HONV nanny Al The rm in concluding art7 late in threepart Examin er aerial on the life and ur eer of Hall Drury Slan coo County grand old man The first tun appeared in this newspaper Tuesday and wdnfli ByRGS The government of the United Farmers of Ontario was sworn in Nov to rats by Lieutenant Governor liendrle and Ernest Drury became Premier of Ontario Legislation credited to this government included the Moth ers Allowance Act the Adoption Act and the Better Roads policy which gave subsidies to munic ipalitie as well as taking over and improving certain roads un der the Highways system They built the second paved road from Toronto to Hamilton via the Dan das Highway gt We improved many roads including the one between Crown Hill and Barrie which had taken halfhour to drive previously said Mr Drury Mil mwny as COURT REGISTRAR gt Helm UFO Overnment 31 1431111 muesli Dec florticuliurdliSis Acleim hon For Sine coon nnseun 11 committee at the Silncoc County Womens institute we reummetmesdayln the office of County ireasurer 21 Cole man and considerable business was brought up for ediscuslon Present were Mn Line of Coldwater urn it KelIs Colllfllwood Mrs Bayes from Lofroy Chairman Mrs 11 Otla way Barr Mrs Campbell stroud County Treasurer Colemanand Hill of The Examiner With the new County building progressing steadily number ofquesgns huntyerome up nand among em possibility later change of museum loca tion This led to discussion of problems likely to arise should this happen report of committee and museum activities for 1959 was given by Mrs Ottaway She said the committee which consists of 11 members of Slmeoe County has met twice this year to dis cuss ways and means of improv ing the Countyhiuseum which has been kept open from May 19 to Oct 17 Tuesday to Sunday from pm to pm for the public to visit The birds which had taken up somucholthespaoehavebceo disposed client the wonmuse has bceudahle to accept two lar go show case and tahies fmrri the Royal Ontario hilllearn Tor onto which add to the attrac tlvenm of the museum exhib its here We haveaiso ampted quite few articles such as cradle 15 years old and hewn from log from the Arthur Smith fam By Mr Smith was the Barrie town clerk oryeam There is also badge worn by Mrs Jam ieson who was the first secretary inWmt Slrucoe also case of stones one of every kind sword over years old from the Fred Grant family other articles have also been filed this year she noted Afternoon tea was convened by Mrs Campbell and grat llude was expressed to Coleman and Emeat Miller who worked and gave all time avall ahlo to makeK the alternoon success Outodlan ls Mrs Grace Shutv it was reportedthere were 77 visitors as against 381 in 1858 The County Council hasoliered to paint the building in cream and brown In the near future ture figures or We Harvvev year were rmpcailï¬ 553 and Gmeral surplus on general unmetexcluding tours and yearbookwasm En Gable making further npcut stated the was 994 lnrtho year Projects plants which stand in the way of the new building Details were described last night to the Soc ietys annual meeting by accraf arydean Gable The society said Mrs Gable had spent 60 moving the bordm from the previously landscaped area blue spruce tree had been moved to Memorial Square andnther trees now formed windbrcak at Street Park Still other plants had been moved to other parts of the city heasurer Mira Rowe told and other conveniences badly needed have been planned Chairman5M Mair cl Ottaway 40 Rose Street Bar rleand treasurer ls JR Cole man undertaker by the society during the year included cemetery decoration campaign spring Presid Shetlaokout palm hadki representative on Par Board and had helped arranxi forrcpresentativea of the join of Shame to provide infernoM and assistance on rimoping the Queena Park in at cleanup campaign and competi many Hons for posters blrdhouses and photographs The society she continued had planted areas near public huildl lugs and advanced on the Nelson vice pruldant Knapp lo crclary Mrs Jean Gable treaai um Miu Rowe new directan alga Bernard Ho Bevan Lloyd Cook usnr Erichange once one Commendation Medal lit Edgar By directional the Secretary of the Air Force Captain Rob ert Wateraon United States Arr Force was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal The Captain received the award on the Commanding Olficcrl Parade at RCA Station Edgar The citation was read by the gander Hockney CD and was presented to Captain Robert Watcrsqn by Group Captain Denison cn Comamnder or the uonnn Division gt Captain Woteraon is the son of Joseph Wotcrson of Mundon Kansas He received his pflot wings in June of 1944 at Luke Field Phoenix Arizona Comman dingvofllcer Ring Com federal house Mr Drury said ing World War The Adoption Act which they passed was the result oi drive with Barrie lawyer Donald Ross who told Mr Drury of case where people on farm had taken child as an infant to raise On their death the child had been disinlierlted by the rcl ativcs of the couple as there had been no official adoption and no will At that time legal adoption could only be accomplished by costly private bill which with legal costs not many could of ford SECOND CHOICE Another Act which finally we the upsetting the government was aplsnvotrng which would give the vote second choice on hishallot somewhat similar to that now in ree in British Columbia This wasmel with terrific opposition by the Con servatives whp slatted fili buster which Jute the House had listened for