Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1964, p. 3

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not untlisome years later and I10 Willi WINfine Contented Pakistanis revs Grierbach returned irnnnPaklstnnslewIKhm uhnnixedemotionn Gladlobebldlnm with the PM psi at the coopeuuve 0011 at Kotbarl dedicated to edu eating the Valuers on the em Idea ol cooperative Grille tuition and with those still struggling to help the Pr tanta raise their standard at ring iiost ol all however Floyd Griesbach thinks ol the copies ed and resentful Pakistanis try ing desperately to cope with their rapidly changing world As their old established trn ditioiu give way to the strange new methods oi the Americans the Pakistaniswatcb with ball closed eyes Anxious to improve their lot they hesitate to in troduce new ways DOES NOT LIKE What Floyd Grleshach sees he does not like And yet he was part oi it While still associate director at the Slmcoe County Commun ity and Recreation Service Mr Grlesbach applied to the in temuttonei Labor Organisation for post in Pakknan it was alter much red tape he was finally accepted His formal title was Coop erative Education Advisor to the Pakistan government As such he was to be responsible lor reorganiring the Co op erativc College at Decca in East Pakistan The College was later moved to new site at Kathai about so miles away In October 1962 Mr Grles bach left Cansda tor year His wile and tour daughters lollowed in DecemberHWhat kind at tile they would be lead lng what the people were like or whatobstacles they might encounter were almost guess work Mr Grtesbscii describes his central preparation on the geograplnynid custdma oltlie country worse than all His departure had been sud den due to the ineilieiency oi some employee who had laid down his tile somewhere and promptly forgotten about it Mr Griesbach never knew until three weeks before he was scheduled to leave that his an plicatton had been accepted PREPARED llnree weeks it turned out ieltalittla timelor adequate preparation What he had learn ed betore on his own irom Itzootra at tinglylerrla lllzlntnliovlli rary got in cas ro ow to these last hectic weeks thadtodoalimystudy when got there Mr Grins baeh explained and it was muchniore diliicult to get the inlormatlon wanted sitar had arrived In Pakistan Pakistan became an indepen dent Moslem state in August 1947 when indie was partitioned into two separatedonnintons In an attempt to throw all English rule as wall as be independent of lodia Pakistanis stopped speaking English in lavor oi Bengali But lor one who was going to have to work closer with the FLOYD GRIESBACH prepared to spcsir their lan guage was recniitod with the idea neodonly speak English ha saidI which loci in big mistake it isnt right that Pakistanis should be lorced to speak English lresttgc and suoerroriiy are important to the Pakistani and houses what we wouldcon rider unusual tactics to be ooe up on his lellows Bengali who can speak Eogith ior to stance and Is in the presence oi Englishspeaklng people will speak Bengali But when he is with Bengali people some of whom cannot speak English he will speak English lanaklstan you always try to make the other lcllow lower than you Mr Grlesbnch con tinned But this is something we do nothing about We try to make them speak English not knowing we defeat one selves ll could have spoken Bengali they would probably have continued their social ac tivities in English As it was about onetenth oi the social lunctlons he attended were carried on in the Bengali ianguage Some of the resentment against American interference in their way oi lite has built up to such an extent it Is not 0d uncommon tosee Pakistani stu dents stone the American school at Comllla Although run by Catholic nuns only six of the 400 students attending the school are Catholic building remains symbol of all that they resent lho problem Grlcsbach pointed out is the wetoooi ten send people to an under developed country with theat titudo that the natives must ac cept our language and religion But the Trying Change Ways fii Ev deg people what we want done so they an teach others who in turn can teach others What Americans tend to over Is that they have bus ens background not shared bi many at these countries We lorget that in Pakistan most people are ltlilcroie have no concept or business and in many cases are encouraged to cheat at every opportunity to exist illustrating how American ior eign aid has been misused in Pakistan Mr Griesbach told how Canodebuilt generators to supply enough electricity tor three oi the countryfir largest cities However when hunt FaIilstan government had to send to Canada ior someone to repair them No one had thought to train Ya Pakistani how to ser vice the electricity we had sup piled them SOME PRALtiCAL Not all lorelgnnid is lmprac tlcai however Thanks in large Western shoe monulectur covering their bare leet with comlortable openvalr sandals The company could have tried to introduce Wesiem style the hot humid climate saved irom native ridicule and creat ed lar better image at Am ericans linen anytls pair oi sturdy oxiords Much criticism has been