sran Mum nmnr armor no iooxoicaacit iItyWas shanks More Promote In The GoodOldsDays RCAF Borden smup Captain Hilton on Barker with their door CD Comnnding Ofï¬cer ofRCAF children live in PMQs Camp moo Borden his air Borden um mm To mnnk ofSerge tiotu effective April oe rut Wm 01 Aircraft the 631 cm pd Clam Ind Mn Planner with their All PS midlife Photo In children lion in PM SchoolSupervinortSandtHrlCnmpBoidmf Wiewuhthelrfwrduldren mcplzguws live at Oakley Park some pl Tommi CPL in Barrie Ont mm as March Fire 3331 an Fighter Supervisor is Morush CPL no HILL the act of wltking was the natur price went up again Not until Elm Reporter numbedof getting about starting to work did we finance Mbmmmm2bï¬bï¬ Dwingourlimywlnltlian nosedoneandthenllvedooit dale about 1393 we kids did not zum2mu°m°¢ mum in from Caroline 01 WEE Dad and Mom really made could he una fnr iooomotion number an mm gt wedding 031mm 355 taxmandwenllwentinmteln out perfo at the old um Bouujimngulendldly planoï¬rd building vnth balcony and top thatoi Calchlch gallery the gode with good vig ppointlng ibillty and acoustics anywhere lama to years ago Dad hired acabwlih good it anorexic ARTHUR Lows AhootoffrlendsinBarrieand quit whnhmmfledwithnomtldien Says West Is Dependent On GoodWill Of Arabs For Oil 5the Mlddlc East HILLSDALE OliC STUDENT WIN Dale Miller right of Hills dale fourth year student at the Ontario Agricultural Col lcgc Guelph was awarded the Runlons Memorial Award to Gad sir Scomfortlng to lmow theahs still some feeling of British fair play abaht The brlgadler you must und erstand is an0xford man Dark bristly suit conservative walrus moustache colored silk handcr chlei stiff upper lip and hook nose Spent years and years in dont you know Stood like rumrod dur Zing God Save The Queen as though that lady herself wcrc perched atop the Barrie Library piano Despite this auggeation of lllllM wows From the mommanon maroon Vb pan or AGRICULTURE insecticidciexportn are keep ing closer check than ever on 1960 bug Reason con lamination dangers Provincial entomologist Gobie says Weve already tak an several insect killers off our iecommended list because of the chance of meat and milk eon tamination Officials of the Na ional Health and Welfare De partment in Ottawa have ruled that insecticides that leave harmtul residues on feed and market cropscan no longer be 59de Crops to keep out of livestock feeds will be pea vines on which DDT was used for aphid con trol and corn husks and cobs that have been treated with en drin or DDT for corn borer con trol Forage crops on which ni drin endrin dieldrin torn phene or DDT was applied might be contaminated too When these crops are eaten by ani mals the chemicals may stay in the milk or meat cash crop insecticide hepta dilor has been taken off the rec immended list for market crops Jor control of root maggot on turnips radish and oni or for control of carrot rust fly wire worms cutworma and white gnibs on potatoes lleptachlor may be used no laws golf courses shadentreea and in any place wherefood crops are not grown sucxrfaxwrnaiaflnoorparatidonj guthionhand phosdrin may be used on crops fedtollveotock But only if thereis sufficient vtime between treating and feed ing for the residues to escape the student winning highest honor in lnitmntlonal Inter collegiate Judging Competi tions The award was made at the recent annual Animal Hus stereotyped idea entrencbment Brigadier Stephen Longrigg OBE DLitt showed Barrie Canadian Club Wednesday night the enlightened attitude the Erl tish have developed toward em ergent nationalism in the Arab world Our general attitude should be one of noninterference and nondnvolvament Any other approach he suggested would be great mistake rather like the appalling Sutz ï¬asco Knowing their oversensitive ness let us take great care not to offend them The best way is to give aid not individually but internationally through such an organization as the World Bank WANT GOODWILL All we want in the whole area is goodwill he asserted The speaker flayed the prev alent Western attitude of fecb lug we must rush in and do something every time some thing they didnt like happened in some other country its their oil their lands and their lives Speaking of his hopes for this troubled area Brig Langrigg said want to see this na tional awakening go on and on and to see progressmade in every area would like to see the West benefit and gracefully so from Arabian oil GRUBBY NIGKTGOWN He quickly destroyed the im age of the Arab as Biblical type in grubby nightgown bouncingalong on camel This he said was as typical of the modern Arab as no Eskimo was typical of the modern Canadian These are no savages or barbarians The Arabs he pointed out constitute widelyrapread cul ture