arrows CPI Canadians lend substantially better in material way last year price rises taking smaller bite out 01 pocketboqu that were latter than in the previous year the govern meat said Wednesday This feature oi economic ox paesioa in the1959 calendar year contrasted sharply with the 1953 Beeline In Canadian living stand Irdl Coosumer prices rose only 11 one per cent in 1959 so that here was substantial increase total real income Finance Minister Fleming reported in prebudget white paper tabled 111 the Commons Mter allowing for the increase In population there was con siderabla gain in real income per éaolta with more cash tingling in his cans the average Canadian Stat his spending on con sumer goods and services by here than two per cent in vol ume MORE PRODUCTION Ellis apendln provided the main stimulus to srong domestic de mand which in turn gave im petusto expanded production Canadians paid more In direct taxes but even then had more leit to spend or save than in 1050 They raved less although Esvinga still were above average rhiggest increase In spending waster now outos but buying of household appliances and home furnishings in signil icantiy So did spending for food clothing tobacco and gasoline The general buoyancy oi the economy was reflected in six perlccnt rise in the value of all goods and services produced thegross national product to $30503000000 from 582600000 000 with only two per cent oi the increase due to higher prices ihc iourpereent rise in pro duction volume was the first signiï¬cant gain in real output since 1950 and compares with the postwar average oi about four per cent MAIN FEATURES The white paper listed these principal features of the 1950 economy Industrial production about eight per cent above the 1957 peak with widespread gains in output especially in forestry public utilities and durable and nondurable manufacturing Little change in agricultural output while production iniish trapping and construction as somewhat below 1050 substantial increase in em ployment as higher reduction openednaw jobs whle unem ployment declined to an average of 56 per cent of the expanded labor force against 66 percent ln 1953 idpercent rise in national income corporation profits soar ing 10 per cent over 1958 almost to the 1050 peak and labor in come climbing eight per cent Under the impact of higher production with relatively stable prices corporations boosted pro iits to $2836000000 from $2483 000000 in 1953 The 1050 peak was $2908000000l Meanwhile Iahor in climbed to record $17717000 000 from $1043000000 as the number of paid workers rose 37 per cent average hours worked in manufacturing increased to 407 week from 402 and aver age hourly earnings climbed four per cent But 1959s greater prosperity Slomadh Powder Was Strychnine Autopsy Reveals GDBGRYAiGPYhnautopsy on Mrs Eizcarfloy 35yeaerId Sudbury woman who died sud denly hero Feb 17 after taking dose of what she believed was stomach powder has revealed herbody contained strychnine Result of the autopsy was re vealed Wednesday following the arrival here of Inspector Elmer Moss oi the criminal Investiga tion hroheh of the provincial po lice inspector Moss is in the Sudbury area to interview nasses in connection with an qulryinto Mrs Roys death Mrsl Roy died in her home atter taking what she thought to be sodium sulphate prescribed by her doctor The attorneygener als oiiice suspept the medicine contained deadly strychnine aul phage Itis reported that more than 10000 prescriptions have been ex amined in the course unite in vestigation Retail druggists wholesale distributors and mana facturers throughout ads have checked their supplies oi drum sulphate in an ellort to or on the origin of the etrychnine No data for an inquest has been set on To morons QUEBEC CPIThe provincial government announced WednesA day it will pay 35146610flt0142 citizonsoi Rimouskl Que whose homes and commercial establish ments were destroyed in tire which swept the town in 1050 The sum represents the governments share of interest payments on Prim nim Ccmadicms Better Off ith Patter Wallets wunt sharedbythe farmer His output continued at high level but his cash income remained at about the 1958 level 01320000 000 three per cent below the 195 record Accrncd not farm income in ciuding money yet to be dis tributed by the Canadian wheat board on grain sales dipped seven per cent to 31100000000 1mm 31191000000 While consumers spent more heavily government expenditures also rose playinga significant part in expanding domestic de mand Private investment re maincd almost unchanged Spending on new boman ell ped slightly but nonresidential pcon atruction dropped eight per cent Dlrect taxes took 31008000 not bite out at total personal in come leavins personal dispose able income totalling $305200 ooo up as per cent mm 1055 Higher spending took £2220 000000 at this compared with $21035000000 in the