lle liarrte Examiner Published by Canadian Hewspapera Ltd is hayfleld street Barrie Ontnuo PAGE FOUR Teenagers In There is an important problem about which little has been written and that is the matter of jobs for teenagers The Financial Post quotesfigures to show there is going to be tremendous growth in the number of teenagers look ing for Jobs Population projections show there will be about 100000 more young people every year who reach animating agc during most of the sixties The universitiesrare preparing for tremendous Increase in student enrol ment but what preparations are being made for the 93 per cent who do not go to University The Financial Post predicts that un riess plans are laid soon the sixties may well be characterized by discontent among the young and jobless and by dis iliusionmant among unskilled older work ers who have been displaced by cheaper more mobile youngsters The result could well be persistently THUMDAY MAME 31 mo Neiit Decode high level of unemployment unem ployment that wont be mopped up by the traditional methods used to generate Jobs This is real honesttogoodness un employment hot seasonal layoffs What can be done about this problem that is here now and Will inevitably grow worse Suggestions include comprehensive level Or the National Employment vice could do more to aid the mobility of older workers These thingsmight haw some merit But here is the basic point to remem ber Business provides most ofali new Jobs hence theres premium on fiscal policy which stimulates business expan on In the manufacturing industry for example business invests an average of about $12000 per worker for equipment It would make sense therefore to con sider tax aids whichencourage more bus iness investment Must Toke Quick Action It may sometimes be difficult to ob tain the immediate services of physic ian in these days of traffic jams and hos pital and public health work warns Dr McKendry in Health Magazine official publication of the Health League of Canada Quick action is often caled for in times pf emergencies he says and thiscan be supplled by the parent or another adult the doctor cannot reach the house in timE The major emergenole in infancy are Tchoking spells difficult athing con vulsions bleeding biirns and injuries and the ingestion of pole In case of severe choking the baby should be held head down by his feet and ankles and patted on the back If this fails put the index finger between the tongue and the roof of the mouth in Han effort to bring the tongue forward and allow better airway ilf this still fails Ltodialodge the object take the baby to the emergency department or the near est hospital for further investigation and jhen contact yourdoctor by telephone om clother Newspapers ANDPAY non rr Hamilton Spectator On his twentyfirst birthday the grandson of In late Sir James Dunn Canadian millionaire received gold cigareile case left him by his grandfather Inside was note which read ilha world isyours pay for it Take what you wish and News of Former Years MARCH 81 1910 Miss Esther Thomson tben of Toronto was ap pointed to the office of secretarytreasurerrof the lnission ï¬eldiuBriï¬sh Guiana This was the firstappoinhnent of that nature made by the General Board of Missions of the Presbyterian Church She was the daughter of Rev Thom son of Duflerin St Presbyterian Church Toronto who was minister Ease Road Prmbyterian Cburch here about 13 yearsbefore Miss Thnm sou received business training only and was fwiith the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company The ciLizensof Beeiou turned out about 200 trorgeiomoncr their Champion South Simcoe ockey League team with banquel to mark event in the Presbyterian Church They ere also ORHA Intermediate Semifinalists at year Following bountiful repartsuppiied the ladies of the community under leader of Mrs Burns there was toast list Club airman Watson proposed the toast to King Fred Spearlng the toast to the ayers landing iham for their fine record yGoaLie Stephenson and Vernon Wright defence John Carltonrpresenled each player with Paragraphicaiiy Speaking The main reason the marriage rate is dncreasing so rapidly is that people are aming younger before they have pause to knowlbetter uthoriud second class mu Anst owempuousm Ottawa Dally warms number and annual Manm washes wanna uusinoll mvinu HARM Manning tor aoaaru uranium Advertising vannui dorm hounds circulation males luburi Lion rareï¬daii by curnar ate weekly 0630 55 ï¬gsipfrop 355 emu11 in Claude min cauldron5i lode 4i Georle strut Vancouv in now Pu Lï¬amifn WANmild rnilhnt the ones or dinuuuom on um um axeiunvu Win r2 llbllclllnih