VNW mwmw mmï¬ mm Dennln mirth his was followed with the win at nun aura oi Christ Lunch was served and there isnt much point in wristwatch was presented to draining cysta whether in the Pastor Frank Spain tor his lailln breast or elsewhere We on servt Spa up cyst bydetlnitlot sac and his appreciation and thank ture or bellow can in presence tall who had helped mate the Vedlul practice it Iiii ire o1 cyst Is in no way an ladle evening sum Mn Norma entiy means that the an is lion that cancer likely net 9th Fenin helped provide the en rgland one type or another thur is it guarantee that earn 19 199 lulalnmeni All drildren were has become closed Thus may not appear the danger Dear Dr Molaer in it traces muted mu pack oi metertatwhleh should flow is in taking or granted that my to douche alter menstrue goodly on leaving irom the gland cannot escape new lump in iust another tlonl am and never have and the cyst swells andhe cyst literrloro report It to donanahecauae lrnnlriyidont corrres poiniul your physician no he can deter know the tirat tiring about it HOLLOWS it you drain nuchli cyst the mine its nature LE discomfort is relieved because Dear Dr Mother triend in No it isnt necessary and mm BOWEN rthe pressure is removed But using bleach to lighten the many gynecoiantsts feel that thcnynt then seals ovar and the hair on her tip She gets sores needless dwelling can even be Mrs Robert Gray Toronto in aleprocess recurs And that and pimples in her nose almost hurmlul at times Douchlng is spending law dnya with her why removal rather than every time although it doesnt however olteu oi use he sister and brother in inw draintnll is preterred seem to hurt her lip Ive been means at medication Mr and Mrs Roy Smith here Some people have trouble telling her the directions nay Dear Dr Molnar was aur Mn and ma Jaymtg smith with nystia maétltiscysts on not to use it on any part oitlta prised to read your article on and family mm Christmas day one or both breasts The breast lane in there anything hnrmv keeping oranue tutor in the re in Toronto with relatives tissue of course is lull at small less on the market to use as lrtgerator or several days Mr und Mrs Archie Bathiiuta lk giundr Why low at them lip bloachtVP understood that it loses its vita were in Toronto Christmaa day tend to become cysts in some Hydrogen peroxide is about as nun content in no time retria with relatives erated or otherwise Alter that Mr and Mrs Bowdcn it is sugared waterML spent Christmasevu and day it you MlSlthtltlt with Mr and hire Allen Bow mere1rlgerstlon has scant e1 den Kevin and Kim at Mid iect on vitamin content since hum canned juices keep indeï¬nitely Mr and Mrs Charles Haun The vitamin loss is principally some of Cooksinwn were guerts through contact with the air at Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE Keeping it in the relriiieratar Christmas day anrunnav ranuanr non for day or two results in some 400 Eowltrt 5ï¬mnm loss but the juice ls still worth 520 rarer liennr my an JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK elro no drinking MOBILE BUNGALOW arm no Friendly oient My leellng in to squeeze ior LONDON CPIA new mobile 33 ï¬rmer mm mix inico In such minimum bungalow on skids the ilrst ul no Belem Etllhllllll In Pnpeyen Party Ilttantitias as are possible it 150 ordered to help relieve the 7tn1ern Dun 500 mute hurt you can have tresth mixed or shortage oi family ounrtera tor Eff Tm ï¬gï¬twnm squeezed iuloe each so British troops and their depend you My hm innit much the better But on ants in West Germany was set NM mouldings cant have such ltauatlrllltlesd up at lWellilllgfion Burgache Four must run more me on nnga own at or ermnny hehi SW l° think that entry or two destroys Christmas with the rest