Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1960, p. 3

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Said Mr Garcon feel sure that the union will give more financial support titthe new partytbad they gave in the ccr This he said would en able the party to getits message alcyrosezthrough grealEr public Wedidnbwant this nodal ism pinnedon is he said weiare not doctrloaires We do not stand for public ownership as the cureall tor our economy though it is anili Slim cat which weaken should be used lot my COvEXlFlENCE 43 What wasintendedbé said was combinationgof live private and public om ship ting under blended ewnywfim Butfwe wiilout humanneed Thirty Bflrleen sumo people their tirst closeup otflte proposed new pouucau party tor Cannda last Thegpicture emerging from grind qua out some at rie Library Hall was an or an iudénldonr the denoaelic left Stirs MiltonClo Budgetj Meet ifInd can Hold Barrie taxpayer will be lect to Var Taitwas darn nitint the new party won it seek affili rougha platiormof ation witheithcr Partner CCI lie broadcsoa welfare andplan Union orstbe rlvai Federation ned economicdemocracy to un of AKricitltttre Weare not soliciting nine to agriculture labor and mull tlon from either he con turtber amendment the in aatzou fmnt again the older parties tended but individual support mono Last yrrr alimate was able to budget for his new car olfort to keep within th eight 512000 Cosponsored by Simcoe North of farmers This support has ham Prime WPW boat or television set this year per centincreese allowanceu Alderman Frank Hersey chair GCP andHarrie Labor Council to date been notably from For wll film will CE since he wont have to worry requested earlier by Mayor Wil man at the Fire and Traffic the meeting was chaired by mere Untammembers he old new 93 BS shout higher itfigpseaars in Kinzie wlelis fident Wmeédprmowdu budget Derrick Manson mitted ahNot soudsgiéi Mtg Brewin Imoming ay emayoro amminerw foraralaelntbeto GWN We 00W All lormer president at from ieit cult Arnold Ron my mac budge meeting um if the commas fir pMm from 1m Brefihqggfimfi 215 was rum in the party but anaemicone Barrie Junior Chamber of Com merce were present Thursday at the Joycees lirst annual past presidents night at Corn fllunity House Mayor Willard Rodgers Carl Gr nhough Bill Centre row from liter Cord Pat tersoanill Merrick Maurice iiines charter president Dr Henry and John Winchester their budget requestsloan eight per cent increase limit as the Public Works and Fire and Train fie committees bad the mill years esthnate Iront $59826 to 4612 Total law entorcemeot will delegate systont Constituent representation would be balanc ed so asnot to have inbuilt position of overweenlog of the CCF who represented sznaui gun ulncssw Klobert fGarcon ex or en Amer lump imm theiltotzeetimate oi lea representing labor and Though only No reporu were presented and these still sub insils obliosaphyii hurled listeacr didlhis not hnply that the new party would embrace the socialiatic rate would be kept constaht and town snow le anlzer enm During it if mu fit limemmrczl Gdntueitt ailexsciilelthorgigtll 9mm We died 9993 to 191 $13009 Duh 1h News rail Stzinnal coll Regmrmaifleswr Planning the Party Twlfhamelrvdelmedt Elnowlhme any from Mtg mm in nine provlflon ni reserve compared nuttee representing farm Mr Brown said he had never posed platform which writ face with $10000 from last year was cramped when Mayor Kinzio salted him to chop down to $103 mto get within the elgbtyper cent limit Ibe1mgango Bndedboth coma for stayingwithln the interpreted the Woodsworth doc ument as extremebaocialletlc and suggested that it had advm catcd public ownershiponly of key industry and fishing meannratherthan at end founding convention aboutI year from nowl labor had never tried to dominate Each speaker asserted that his groupsrrproblemr Wereiof being dealt with under the pre sent system SOLID TREND Though the budget estimate re ports were made last night were not final they displayed solid trend toward belt tightening Maturhbuc Worksbudget amounted to 83704 ea coronar guests and commended them or their efforts through the ears They are back row Ted Brent Bob Sarloem and It was their answers to quea Hnrry Young Examiner Pho lot tions from the floor rather than their initial remarks which apftltgltted main points at later or Receives Badge In French City ancEA Boy Scout Why notsccomplish these eriRecreatién spitt Eurther comments have been received by this newspaperre then as taxpayer am willing to continue to pay But Mr Lapp at Air Divinion Headquarters Queens Scout badge thehigh est badge it the Boy Scout movement in ceremony here ed with last years 22895 CONSTRUCTION Total subsidized construction and streets this includes roads limit despite rising prices Ill Rail Crossing Warning signal urns and wig alms through theCCF7 was one query to forma national party strong enough to effectively challenge the old parties Elects Said Simcoe North ccr Praia If youre not support us here John Show iSyearold This Mai 5150 covers me 1mm dent Harold Blnghamv incluiog NEEDED LABOR lsViiS 03013 fixflfideflrflm flixfsgiiaolvbclmfm Insral Warnings That organization answered iiLed Willie sylgtegrlldznltfl gt eunuy Wu pnsgmed with the Mr Brewm had been unable anything just