 0313 barrels daily as compared with 7145 1963 period The net cash income for Central Del R10 is from operations afteraii royalties and expenses but before provisions for non cash write oils and income taxes The income and production figures are for the Companys operations only interasb Red Cross intermediates seniors Two qualified Red Cross Vatcr Satety officials will Instruct and each class is of one hour dura tion Preschool children from three to five years may enrol for the to 10 class This is the first time that the service has pro vided swimming instruction for preschool children Children who pass pretest at the Junior intermediate and Senior Red Cross level will have an opportunity to he ax anIlued for their award by Red Crosa water safety exam iner They will be eligible for wrestandcardihhcynresnt crssiul Lapel plns may be purchased at cost price from the Recrea tion Office Examinations will be held at the same pool on Sa turday morning March 28 All children must be at the pool thetirst morning of clas ses at ant for screening Officials of the Recreation Ser vice said no transportation is provided but it is hoped that interested persons will get to gether and form our pools among themselves from the dif tcrcnt areas Registration forms will be mailed out on request can be picked up at the Recreation Office in Barrie or children can register the first morning at the pool Otticials Named By Oro Council Appointment or official and board representatives was made at the inaugural meeting of Oro Council last week Officials named were sheep valuatora Langmon ludhope Fred Sanderson and Ernest Ellsmere pound keepers of 1963 reappointed tor 1964 with Earl Lauder in place of Gordon Lauder fence Vicwel of 1963 reappointed for 1904 with Laonard McAIthur in place of Dealou Council representatives on Gu thrie Community Hall Hoard Wallace Key and Allan McLean Council representatives on Jar ratt Community Centre Board Reeve MacKay and Deputy Re eve Shelswell building inspec tor Ross Currie hull inspector Rallies welfare Adminis trator and Tax Collector Tudhope Representative on Nottawasa ga Conservation Authority Coun cillor Key representative on Board of Royal Victoria Hospit al Councillor Gilchrist Resignation of McCualg from Guthrie Community Arena Board was accepted and Robert Campbell appointed to fill the vacancy The next meeting of Oro Counlt oil will be held Jan 17 MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES FROM Paooaesstve INsURANCe oRoANIZArIoN AutoLAssas or IINSURANCE sAtletNr gt and Former Borden C0 Mishaps Caused Dies At Ottawa 6mm Captain 11 Hilton former conunanding officer of RCAP Camp Horde Tbmsday at Ottawa been III for some time Word at his deethreached Comp Borden yesterday Born in Vancouver Group Capt Riltm so graduated in electrical engineering from University of British COIIIODII and Joined the RCAF to 1m During the Second World War he served in the directorate of mostnsction services at army headquarters Ottawl 1a 1045 he was transferred to the Air Materiel Command and in 1950 was named direo tor of construction and design services for the RCAF ino years later be was as signed to RCA holdoukfera in Europe and to October 1959 was appointed commanding of floor at Camp Borden in July of last year be was transferred to Ottawa to the staff of the air member for technical services as director oi construction and engineering control Group Capt Hilton is surviv ed by hls wife the former Gladys Gloria Bridgman son Donald at Kingston and daughter Barbara at home He will be buried in Vancouver military funeral will be held Monday at the Protestant chapel of RCAF Station Up lands Monday at pm Aside from his service friends Group Capt Hilton was well Winter Employment Group To Hear Law Professor Prof James Milner of the faculty of law University of Toronto will be guest speaker at Winter employment meet Ing in the club room of the Can adian General Electric plant Bradford St at 915 pm Wed nesday Prof Milner is member ol the Nova Scotia bar His first JoLumcanpatgnesslstant to the man who was elected Conservatlvc MP for Cumber land Nova Scotla in 1910 He worked as stcnographar during the summer parliamentary les EIOII Prof Mllncr worked with the Forcign Exchange Control Board during the war and then with the inspection Hoard of the United Kingdom and Canada He taught at Dalhonaio Law School