FARM EDITION INSIDE PAPER oday Barrie Exam iner publishes its second Barrie will get into tseriops One of thelast hopes of the GoldyProliting ByEltpansioni gt IGHLIGHTS day and military jet exploded and crashed at Little Rock Thurs part of the wreckage dug flaming 15foot wida cra ter foregr houses burned and two civillt ians died Three crewmen were killed in the disastcr ound Several gtBy THE CANADIAN PRESS Colder weather returned in Southern Ontario Thursday night but the temperatures were not low enough to check flooding con ditions in some sections at the province The department of gh ported rtoday th can somehighwaysin Southern Dn tario were flooded llighway an at onburg was closed old High way 36 eastol Eluevale in the Godarich area wasblocked and Highway 3A from Bridgeto Chambers Corners was closed se other highways were flooded Pickering cloverIesfun hwny 7ona mile east of Kaladar and the junction of Highways so and 127 Mostof Southern Ontario was to the regular paper This lspage feature is filled with articles pictures and news of interest to allfanners in Slmcoe County as well as messages to the former by the various advertisers iii the district win be reading this issue in Simcoe County Weatheantchi SaiélliieOrbits weatherWale rth today More than 10000 families CAPE cimvnnan an up propelled by rocket boosle was farm edition supplement trouble if it doeIs notiind garbage dump immediately sim coe Countyvmrector of tiealth saidthis morning He was com menting on reportsissued from City council Thursday night that four days of dumping Its municipal responsiblh lty to iind garbage disposal method said DrPA Scott nxrmnn seasonal The final date tor dumping in Essa expired officially March 31 but after appeals from Mayor Kinzie and the Ontario Depart rnent oi Health the township has agreed to afoulsday grace per iodpendlng results oi as meeting April 4AbelWBEn liars and Barrie councils and Dr Walkin shaw director of sanitation for Ontario city limits were vetoed by the department sinca allthe land except one small corner drains Plans for dumping within the clty rested with the provincial government which discussed this problem on the floor of the lag islalure Thursdpygrnorning Bar rie hoped that the province would put plBsure on Essato cent the garbage Mayor Kinzie was told how ever that the province had nogau thority to force one municipality to take anotbcrs garbage titer hearinglidayor report lEtalksrl cial officials yuterday connell decided to sendvletlers toeaeh oftha adjoining our tounwships intoavailable spots for ump Witlf some other mun ipaliiy T00 EXPENSIVE Council has already debated the all oi cinerator the conclusion that it would be too expensive and unsaï¬slactnry Elssa gave Barrie two alter natives when they served notice liiclespcresiTo Balance Budget IOF BUDGET it orrnwn cei Th venue aia momma sona THE CANADIAN 555 gran re in the 1960510 ï¬scal year Personal and corporation in slve conservative governmentlM 81 beneï¬ts mm his speech come tax 25 remain lwere wageisi reases for some hangelv civil ervan minor tax canoes sinnssdlat JHm be boon10 Budget surplus for 196061 is forecast or 3120000110 com mgowliéréd pneoplc with 3111102311 pared with osamm gs cut for the ear ended March 81 into Kempenielt Bay March 14 One wasto find anoth to have ten atuxes into the tratlon saidlt had achieved orbit middlis todayï¬ith cloudy skies alter allthree rocketatases had and an occasional light drizzle llledperfectly 0mm in be ï¬eten men and rivers gage we baker government entered its cram their 15 iriagiilï¬fks like fairly third year ofiull pawer today mm Mm abolï¬fï¬s sundmg poised and ready miles north vloronto farmers Pounce to any on late 96 lowing for month extension if the city guaranteed rtllatrafter is short term of office Turntrpaga three please now intends onmouthstation had Di ton progra thé turn on its cam were axe rates all all ï¬dayltok ht continuing population and bus chewmg glnnwas than not mysteriousiilness which affected theolondlcover over the Ancasfer hm hi re his Supervlsmg pnncipal of Bet uring its movements week hesda and MapleLane schools Mr Fleming made no awardedth rand Crossed Chlei at Police Donglas Mitch Manv 58 We chil factors mmxstra on nest on is months we tions of medical expenses Wlil be increased for income tax purposes effective Jan 1960 Changes in income and estate tax acts will help widows mums agrarian emits MADRID Genera is Alwyn E179 simo Francisco Franco today Africa CP night and in some places houses oday no Ne administration buildings and gro crowd marehin on this big churches were burned Buses port citysjail Reuters eported were stoned as agitators tried to three Negroes including woman force other Negroes to ohservea were killed and three wounded work boycott The column at Negroes which Threeseparate columns of Ne reached the jail marcheld dtowrfl grltï¬s margehï¬ld out of Catti léianil West Street the mainsree se emen ismorning on Durban th fricss third lar ne got through as soldiers and est city it ice with armored cars and As the mobmarched shouting rifles with fixed bayonetsman Mll freedom slognn and singing aged to stop ordivert the others they forced othe Neg the The gunfire casualties at noon About shots were fired by hem today were the first insideDur OTTAWAt PlAbout 50000 of side rates and the recruitment the robbersand bank teller 2009 hbe to ban although four