Sahara FlightBan Off As Arrives In Paris PARIS AP France llited ban on flights near her atomic Iert ground in the Sahara today law hours before Nikita Ithrush ehev arrived back in Paris for final round of talks with Presi dent da Gaulle The flight ban necessary pre lude to Francos second atomic oN OPERATIONS dev tut explosion was to cited tor only three hours spokesman or the deience ministry said there had been no test blast but he would not clarity whether one had been planned and canoeued or whether the aircrait warning was only practice alert French atomic explosion uestions TCAs President OTTAWA CPiTCA President Gordon McGregor allow his car rate other CNR President aid Gordon belnre parlia mentary committee today to be quizzed on the sietoowned air iinas operations Opposition linance critic Wil iam Bonidlcltaon LKennrac Raniy Rver sold at the con clusion oi hearings Wednesday night on the CNR presidents an nual report that the relationship between the CNB and NA was as parent and child since the airlines need or public inane Vlng funds was included in the CNR budget He urged that iniuture CNR hearings be separated by week from the TCA hearings to that members of Parliament could re view the program of both Mr Gordon won committee ap proval at his 1050 annual report showing deï¬citoi ammo compared with 1056 deficit oi 1500000 The committee also approved the CNRs 1000 budget for capital and operating ex penses amounting to tifl56li 000 which involves budget do tlcit forecast tor the year of 000000 GORDON ANGRY But the ON president was not released ram the witness chair before tempers were restored after series at charges of in sult and apology Ernest Brooms PC Van couver South questioned him about thaCNRl deal with RCA Victor to build microwave net work for the US government be tween Montana and Alaska Cuts Bomarc Stations To All In Eastern PartsOi Country WASHINGTON CHThe num ber oi Bomorc antiaircraft mis sile stations planned for the United States has been reduced to eightall in the eastern parts of the country spokesman or the 115 Air Force announcing this Wednes day said this is the third stage at progressive reduction in US Bomnrc plans during the last two years The original plan was for an stations from coast to coast with an average or one Bomnro squad ron in each station But last spring the planning was reduced to 16 stations and now the air me has decided to go down to eight Together with the two squad rons still planned or Canada this would make total 10 En maro squadrons for the entire continent TWO TYPES Last Monday Defence Minister Panrkes told the House of Com mons at Ottawa that there would be 14 Bomare stations in North America about half of them equipped with the early type of liquidfuelled BomarcA with range of only 200 miles and hail with solidproponent Bomarc models with range of some 500 miles The BomarcB is still un der development and has failed in seven tats similar figure to that given the Canadian Parliament was provided by the 115 Air Force last weekend but Wednesday the spokesman in reviewing the sit uation again said there now are only eight stations planned Western Bomarc stations are being eliminated from the continlt enlal air defence scheme The spokesman said he presumed the western areawhich would in clude many Canadian border areas would be protected by manned interoeplors such as the Century series of 115 lighters The air force had planned to reduce thevnumber of manned fighter sqlmdrons in the north west states as Bomarc squadrons became operational The Spatial an said be presumed the reduc the flight did not appear on the schedule He said the night will take place in the next three or tour days ONLY 299 nmmNnh muthunzrm 6cmodoloyloa 5910thde WM1ND mummma beeï¬tvbehWto Wenonah Easytocleunnolrnd wwwmygimh Whineat plantain LIVING IMAGE while Khrushchev was still on French aali would certainly have angered the Soviet leader and would have heightened the chill oi his talks with do Gentle Fri day and Saturday OPPOSES FURTHER BLASTS Khrushchev told an int romptu pron conierense aboard spa clal train Wednesday that he is against anyone exploding any more atomic weapons it would be just as Will it no one exploded any more bombs the United States Britain and Russia as well as France he said Khrushchev drove from lichen today to Flins near Paris to in spect the governmentowned Ran ault automobile works crowd of about tillmost them work ers at the plantwere behind the barriers at the entrance to greet him Alter the premier toured the assembly line nlliclale oi the plant presented sparkling blue our cylinder ZIlorlde sports car isnt it pretty said Khnish chev delightedly to his wile Asked by an aliicial it he could drive the premier re lied that he could but dont itundeh stand me can when have to Boy 18 In Hospital Wounded By Bullet Panscorr CP Gary Gil moiir 16 was taken to hospital in nearby Brockvllio Wednesday lound in his bedroom with 22 calibre bullet wound in his stom ac The boys mother Mrs Amb roseGilmour heard the shot and on the bed with rifle beside him Police have not determined how the accident occurred in critical condition alter he was found her son lying on his back WOWONGBOUP MOW GP Ywnlmanuinsdlrecteret Hamilton Cotton Co Ltd was elected pfllident Wednesday at the Cotton lnltiiute at Canada Witch totoooTIality economical blue coal me to give you more and better hail tor your moneyl Lat biue ooalho wide to perfect home heating arose biue coalmnir SARJEANT CO LTD Mary St Barrie Phone as seen Clean Sate LawCast Heat NOW at coop NEW ncA VICTOR TV Al 21 PRIBES moon re 359 rue moaroomzxv CONSOLE lilltiiltSl SAINT or unï¬ltere SIMMUNS offers you top volurpond quality at any put meat of up an tress coil mag Drebunt border handlebm ventsCorded SLEEFVKNIGHE wines Motiongm greater my Welt315 5114 Cirorat Kayd AGC Balanced Mahogany or tinted Oak fetishes mnrmmwmd laytube chassis Security Sealed meummmhmm color In ronAr of these QUALITY RCA Victor lectures lion in manned lighters would be halted but be emphasized that he couldnt be sure MAY USE LATER MODEL oi the eight Bomarc stations now being planned for the 115 some may contain BnmarcB modelshuttbat would depend on whethertbe EomarcB ever becomes operational The two Canadian squadrons at North Bay and Mont Laurinr Que will have the BomarcB model This BomarcB failed in its seven consecutive flight tests at the Cape Canaveral Flatesting grounds Another test was planned for Wednesday but the spokesman saidaihcre was an er rot in the test schedule office and iconiers lied Hats On Eight Cardinals VATICAN CITY AP The June todayconfdrred the red hats symbohc of their rank on aight oardioals oi the Roman Catholic Church In public oonsistory in St Pelers Basilica the flat liroad ai held mnmea was om AdamsFui itura Co Limited he heads of seven new princes MFA snore rev Dohlop st srclsrzuo Irena Marx All prices sugéeatad oétiiil prices all mattresses available with matching box springs the SIMMONS family of mattresses AT YOUR SIMMONS DEALERS ONLY 10 DOWN as Low As $1306 MoNrIILY 0st gt coors runesr rim Dunlops Furniture and Appliance Ltd Momslone Smith Furhirure of the church and Paolo Cardinal Morelia forrner apostolic nunclo named last sermonsvies 159 INNISFIL ST PA 6653125 Thayflilomos Co thorium udnltura midrib670 Mahdi berm so am 25 Victoria at Stayner so