to book being read and Wrom members out Thal was the end of farm labor government in Ontario Premier Drury came back to the farm and trind unsuccessA fully three times to be elected to the federal Parliament feel that could have done good work foroun country lid aynuss away ExecutiveDirector USE or PROFESSIONALS How does community get the most valué from the time and at lords of its pr sional seemi attempted theéhanges in our ch 19 to lb many social wor Aimostall of these in their beginning stages were dedicated to the extending ol seivices with no remuneration Soon the volume of demands made upon them necessitated the addition of paid help The history or the ts early beginnings follow is same pattern George Williams adrapery clerk in London En land saw aroundihim all the spiritual and social weaknesses and corruption creatediby the sudden impact of the industrial revolution He saw his own life bécomirig shallow and corrupt and decided that something con stimulus was mminently neces sary to halt this uunting tide He called together group of it other drapery clerks and out lined tothem proposal of weeks meetings of Bible study and discussion which would allow them lofiad the arlhandmea iuglulness of life which thieyhad lost The appeal of this movement was astouudl Requests began to pour from all over Eng land onhel in forming similar spite of the tremend embers of the group eala from their Ilgotinlo the its One of the main accomplish mentswhich hlr Drury attribut ed to his government was the blocking of the AdamBcck plans for radial railways He first came into contact with this when bill was presented to have his government hocksome millions of dollars worth of bonds that were to provide funds for rude inl railway east from Toronto We set up the Sutherland Commi ion to investigate th railways and the report presc ed by them finallyscttied the matter of abandoning this pm jam Ther had been split in the ranks the partyMr Drury wantedto take id others who might be party supporters but Morrison was firm in his stand that only farmers were desired The Liberals had given his par ty support including his arable Vote on Taunted during the filibuster Premier Drury agreed to go to the people allgrihat last aw ful night and withMorrison an tagonistic to the government and three gtmembers on whom could not depend says Mr Drury For 25 years 1934 to 1959 Drury has servedde the work of Supreme com Re istrar and until to Iyears ago was also Simcoe County Sheriff He noWjls planning to start writing his memoirs The second volumepf the County of Simcoe History ontwhlch he has been Work wiilybbl asan enabler resource per son and an administrator When community overloads professional workers with direct leadership responsib ties rather than leadership training with administrative detail rather than supervision ofthe adminis trative process with policy form ation rather than policy execm lion thenthecommuhity is be ginning to deteriorate into the professionallyv coutrolled pattern with all its inherent weaknesses The ofessiona worker with all his igh idé and motiva tion can and undoubtedly will becomecareless and highhand when the balance of power removed from the boards and committees where it belongs This may seem pretty heavy but tiake look around us here in Barrie and make some decis ions about the role and use of your professional workers Lets make it possible for them to give guidance inspiration and directio lets not lose sight of the fact that their primary pur pose is to help the people otBar rie to live richerfuller and more rewarding lives pnocnm arms BASKETBALL Welcome to Ernie Pelrimoulx and his intermediate basketball team into the membership of the groups These athletes have indicated willingness to assume the responsibr ties that come with privilege From our knowledge of the philosophy of their coach we are certain that victory or defeat will reach up to high standards andvpu aside until their attitudes and behavior in the details of his colorfui life have been set down on paper The Drury family consists of three boys and two girls 14 grandchildren and two grandchildren of the sons Char les and Harold are on terms at Crown Hill Varley is high selloal teacher at Walkerton Mabel is llirs Gordon Dunsmnre of Crown Hill and Elizabeth is ltlrs Howcil Partridge of Bar rie married to distant relative of the late Mrs Drury On the well of his dining room IS plaque given to Mr Drury by the Good Roads Association for his outstanding start on the good roads program of the prov ince He has received the Hope ary Degree nf LL11 from the University of Toronto Queens University and the tin ersity of Western Ontario IDuring the present session of Srmcoe County Council presen tation as made to Mr Drury on behafoi thecnunty an ap prema of his years ser vrce mwlncb hewlll retire at the doftltisycar En Al cmcaao the st place awards the international Livestock Expositrn in Chicago Wednes day went tovthe estate of McCague of Allistou for an entry in the scnior yearling heifer class of the Holstein cattle competition Bypass Barron 0rliliatown council decided Tuesday to invite Highvvays Minister Fred Cass to inspect personally the traffic situaï¬on at the intersectinn of Gill Street and the Snuth Orflllalbypass The town fathers passed re solution stating they felt the reply of the Minister to requests for lower speed limit on the bypass was unsatisfactory number of school children use the crossings snouson cme MEET Midland Branchot the