fold your hands New party literature handed out on the occasion includes the gardlng Barrie Recreation Com and the Barrie Recreation Com bridges and culverts chipping wsg hvae been initaucd at the It was somniiii mltlees decisiontopull out of tho mittee are notgolng to save us In 02 fmeed curbing etc cluded in an crossing over the CNRs two nt be done withmiltgthaatrucifpuiigc hflolhliiégd climber $53m Simcoe County Recreation 25er tomnyers any money They are m3 gab figuhfiéimegm Estimate of 81 drop train tracks on Minets Point Road of organized labor vice and adoptonly payas yougo participation in any counr rtynetivitioss Said Canon Allan Reed of Trin ity Anglican Church The Sum coe County Recreation Service going to spend it themselves and idoubtkaeriouslyutht3t they will wood it with as much wisdom on the Simcoe County Recreation Service has The Barrie Recrea tion is asking for $18000 this 1954 and served cuhHaod Scout thereteiore 1coming to Europe with his family in 1957 The hedge was presented by Squadron Leader Ralph Paul of last years estimate of $212744 lotal subsidized maintenance look jump from 00000 to $140000 This well due mainlyto increased estimates on road oiling andoil patching just over times with twoaetar with both wigwag and flash and in operation Traioa northbound come 111 round sharp curve from the CC east and south and are visible Formation of the Canadian Le at all her Congress and its turn to ward political action provided at opportunity he said The said we will join you in new party in which you hav meeting of the Barrie Rotary Club Thursday the following officers were elect ed for the conungyear President Tornmy Tom becauso it has been govaoed by two parties which stand and act for Big Business Liberala and Conservatives are alike in capable of meeting the postwar challenge because they reled public planning and supporttha has given great deal oi help WE Lundersbwl 3131 Sun Wlnnipeg and Victoria district One at the blggest Jumps tn the when less than quarter mile mg helpodxto build it will linson Vicnpresident Jahn Ste concentration of on in mg thumb in years coo County Recrentlon Semce commissioner oi the 15 Maple Public Works estimate showed lrom the crossing and travel fast you have real part and loth Vcnson secretary Wrny Young wai in the handsyzllfivm am very sorry to see this dlv ha been 319 Provide leadfl Leaf District Troop wblch con Piil the snow removal costs for over mliedown mile to est treasurer Doug Sarleant monopolies and nearmononuflu laion come about ship for the whole County men girls at grain noni the four which next year will total up to Allandalgstamn This new lack did Directors appointed were Ne Our own history and that or maul appropriation oi $12600 BCAF wings in France ood me Following are portions Of mv the CClers Wore changing poi vtile Barnett Syd Cox other nations ha shown thatlt statement sent in by Sara Maley WFxotmeflt we to Gertuni BM 5935 icy It meant we were adopt Frank Hersey Derry Smith Jim is impossible to serve people l4 50Ple 51v hagonvwszmc xi W33 mm 119 53 log new structurestrong en Veitdt faithfully and to serve the inter As member of the Great We do John attends General nugh to become not only no efl ran elected will balm office at 25 mmWY It 1° m6 Booksclub want to protest one but MD In Navereau schoo here has Continued from page one Cbairmanofpubltc works Aid ecttvo opposition but the gov lime agaiost Borriea withdrawal of unwise decision is to change brother Davi who is also that time the date would be no erman Williams leidbe ernment at this country Lite first meeting of the club in July its suppdrtof the SbncoeCouuty your mind um um me Boy Scout further debate wasnt too confident that any ac TOG Recreation Servlne Council was reluctant to sign table results ould EMRNLSF Ther Gm Books Club was rie Recreatlon Cunmlttee will The family returns to Canada um agreement which they said stepthe April elevatingcome out Another questioner asked how NAME DIRECTOR firstproposedat meeting on Barrie Branch SPCA Holding Annual Meeting the Needs of Youth held in the County Building under the spam torship of the Slmcoe County He creatiou Servch Some at us who were there decided to form snob it andwitll the advice and support of Miss LuuiseCol Icy we did Thebrganizational meetingwas held in the County Recreation office In the three years of the Clubs lifetime we have benefited from the counsel of the Recreation Service frcely given whenever asked for gt My point is this without Bar ries support of the Sinwoo Coun ty Recreation Service similar groups in Barrie wishingto or ganize in the future will be de prived of the skilled and creative fiadetship provided by this ser ce change its mind Barrie Branch Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anim als SPCA will hold its annual meeting in Library Hall Mon day at prn Eight directors will be elected Guest speaker will be Dr Harold Reed DVM Small Animal Division Ontario Agricultural College Guelph EarrlejPCA has 35 paldrup members and welcome into SP CA membership people interest ed in beta and prevention of harm to same Yearly tee is $2 for which the member receiv es bulletin from SPCA Toron next year Here Monday GordonBcswetherick Park St is Barrie SPCA inspector He em ploys car to pick up neglected