cannon nmtonsroarss THE moral Spanish Sen0rc1 Adds AÂ¥ Sparkle Io Alliston By MILANKORCOK Examiner stair Reporter There is world of dill enc betweeo Enrceionl one Allislon Eut straddling um worid and apparently low it successfully Ir thyluscious Spanish um Islgimme mother at In At stonian Carmen Morgana Mints Perry 36 DH 31m Villanuum li Gul nt lives in pleasant little partmoltt above elm on Al listoos main street and take can of her husband Edwin John BIND com smotetr Colophon and their tinum Ion in vier Vim Ker hushad bmuflhl he to customs this country live years ago bolero that Ihr had never boon more than Monor chow com raco or the rhoryu oi the Mediter noun Hov would the like Canada Would she be able to leant the language Would the miss her own people and her own these wen Ill anx tour motions she was asking hcnel Hut anxiety was un necesslty term has fitted Into the ttorn oi Canadian ills to wtl that no one would NEWS or shoot ny RUSS DAVEY ExecutiveDirector Contemplation of situations or happeningauiitn simmer In the bark of onos mind pressing for expression For three weeks now have lound myscll going over and over the content at small meeting at the chutccn committee held at tho In sitcndanco were Joyce McCall rey and Rene Noshman who have been giving continuing leadership to the Dchuteen pro gram and three of the parents Mrs Small ltlrs Honltin and Mrs Forri who responded to tin Invitation to come and ovoi uate and redirect the course of tho chutecn program The chutcon program has been of such high interest to the girl that it was decided that wcshould continue with it on Friday evenings from1 to gt pm in modiï¬ed formiiut this Is not the port of the meet ing which stirred me gin our discussion or content and purpose at the program we started talking about the im portnnoe nhd values of Inter personal relationships By this mean that when people come together in groups Ihey relate to each other and to the group as it whole in many diflerenl ways and withIncreasing inten sity Young people are alien cruel when they detect shortcomings in their peers ththcr itbo mental physical or social weakness they often expose and exploit it with almost ruthless vigor or course in program like Debuteens manifestations such as these are neither he quent nor sharp RESPONSIBILITY We as leaders have respon sibility to help participants in rltnM NEWS INFORMATION BRANCH DNT DEPT OF AGRICULTURE llMELY TIPS Keep the antidreczo in your tractor truck or car in once hobbit checking of audiotor hoses and clamps or signs of leaks says Hal Wright farm saiety specialist with the On eario Deptrrimont oi Agrieuh here Watch for pinched or tracked hoses andghrolren clamps Drain iheauytiï¬rceze iihen replace any WONMJM parts Orphaned lambs may be bottle feel it ewe wonttnire them Ontario Department of Agriculture experts suggest this substitute use iii mmces oi evaporated milk13 ounces of water and tablespoons of corn syrup per day Worm this to body tmpenature and teed it wiltinofdippled bottle Three curious feedings are better than oncvlangeone itir the insth days our programs to become aware of the loci that no one is par fect We as individunln are most noxious that no one on pccis perfection oi usnso we must concede to others the right to be less than perfect too Even so some at us are less pcrleet thonothurs Tho more pcrlect ones have It wider range of tolerances Lm pericct ones through insecurity and inexperi ence oltcn seek Increased status tor themselves by pointing out faults in others and comparing them to theirown strength THE RETARDED As all oi no express ourselves we hecomo more confident in ourselves as being worthwhile persons and this allows us to become more tolerant oi others All of this led quite naturally to discussion at retarded chil dren nndtlie attitudes which many uninformed normal ehlIdA ranhsve borne toward them ltwos naturolhappening bet couso oi Ihe presence oi Mrs Hankin whose life is wrapped up in service to these adorable and nffcctlonulo youngsters To hear Mrs llonkin talk about her retarded charges is vnnderiui experience To itseii The depth oi her ineling creeps into her eyes and voice as she describes the warmth and loving appreciation these children re turn for kindness and under standing Recent education has removed the shame and misunderstand ings which have surrounded the limitations of the retarded youngsters The principle of ex panding limitations can and should itnmo our stti tudes to the many different kinds oi limitations