Crown Hill Telephone company Sells OutTo Bell For $10000 Friday Ele harm Examiner mm Is $745 You CAN ALWAYS eoBrBonr Alec Tretry Donny Gull rie6 Ronny Guthrie and Glon Travers got their toy boats out Wednesday when they discovered this hig pool outside 57 John Street Mrs Trefry who lives there was not omused She says the area might well serve as the ons Swimming Pool We pay over $200 in city taxes them are no boulevards here the drain doesnt drain weve had flooding here for seven years and his is nothing to what itll his lot er she said Print thatif you dare quoth Mrs lre fry Examiner Photo Tar CENTRAL rulerseverything student might lose during year at school were auctioned all by Barrie District Central College iate Key Club Wednesdayto anyone who made suitable oilcr The club which puts money toward many clillercnt activ ities on campus and all clean ed $9 Spokesman for theKey Club said today it also raised $395 during the Christmas vacation selling newspapers and was able to contribute quite bit oi cash to needy families in the area The club has alsa contributed HELD OVER Because of limited space to day the report on last nights meeting oi the Canadian Club at Barrie must be held over until an Auctions Lost Proper Lost property shoes scarvesust per student roi Ulosc attend oencils pads coats sweaters ing the trip to Hamiltons Mc Master University to see that reactor This amounts to $50 can To Honor TLH Gardner Bradford merchant has been selected by the Barrie and Dis trict Home and School Associa tion as the man to be honored by the Ontario Educational As sociation for outstanding service in education in this area Thomas Gardner is cur rently member of Bradlord District High School Board and has record of service amount ing to 32 years in education work This award is being given in this centennial year of the OEA to one outstanding person in each community of the province Crown Hill Telephone Co oi ficially merged with Bell TeleL phooo Co Tuesday the third such company in the Barrie area to do so recently Crown Hill furnished telephones to 250sub scribers in Crown Hill Craig hurst and Edgar districts and had converted onethird of iLs system to dial when in 1958 it was advised that alter 1959 Bell Telephone in Barrie would have mechanical exchange with no provision for the manual typeol instrument clown Hill directors decided after negotiation with the Bell Cour toaccept $10000 and sun wrnrnrn Synopsl storm now in East ern Ontario will move off to the Atlantic today and clearing cold weather will de velop in the lower lakes regions With aseries of storm centres moving in from the Paciï¬c rather ari bi or unsettled eith likely during the naxt few days But no prolonged departures from seasonal norm als are anticipated in tempera ure Lake Erie Lake HuronLake Ontario Niagara regions Wind or Londonloronto Hamilton Extensivc fog early this morn ing then cloudy with low light showers Clear and colder to nightzSunny Friday clouding over late in the day Noriherly winds increasing to 25 by mid day but becominglight tonight Georgian Bay Haliburton re gions CloUdy with few show ers or lorries of snow today Clear and colder tonight Sunny Friday clouding over in the alternooa Northeast nds 25 be coming light lhisevcning Kirkland Lake region North Bay Sudbnry Snowflu end ing tbismorningclearing this alternoon Sunny Friday cloud ing over late in the day Much colder Northeast winds 25 today east winds 15 Friday Fmecast Temperatrium Low tonight High Friday 32 45 Wingham Toronto Trenton St Catharines Hnmilton Muskoka Killaloe Enrlton Sudbury North Bay Kepuskaalng White Iii =M render Crown Hill Co charter in preference to issuing debentures and financing major expendi ture to convert the balance of their lines to the automatic sys tern Following the merger Crown Hill Co asseLs are to be distributed to company share holders155 in number Crown Hill Telephone is required to re move certain lines which were not incorporated in the Bell sys tem Legion Brings Variety Show iBarlie brane of Canadian Legion will sponsor the nth an nual OKeele Variety Show at Barrie Armoury April 14 at DJ Emceed by Bruce Stevens the show is well travelled on the North American entmtainment circuit and includes the Van Doren sisters vocalists Visitation 5W chairman BilfMoi as asked members to leave reading material at the branch for distribution to sick members Cant Raise Money Says Mother Of BRANTFORD CP Mrs Florence Torti