Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1959, p. 3

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Mow its Aisle KIWloos CLUBBERS on millions Barrie Kiwanis President Bill Lang presented Retarded Children Campaign Chairman linrace Pratt with cheque or $100 Wednesday on behalf oi the Kiwanis Retarded child ens week endstodny Thc eneral public is invited to see what is being done for retarded childien by Visiting Sheltered Worsshup Duil lop Street East Friday Nov 27 from pm to pm and 730 to pm Canvassers will hecnllingat Barrie hou ses Nov 80 laminar Photo Barrie Kiwanis ClubObserves Agriculture Conservation Night £3 Kapuskasing Awards were presented at the Barrie Kiwanis Club dinner ii Nov 23 to members oi Mlnesing 4H Calf Club and to winners at South Simcoe and Centre sim coe plowing matches and tha 1959 Barrie Junior Fair The oo casino was Agriculture and Conservation night with Fred Pearson presiding The Edwin Wilson Trophy for grand champion silonan was presented by former Kl waniao Dr Wilson to Jean John ston of Hawkestone MacLaren praeuted the Brown and Go award tor cham Syuopsis Cold was west winds continued sweeping across eastern sections of On tario Wednesdsy night Tempera tures are near the mid205 in Southern Ontario and 540 above in Northern Ontario Considera ble cloudioms and scattered light snowflurries persisted through the night in many areas Light snowfalls west and south oi the Great Lakes are likely to ailect southern portions of Ontario late today and Friday but no great change in temperature is ex pected Soowilurries near tlle lakes are expected to let up as wind diminish gradually during the day Lake lluron Niagara Lake 0n tario Georgian Bay Halihurtoo regions London Toronto Hamil ton Mostly cloudy and condom ing cold today and Friday few sunwflurries this morning Occa sional light snow tonight and Fri day Winds westerly 1525 de creasing to light this evening he coming northerly ioanridsy Moosonee Toners Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Friday Windsor 32 St Thomas London Wingham Toronto Trenton St Catharines Hamilton Muskoira Kiilalpe Earltnn Sudbury North Bay white River oouoausmnsnnrznn saaeeenucss st runner cemetery STOCK PRICES pica showman in dairy cattle to Jeannette Riddoll of Alliston Rh The some tirms award ior heel cattlewcot to Herb Black at Foxmend RR The Ralph Snelgrovo cuss award for champion exhibilorin ticld andgarden crops was pre sented tecarolyu Peacock of gtSinyner TROPHY 10 STROUD BOY Barrie Kiwanis Club Trophy was presented to Ross Campbell of Slroud as champion exhibitor from local collegiates in the open classes Ross uttendsBar rie District Central His older brother Paul won this same tro phy theprevicus three years Ross also got the Sirncoe Dist rict Coop award presented by Al OConnor as champion live stock exhibitor Kiwanis Club awards watch es went to Robert Gilleo oi Miucsiog RR for North Sim coe junior champion plowman and to John Cooper oi Cooks townRR for South Sirncoe CALFCLUB AWARDS Awards were made to the fol lowing Minesiug Hi Calf Club members in order ofslanding at Achievement Day Barrie Fair David Maw 934 out of pos sible 1000 points Gordon Palmer 903 will Rogers 505 Vern Dob son 373 Edwin Rogers 851 Phil Dobson 82 Robert Giifeu 816 Robert Paddisoo 814 Brian Foy staa 802 Kiwanis special awards were given to Will Rogers grand champion beef showman Robert Paddison reheme champion Philip Dohson grand champion dairy showman David Maw re serve champion Club leaders are Russel Maw and Mervyn Parker gt Ontario Shorthoru Breeders awards were won by Robert Gillan Will Rogers and Edwin Rogers The Hereford award went toRobmt Paddison gtLDnIhs STONEAt the General Hospi tal Sault Ste Marie out on Tuesday Nov 1559 Mn Mabel Stone Mi Pine street Sault Ste Mario beloved wife 01 the late Kerry Stone dear mother Mrs norm fillet of saunste Marl and Mrs nthlcan MacDon gall oi Ottawa Resting at the osuluvan Funeral Home vWed nesday iron pm to pm Lbsnce by train to Phelpsten out thence to insetinch of st Patrick requiem highmnsl at am Thursday Nov 25 Interment ill