which we may each possess This was the hip message that the committee discovered or perhaps rediscovered in their discussions This too wonderlul Idea which stirred me to this action PRQGRAM sonrs Judo Members ol the Judo Club represented us in the Eastern Canadian Champion ships held in Toronto Frank Cicero lightingwiih the Toronto Hot team ship team including lord Curtains igreen hell Roy Bridges white belt Clarence Money green belt Boh Chspple orange bolt and Capt Len Schloendort iorange helti fought as the Barrio Hatashlta tearrr and placed twelfth in the 25 team compell tions Our congratulationsi hashetbaii ihe Ydunioi ieani bowed out to Windsor the Ontario finals by losing ti second gnmegtsoo last Saturdu The Windsor feentown letu carried back thsOntnrio honors We are sending the Juvenile team to the Ontario Yf ciiampA ionshipsfin Stratiord April 50 and our Intermediates will he going to the intermediate Tournament in VOriiIis April 13 curs taverns jttnrnsn hum china Video pForvPrizesrn cLsAIuNG one it though with kindness and understoodiniz the be this to toll shown any thing but Csnldion ENJOY LIFEU Carmen ll the dtughier oi nllidloclsu hatcolour hush om msn monthly itt oil youngster she got mi deal out of life Listening to her Is one is Immed Ateiy rem titled oi early bonito by Email llam inmy Sundoymornings we would lnii go to church she says and otter him the young peo ple would slopin cafe ior an arm and tell until dinner mo then with that we would go to ounce drinit little it mitt go movie Sunday is different here the admits Emory is so blue there is nothing to do and she in so bored she Ms Peo pie in towns llits Allioion dont even dress up well on Summon doesnt seem like Sunday she repeats wistfuliy litter is why these in so much delinquency here be use then in nothing to do believes Berton Pony Then she remembers the for Sonic Mercedes Fiesta Ds 5m Juan the running oi the hulis in monotone the mono menl dancing drinking joy Happy abandon tor days isometlmes for week is hard forget nut sneakthee cardui note when mentioning idle no land games llhe oarurivals are not evil she insists we are Imuch freer with our drinking but we never get drunk FORBIDDEN FRUIT Many youngsters in Camds drink and they soon get into trouble because It is forbid den them and forbidden things alwayr attract philosophically At this point in our conve nation she look MI oddsiwped leoth big oil lit well and displayed It This was wine skin or bomb the Iiuta when used can illiB 0II twitter HEATEII grams easement tlm notchIt not cope with todays as vi Mondaywill begisdtomniismod automatic electric itll hosts ustri ht Spanish ieativals Selma Pil she muses rectly is held ova an upturn rd face with the nozzle about night lunch from the mouth aqueous on the and of the bixuld deitly tuned rquirt 01 red wine shoots into the mouth It handled properly 0N TAlmfl Senna Perry um and tired hudin mun an on land spin in an Ime counw try 11th it is the poor on the captioning it is ily impro pg plain Franco alime flyingihoi the enerui lot oi the people in Vistly improved lino therold monarchy was overthrown Almost everybody hu washing mettle now the says ï¬at change from the days on ali housewives went from house to house to log the washing for more ior tunate people Even television is making We into the lives at 5pm unis IM comments Is the wealthy ones can elicit pro gram from Italy The higher value placed on material gain will however change the country Senora Perry asrcrts it Is already changing The youngsters do not pay uito so much atten tion to fission and they are becoming mm interested in the American way of Ilia as depicted on the flood oi Am ericart movies to the country AFFICIONADO It was necessary to talk to Ied Perry about these since he is the silicionodo in the family Wile Cumiloveo nil animus even tom cud iiius couldnt bear to see poor bull hurt nsreelons has huge le into which as many ac 60000 whooping hollering Spaniards and tourists ism titennolvet Sunday stternoon during the summer to watch the worlds best mil lives with the worlds strongest bulls Though husme is Eng lish be loved Spain even more then hit wilepoes itio perfectlynatursi column not Ladiiciyl like much at the not at Europe he says He urges toumts to In this southern land Ind says they will get along woo deriqu even it they speak only with ltr Puny would like to open pub or bistroio Spun some day and retire Joine Whem by the the Mediterran ean it we by this inland on that be lint mud