lev elled the last lew years on the misuse or foreign aid eodmany persons are demanding change However it is not that Tianade doesnt care mu care it is not the attitudothat needs changing it is the meth he succeeding articles will take closer look It Pnkistnn In Mr Griesblch and his iamtlydescriba eon dittnris there as they knew them Perhaps their opinion will serve as warning to othero contempleting more It adviser tosonne underdevel oped cannirr la safelie they Ire certain to help better understand Mic In the throes of political social and economic uphelvai Mayor Welcomes Mayor Les Cooke today wei ccmod theclttzena oi the annneit edarea in Vespra Township into the Earrieiamily Mayor Cooke said tOur ser vices oi the city have been at plained All our departments have been thoroughly briefed as natives Mr Grlesbach war to the new annexed area GOOD EVENING By STEVE Except for turning out the colored lights and putting the tree onvthe edge at the side walk the holiday season is over ltrustthat your entrance in to the New Year wes pleasant In som cases better than iririne and in others corral to dont recall the temperature outside but rest came bit chilly to our apartment 0b vlnnslyio the excitement the person responsible for the liner mostet passed as by instead of awakening Jan with grinrwe huddled togeth er Inst to stop the chattering of teeth It was nothing less than miserable Imagine 511 one in this day ondsge oi wood heat gas heat oil beat hydro etc having to go out to the car to get warm But thats the way it was At the some time it was chilly beginning to warm day something hope you pernence We spent the greater part oi the day in what is ailtooolten called Hogtnwn ihata the city of million and ballet miles south As have always reoordod it Hogtownia misnomer believethai Lreiatedhow Ton ugly name ome years ag Forihose ol you whodont know may repeat Years ago ieliow who couldnt make good on the term went outin search otngreener prisoner he landed in ioroo Unlike the intersection that marked his home community he saw people jet ev corner encountered every wiercdne mowsboed He law JONESCU it didnt take him long to learn to hate lie obiected to dodgingtraillo nl ellkinds He objected to be ing stalled at an intersection by red light Living appeared too crowded so he tell He told his tarn liy and his neighbors oi the situation ihus started heritage oi bate Toronto was too big it was mean it was everything this man had never known This in story aureBut its as true as any story told about the bigcity Air iellow born not In city oetown but in district Toronto has meant te bit to me can see live theatre can hear live artists can release lot at pressures in dimlylit theatres or brightly lit streets Tomato to major league its thehomeoi the NHL Maple Leela the CFL Argonauts the Lents Massey Hall the Keeie Centre etc And lor the real Doubling lhomases we spent the day with real live Torontonians They look and act ilna some do you and infllieir hospitality II unlimited warm day in what New MW arrived home to swarm apartment Everything was line its the same today So dont look too far back Decideuwinastshggod and bad to 10W 11W dies it you will Slide on alip ry sidewalks Voteas you lift Belmont of all buyouts se in Dontletnnyone end you down the gardengpetb only iind darknessI PWKI New Bcirrieites EIneiire protection available to these people will mean the have the advantages oi the lat est protection equipment with spray wastes The spray nozzle redesigned to get the utmost use at the water carried on vehicle EXPLAIN PROTECTION Mayor Cooke sold The police department has called on all business places and explained the services and protection ampersonally pleased tinot Coast Ralph Berry will be mak ingrreguiar visits in the schools instructing the childr innater syn That will begin next Tuee This will be helpful to child reu notoniy varound bonne and the schools but also downtown The apeedltmit will automat ticaily be so miles per hour and we are nine that everyone will cooperate as we recognize this is for nvaryornes weiiare He said as time goes on non rideretlon will beglven to 11 park Mr Cooke said While educa lion doesnt come under the Inn isdictlon oi council am happy to report that details are being wortkeg outf Afflicting was held yese ey or purpose The Mayor said The Public Utilities Commission is negotiat ing with the Ontario Hydro tor the takeover of power Engineer native or VILLAGEchIl dren posed during torir through one ol the villages Pakistani parentasilow their cane tore down the lines the er thousands ol Pakistanis are shoes But an understanding oi Canada doesnt know how to ernwnvn are small ticld Pakistani iarrner usesores and wooden plough Ameri can loreigo old has introduc chlldren iodo almost anyr thing and never torce them to attend schooi same is now reeling under popula ed tractors In the country butvcryiew villages have been able to allord them Principle crop in Pakistan is Prayer Wag Trinity Presents pens Sunday barrio Ministerial Association writ sponsor Week Pray er and Witnessi starting tomoré row night and running through Thursday The meetings will be held at Trinity