to lol Night 1nd Day mo Array orittitn snow Its value 10W eunnttv tannanv ame ma NW Jul itlt Pattern gqm 111 Coutgacrltnlelnd Continuon mmw conrnncr BRIDGE $2er By JAY BECKER by April DIENS homoer ltaotrt This Chance 5323 ltvoyrt gentle on Movie South Fr The first problem is whether mm ï¬nial Klmtt Bnlh allies vulnerable to take the king of diamonds on Eulil Wests eight indicates either Iï¬ï¬ Mom singleton which moans the cone retenon Giant don tract cannot be defeated or doublelon which means that do Popeye Party 910 clarer started with KJx in genie Ell0 Al either case it does not much 23 WES matter whether you win the tioitna JANUARY 33mm 1100 trick now or later so lets as th15 Ione ï¬gï¬mrllttesg gettlwlt 953 sumo you take the king with 1coME unnale chu rieienom httucï¬tt 9M3 the ace AND SEE THE ItE Nursery School Front cm 103 lhe next problem is what to FROGMAN some ihi$i°°i Emmm 3° return if you make the neutral THAT CK taut tilt site i°i°°i°°3i iiiit Wait Flowery trfrn mi hing Snort or South will wind up with at least ummmm or son cno CHANNEL TORONIIO swung Wm New Em and eventually snore three nnnaul ranuaan nonchmpet Nine Theatre Pass spades two hearts three dia ignï¬g glue EleCnuutryl monds and club nwmn nun 100 wifpuï¬ Openinglnadiack otspadaa $0 What you do to prevent common son Danna neen Lets say you have the East this lrom happening is return tennisturner leht unvte aoo Watt ntrney Preleutn hand and are defending threa the king at clubs You dnn flamm antilimp West leads the jack know whether this play will delt nan Amat and ml of spades and deciarer wins it test the contract but you do 1000 Tho Hourglass with the ueen and in tho know that no other play has lM GOING ï¬x ET idltgmnnds you garther chance of stopping three to mï¬Awwlg nan Pierre Barton allowing with the eight How truma minnow mm would you deiendthe hand As it happens the king of Aï¬hlhé flu at course you dont see the clubs return deluats the enn non autumn 2mm his declarers cards but just the tract It turns out that partner eta rare Helen same you can pretty much tell has the vital ten of clubs and 1333 gm WM Uncle what he has He opened the since you nature to take the Morning Mm bidding with twn notrump lack of diamonds on the next Noondey Report showing 22 to 24 points and he diamond lead South is unable 5cm rimu is therefore bound to have the to collect more than eight 03535 MW of spades the AK ot tricks Killing dummys on rtnl Millionairn hearts the 1H of diamonds entry bysaoriilcing the king 91 5L7Qï¬uf and the queen of clubs Those of clubs proves to ho the de p55 $51 are the only highcards missing clslve play limiter Monte ctnn and they come to exactly On Monday Another Famous Channel Nine Theatre poms Hlfldt tlaraws Heanhhud News Weather Sport LES CANA BLONDIE umev uhhmu mum Farmers Daughter tWRAPS tie Bunnyw DAILY CROSSWORD YounMAill MA ks them Motlulu New Mommas SINCE YOU VE gt Philsll Am WW BEEN HELPING LBureto untamed 18Clty Wr My crv Netrnnei News at Metro rum Nate HOMIWORK ie to amtJune terrest rrendly call by the gm $152 Emu 32L tion derrta ixlelingniovï¬mtfmm Dauginr Fairbanks Fluent mpatnlut aneur mallet runsnav rnrtuanv uth gm Mflm aes Poetr and Morals Report Homemaker Ellllb ninn Intern unuteheon 221ng utt Helen ansugetn hoppers clone RE Playtime with llneln Babb dovninp turrtty nut Wm men genuinely amnion Yelterdnye new Lucy H3hruhuana cheerful Lithium Deeemher Bride bytarutare no motion 39Aantatl g4 50 unwanted 570uckno 17Lortdon shorten mm lor 90Andna 821Divtrtlty ortht aoPronoun Adv Hmklriu Point 330 Joly Bishop Show 10M Eieventhlinur 11m crv New ll Metro Hull 1135 is art Heels and Banquet 1140 am Berton Hour 1210 Douglas Fatthanlth Prawn nommnsnï¬sj humans Nice me or estate fll lflflï¬ï¬ï¬‚ VEflï¬