cnmnnpg atonon by Flynn 1i Collier SL antm Abltlhi Paper Algomn Steel Aluminium Ltd Aroma Gag Atlas steeir dk of Montreal bank of ms Bell TcLVCo Brazilian aA on as power Cdn Bk ol Cpm Cdn Breweries emu can co Curt ennunnn on Con loin sin Con PIPE 5535 35 33V 265 13 toy 41 Acne 11 Sullivan Geno Mines Gunner IL 16 KerrAddlsnu Maritime so cons Danison Coo New My Damon Nnmehl moron fild Allied tZan Investment Fund ALE 961 All Canadian gt INDUSTRIAL Vin intro Nickgl or raw Jockepy Club Loblaw pr MINING no2 Massey Fe or Nizrundl Nor ant MG Moore Co Paulie Re nun Pipe Que Nat It salmon Ste of Can 341 Tor am no em Trans Can Pip Traderdlln Texaco Union Gut Walker cow New Hosco Coldstream uranium Sher Gordon United on Wiltsey nparwlsefl Growth BONDS covnummorcmana on 15 fDecl 1961 9555 movrncmr nnoV moments DNTABJO Bld Asked he insomniac Jan mess is 25 8900 Jan mun an ill 50 moo 97 poi lint 10050 too awn Grimace mo Sept 1981 omamq nunao ms feast mi mm April 137477 90 was July ions 9950 nonunion BTDCK preparing on since amnion smacks waiwmlnnniurémwm mialhequutloawhlchwlll Kmzfi not econ Prank ammo em William Walton nominatim lorBarrleCityCumeil which om 79mm Alderman Char ewten yunoldlinrmermandidah for inseamIa saldthen had been pressure on him to oppose Mayor Willard Xinzle who announced eek agobhinteuttostaadagam There bu been no other ludi calinnMnyor Kinda will be Mr posed There have even been suggestion alolllltl Burris he may be acclaimed mayor Alderman Newton said he ould certainly not or council It is my present intention to stand as Alderman for Ward Two hetald reporter But will ot dallnitely say antnot going tost for mayor have had my eye on tho msyoraliy for long time Alderman NEWtons political ambitions were dashed lye months ago when the directors of the cooperative lamproduc ing organization he works for issued telegram on the eve of his intended nomination for pro vinclal candidate ior the Liberal party The telegram statedany cooperative employee accepting nominatidn would be fired No members of the present council todaystsied they will not stand or reelection They are Eliseo Wice and Verner Ham am not even going to the nomination meeting Alderman Wice told The Examiner Thats the sslest way Alderman Hamhly has said he wants to ease up He is still set ive in public life despite his 79 years and will retain place an the Harbor Committee and lb Barrie Agricultural ety Board This summer he has done lot of work on the bayflll pro gram Today he was resting at his home sllltering from arthrit ls nudvmny not be able to get to the nomination meeting Contests in three of the citys tour wards seemed certain to day But in Allandaie there is still no indication of enough cau didates to make auhelectiou Announcement by Les Joliife unit he will stand for WordOno puts our candidates up for three seats The others are Aldermen Death follows Tumble Barrie carpenter working on thesewaga construction site near Barrie Dock Wednesday died alterlalling through the shell of pumphousa he was helping to build Jack Baker in his 40s San ford Street stepped ona two byiour while he was putting braces in said Emery Eugirn caring and Contracting Co Ltd Superintendent Ray Campbell today The stripof wood broke and befall airkwardiy lrcctur inghis skull He was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie where he died about live hours later on the op erating table Mr Baker tell about 10 feet layer of scaifolding below him failed to arrest his fall to the eemeutvfloor lie was the fatherol five ohil dren statements they willstandvtor rm election Four likely candidates or Ward lwolre again three coimcllmen and an diallengerl ix is former aldermanlocum beats are 0D Williams who still has lastinlpute doubts but will probably be persuaded again to stand Charles Wilson and it he does n6 Alderman Newton iiams said today he will stand to prevent an acclematlon For mer alderman Elbhywiil attend tonights uoxulnntionyand may run in Ward Two Tonights nominees for Ward Three are likely to be present uldermen Fred Churchill Morrow Fad Smith and former Reeve Mumiy Mills All appear