and injured animals from the streets Work done by Mr Beswethcr lck outside city limits in paid or by the province Report Ill Cut Said Speculeiivev mawa cmAssociate De tense MinistervSevigny told the would put them on the hot sent if no place was found months SQUEEZE AGAIN Annexation of dumping site Patrice tion the inayor suggested but annexation couldtake Vim orethon nearby isone method time and itll tooktm months the city would again have the squeeze put on In the meantime Barrie will agree to consider the sixmonth extension but with changeof wording which would give Bar rie an out gt The letter instead Barrie would not debate the ex tension date iurther assures Essa of Barriea wishes to stop dam ing alter the algal tension date and to use every another spot intention channel to locate within six an be forced to sign the eugnsionpgreement They were he said otsayins vice of the ex Barrie garbage be out eudtheyimpreued this very stemly saldAlderman Willitnne both He said he thought Barrie would rixmonth very emphatic Disdsy on veltpreSsedzby figuncil thgtrasa ernpvbae We have always been very friendly said Mayor Kinziervlie said that Barrie trucks have dumped garbage or the Royal Victoria Hospital the county buildings and the high Mhools and was not charged for the ser ngriculturs and labor were in united Mcssrs Gareau and Tait said groups must be informed that neither was to blame for the high price of the othern product it wasblgbusiness torin your leading me Morton Keswiek was elected to directorship on the Ontario What Producers Man lreting Board by County commit toemen atvthe provincial meet ingottileboardlidardsdd translation Automobile cumty kWW éreagérg yewem SEEDS more areas Our stock of FARM GARDEN and Seeds are in andNow is theTlME so youriowiiplanhr to and tromwtirtrcomes part mum sumcs in 05h Wm Raffle1r MANYACTIVITIES Commons Thursday that re it As only one Barrie citlzen ev 19 law 109311131 pm thagovemmgm pins dl to You PHONE Italidol Jthe lgst folilli yang in tor and money for equipment hand Nb of the RC ai ardlan SEE you All You Also in Wk ave son to are division in Europe when the HOME flthe acflelsy or as spfyctifior sunersonic CF 104 interceptor Itnnec Vunefy of P3 Pm ncu made mm goes into service is urel nual Review the Quiltand Rug speculative um 1mm your plants Fair Leadershipflraining coure The Canadian Press reported rm UNDERWEflmG in game ofléflcoilfingwgtig Syrmpais An intensifying storm flaw the mm DANGERHELD Manufacturers Life an an ii weekend it the Blue Mountain centered over Kansas is expected 33 runs the am Service pantsa Phone €1 the city Tsoh ion course at Camp idzool in Orillia Township the ilmcoe rtzountyI Youth Commit ée and dont know how many others All oftiiése relied in some measurejon the leadership of he Simcoe County Recreation Ser vice As neither of Barrie in terested in these activities met people throughoutthe Countyrea lerly eng ed JWDUGIHLESS wasand am not only acltlz en of Barrie but also edition of the County cannot understand why tiieIGlto Counclland the Bar rie Recreation Committee are so auxioiis foisever ties with the County from which we sotingand onlwhicbwefi at they thoughtlesst reject alanine service that has been suppli lathe past and should be available to the futuoe Lapp aayawe paid on for thiseserylce 11 some overtwo thousand dollars be called payment for the dershi resouroearand help com bating activities that the Recreationjervicelprovidody ltsfun to inns dim The children oi Barrie are having wonderful tlmevpushi lngboats throwing sticks splashing and gallaventing in the now Swollen creeifs in and around flCity Policachiei said today parents and childr alike should be care gt and melting snow local streams hazard esaidpoltce had already re cetvedcomphtints from adults in Sunlfildeie itoad end Queeoa to move rapidly northeastward to Drizzle and log patches willbe comeumoro extensive in outhern region tonight and tein lures will rise slowlyrin all regi in creasing southeasterly winds on Saturday will bring showers and scatteredthunderstorms to south regions likelybecoming mixed lb Eggaibnal ioreeast valid until midnight Saturday Lake Erie Niagara Lake Huron Lake Ontario Georgian Bay regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy today and Saturday occasional drizzle and fog patches tonight Showers and scattered thunderstorms Sat urday warmer Winds light to day southeastzo to so Saturday Hallburton Kirkland Lake re gions North Bay Sudbury Cloildy today and Saturday show ers Saturday with scattered thud delistorms in the evening Warmer Winds light today south east 20 to 30 Saturday White River Cloudy today and freezing rain in the niternoon warmer Winds light today east erly 20 to 30 Saturday Timmins Kapuskasing Sunny urday becoming mixed witttrain or freezingrain in the evening Warmer Winds light becoming easterly no to 30 Saturday after noon Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 42 Kapuskaoins White River ern regions and snow to northern with rain or freezing rain late SaturdaySnow beginningearly Saturday changing to ram or becoming cloudy this evening Snow beginning about noon Sat lshter adr equ one With the new plan Wellies PL lflM QIPA um motnson an 119 Dunlap rm

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