ossrllll PM 3005155 wild 3Hou Debate Erupts OnlCS Rights TORONTO fOPThe smiles members of the legislature what they were given big salary boost Thursday alternoon turned into soowls at night as the rights of civil servants arid allegcd patronage to the governmait caused wild threehour debate flight hours alter Premier Frost promised the members and cabinet ministers increases Inf noon and 600 year in in demnities and expenses the legs lam hurled accusations and challenges back and iorth Kenneth Eryden CWToronto Woodbine and Mr lrosteo gaged in running battle over the moodol Obtarioa 3000ttodd civil servants Flood Waters Swell Rivers Rise lls Damage Mounts To Millions CHICAGO AWFlood waters swelled inthe United States to day from Nebraska in New York and some of the countrys biggest rivers were on the rise and caus ing mudi trouble Damage mounted into the mil lions from the overflows from scores of rivers and streams many on rampageior week in the midwestern states Thou sands of acres of farm lands have been inundated and hundreds of roads closed Many schools have halted classes The number of homeless soared to nearly 6000 Thursday as more hundredswere rescued from their flooded homes by boat helicopter and ambulance The death toll was set at nine Stormy and wet weather raked broad areas of the flood zone Thursday night and this morning feeding mpre water to the over flowing rivers Wet weather was in prospect for most ot the coun try during the day Maiorfrivers threatening flood damage are the Mississippi Ohio and The sisslppi appeared headed for flash rise in the St Louis area Saturday morning The=0h10 caused some worry as it spilled over its banks in sec tionsol Pennsylvania including Pittsburgh andin Maryland In Meadville Pin flood waters from French Greek surrounded between aoo and 900 homes Sev eral families were moved to higher levels WORLD NEWS ill BRIEF HANGS BY LEGS NEW YORKIAPlln bat fling freak accident man hung suspended by his feet between an elevator floor and landing for two hours Thursday Max Oboler 57 was freed by emergency crews and taken to hospital with both legs broken Oboler had taken over temporarily from the regular olevator operator Min utes later tenant saw mans feet sticking out of the shaft wedged between the elevator and the filthfloor landing Obolerwas too dazed to explain how he got into the predicament RAY ENTERS aosrrmr NEW YORK AP Singer Johnny Ray 33 entered Mt Sinai Hospital Thursday for treatment of lung infection BURN CROSS DETROIT DETROIT AP wooden cross was burned Thursday night in vacant lot next to Negro womans home it was the second tirne in threedays that cross had heen burned on Detroits East Side Xlï¬ LIES soar EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE Halli AP The 15 rocket lhip roaring through theslry at Law miles an hour made an ther powered flight Thursday lts second in 48 hours Pilot Scott Cmséiield steered the black dart throngh violent roll pullout to test its manoeuverability under conditiomaimiiar to thosaeo connteiod on re entering the earths atmosphere from outer space signal amiss Trimmers NEW DELHI Reuters De lence Minister Krishna Manon today was reported to have told members of Parliament to men living along mm northern border This would bethe ï¬rst official crew swore saved Heavy rains and stormsrthat have svvept Hoiti in the last week have taken score ol lives UNION IS TOP PROBLEM TOKYO Reuters The lead ers of Japan and West Germany todayagrced that the most im portant question on Europe is the unification of Germany and the maintenance of the lrecdom of the citizens of Berlin Chancellor Adenauer and Japanese Premier Nobusuke Kishl issued joint statement few hours before Adenauer left by air for Boon alter state visit to Japan CUBA POLAND SIGN PACT HAVANA AWFidel Castros government and Communist Po land have signed trade pact authorizing the exchange of Cut ban sugar and other products for variety of Polish manufactur ers including airplanes and hell copters The announcement gave no indication of the amounts involved ither agreement nor was disclosed Poland will supptly an or military ain cr Workers asexual indication of Indiasefforts tn mob ize tribesmen who dwell along the countrys 25 mile utrontier with Tibet Red China has olaimedabout 51000 square miles at thearen SQHDONER SINKS PORTau PRINCE Haiti AP The Haitian schooner Express sank otf hou Cochon Wednesday in astorm Nine passengers were reported lost The captain and Tilole we SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT MAIN