mother of four sentenced to 30 days for driving while her licence was under sus pension said Wednesday night she will be unablevio appeal the sentence Mrs Torit who is carpooling her ï¬fth child said she could not raise the $400 necessary for the appeal dont know what Ill do with my four young children sbe said Ill just have to go and the city will have to takc them To appeahl have to have $100 and $300 lawyers feeBut weve gone so far into debt theres just no place person can get that kind of money Our car and furniture are mortgaged now and it appealed and they imposed line Id have to pay that too MIXED REACTION TORONTO CP The Etobl coke Drama Guilds presentati of Terence Rattlgans Separott Tables won both acclaim on criticism from adjudicator DI Betty Mitchell of Calgary Wed nesday nightThe play one seven competing in the Centrr Ontario Drama League Festival lacked unah thrrarljudlcatox Appnovr SITE or tocomortvIz Barrie City Council has ap proved the recommendation oi the finance committee for the location of the old steam locomotive oliered by the CNR to the city It will be placed in the small park west of the PUC reservoir on Dunlop Street East immediately adjacent to the railway track Bay view Park The finance com mittee has been authorized to complete the arrangemenm will the chili and the Parks Board ammocomm news WAY MARCH 1m SciYs City Committee Cannot Pill The Gap The Patric Reunation Conn mittce our never be able to takethe placenl the Simcoo County Recreation Service said Mrs Powell this citys rcmcsentrtive to the county organization Mrs Powell stid that in fields such an arts and crafts quilt and mg making and square damning tin city com mittee would not be able to fill the Sup There would never have been leadership program City Benefits Says Resident charter member of Simcoc County Arts and Cralts Associa tion since its inception It years ago Mlle Sbopoflhas added her voice to the storm of protest aroused by Borne Re creation Committees decision to withdraw mm the Simcoe Coun ty Recreation Service Mlle Shopofl pointed to the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Show to be held in Barrie in August This exhibition sponsor ed by tha county body world bring hundreds of spending Vis itors to the city Yet we members will have to pay extra fees because Barrie wont support it she said Another major event organized by the county recreation service was the Quilt and Rug Fair held here in Barrie several times she said TEMPERS llT wnsnan BEACH Continued from page one The roots in the oispuie go back tot 1953 when the High School levy was set at salmon This council felt was too much for iE eleven pupils At this rate it cost about $1300 to edu cate one pupil at Colllngwocd High School Council paid the school $9889 and appealed the amount of the levy to board of arbitration in December rt1958 In January 1959 that board handed down the decision that 95 per cent discount be granted the village since the board felt the original levy was too high Collingwood District High School Board then took this new decision and appeallod it to the municipal board in July 1059 In the meantime the Lawrason council askedfor legal advice mm Toronto lawyer Manning In letter be told them Simone District Coop To Hold Annual Meeting Simcoc District Iooperative Services will hold its annual meeting April at pm in Central UnitedChuich Social Hall Barrie Election of direct ro anddinectorsanrl manag reports areon the agenda flownhill will be discussed as to its advantach to feeders and slides of its interior will be seen Wondy Hicks and Don Gray will entertain It luncheon will beserved at conclusion of the business portion the meeting 11$me PREXY WINNIPEG CF Wallace Ed ward Brown 64 former president of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and past president of the Wes ern Interprovincial ll Union died Tuesday at his home There islkw only one 30 years of erieneo fostering goo will in hummaandoommunity are For information on Wagon phono PA 65302 nounsoéonunocuoooo they had right to appeal but he also warned the council to keep the sum in question that is the $10346 in reserve just lo case the municipal board over ruled the 25 per cent discount Colllngwood High Schools ap pea to receive the remaining $10346 was upheld and in rulipg which came down January 1560 Wasaga Beach wasordered to pay Alter the meeting Reeve Beck told The Examiner that thouglr this money wasnt missing it wasnt