to have rolccted the temptation totrnove into the easier adjoining wards WARD FOUR Three candidates only have to data made definite statements they will stand in Word Four They are Alderman Mar scllus who has topped the Allan dals poll for years to the dis comiiture of more sophisticat ed Wouldbe councilman Mrs Dorian Parker defeated narrow ly the year before last and Clif ford Frlth Mr Frith told re porter today he would detlnltely be in the lleld Defends Trading An information bureau on dis count stamps commonly lmown as trading stampsdigs been set up in Toronto to counteract the widespread campaign that has flared recently against these stamps Byrue Hope Sanders research advertising and marketiogexee alive Toronto has been on pain to help guide the educa tional work to beimdcrtakenby the bureau in an interview with The Ex aminer Miss iSnoders ones World War in director of the Consumer Brunch Wartime Pri ces and TrndclBoard gave definition iordhe coutraversia retail stickers We use the word discount stamps because it seems to des cribe most clebrly just what the stamps areadiscount on cash Whether customer buys cup nineties or big order the dis count is the same about per eeutof his purchase When these stamps were redeemed at the same store had the name of the stoie printed on them Borria Deserves The Best gt3 ELECT In meatthisvenrisjtlfizlzs ax warmmwws by 1149 yld innsis noon scbooL mom separ ate uhrioltairppyeisbold also einpt owed uhwk eminent buildlt muhicipnl and ii was 528795 Business Itcly January 15 sons DOUBLED mm DONATION It was regular Junior fled Cross meeting at No Innisfil School this week and Elizabeth Jmsou the president was acting as chairman The subject at Retarded Childrens Week Wu under discussion and hem one of the children in the group cadre motion to donate $5 tothe campaign as Ion been done in the past When the time came to vote all the girls raised their hands in favor of the1motion and the boys voted against The teacher intervened to ask the boys why theyvoted against the motion Dont you want to give $5 to retarded children The reply No We think we should double ill and the value of the stamp priutcd on them they were de clared legal Mnin va1ue to business and consumer is the sameit keeps the cost of prices down food prices are kept down it is great pleasure ocean sumers to be able to save for something out oi their house hold budget Miss Sanders disputed ihe CanadianAssociation of Consum ers stand that the consiuuer pays more or products when trading stamps are lovelyed She said that the discounts are really giits from the customers to themselves at no extra cost because theyiucrease business the marketing costs of store areless per customer lfladvertising and all other types of promotional programs did not increase desire for consumer goods our economy would be back in the dark ages Those people who are keen on criticizing promotional schemes should remember that competi tion is at the very basis of our free economy ltllomoo isunmowm cpler you want WIfiFémwfllwbm an toxinssmooch mveumm contour corner singll or doublehed slur dual ml lasted Thu challenger Ernie Petrimou assessment willhe returned Townaihpfiillmthe All hours one handouth our noun lnuislll eutreeve willconteatitheseat with wlulam empbem no or deputyreevo nudmaysnlso haveexreeve Allan Todd an the ballot or the seat Deputy Reeve Joe Cochrane stated he was withdrawing his nomiun tion tor the reeveahlp in order to coutmt the Wilmette seat with Councillor John Top cillor Mrs Mary Law and Wil liam Gibblos willhave our in the contest with them unlm they decideby pm Thursday to withdraw William Martin Reginald Hobbs Eben Sawyer ad Allan Todd were nominat The two school boards which lmder avehange to twoyear tcrm were up for reelection left the No area short one man if the withdrawal of Fran cis Crane is accepted or if Roy Goodlcllow who was not pr cot and had not accepted nomination decided not to stand No Area Board has six as pirants to the boatd ct tnistees Russell Stewart previous chair man oi that board having de cided to withdraw They are Jamest