stock AT as Mr Frost sold govcoment workers are reasonably content aiter having received two pay boosts in 1959 and an additional increase etlective today PATERNAIJSM CHARGED Mr Brydlen charged the gov ernment wi an antiquated and paternalistic policyin not allow ing the civil servanislo form bargaining unit to protect their economic interests Collective bargaining is not feasible not practlca ssid Mr Frost We have no inten tion of changing the system The government through its joint advisory council system negotiates salaries and wages with tliethil Servim Associa tion The government also has newlyappointed grievance board to hear complaints Every association that comes to us wants something Mr Frost added They always ask for something more Did you ever hear of trade union that went to the employer and said they were satisï¬ed OTTAWA 1P llustling to beat midnight llcenceIexpiraA tion deadline and also In clear the way for Finance Minister Flemings budget speech the Commons Thursday lapped two clausesLfromapronosedgovarn ment amelidmeiit to theNational Ellery BoardAct The trimmeddown legislation was passed in time to make it legal for 14 companies to con tinue selling hydro power to the lUnited States Under previous lcgislation their licences expired March 31 The clausecutting came as op position members chastised the government forin the words of Liberal Leader Pearson muddled confusion and ineffici ency in not bringing tiiameas are before the Commons runtil deadline day TWO CLAUSES CLIPPED Out went clause to give the Iboard power to set tolls for no tural gas moved through purely provincial pipeline when that line is hooked to one crossing pro vincial boundary and one that would have extended hydrosled tric export permission to the 14 companies on retroactive basis if the bill hadnut passed intime to receive royal assent The amended measlire went SPECIALS EKEN SHOPPERS From The ninar scan rue DieifDepIores Base Practices in South Africa UllAWA CPiPrlms Mini ter Dlefeobkaer said Thursday theCanadian government pro foundly regrets and deplore the tragic situation in South Africa ReplyingintheCommonston question by Liberal leader Pear son he expressed abhorrenoe of race discrimination practices Mr Pearson hadasked whether in view of the grave deterioration in South Atrica the government would instruct the Canadian high commissioner there To inform the union gov ernment oi the Canadian govern ments alarm Mr Dielenbakei replied that views previously expressed in the House had becamade known to the South African high commis sioner in Ottawa but the prime minister said he did not consider that at themomeot thstlt would serve any beneficial purpose to pursue the course advocated by Mr Pearson Whatever ones feelings sense ofaresponsibllity demands we should not act in such way as to exacerbate the prevailing situation said Mr Dietenbalrer Continents fTirimS Energy Clauses through the afternoon sitting in time to be given royal assent with five other bills justhefore pm The matter oi pipeline tolls is almost sure to come up again iradahlinisterechwchlll told the House that the energy board had been hardpresst because of hearings on natural gas exports and this had brought the delay in presentation of the bill But Mr Pearson and CCF House leader Hazen Argue were unwilling to let the whole bill go throughuBoth said therecould be question of whether federal governmentcontrol of tolls on gas moved within provinces boundaries would be valid under the constitution WIN ADOPTION NEW BRUNSWICK AP Mr and Mrs Richard Combs Thursday won adoption of their brilliant iouryearold foster child Alice Marie Themurt stipulated that tho Combses must shield the childfroni further publicity until she is 21 The Combses fos ter parents of the child since she was 10 months old had at one time been blocked in their ettorls to adopt her because welfare cl ficials considered the girl too bright for them it lit llllll Ifllr ioyrrwenma of iridescent pinvolererduroy speelulriirclidu Value fluflldm reachable add color right weight espac EACH spring Warmth Washable faiBilys Corduroy Windbreakers 299j for Spring days Windbreakers for boys at sturdy Corduroy Fm ale fnbrlewoshnble and rotor inst Comes with self collar twohuttnn cuffs we dulnrnnd two slash pockets Shlrrod alas linen emu snuo lit Choose from Iridescent colors of GreyBlack RedGreen TonGreen er BlueBlock Corn pletelj rayon lined Sizes to l85plel Purchase each Dressup pants that are Home Washable is 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