or an aim Elli Tale lwn Mun ldimm ssmu Iiuslnsp IArkwly in entitled rash tches in this liabao therein and Want Ms rumy mu Elie Earn Examiner dundnyl Ind statutory granaryhelpers are assess Ave stream no chum Some infants will develop convulsion at the start of febrile illness due to sudden rise in temperature Most seizures last only few minutes During the con vulsion the baby should be turned on his side with his head and chin extended The tongue should be held forward with spoon handle in order to provide good airway When this is donesponge the infant with cool water to reduce the fever and most convulsions will stop within few minutes When the convulsion has stopped tele phone the doctor for further directions Take the child to the emergency de partment of the nearest hospital if con vulsions persist despite this treatment In this article Dr McKendly give specific directions for dealing with the other major emergencies He concludes by saying that in general little knowledge by the parent of the immediate treatment of the common me dicai emergencies will ensure more rapid recovery for theohiidand ï¬atvtimes it may be life saving This is an old Spanish proverb some people may read into this comforting conï¬rmation of what they have always believed about the disillusionment that comes with wealth But it it for all from super to billionaire Nothing is free everytb ng has price which must be paid to the toughest of all creditors gt Dont we all know it smart Windbreaker and read humorous poem about each Presentation of the Examiner Lro phy was madebywv Walls who outlined the historyof the lehguehnd also stated that the present team was probably the best that had ever won the trophy menu ai 1935 Use had been found for the Newmarkei Canal North Yorks famous waterway which cost norroman Need To Provide labs For adult trainingprogramevatlha federal JAMES MlNIFlE World Ne TORONTO CPiA policy of Canadian neutralisrn is ad vocated by James Miulfie Washington correspondent and commentator in book examin ing Canadas relations wilhllis United States Peacemaker or wader Man key Mclelland and Stewart is written in the belief that Can ada can contribute more to the defence of democracy the West lhe North American continent and to its own defence non tral than see member of lap sided alliance in NORAD or of the slraggiing military consort ium into whichNAlO has been debased Minifies position is theiriEhe world needs the enlightened and selfless leadership he says Can sdscsn give No one fears re sents or suspects Canada but this sdvaniagehe says is can celled out by tooclose alliance giving Canada ibevappearance of subordination to the Us MEMORABLE ACT lie calls for vivid and mem orable act which would set the stage for resleraiion of Canadian independencea declaration of neutrality This would involve dissolving the Noth American Air Defence Command wiihd from NATO and scrappingihe Canada IIS joint defence board As neutral Canada could then speak to the world in lhe language of freedom and peace to inspire mankind much as the United States did before the cares of paramounicy the need to plscsie dictators the burden of arming sud subsidizing half the world the objective and sub jective handicaps of wealth muf fled the accents of Jefferson Lincoln and Wilson Participation in NORAD had made Canada military satellite of the US NATOs original con cept as commercial and cco nomlc alliance well as mil itary one had been betrayed and Canada need have no moral qualms over withdrawing TheBritishborn Minier my nrposr rooming By McINTYRE noon Mental criminals To Havelnsnfence have the same right to receive $836 321 and then was never used for shipping mm C°p°d mm my me National In Produced steady trickle of revenue In pastubase fem and land rentals the rightofwaynetied the Dominion treasury $6971 since canal rï¬wasdialledeinrlulbfslaried 1906ch Sir William Muiock was North York member of Fariiemenl the canal was supposed to have connected Newmarket with Lake Simone as an extension of the Lake Valley system small item was headed Cow too mud for Train Canadian National Railways freight ruin struck cow Three lreinmen were injured and Eossyidled off unhurt The impact set the tralns brakes jerking it to stop Conductor Herbert Bell fell against door breaking his nose brakeman Collinsvsprainad his back and brskeman Buick was knocked unconscious The person who says somebody ought to do something aboutthat never vol unteers to be that somebody Many of those on reducingdiets are fairly goodatrcouriting calories but when they add them up they make many errors which show up later on the scaies Dry