negroes were Canadas ci servantsget situation justify action Rejean oletta as Sch reported injured in buastonings wage increase taday totalling the waiting car Mr do Thursday night about momma There are several hundred grabbed gun and use we T9533 Iainmum fatal Finance Minister Fleming an Classes at WM servant Shuts flfe can SllODtlnE ThurSdBY night nounced the increasemostly for hmlear chimne ¢=s omen 23 are near Jahannesburs Three clerks and stenoglaphersin his 56 mg others were ininredwhen police budge addrbssjn the VPolicaï¬set up roadblocks but pened fire on the crowd Thursday ni late thdrcgï¬thnmeecaus denselog in area logy 4031 He held nï¬tillgh hope that m5 107 that Elle Sign hangs headed my groups of civil servants win civil service commissiongecom de Prescott is about 50 miles into Hermannsa coastal resort W599 MOS bent 100 EigiirTï¬eniéiiï¬iinï¬nï¬ Sazrï¬locllgaiieckea all roads 50 miles east of Capetown The In fact at press conference jectedaboost man and thoroughlgrés in nightlong Vlttc ies of Port crowd induding some women afterhis budget speechhesaid seamlin hopes afnbgting the than Do an was warned by the pnlice station the pay of postal employees now gt getaway car reddish own Cp inï¬at commanderjq di being reviewadjand no dbubl PROVlNCEs BEST mimndel Fora with white gweptmrdugha may down used and ounce 353 an NEON mm Cu too Police said they believed rm building was raughtiunder ran 17 aGrade 13 student at had been stolen in Ottawa control early today less than two Alon MENTIONED St Michaels College School in hours after tarted Memh oi EN RE MASKS Th5 ire 13010904911331 cIll arlftzmlhzsgaigllllvgnlggg MThree tlnasked lnendressed in 3w 51 We Had 59W weanling 13 schoolstudents entered in an in shabby raineoats dark glasses lamina 59 the P131 NY CF day and thenuncll 375 9910 any 973 telnationalmathematicscontest and black gloves and each brand Th budmg lithe W35 3°53 1031 °a°w mass 815012109 ameliWESWEW st Michaels College ishing an automaticpiatol have told in mbers oithe UNSe nsult their governme alandabont5000 membersof 50°15 ante fled the bank while the No changes are made in chan es and edicted nominal be the Chum Tends 63 gt get Plumes all of Aneaster left this moinin we 56 hma mesdly SillDllElS of There is inal Spellrnan chblshopo New from the secnndturn around the TarHe minme genera mm when ltl hey comglfmed about mumi mva limec53l9 york detection laboratory in Toronto firm cramps er and the Conservatives can claim SPWinEIS ll gum WFEFEE 54332 they Mania the zudgeh Hale gt to Toronto several days ago for an gmkwer lg Vrn in ave analysis gznitlsï¬gvay or pr lectlon tax fï¬ie children said that the gum TheLibernl oppositionllne on Ed 10 mm mm pm °iflfgifindigaed74 taxes on liquor or tobacco ï¬fï¬csgleflgcgogggï¬v£2 liefore leaving fonToronto Chiel were approximatelyzorchildren 53195 Wise 95 tions thattbey have balanced the Mitchell said hedld not believe be ame in alter eating Esme tax rate gt the gum was the cause oiatlle budget the Liberalsi 11 58y alted at thewheeiot01e car Tum to page ï¬ve amuse 1h mys erlous illness But Icanon1y go by my ab 393 Its Justanotber popular brand senteelist which ndlcates that there were only three girls sent home Maybe there were sonis ISIDORE pnnscon agolicei£ltensified searcht fly for our gun wo emp oyees an ree cus om available d1 stores men wh shot theirway out of an about pint when the mdgucandy counters dgunm this on Lfanning community gunmen entere laboratory report shows there is more children who tayad home cleaning out One kept his gun on us while the 1111 artnenank at the other cleaned out theteliers f°ï¬evfgmy$éï¬ngs at If flush it 59 15¢ drawer and than they ordered to and me to get the Nova Scotla have been demolishedvnext week to makewa for car Cuuneil tpla the RCMP Mr Flemingmad no mention of these latter two tension was inn Chesterfield Manntacturin Eggpdfl notgive details of the SetReBudget Company The iir ed on $20006 worth of cheater salary more and presidents Id of various civil service associr tions decl comment until they yonAWA Op Effecflve had hadgtime tostudy the min dget dates JanaIncreased maxi mumson medical deductions for 1th te hlirsday eresolntion had the isters statement general eaction how ever we good as fanas it goes Civ servants getting the Sa store La Rosa was charged with attempted murder toda the stabbin of his wife atrina 24 ed to day oozthe resolution protested ate onthe lght further ii there He then wrth Jn the counciljable and edehate from an the Chamberb his placeTlhursd income ta pril woosales tax exemo tions tarift changes wage in cases for 50000 ervants Jan 1960 March 15 1960 Jan 31 1966 cal changes ln nornsson Profesor Robinson of the OntarioAgli rlcultural College here Thursday became thagftrst Canadian to creases effective todayalso in lnde such professiona employ ees as meteorologistsand vet erinarinns who had been in creasingly icuit to recruit and retain RAISES BY CLASSES Mr Fleming in di te he doesnt think much of acrossthe board increases for the civil servv ice but is in favor of sea or various classes as need is shoWn The government will acceler ate its program of implementing recommend on for wage in civil service to ntlmbar of classes the public service heratlle comparison with ut day authori Cilist DorvalservlceT omswA CPThe board of tr the Canadian National Railways to its MontrealDonal commuter passenger servi