paid to the Coilingwood High School and the council cer tainly didnt have it In fact council had only enough money now to keep the village going They could pay the help and the necessitia but thats all As for the $10346 Mr was undecided We dont know what we are going to do about ithe said He cemented that the municip al auditors were being consulted without pulse Dolley said Mrs Powemwen Mr Iapp said his committee paid tor any and training it re ocived Miss Culley la dirch tor the Simme Oaturty Recreation Service Whom will the church groups the clubs wumcns mum and other organizations gol for belpl asked Mas Pow e1 SheJaid mammal of these organizatiom were irate over as developments of the past few days which have restated in Bernies withdrawal iron the county souwoe The county realizes that the $2300 asked from Barrie for participation is quite large but it wont break them report ed Mrs Powell She also mentioned that just last night between and 530 pm Miss Dolley received three telephone calls fotyadvioe and help Where would these people go asked Mrs Powell How much time could ltlr app spend on such activities Hays Move lls Retrograde Slip viewtbtk decision won deep concern Rev Skelly of Street On tiled Church 001 The Minor this morning Referring to Earle Recrea tion Gommltxeeo Mendyon crowned decision to withdraw support from the coordinating Simcoe County Won Ser vice he said It is most retrograde step that we should allow meres to be left without the oidof professional guidance in our various recreatiomd programs Jain fact we shouldnt trle FAST nsusr ran llllillMlllll Illllllt and they would advise on fur ther course of action Question Which of these ï¬ne homes is custombuilt wen Neither Each bySunnibilt SUNNIBILT HOMES have that look of individuality Choose from was residuum arcclt two on any shape or size ad lot sororier noun ed for strangeness ml eï¬lcienc V613 co in were Vernon Brick Veneer or Twin SUNNIBILT HOMES nomieal You get 25 to 80 mm homo dollar than any convention built hopta Fre planning and precotthg climb ate waste save construction tummw rein whetheryoure ready rebuild nowior planning stages youll mail llus Important coupon today Canada ixr brlmror Humamuhmmwmomgu III In rural aways stray 1345 Dvfluritt Smut Toronto On 507 uyin Vlutlnrtl 5n hi is Home Ymcsnfnrthercnteoai bydo ng much drawer yoursel If you wish or by using your own contractor dealing ectly Wlih subtrades and making own price arrangement or Murillo anon Trans mas and um approved or ion has rm ddluvja ma la an mar bk mu collarm mom son Warehouse Woman luviae ï¬rst be dollars ahead USE THIS COUPON 1w Es can unl ie am mpzmnnm stigma INmc MameManama Al 13 lungs rawer tr couldtthesegroupsgoto the mayorand Iskhlm to teach them square mane she asked no Plasterers from all over Simcoe County and as far as Brampton assemblednt Bar rie Community House last night for the second of their conven tions Purpose of the conven PLASTERERS HOLD CONVENTION HERE uyearvold Barrie motorist has hem charged with failing toyicldtherlghtolwayatan intersection allowing three car pllbup Wednesday City police said Arthur Otta way 55 251 Wellington Street East was headed east on Mc Donald through street when he was in collision with Herbert Ernest Foster 41 25 Codriogton Street headedsoutb on Clapper The impact throw Ottaways auto into thatol Donald Thomp son27 Oro travclling west on McDonald Damogototalled moretban tion which it it hoped will become regular annual event was to discuss problems in the trade and promote various types or plaster About 40 at tendedflre meeting Seenslta In Two Crashes 3600 said police Pits potholes and lagged cre vices on one of Barries main roads caused mrend acci dent Wednesday resulting in $145 damage city Police Constable Ken McKenzie said David Cox RR Simud was headed west on Panelaog Street when he slowed to negotiate the bola in the road Wayne Mar 18 R33 Elmvztle said he was headed west behind Cox and when he slowed his car seari ed to bounce over the holes and collide with the other auto No charges have been laid ting at the table here is Mike Lysahild who chaired the as scnmly and with him are lelt to right Jim Jarvie Orillla Doug Strong Orillla Bentley and Harold Lame Bar rle Examiner Photo lllE anursronr ran PAM scrim ll SllflPPlNli srruzs or scrum row saviormitt ask ABOUT our CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN $1298 VALUES Youll want to hurry for dose pig spanth