rcieaning for elivery yesterdc must be received byrnoon tomorrow rEro man an in the rdscuia County 7Mich Piqneerflyrirpes conditioned as we are to believe anything can happen these days it is stillla bit difficult to believe tilhesometimes runs backwards Any disc jockeys who may serve time for playing rock rolljor payola will ave suffered doubly including the agony they subjected themselves to listening to the eeor or ThevAsloe lted Pro or ForThp Barrie Examiner LONDON Hundreds libbill if murderers compï¬isoriiy do islned in mcnial institutions will be able to receive 60 shil lings week national insurance benefit with additional amounts if nwifemnd children are in volved under new proposals which are to be put inlofelfecl by the Ministry of Pensions This radical change was recom mended in report presented to the ministry by the National insurance Advisory Committee cri on tbequesticn of the status of longterm hospital patients Mr John BoydCarpenter given in the House ofComrpons said he would be accepting all the recommendations made by this committee INCLUDES BROADMOOE Up to the present lime men patients compulsorily de tninedinluatiluiions as result of criminal proceedings have been disqualified from recei ing this National Insurance be slit Now it willbe extended all ofrlhem It will take in all the men and women in in stitutions who have been found guilty of murder arid other crimes but insane or who have been found unfltie plead It wiii includoihoae who are icons fried to lzroadmmr rison for lhg criminal insane and there are soo dangerous lunatics scor rasef them murderers The report of the ninemen advisory cornmittee beaded prffor Evensmevostvof rdld hichvls equival aequlttal should not enis Minister of Pensions ln awritteu reply rurance scheme as any other hospital patient rejkflejbikegiil As the National Insurance at now stands the normal sickness benefit paid to single man or woman is 50 shillings week which is reduced by stages ac cording to the length of stay in hospital man with depend receivea 50 shillings weekpius an additional allow once of 30 shillings for wife and further children How the new ruling viiibe worked out and the payment made lb the individuals ibvol ed has not yet been defined It will be ofgreat benefit in the case of criminals in mental io stitulions whOhave wives and children as their families will recech the benefits of these new allowances But what in commission doeruof indicate onwbat basis the payments will be made for instancojo the dangerous luastics who arein mates oi Broadmoor prison aockling crisp foothoriight and fielder become or liilliAFiAliEil allowance for any DRAWN REPORT New Council films To Increase Sales Ir Persist mcaobsou mam hope ihat llio new Canadian Advisory Council of businessmen will be able to hold its first meeting in May to discuss practical steps to nuease our foreign and domestic sales Hon Gordon Churchill our later of Trade and Commerce told me recently in his parlia mentary office This new council be ex lalned will consist of 25 or more ending business figures selected is re present the principal indurlries and major industrial areas of Canada Mr Churchills parlia menlary secretary John Psileti Conservative MP for Peel County Ontario and the deputy minister of trade Mr fioberis will be exoiflcianem bers of diecouncilfwhlie the ad vice and assistance of senior of ficials in lhe department of trade will also be available as re quired This practical measure files the positive steps energei rally hclng launched by Mr Churchill to help the Canadian emeuufse Iurcr Ourmanufaciurers have eds Selfless Leadership From Canada 15 defence chiefs have recog nized that this continent can be defended against missiles only by preserving the peace As for bombers neutral Canada would impose 2000mile barrier be tween the besruands of linens Ind USSR Neutraiism would not be likely to invite sanctions against Canada through UScaa trolled enterprises because such action would be plea of guilty to every Communistl charge in every emergent nation in Africa and Asia that the US was an economic hully It also would notilkely affect the altitude of American big busi ner Business saw Canada as safe and profitable place In in vest money If US money left Canada it would not be because of nouiraiism In ihe world today Mlnille concludes Canada although not major power may play part if it chooses as inspiring and de cisive as that of the Uniled States in earlier times but not as the client of power commit led to the struggle for par mounicy Horses llaul Logs Wiihoui Driver iNrannsriouar Minn CP Gerald Wheelock and his nephew Dean told here