Drew Wilson Gordoo Todd Frank Keil James Raiuey Donald Realty and George Lucas For the No Area trustees those nominated wera Ferguson Fralick Bruce Wine Pram sutherlaud Lloyd Booth Frau els Crane and Roy Goodicllow Unless one of the last two agree to stand there will have to be another nomination ior board Lloyd Booth said that had there been sufficient nom inations to make up the mem bershipol the boardhe would have retired this year While the time for the closing Cdmb97i Inlamsfili Id convinced that hens In nwdkdnqdllnekneamnrAusn lrétoh gave brid mume of general conditions Harem to decide Whites ed mdm ceding lullllmeutoLtheir citizen The tirst spokmneocalled on were therepresentatives to the ditarict high schools Campbell oi theBarrle area board was first to take the floor He read on intermting report of that board Representative Cllif Iioekhart said he was more than ever the district schools was the best way of handling the problems and that the intermingiing of the rural and town pupils was good for both groups BradfordDistrict High School was represented by Frank Keil whorgava condserrcport of the doings of that area board PUBLIC SCHOOL AREAS Russell Stewart speaking Sr No Arearelcrrcd the rate payers to the statement distri butedand lniormed the meeting that hewould not be candida for next yearlboard Francis Crane chairman of No Area Board told the audlt ience that alter the years he had puton the boardhe had de cided to withdraw his nomin ation and thanked the men with whom he hsdwnrked praising themfor their cooperation He said the new Stroud school would be ready for use next Monday There had been some delay owing to the outside doom not being available Calling thoseuomioated for the the school board James Drew Wilson altered his ser vices as trustee with chil dren going to school Gordon Todd stressed the importance of the schools and ash was to have children attendingyhejelt that he should otter his services to the board as trustee Frank Ken also agreed out Duane Diamond Wotchisforevei when it has that eeb waship he wonldsiand or clectlnn sgam James Rainer felt that heshould siaypnthlboardas representativeml the school ieclt lion in which he iived Donald Beaity said he would again run for trustee lie wou dered how the board wouldbava managed had all five member been newly elected atthis cam log election Speaking oi the little red school house he said they were not doing badly Wthlhem we have some where all eight grades are taught othersmave some ot the grade transported to other schoolsbe noted Area two trustees beginning with Ferguson Eraliclr who agreed to stand or reeleclloll said that in the chairmanship of Francis Crane the peoplehnd man who watched thoexpend lure of public llmds very care fully Fraser Sutherland said he would be candidate or next year and told the ratepayers that the official opening ot the new Stroud school would be held Decll Lloyd Booth the veteran trus foe who has been on the board since the area was set upjn ms said that ii there had been sufficient nominations he would giro t3 have retlarfid this year serve next Npmgnees cm reeves lps were then given no opportunity to speak to the rate payers lhcave Sproulo said that it was with feeling at abidinguessil that he came 32 are rate YElS of Speaking of county affairs he said that this year thctownship had sat some of the money back that they had been paying into the county treasury Depuw Reeve Cochrane chain man of the township roads eom mittee said that it was good to see more people turning up for the election Continued tomorrow lmlr blameL Proclslon Id mud mammme amlwellm Em Inclllt midi with diamonds or wonEm lFFE RENCE Bouisitely watches enriched with the blazing heauty of precious diamondsllha famous Eulova ditferenee gives lifetime of reliable ti elf ceiling mam novmnooiuli Nowhere nutmm lull $95M See the Buiova Watches On display at nlLL LEBOEUF JEWELieRsi sznnmp sulwnsr nannies NEWESTJ NEXTTOV waiter SeeLOnvr CompleteVSelection of Boleyn Watches BENSON lE AND caromrel Wattage for council and

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