Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1960, p. 6

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in anal manna minors much 13ch Block Bid To Slow Bill On Marketing TORONTO CPIThe big Pros gressive Coasmative majority Wednesday night shoved through second reading in the legislature of controversial Bin 86 mending the Form Products Marketing Act The Conservatives defeated Liberal motion to put oil pasage at the bill for another year by vote of 59 to zitthe CCF voting with the Liberals The vote on the hill came at 1120 pm In other in Premier Frost told the legislature he would leave to residents of Sault Ste Marie the inn decision on whether the 318500000 St Marys internntlonal loll bridge to Michi gan will be built Ii the city op poses the location of the bridge the dml is at he said Both opposi on leaders said there is criticism of the bridge in various quarters at theSoo and that the bridge would create serious traffic problems The gov eminent will only pay half the cost of getting incoming traffic speeded up agree we cant throw those trailic problems into the lap oi Sault Ste Marie said Mr Frost adding that it may cost as much as $3000000 to putbridge traffic onto the Tians Canada Highway We have good case to ask the tederal government to pay halt the cost Well certainly try Richard Sutton PCToronto Yorkacarborough told thepublt lic accounts committee the prov ince should sell its 21 savings oi tices get out at the banking busi ness and pay oil some at its debt Ken Eryden 1CCFftoronto Woodbinei said the government should attract more depositors to build up savings so Ontario would have more money on hand to New lttr Allen said expansion oi the savings oliices could be con sidered but he did not commit himself James Auld lPCLecdsi sug gested the savings offices could increase the number oi depositors by raising the interest rate above 234 per cent The act providing for the regis tration oi mortgage hrokeis and dealers was approved by the legal hills committee and sent on to the Iioilse ALGAE CONTROL It Berry general manager of the Ontario Water Resources Commissiontold the committee on commissions that an dicotch ncw chemical is being used to light the algae that grows into putrid mess and pollutes beaches In the same committee Born lard Newman Windsor Wlilkerville asked when in the Iorsceabio more people will be able to swim in the lakes with their mouths ope Chairman Snider replied Theyll have to keep them shot II we said you can open your mouth when you swim wed be saying you can drink it The legislatures education committee was told by Andrew Thompson TorontoDover court that courts seem hesitant toliuse the section of the Juvenile Courts Act covering the conduct at parents in some cases be said it should be the parents and not the children who go on trial TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled at noon by Asbestos Ahlubl Piper Aieomn Steel Aluminum Lid Alberta Gas Min Steel 1m Bk oi Montreal 191 nrnir at No my poi Tel CD 44 nmnirn 415 BA oii em 32 2298 37 Joli 309 Consumer Dis nnm tar Gt Lake on Pow at Powel con Bk or Com as con Breweries CPR Clmdn Cement can Chunk1 can Curt candinn oil con Min Sin Im Imp oil sens Dom Found Dom stores lninoiu may Hrrdee Fm Home oil Hudson Bay Min imp rohucrn Accept lnter Nickel Intcrprov Pipe Jockey Club Lobhw Pro Mac Powell iiiv 11 Collier so Barrio INDUTILIAL Con Paper iuusm Perl Norandl Nor Ont NG Moore Corp Pacino rm Pam Pipe Que Not In Roe Royal punk Law Co Salado sh sim sons Ste at cm strinherr ior Ilom porn Pipe lrrdrr Fin Texaco Unions Walker cow cu limo Cln Erin Crmp Chlb Cen Del niu Con North Cons Denlson Cori Morrison Con anii launch suinvrn Gunner hi Hollinger anuque Morltimcs New Myi NormetaI is 24 153 lnlconbrldcr Geco ivunzs KenAddison New liom Colostrenm Garnish Quemont ShervGordon Stoop Rock United oil Walte Amulet Wiltselr 1756 21 22 335 lit dis 510 FIVE MOST Acnvz MINES Arm 0th Bell Telephone nudiore Murry Mining Provo Gal BA oil oivman DECLARATIONS Canadian Oil Companies Ltd rommnn2o cents plylble May 14 ex dividend April 12 rononro smockv sxcnmor moax lndiistrtlls up 09 Golds 11193 metals up 09 our 11on 51 DOWJONES NEW YORK overtones Industiisis up 119 Runs down 12 utilities down 15 MARKET COMMENT Wall Street was Particularly In terestcd in the repofl yesterday by group or mutual mm with assets In excess at $500 million that it was holding up to seven times the amount of cash 1t does normally as it searches tor tun gains The not that sales or the sunny shares set monthly record in both January and February is an Indication of how the pressure Is building up behind this deterred demand for equities brokers sug gest At the same time these sour on see litur1n the general news bsclisround that likely to stimui ale investor confidence at this juncture The New York Market is