bk Mull wile Just overlix years ago was taking Belt cure on his iorcs and he came over to Barcelona on the mainland for while Here he met the milrinq black haired Carmen and no love story bolan They married went buck to DMI Micro his other owns hondlivedthenioro wh Wanting toga to Can Ade joined the Guardian lied Anni Ind cums nm the sea Catroan watt back to Spain to hum her son and then loined her husband in Allidtml hard noeir THE MIX summon THURSDAY MAKER LOCALAND ashram expensive tor must work to times most out meets we are cm who study hasd and who take adyaatagc oi the animation They are more ina ture than their American mim tenants Amftxthecilinenofon Into lucky enough to travel through this landci sun the best advice is to go along with its spirit then he is ours to have monorail trip And it pit the diplomats in die world were on good no Sonora Darrow Perry the tourist trade would be much larger OOPS SORRY Somehow ihO time for Fri dayl nnnmoge oi the may Lions Auxiliary was listed as 130 pm in Wednesdays cillsilt ad The correct time is am Its at lflodll Fellows Ital Collier Street For pick up call PA 84340 Now Teds other has asked his son to him over the Dover pub and its luck to England or the Petrys Carmen he Iievcs that in while her husA band will ind his dream and open his own restaunntpub in Barcelona an idyllic idea LEAVE IN AUGUST they leave for England in August with flMJEPPi mem ories of Canada but wth ilne ones also oi Spain The Petrye also have some handy tips to mveiim In Spain wman travelling it you wont condom take the min lint or second cilsl it you take the third you will have to put it with laughing juicing hood ping and singing When eating one ioodo drain oii the grease theres lots oi ll But dont in that discour lgs anyone from not trying the loads such so Paella dish oomaintng rice fish duck stud rabbit If the traveller expects to hind Spain huge singo or timing new people he should go then In the sum met when the We at looti vais overrides the land WoilK HARD T00 But the traveller must no oxpsot to ï¬nd only ucarolrec poopinyiorho will see that attains tvutu tusrnucrs counss mammary Anemia anions This week we received nail tation to the Canadian prem re oi the ï¬rst motion picture infhruroarama in Toronto it smells The invitation that is we havent seen the ï¬lm yet SPRINGILW DEBUT mde PubliemSchools inst cpsrlme Wet not ill Junior Band in its first appearance Springtime Debut April at am one is Alex andorv Dunn Public deol ADD ro MANOR Simcoe County horne tor the aged committee has given the green light for architects Craig and Zeldier to begin preparing working drawings for an addi tion to Georgian Msoor in Penetaog rem CflABtMAN oi the Flos ntun lpal Telephone System for threeyear term incredredbnsinm during 1969 was highlighted by moon ions distance revenue ï¬gure NEGOTIAIEJLEASE Barrie city couodl has in structed the finance committee to negotiate the renewal oi the Ontario Hydro oftlce lease tor pctled of five years with the rental payment to be reviewed at the end of two and Mali yours The oiilce is build in the city hall ELECT DIRECTORS Brndlord Grawen Association clectod the allowing director at recent meeting Franklloch reitcr Glen Henderson Art Van Dyke Harry VerankWii lam llorilou William Watson Ken Miller Charles Davis undid V2th YE Tyson Rowt at Elmvole was actors meet today to den ot rewmsd recently as chairman liners and review plans The lirst Canadian Army lbulence RCAMC based at anatomy physiology nursing medical course to be conducted ouuldo the Royal Canadian Weri Germany Ten medical corps privates serving with Army Medical Corps School at Canaans NATO brigade are Camp Borden is nearing com pletion at the lst Field Amv in the ninth weekof an egr tensivo 11week ï¬coutse in and iirst hid PrivateWiiiiam Famed right or Conception Bay Nfld receives instruc tion on bone structure from Corporal John Bell of Burris THE 9N¢F+A4YEAR isALEArvouNos nastiness MILES on Phonics BY TH YARD urnss fBROAmooMg on HALL REGULAR 48 stock MATERIALS 1w tarowatch nun sizes In assume am To CHOOSE n1 PROM fritttAN gwoot jTWIST woo Maureen sarcoma LAN VISCOSE PLAIN AN ED 277 xV 12 ro Flla WINDOW 2095 mar Tortr IIIWIrNoow £3150 steentoti graduudity it well body to yourdisperse tieum unsvrnury Loam annex 306 ft SHORT ENDS 5qu 65 YOUNGs common man i25Yd REMNANIS and EB $495 DRAISERY LINI sALE 75° BOXED 130me mnnrax rowau nun man 20 our Sole 14 no £10 LON 911951 sztso 91695 3250 13250 154950 NGfl 10 56 Plain Shades REE 293