Anglican Church Burton Avenue United Church and St Giles Anglican Church on the weeknights The opening and closing meetings will be at Cen tral United Church Tomorrow nights meeting will start at seven oclock itne weeknight meetings at sight oclock iilnenpeolng and closing meet legs will be addressed berleu tenant Colonel Herold Jock cit oi the Salvation Army He will speak tomorrow night on The Midnight Traveiier and on Thursday evening histopic will beAvChinese Teal Epiphany Play iiie ldplphany play to be presented at Trinity Anglican Church tomomw night has been written by teenage member at the church This is the eighth time the is Twelitb Night Play has been LOOK not boom which has skyrock eted lilo number of births the Inst few years Result has meant starvation and mninu trltton for many rice although their soil will grow mosiol the vegetables common to Southern Ontario tPhotos By Floyd Grleahnch produced at Trinity For the mat lew years the play has been written by member or the church The cost oi sols anonymous as is the author The players are assisted by tho churchlcholr Method of presentation is largely by lighting strategical ly placed Setting ol the play vsevagw vwmwwnywmrmm mmpwmfiufiwmmmmw Finds Conference On Alcoholism Reintrrding Event Reynolds mr in an lenlth included Bicathatlrer Demonstration Miles the iwlstd that young people who thought it was right to lake sitsde had twisted minds ihe NotTooifldden Pen Know About Alcohol tine Sine and Darth oi the Alcohol Pro blemln Relation to Teens and the met oi Alcohol ill the Personality Other lectures included The Use and Abuse oi leisure and The Christian Approach to the Problem of Addiction Final lecture warm Big into in the Big Land and this was given by Rev Robert shoricnCheirman Youth Work Committee The conlerenee sponsored by the Ontario Temperance Federation was attended by more than too teenage dei rgales lrom varloin parts ol the province ENJOYS LECTURES Miss Peikie said sine enioyed all the lectures but particularly enjoyed the lecture by Mel McCorklndaie Superintendent of The House oi Concord Salve tlon Army Youths who get Into trouble are sometimes sent to the House oi Concord and Join go there voluntarily lbo institution althth not concerned wholly with peopl with alcoholic problem does concern ltscll with this problem where necessary The House ol Concord In the only probation house in Canada and takes in people between to and 2i in the post live years his boys passed through the hous All of them were there in so day trial period Alter the sodayrperlod li they tied it isnt helping the boysthey send them out but it it is helping thorn tbey keep them on and some oi them are trained in enalnctrlng and mechanics and soon GOOD THING Miss Politic said also thought lire institution was good thing and helped the boys and that it should continue to operate She said the other young people who went with her were ol the same opinion The no youths heard three Alcoholic Anonymous speakers lna monastery 12 centuries ago 79 FOR ALL Youn Col Becketth tomesmin slonary in China that has been characteristic oi the good citizens oi intently jWc are looking forward to this addition to our community so that we may continue our role as Beautllui Barrie Ontarios Moat ProgressivaCity We corm it prlyil elo th CAR tNiURANCE mg departments are moving as quickly as possible to facilitate lull benefits of the Barrie aer vice 0urnaw sewer trunks in the capital budget are designed to serve the ultimate needs of the area iine city is ready in move with privatedevelopere when it is practicable and canned He said We invited the poo plein tints create take part in the alialrs and events atheists We invitelhcm also to take their places in the responsibility Kiwanis installs Officers Iain HAVE wrrn sraia FARMB LOW iNStlitANCE Kiwanis LieutenantGovernor Murtay Anderson will attend the Jan in meeting oi itemme Kiwanis Club olilcersiwtll he installed and pins presented Mondays meeting which will eli be the tin liornewpresident sonneuney in the postwar re primarily discuss the yes cheek Your SUPPLY For hesiVVVatue Place quirernents lncittding loo work Sixday service on jobs These speakers outlined the seeders What iieeoe Should Irsrnm ruins purpose and methods oi the association One man spoke on some at birpereooal experiences col oring both the period when he bad an alcoholic problem and the period alter he Joined Al coholics Anonymous and con quered the problem Miss Pet kle saidhe was quite lin preaalve She said the lecture tht leeni Snouid Know About Aim robot was interesting and lormstivep She said that prior to the coolereoca she thought alcohol always had the some client on each person Through the lecture aha teamed about the rate oi absorption ol alcohol into the blood stream and the various letters that contribute to hastening or slowing the pro cess MODERN rackaor POLICIES For COMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL INSURANCE cousurn SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 49 Dunlop St Barrio Thé Exttllttlwzn onrwrrwowrsos IorirnieriNe Your Order New For

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