mixed and moderately active in the first hour today with littin change in the Canadian list Trade lIinlster Churchill reiterath that the gov emments decision on mutual gas export would he announced he tore the end at March The Us duiinr is showing modest strength nnd the Canadian dollar premium has dronpnd under per cent or the first time in weeks ogiivie Flour reports net profit of 3121 shnrvfor six months ended Feb 29 against $140 your ago Approximrreinarket value or marketable securities at end or Iat est period was 387 mulion against $101 million it prnvinus fiscal year end Aug 11 1959 Mnnngemsnt states decrease In earnings in Iat est six months ls due in not there were no pronts on sale or invest meats in this period Nesbltt rhomrnn and Co Ltd 4o buy bonds of Canadian issuance CLEAR woman IN iiccmriris maroon Rentersl That traditional menace oi the roads the woman driver was Wednesday cleared ol the blame for most accidents William Gissane clinical director of the Birmingham AccideotlIospital writing in the Eritish Medical Associa tions magazine FarnilyDoc tor said The builtin urge of the male to lakerislis entirely admirable in many fields ot endeavor is main cause perhaps the main cause of road accidents He saldwomen drivers are more careiul than men National Hwciy Pelicy Is Pledge Fer Canada OTTAWA CP The federal government will consider adopt ing comprehensive national highway policy once the Trans Canada Highway is completed This wnsthe promise made in tthommons Wednesdayby Works Minister Walker as debate continued on government reso lution to extend for three years federal participation in the pres ent Transcanada program number at speakers had called for second eastwest road to complement the one now under construction said Mr Walker Must Be son 0n Canada Beiore Canadians can Convince Others HAMILTON CPUntil Conu dinns are sold on Canada Canada cont and wont sell herself to outsiders Robert Yohe presi dent of or Goodrich Canada 1111 sold today in an address to Hamilton Rotary Club Mr Yohe an American citilen who has lived in Canada for 11 years said he spoke as it mm an outsider lookingiii If were running the Cana dinn eConOmY he said would grab every dollar peso reiohs mark or pound that might no its way into the country would in vest every cent could get my hands onthnt someone was will ing to sendmy wayIin costre ducing equipment plants and methods would make my iactories farms mines industries the low est cost must eflicient that money could buy Other countries are foilowingthismethnd and it is these countrits that are pro vldingriho competition in export marketsand even in ourown While taking investment money from elsewhere he would also save and bank every dollar pos sible so that Canadian money would be made available through Canadian banltsrand other agen cies for borrowing to provide for plant expnnsinn municipal pr0lt jects and school construction Id INVESTMENT CHATS Crnwrnrd and Connie 89 Dunlap St PA e24 manniN TRADING An investor Who wishes to chase securiii listed on the change need notnecessarily pay the full amount at the purchase price the may if he wishes buy the securities on margin This means that he pays sub stantialpart of the ll rc price and borrows the difference train the broker with whom he carries his account leaving as collateral for the loan the stock or bonds purchased The stocks or bonds provide security for the loan because their ready market value is greaterthan theamount loaned The customer pays int erest on the loan Under present regulation the margin requirements are ill per cent SETTLE WEATHERCOSTS THE HAGUE RentersFif teen niem countries of the Internation iCivil Aviation Or ganization ednesday signed new agreement on the distribus tion of the costs of operating North Atlantic weather ships on the European side of the ocean The total cost of operating the 21 North Atlantic weather stations 11 on the western side by the United States and Canada and on the European sidewas put at about $3000000 The Advantage in Arranging This might tend to reduce the Conodinn standard at living now but it would enhance the possi bilitlcs that the standard would improve in the future ADVICE T0IABOII fIi were Canadian labor leader would guide my unions into made in Canada for Canadians labor agreemean de signed to increase Canadian prod uctivity and to make Canadian products at worldwide competi tive costs if were anndian would insist that my government spend only what it had in hand not what future generations would contribut MENS SPORTS JACKETS quality workmanship PRICED FROM BOYS SPORTS JACKETS With all the work still to be done on the first TrmCmada Highwayfietusputourhousoin order and complete it first We will consider national hi way policy when the time comes something that will encompass more than Just another blgla WHY Debate