group encompassing dozens of states across North Africa and western Asia While the abic inn age is on lUDGING AWARD bandry Club banquet at the College by James Runlons Guelph lawyer and graduate in memory of late Prof oi the Colle his falher Runlons OAC Photo These then are the people of the Middle East situated at the crucial junction of three contin cuts and on top of 70 per cant of the liquid petroleum reserves of the world HAVENT KNOWHOW The Arabs said Brigadier Longrigg have neither the wherewithal nor the knowhow to produce the ol itself They cannot sell it to Russia whidr has oil aplenty and healthy relt serves While the Western Hemisphere is more or less relftrutlicient as regards all to day depletion oi reserves will change the situation within generation So he said while the West ern statecraft which created the intruder state of lsrnel has not enhanced the Western position the Arabs want and need money for their oil and only the West can give it to them NEED FOR OIL As to the need for oil the speaker asserted that atomic energy may be the main item 100 years from now the oil age Is not over by long shot It wiltrbe some time be dug geated beiora atomic energy will be able to provide economic competition and it will only just be coming into its own so years from now Meanwhile the neutralist Ar abs hold the keys had made lads there ion all friends of the deceased Don 3108 Owen Flynn Albert Grose Ciarenco Hodgaou Gar not McEachein and Cecil Wiley district learned with regret of the death Sunday March is at the Royal Victoria Hospital of Frederick Arthur Lawn follow log cerebral hemmorbage thldbeenillforthreeand half months since Nov 25 and had been in the hospital until the day before Christmas when he returned to his borne But re turn was found necessary March Fred was born in Barrie Feb 1909 Ian late Ar thur Lowe and the fortncr Annie McLeod His home had been af 246 Bradford Street here since 1944 He had worked for the Canadian National Railways from Feb 1948 until hlslllness When younger heJIad been dr ver of the BarrieAllandale bus and alertand with ready wit many friends in con He was Conservative and was Burton Avenue United Church Mardi 16 was held in the Jen Iett Moral Home Street conduaed by Rev Rob ert Trimble of Burton Avenue Church There was large at funaral service Tuesday Bradford endance of relatives friends and CM employees Masses of lovely flowers were from family and friends and also from Bartla Post Office Staff McEachern as officials and staff of CNR Allandale also the CNR Yard Office CNR Ex press CBRT and GW Local 119 Reids Barber Shop Burton Ave mic United Church WA Bay vlew Chapter 105 Strathdee of Barrie Band District to Traffic Employees Assoc BellJielephone General baconFed Employ also Traffic Barrie City Concert Eatona Order ofï¬ce For entombmen at Barrie Un emetery pallbearers were Surviving relatives here are but fewio number his widow the former Hazel Huntq and son Don bothof sister Evelyn Mrs Clinch wrth home in Toronto ope Barrie and Others attending from dist ance were Phile and Clark Mc Lead and Mrs Flora Clark all from Listowal Mr and Mrs Thomasm Arnold of RR Stouff Spencer of Elmvale and Miss 1311 Whitton of Orillia and To Mr and Mrs Elbridge LOCAL ENDGENERBII HOLYWEEK SERVICES Crcemore Ministerial Associa tion has made plans forservices at various churches of the vil lage during Holy Week April 11 to 14 Speaker will be Rev Clay ton Searle MA BD of Toronto CENTENNIAL MEETING Sunnidale Township in ma nanny vlsrrons visitor to the Barrie Rotary Club meeting at Community House Wright or Saskatoon Halsthe grandson of Al Cohoe honorary member of the club whom meeting Thursday was lohIi heaccompnnied to the 3331 it man too made count At that there was no overhead bridge but dangerous aiming west of that on the move past Fanny 33 it we got older we discovered thattothewutothonuuptbe CTR Commnod ï¬ne thorn were both strawberries rupberries in the lielda part pasture beside the tracks Gett ing wiser we would walk along the track and when we smelled the fragrance of either strawber rla or raspberries wed just hop the railway fence and pick em The prevailing breeze was west Following trout streams later we would cover many miles without feeling ituntll we de cided to go bome Bicycles be gan to improveand get away from the slanting centre bar of the old lce waggnn but the New City Dock Is Ready For Season Barrie waterfront presents rather untidy appearance at we sent but there is no doubt th at when everything is finished and the remairia taken away the city will have wonderful asset in the new wharf it is practically dock with the wing awinging to the west and with unattractive and sub stantial stairway on the shelter ed side for launch