from 1945 to 1949 and then spent year in graduate work at Harvard He joined the faculty of law at University of Toronto in 1950 Prof Milner specializes in con tract law with particular in terest in employment contracts and community planning law He accompanied Doug las MR leader of the New Dem ocratic Party and others on trip to Sweden in the fall of 1903 as an independent observ er Since 1953 he interested him self in local govemmenl and urban and regional planning He was member of the Toronto Township Planning Board from 1953 to 1956 He is now second vicepre sident of the Town Planning in stitute of Canada WEATHER Lake Erie Lake Huron Ni agara western Lake Ontario southern Georgian Bay Lon don Hamilton Toronto Vari able cloudiness today becoming overcast with show tonight Cloudy Sunday with snow chang ing to snowflurries in the after noon Winds westerly 15 to 20 becoming light today and east erly 15 on Sunday Forecast temperatures Lows tonight Highs Sunday Hamilton 75 30 Toronto Muskoka ausmess As USUAL lmown to mommen in Barrie and district golfer and cori cr he competed in many area tournaments leaving Borden he was host to the second annual press radio TV and RCAF golf gcttogether ploymcnt officer Natlonnl Em ployment Service will be on hand to answer questions on the operation at the service and also on the government assisted plan for older workers power will be shown and there will be man to monitor the filmwhiohdoalsraathetillr suggests with lhebesl use of manpower Political Education Ontario Fe deration of Labor will also be speaker ed by the Barrie Winter Employ ment Campaign Committee of which Pickles is chairman Essa Township Ndniés Olficials DEATHS The inaugural meeting of Essa Twp Councilwas held at the Municipal Building members of Council were pre sent as well as Rev Wil lie of Angus on the invitation of the Reeve ed the oath of office to mem bers of the 1964435 Council Mr Willis spake stated as Essa Police Constable The following were appointed to the Angus Community Centre Board for twovyear term Ap nott Wilson Leslie Rose Vic McMaster William lrwln Arch Duckworth with Reave Page and Deputy Reeve Davrs as township of Essa representattv es will he held Feb at 10 am WERE soRRY For Any Inconvenienea IWo May IItivo CdlihedYouDuring RENovATIoNs we ARE ADDING NEW MoDERN PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DERARIMehr In Visibility Barri th Police investiga ted three motor which accid at listetday At least one was attributed to the snow storm and poor visibility About noon yesterday col lision occtured on Maple Ave near loblewe parking lot Dri vers of the vehicles were Doug las Boidt of Blake Street and Howard Stockiey oi Oakley Park Square Police said Roldt was needing south on Maple and Howard Stockley was driving off the parking lot Stocklcy has been charged About un yaterday vchl cleo driven by James Within ham of Vancouver and the Blaine Ellis of Edgar collided our the corner of Grove and St Vincent streets catering an estimated mo damage Police said strong gust of wind during the storm remov ed visibility temporarily Cpl hank Light investigated the accident About 1130 last night vehi cles driven by John Thomas Dufferin St and Edward Will lam Matchatt innistll towa ship RR Giltord were In an accident at Bradford and High streets No other details we available this morning GROUP CAPT HILTON Just tow days before his Horseshoe Valley Ski Tests Planned The Canadian Amateur Ski As sociation Canadtan Sid Em biemf cmsa country skiing stan daId awards will be siagcsi at Horseshoe Valley tomorrow starting at 11 am The Canadian Sltl Emblem of the Canadian Amateur Skl As sociation is CC skilng lost in stltuted to promote Interest and skill in skiing The tests are taken on 10 km track for men and km track for women and juniors The Canadian Skl Emblem can eta classesigold silver bmnze and in addition anntherhigher class is awarded The Ski Plaque which is again divided Into thra classesGold Silver and Bronze Only one class per year is awarded one test per year for the plaques five tests for the other classes No class of higher degree can be awarded until the lower class is fnkcn For the junior pin there is only one class Bronze Couison regional em Tlfe film Investment in Man Modern Lazarus director of The meeting is being sponsor Pemhmke Ont Dr John Bradley 77 former mayorn of Pembroke and