on the resolution was adjourned tor the second time The discussion we marked by Quebec Liberal Maurice Bourg ets blistering attack on the gov ernment ol his province tor its return to participate in the TransCanada proKram Quebec argues that the central government has no business in thehlghway Ileid hlr Eourget said his province was passing up more than 330 000000 avolloblo to it fromiho federal treasury BASIS OF NEED Hubert Bednnnl fLIortinl linm urged the government to consider amending the present not to provide for highway sys LABOR 10 LOBBY TORONTO P1he Ontario Federation of Labor is preparing to lobby members of thatlegilln ture in campaign to win bar gaining rights for employees ol crown agendes The decision fol lowsthe governments reiuesl to lift tlio legislative barrier to union organization for members all wool materials lntlie latest styles and shades of the highest 299 to 4956 in checks stripes andblack and white flecks of allwool materials Sizes ii to 18 PRICED FROM 1295 to 19 95 of the Workmcns Compensation Board viiitwin 14Easltrtmi51+ WlNDBREAKERS Our new selection at Spring and Summer line by Utex Paris Beaver are stirring upa new wave in fashion Each line has an individuality all its own Come in and make your selections soon MElelfprieed 995 Mens and Boyl tembasodonnntiooalncedTbls Program should be lewd to delciice on NET EARNINGS 31 me CANADIAN Phase Conduits National Co Ltd year ended Nov so 1959 same $150 share 1953 $209904 3130 International Utilities year ended Dec 31 1959 36144360 3243 ashore 1958 36045862 $247 McIntyre Porcupine Minesud year ended Dec 31 1959 32411 782 $105 share 1958 $2111 3101 ogllvle Flour Mills Co Ltd mos ended Feb 29 1960 3177 590 $121 share 1959 $111 592 $140 Scarfe and Co Ltd year ended Dec 31 1959 352464 56 cents share 1953 £59343 so pent per share CONSIEUCHON LTD sows priced min 495 to 995 from to 2495 to Match STOCK MARKET Trading Is Bank Stocks Off rononro lavators 0115 illele the stock market to crest em today as he remained dull The 11 up volume was 339000 against the 872000 shares traded at the lame time Wedmday ln industrials bank stocks took the most losses Eddy Paper dropped met 51 while Can ade and Dominion Sugar was down at 15 In m1nes Bollingcr lost 14 at 2m and steep Rock gained is at 10 Senior uraniums were un changed On Wednesday industrials re coVered towards the end of light trading Vosl and Ratherd light and crackling also because theyre baking process exclusive to CRACKERS We have tide selection at the latest in the Italian Continental Style Centre Crease Tapered Crowns Types niconriiom 593 to toss and Sports MENS SUITS Lighter in material is die newacoent tor spring yet inith the same durability and long wear Io smartthree biitton style in continental semicontinental and Ivystyles Induiobanges Industrlals up 60 at 4591 golds off 27 at 093 base metals olf v10 at 15306 western oils no5 at 10136 Final volume was 1003000 against 1801000 Tuesday Canadian Wallpaper rallied six points at 35 with Canadian Wnllpapor up five at 88 and United Corp up at 21 Can ada and Dominion Sugar wnsop at 16 with Canadian Pacific Railways ahead Kat 24 Canadian Superior wasuplfi ab 12 Royalite up 10 cents at $930 and Home Oil upllr at 112 Bailey Selburn was off 20 cean at $730 and Pacificletrolcinn slipped to at 11 Anitimtlfi Wehnve been making alterations to our store for the past month andnow we are proud to announcetwe can otter better and more Varied shopping facilities Olir Bost departmenthaa been greatly enlarged and iner stocked Mens shoe Department has bben added Our store otters yoilthe latest Mens and Boys roshlons available on the Canadian market today with the biggest selection available in Barrie Come in SOON and see foryourself Ehrchanges or refunds cheerfully made Club jackets and Special orders are our specialty inpopulnc spring tones of olive medium grey and browns PRICED mom ISPCRTSSHIITS 543510 7959 gt For that brighterl cooler look BOYS SUITS in tans gold and whites in ismer Just right for the lucky lad just arrived patterns of small cheats plains plain charcoal block at truly exceptioih Paisley and tanoy PRICED at value price ONLY 1695 to 1995C MORTGAGE LOAN VICTORIA and GREY iYou deal with locoliristitution in touch with locoi condin tions In IV TOBCOATS RITCHIE Theleadtng on spring is still an semi011 mm figs field model raglan shoulders alashpooketa to bring you omen kind of as Weeds checks and herdogbonevin homily lprlng and new loin oieomtort Suede and weigh leather 4Repaymentplans are flexible and wercqn help you plan the shades or gray mist light gray andohorcool SHOE NEWS From 24You cart drop into our officeqt anytime to dismiss our Profs SsThe service is experienced ond fast Barries Largest Boys and MensWeor Store BXGHANGE AND 311m 0113mm

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