how they have iralned two horses to haul pulpwond without drivers never before been given so much help by any government with view to expanding and to selling more of their products abroad and homeandhcnce inciden tally offering more jobs in their factories in Canadians NEW FIELDS OPEN Another inillaiive by Mr Chur chill which businessmen will up pre ciate is his departments series of surveys of the general dismantling of quotes and re striations formerly placed by foreign countries against Cane dian goods By means of these surveys the minister intends his department to keep Canadian businessmen informed of all new trade opportunities abroad Attention has recently been widely focussed upon the long QUEENS Piiliif micron deï¬lllne in ouir foreigii trad pos on our on orelxn markeil our rising imports and our com nt adverse balance in lateral llll payments This serious condition which burl been allowed to grow and enter wgmsiveiy since 1252 cannot corrected in month or even in year But it is sit nineat to note the encouraging improvement in our trading po siilon over the pasl four months which Mr Churchill pointed out to me gt In February for the fourth luccessiva fnonih our exports rose more than our imports the minister disclosed In the first two months of tblsyesr our ex ports ran huge 21 per cent higher than in the same period lssiyear which was treble the rate of expansion of our imports COUNCIL BRINGS DRIVE Big increases in our sales of newsprint aluminum and copper highlighted this improvement while lesser in are as were achieyed In our exports of soft wood lurnberwbeainickelinc asbestos crude petroleum and automobiles gt To maintain our foreign irsds at its present total level of over len billion dollars yearnecds vigorous and imaginative drive by our business community Mr Churchill explained We are on ierinii period whichmaysee inlensified competition in inter naiionai trade To seize and ex ploit the opportunities olfered will require the active coopera ion of many business minds This is the service to Canada which members of the Advisory Council of Businessmen will oflt for They will be asked to give of their time and experience in this cause by considering the broad problems of trade both import and export and of in dustrial development This Performance Sets New Paliem ay DON OBEAEN TORONTOWhen ihe govcm ment discussed Elliot Lake it was like Hoolihau calling out the lodge It was type of performance that established new pattern here Hoolihan in this case was Energy Minister Robert Mac sulay He lerllhemain aliack Audhis fellow cabinet minis ters each then got in whack with his shillaiegh ALL IN Mr Macaulay said it was still hoped to gel the federal uranium centre transferred Then Minister of Planning and Development Nickle said he was working like beaver to get new industry for the area Reform Institutions Minister Wardrope said forquiie some time he had been considering putting jail there Lands and Foresis Minister Spooner said it we very fine location for park And Travel and Bublicliy Min ister Caihcari read some letters inhimself saying how much he had appreciated the tourist po tential of the fine Elliot Lake area The overall effect was im pressive But as the opposition was quick to point out on close inspection it did not add up to much that was encouraging There might be some hope theromightbesomo promise for thefuture but as one observer said it would not exactly make one hurry to settle in the ura nium country The government of courso Was not in an easy position Any real action on protection nrihc area has to come from Ottawa pressure to date has not produced much result There is only so much pressure it can show in public Premier Frost cant get up and say That man John is not friend of mine anymore As when Katie throws the fry ing pan you cant admit they real trouble in public Instead you boast about flue frying pan you lisvo what The horses skid logs along LONfoot frail Gerald Wheelock said that he hooks the log to horse No and giiesjt agencierpat OfLitgocs la the loading ramp where the other man iinhooks the loglhen Dean starts the second horse on the hack track for another load The alternating horsepower saves the expense of using trac torssndiopders to get logs out of the woods 31er Lo us four menloose walk ln ln thomidst of thumpnil they have no hurt and the form of the fourth like lbs Son oi God Danlel 325 has promised to be with us no matter what ourirlal In the lurnaCe where Daniels THOUGH1 friiands wereplaced because of their failure to bow before idols the presence of God was felt Gods presence will be felt by us if we live close to Him