Cana dian Legion is sponsoring public meeting them tonight for candidates in the civicelection to outline tli tr politicaiplat form before the electors Three men are contesting the Midland mayoraity Keller Charles Parkerand Charles steven sou incumbent EXWABDENS WIFE mrsW it Benson 89 died at Penetang this week She was the wile of Benson for met Penetang reeve audanex warden of Simcoe County Sponsor rnicimy radford Rntafiansmre spon soringm tag day Saturdaynnaid of retarded children Boy Scouts will help sell the tags Tapas Ar BORDEN CampIBorden Boytscouts will die all Christmas tree sales the camp thisseason Camp Headquarters announced this weekt roounseron canmvan Therewill be two styles of loques available in candy stripes to support Bdrrleewinter Car pos oi LYMCA endeavor Mr wouldb 5r ts attendherlirst class last Saturday afternoon at good season fellows and may all worthwhile suecessesfoliow arv yr had 21 eager Co Burnett nsrr Royal Canadian Army erylce Corps Camp Borden was special guest of honor nivpl next year the inner tlonal voyageur stacking and One tirese shorter styles will he onï¬ sale before Cltns trans BAY PARKING Jack MacLaren told Barrie Chamber of Commerce last night that City Council had re ceived favoraliiy suggestions for hay parking ile had been invited to sit on committee to go into the mcchanics oi the plan NEW SERVICE new servicehas been in corporated in the of office In small room partitioned off there is the beginning of builders exchange service It cost intermixed parties $59 join the service and this en titles them to see and barrow plans and specifications of con struction work going min the area it is intended as an aid toisubsldiary trades my AN EXAMINER warn an moan rs 32414 Airmens and Airwomens Institute RCAF Station Ed at mess Idlnncr held in the garShown from left to rightrl Outstanding students at 9n tario Veterinary College the Ontario Agricultural College and the Macdonald institute Guelph were recognized at the annual scholarship award ban quet held at the college recent ly 3mm than 5400013 was awarded in bursaries and scholarships Wiriners of the Ontario Agricultural College BARBIE norwrits Ont scrotum are cornealLoan Corporal Burnett DSM Wing Corn monder ilockney CD guest speaker for the evening scholarships forv rrst and se and year students course are shown in theypho receiving their awards fr DrEE Mamaughton head of the GAO Dept of Physics left to right Black 1DunsJ MacGreg or Seaforth RMelt lnnes LondonI and Har man Mount Albert Ontario Tells Barrie Lions clubgjzj Nuclear Defence Problems One of the most unusual talks¢overed practicaUy all that is perimenis by the department of with discussion ever heard by known to the present on this National Defenceg Barrie Lions club was that given complicated and highly technical ma Jnhn Anders apt95s the Tuesday evening at Community Hnuse by Flight lieutenant subject One startlingfact is that the sincere appreciation and thanks ofllfe club toFlt Liout linger ChEStel Under Camp Baffle heat generated by nuclear ex for his unusual and atartling in introducell by Jim McLean tally important subject was thatofrnuclear ddence of whichhe had made astudyand vocation active service rig from 1940 and including ov seas he ed his dischar years was back on duty again with the RCAF on nuclear lission an woman plosions is the same as that of the sun Another comparison was that at ieastthreemlies distant the heat is of 1000 degrees weapon dropped on or nl would cause general destruction in 40 ile area he Most startling wasa showing of colormotron picture epictlng the actual explosion fromdiffer ent distances and of ferentn grees of puwet on lan sta in air These were all of renew formation on thiswltalsubieet unitair Cou oil inpluding your EDGAR ai AIBMEli HOSTBURDEN Milli Corporal Mihalech President of the institute and Flying oer 2Dutch Hollnnd honorary president ni TA Mler copes manyot theta mg shrimp through mlorartup II he flew the 20th Air Force at Guyii South Pacificwith the 3rd Bomb Wing in Korea he flow 328 from Dacember 1952 foluiy 1553 hi lags he married Gloria Pricer of Grass Vail California and theynow have four children Priorto being postcdtto Station Edgar as an USggF RCA exchange officer he was stationed at Tyndall Air Force Bush INVESTMENT CHATS mm on 89 Dunlap so Barrio How doyou pick an Answer To be successful in investing ltris seldom the result of lady luck tin or hunch but by being well informed in Vrstor Thlscertainiy does not mean that you must spend every spare moment reading an alyzing compenyre arts world trends and financesin general However you should have rea sonable interest mind this ru fore investing Your investment broker in daily reading bnalyziog comp reports on all things mentioned above many more it is his hustnes to be constantly informed as to what is taking place and pro gress in general an individuar could not nor would he be in position to accomplish the thin Your broker will give you re port on any company qr industry that you may be interested in and will help you to select ln vestments that would be best suited to your individual require meats all without any obligation tminlilcat its up totlitl pawn unlock ntllturls myrttrllr Mutants feature ml shrimp gm oytv hltolIJnzilinunand ollttm tiny on your pari is free for the asking it thats bird all ya that helps in Jenn mindsand mold careers will it pruridls fun boy or guitar hm rrloirlon thnnnli the door Cur action mm Ana For Christan narrows