Liberal mem ber of the Ontario legislature for Reufrew North from last to 1943 All officials and newlyelected Ottawa Richard Hilton 50 former commanding officer of RCAF Station Camp Borden Ont Montleal Gaston Vennat 92 former external commerce councillor forfhe French gov erhment After the clerk had administer Constable Rogerson was rein The next meeting of Council onILD wma maven annvIon BUSINESS or PLEASURE JOHNSON Co Limited 107 Dunlap St Harris Toronto WI Bay St ear Hill Aerale HINDI In M109 LEAN aoNELess Save 10c lb LrLANINc MILL suwut cARNaTIoN EVAPORATED NIHK fiLiMIrfITaEcusréfi Southern Ontario highways were mostly bare and dry today where heavy lIowfIils and gate force winds caused sudden dritt Ing Fri The Ontario Highways dcpart meat to Barrio reports that PN good road conditions are fair 1y general for conrlderlbla distance in this area All roads have been ploughed Ind sanded and driving is latriy good Ap proximately three inches of snow fell In the Harrie dktrioi tart nleht day Highways near Stratfmd had some snow covmd sections with moderate ground drifting the highways department re ported but there was no repe tition of Fridays conditions which caused officials to warn motorists to detour away from the south shore of Georgian Bay Even department snowplows and sander had been unabla to move there because of near rero visibility Good to fair visibility was re ported today Provincial police at Wolkcrton called their cruisers in Friday night when heavy drifts blocked sections of the hlghway lliost schools around London St Marys Mitchell Mllvcrton Strattord and east to Barrie and Orlllla closed early as olf14 cIals attempted to transport students home before highways and county roads passable BUS STALLS became im Some buses were successful Reds Say Gilt Is lIIl Wrong LONDON AP illoscow ra dio has denounced as another antiSuvict fabrication the re commandach ligcncc Agency that the Soviet gluten is in deep economic trou An Englishlanguage broad cast monltored here Friday night said in part There is nothing surprising about the fact that Washington has come up wlth another anti Soviet fabrication This is not the first and probably not the ast aARRIE Ptllllll EFFECTIVE M0NDAYJANV13th and TUESDAY JAN IMHONLY snow PROBLEMS PUBLIC PARKING LOTS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL stow ITAWAY 0R INTO our IRuc CALL fisher forrond ltd shrine No cooItIIIo FIHI HARRIE MINE SATURDAY JANUARY 11 By Reduction Roads Ploughed In Good Condition In Simcoe County but others bogged down in the process At Strattord high school students from nearby West Zorn were re tIIroed to Streuord alter their omcwerd bomd bus stalled and the driver decided not to take further chances Two buses taking students home from an Oriliiu high school IIso became stuck Provincial police at Stratloni were investigating ninecar pileup when they were called to investigate another rnIIlttpleve hlcle smashup involving four core and bus onehalf mile away No one was lntured SixtcesIyeorold Ralph Taylor had his leg broken in tour car collision on county road near Owen Sound Police sold the chain pileup started when woman driver stopped and opened her door to see if she was still on the road following car hit the open door and as Taylor and Gather inc Edmonson so attempted to shut the door third vehicle hit them Before the road was cleared fourth car collided with the third car WINDS HIGH Northern Ontario escaped 1ha brunt of the snowfall but winds gusting to 50 miles an hour in the open areas caused consid erablo drilling andreduced visi bully Highways today ranged from bare and centre bare to snow pncked with slushy sections Visibility through most of Northcm Ontario was good Road crews found some dif lIcully cléaring highways nround Timmlns where 10 inches of snow fell Thursday Most of Northern Ontario was bracing for one of the coldest weekends of the winter Temp eratures were expected to 20 and25 degrees below rero terrestmattrculu Traffic south of the border was also experiencing harard ous going particularly south and east of Buffalo east oi Lake Ontario and in the Adin oodaclta Fridays new snow made travel treacherous In New York state caused schools to close and disrupted electric power 72630274 FIRST OF THE WEEK SUPER SAVINGS rower PERFECT GRAIN FED BEEF GRADEaRuSHED

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