passengers The heavy east windwill not give the same menace to power ed boats and it will be suitable for regattas or launch parties and will also provide an amount of safe anchorage west of the dock Bay ice is still fairly solid and well over foot thick yet with many shanties still out and number irizcnin Thehuge piles of snow from the city streets will take while to melt and will mean certain amount of refuse in the water The prevailing west wind however carries most of it out into deep water Rowing and paddling would no doubt be pop ular again if it were not for the highpowered craft and almost unrestricted speed with consc quent heavy wake giving the small craft no chance COLLAPSES 0N PODIUM 0N 0N APT Basil Cameron 75 one of Britains beatknown conductors collapsed on he podium Thursday night while onductlng the London svmp uy Orchestra in the Royal FestivalI Hall He bad just com pleted overture and started on Beethovens fifth piano concerto cpit sucker few small king the favorite Scottish soprano it could have been concert by Jeanie Manugbiln beautiful woman with beautiful voice The Barrio vAiiandals litney service did not start until some time latcraiid the cm passeng ertrainstooktbegauata five cent fare Conductors did not purh collections as most of the passengers were employeoa families One result of the visrtto this area last fall or RevTiIno thy Tan Wancbai Church Queens Hong Kong is letter received by RossGi1 my 19 centre treasurer of H14 Young People Central United Church HiC last Christmas sold $70 worth ot Christmas trees and sent the proceeds to Rev Tan to use as be sawdit in his church Rev Tan who wrote the let ter said in it that $70 Citun dian was equal to $415 Hong Kong and that many students in blscongreg ion would bene ill from the gift Chinese atuJ AscotIna Supervisor llvu in W01 Camp Borden To the rankof Flight Sergeant mm Sgt Colbacheff Graphic Arts Sgt and Lira Col bridle with their four dilldren live in 05 Camp Borden Sgt Curtis Fire Fighter Supervisor Sgt and Mrs mm with their threecblldren live in PMQJ Camp Borden Sgt Barker Pay and It rjitrTTEn FROMHONG irons dents in Hong Kong would ra ther be educatetithan eat he said Also pictured are from left HiC president Pat Mc Fadden 13 secretary Gail Wilson is sad convener Norm Emma 22 tExaminer Photo ioun gunink HAIR STYLISTS 38 Maple Aver Barrio Open evenings by appointment PA 84661 in charge ofoï¬cenI Menle cben Cpl and Mrs Amman with their three children iivl in PMQI Comp Borden TetherukofCorpanlt momentanecuf Lin Airm It Control Operator LAC and Mrs Tretairtin lle in MB in was pen er with their four children Pum am Carptcnter LAC and Mrs Hynd man with their three children live in PMQ Camp Borden 71403 LAC Baldwinl Painter LAC and Mn Hm wood with lhelrleven duidrqi live in rugs 23575 LAC Aulh Fir Flghter mo and Mrs Alllia have one dllld and live inAngua flimw LAW Robinson Clerk Administration mow uwA Evans clerk Medical zoom LAC nud llve in Alliston mm LAC tallerty Recreation Speci LAC and tin Lniferty liva EXTRA SERVICE moron morons novnrnn its Bradford St tumour nouns IIIIEscIIorIoIIs VETERINARY SUPPLIES man Itoan WE DELIVER Pli 82823 sum Closes Eat no pol cally because of differing systems ranging from military dictatorshipa and absolute mon archics through constitutional monarchiea and republics Immenser charming and ex tremelygenernus socially the Arabs are immature emotional and impulsive politically he said NAMED omacron Craig Hunter Stroud was el ected to fill the vacancy left by Bill West Newmarket on the board otdireciora of the Poul try Producers Aaaociation at the These tim tenth annual meeting Tuesday years old this year and meet ing to organize centennial cele bration is being held Tuesday at pmat the Township Hall Sunnidale Corners FUN FAIN Stayner Home and School As atlon is sponsoring Fun Fair at Byng Public School Fri dayApriLLlcomlr lo£tlHmr VPRINCIPAL sicx rillia District Collegiate and Vocational institute principal Winch was admitted to Sun nybrook Hospital in Toronto early this week suffering from painful form of arthritis NEW EEALCAMPAIGN Allistons Easter Seal cam paigu in aid of crippled chil grfn has bmught in $99625 to TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS raona on 1414 De PRIVATE ROCK AMBATH Appointment an sgnu nipla Socks I960 Wallpapers 0n Request Warrens husband has continuation town rlhe Srownsyhovc newboby Betty Smithis engaged Jone been promot edfYour newspaper sparks so many keeps youin the know dhout whats goingon around and around theworld fro give you food for thought as well as for conversation to keep you accuraton informed on local state national and world affairs is the steadfast puipase of your newspaper that Exumineri plinarlan LAC Ind Mrs om