previous year and $159100000 went into personal savings against 01611 000000 in 1950 Savings repreA seated 67 per cent of disposable income in 1959 against 71 in 1050 but were above the most aver age of 65 per cent OTlAWIi CPlCanadas net national debt rose in the last year by about $9115 for every mon woman and child in the country pre budget white paper tabled in the Commons today by Finance Minister Fleming showa an estimated net debt increase 01 $403500000 in the iiscal year ending Thursday it March 01 thenet debt is es tlmated at $12001900000 or $60250 for each 01 the 17700000 population year ago with the population at 17340000 the net debt totalled 1678400000 or $67344 person 13 NetNational Debt Up $915 For Each The net debtis calculated by subtracting the value oi all asset from total liabilities 1n the 195550 Year assets are estimated to have climbed $545 100000 to 08914600000 Part of the increase was $200500 000 boost to 53471600000 in loans to and investments In crown cor porations Gross liabilities rose by $746 600000 to t20 990500000 includ ing rise at $312700000 in un matured debts to 315880800000 Coat oi carrying the public debtmainly Interest payments increased this year by $138100 000 to momma 1311 per cent at budgetary expenditures mu owev Guaranteed Wm load Housekeeping Mm ammuxaarmn WAY MARCH II 27 Beneï¬t Payments Pass Receipts 0t Insurance Fund For Iohless OTTAWA tCPl Benefit pay ments from the unemployment insurancefund far outpaced rc ceipts in 135060 leaving an es tlmatcdbailuco 01 $3MM0000 It March 31 against $09000000 year earlier Finance Minister Flemings prebudget white paper showed payments oi about 0900000 against receipts at about 3w 000000 lower than the $470000 000 at 106059 when unemploy ment was generally higher Employer and employee cone tributions tn the lurid raised last fall by an average per cent totalled 9270000011 while gov ernment ccntrtbutiool rose 000000 to 0000000 and income irom $10000000 Order noose Pilot 0ft RCIIP Stations May Be Censored orcXWA CPiDeienoe Mln siterfeerkos told the Commons Tuesday he has ordered with American film on NorthAmcri drawai ironixChF stations of an canair dcfenceruntil it can be examined He said In reply to questions by Opposition Leader Pearson that If any objectionable lectures are found In the film they will be deleted ltlr Peathes said be under stands the film NORAD Briefing is not an official NORAD or 115 production MrPearson said one Cana dian oliiccr appears in the film and that an RCAF oiticcr had approved it showing In Canada investments amounted to Administrative expenses paid by the government rose to 96p 000000 from $353139 Fund invaimenta declined to 3353004 irom Cash in the and was $00300 against 321300000 year ago All the cousinwand Ilnvor at Iain luley California oranges ll Tttl MIDI Iflml I10 INSTANTOIIFFEJEQV VINanT lit INSTANT chill playyourifovouriiesongs instantly without leSsons Reï¬ne 71 assumed Swedish Stain less steel Reed permanent lytuned Fullsized kayo not minia om like those on top pinn as Detachab tapered braaslegs In oarrymroase included it Elcctrin hard waiitur nown PAYMENT SALE as contracted by the Blmouslti 0ETébtldlflï¬tTllEDflWr had promised to pay up per oeet interest YeslYou and yo eotiretanuly can play your favourite songs instantly without mingle lesson or prior musical knowledge new portable Concert Electric Chord Orv rgan Just by touching the lettered chord bottom and numbered keys that correspond to those in thayaasytoplay Concert Song PRICE Boo you play ny time you wish from classics oldtithe lavouritct and hymns to popular songs arid jazz Foul be amazed at the magnificent WenbeautifuLbebin about such Low Low rice 3129 nont delay 0w or free demon ay the tong cert Else ohm or gen today 1IIt Arlrotlr TAP SAW 110131115011 nannwane MONTHE1111 BIG VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Mlece Open End Women SET 159 957 595 zitPiece Set at Diehcl ENGLISH CHINA reg 895 nevy bottoms reg Vegetable Storage Bins ItEG 11194 249 SHERBERTS tr GLASSESgn Rubbermaid stacking SPECIAL Rubbermaid GARBAGE CAN DUST PAN WASTE BASKET BQTTLE 0F MR CLEAN NEW LINE of RAWLEIGH HUDSON BIGYCLES raguior boys and girls sizes 3995 New 1000 Selectman su NWORTHY PLASTIC conso WALLPAPERS39c New springv patterns per single roll Gio Enamel saves up to one the work Its simply because it lo easy to apply No slleee hjtIXING BOWL sEr 269 All Steel WAGONS m7 198 larger sizes 359 to 1015 Solid Wooden WAGONS 849to 1011qu SHOPPING aAGs Zipper Closing Plato 1795 359 COCO MATS sizes 13 24 to size 22 it 36 to aim 26 41 Ertra Thick YOUR GARDENING SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS work gloves pruning sheen sproyorsy garden tooIL seeds and fertilizer Dunne ttoekei nuance Double Ball semi ROLLER SKATES none better ROLLER SKATES Wooden STEP LADDERS iconc Aluminum STEP mourns 11995 ethics to born to beamiï¬i mutant rmmwmmw