Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1959, p. 22

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responsibility He must be Automoh SH lAétgrs fcIASqlc We llaveEveryrhing You Could In Used Car AndWailing May Mean Mivssingvoluil Choose Your Automobile MOTORS LTD co Open 35 FORD SEDAN LlCENCE H2946 $1195 1956 BUICK ROADMASTER door Hardtop $1995 1954 WiLlivs SEDAN Licence Russo 3199 1956 FORD SEDAN Licence Hid953 Q1199 at KRAMER THE CAR YOU WANT FULLY RECONDITIONED ME RLGHT lNl DO IT soom Evenings ForYour Convenience less BEDFORD VAN licence mm 1958 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Licence 8144352 $1399 1952 PLYMOUTH 1952 CHEVROLET Licence luvm Licencc 7547+ 1957 CHEVROLET 1955 METEOR Licence Hal506 1053 CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery 1955 STUDEBAKER $399 $999 1962 PoNilAc $499 Licence nouns ASll TRADE FINANCE KRAMERSC USED CAR LOT 97 Bradford or Dogs Pei Stock LUCKYS PEI SHOP 115 BRADFORD sit LARGEST SELECTIUN DP molt CAL FISH AND NORTH OF TORONTO Futurillg Long Life Wiincs cascn Grcwol lustrltn lint lionninin Bridging Cnnaiizs Turtles Complete unur mnpiiu also of the montn PA 82555 sUPPLIis cli coLLin PUP run SALE Pnnnc PA Miss 376 PURBBRED Irish setter Puppch nutufll hunters Reasonnhic Phone PA Mint evenings 67dlt77 cirmnnisNis Ponies nvnilnhie good homes mi winter mnn ippiy nox si Barrie Examiner 67475 Employment 7A Help Wanted Mole pEXPERIENCED MECHANlC Mnehsnic experienced in lront one alignment nodyinnn mliy experienced Apply Service Manager BAY CITY Moiogs LiD1 PA 85525 BODY SHOP ANDPAM AUTOMOTIVE HAS EXCELLENTOPENING MFOR WAREHOUSE MAN Thnmnn we are oldrig forumult he sully experien in this lino Ind must on prep red to aspirin if sortable energetiq nun who dgliriite mnegerinl obillty Oniy 11 mph with the nicessnry experi enii infill inpgplyll nrti laxn to PY on pox rr nAiuiiE EXAMINER 7A7571 cuss ninmiANw erlenced tn henvyequipment Goo openinl or right man vnmn nms Ltd Barrie 7Az577 JANITOR WANTED in Barrie in exchangc for livln quarters in apartment building derly coupln pretence Phone Stmud azaii 7A1i7n rwovnime WEN for time rionr cleaning scivice to is ours each evenlng state gc height Jwelght Ind bone number 1an No 69 Blue Examiner 7A7577 on noon23v Servlccnfln with by munttnn experienre and geneni lrln Applyntntiny lge nus em on Inlaryto no Examiner nPPlllnnc stote ngz quzimcniion an slilry tapas Ennln Exnmlncr 7A751B Na 70 En 7CSalesnien Agents 7A7s7s BARRIE iiiHelp Wanted raisin Female rwo WOMEN for office ciuning CORON ET to in pro cnch evening stoic use STAINLESS fiddle nnd Bonn number In Box STEEL Examiner 73 7577 STARTER SET RELIABLE LADY to come to house SAvE $300 to cure for two Children while mother teacher on and Clog or souum Reg $695 ncrton Phone cvculngs PA siso HS17 NOW ONLX $395 AT ROBINSONS HARDWARE 31 humor sr Wanted UPPDBTUNITY to em nxtrn money selling nvcrydny ncceu uuNll or put time to your lflcndlnr neighbours Write Elw lelghe in EvinGM 4005 Richellnu nnlrcnl flopIi 7DEmployment Wanted wrnL LOOK after or children in my own name Any In Phone PA mvini YOUNG worms complete oilii twin ummliml km 75 on ox Banl mines moau COOK novsmernn in ldult family or looking utter luvlid Good wiles nflcrcdi Beferenc Apply noxdi Barrie Exlmlner 751415 EDDIE AGE Llliy will polition in eidsriy gentlemans homes gt housekeeper APPly to Mrs Hayes on 25 Highwalh lintwest or CPll tncxs 7D7l75 nAloY sirrim hy competent mlddleaged noninn afternoon or evening nu day sifting occuion ally Ruldnncc Allandnln For anywhere transpottntidn provided References Phone PA 39715 707537 SCRATCH PADS For Sale Out To Any Size gt risePER LB Orders Accepted At THE BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS OFFICE SEPTIC TANKS PUMPE Delivery crusher Limestone MORAN For Sale finenemg mm AnE YOU INTERESTED BETTER SEAGE Inquire Ibout Bakelite vinyl silos mid vis Queen PolYethyleiie lilm CALL FDBERTS GAs 29 PENETANG ST BARBIE 14ti Priced for soilsI anci io ninntion PA nan Aver PA and $999 memo mu $555 Deluxe Licence seem $1495 si7s PA 824 swn as Newsprint FILL GRAVE TOP SOIL Excavatlmi one inning wmi Elirig Flatt PFGET PIANO Solid walnut uick nlc Phone PA 31571 moi AUTOMAGXG wshing tin chine and stainless steel sink com onro usisn coLnniAlv OilSpace Heat ers in good condition no Burton omme detnd buy CEDAR Popsrs Anchm com at WRITE WmeN lr nos no Dim ohms PHONE ALLAN em in 0an IICIANICI Tooi mien mom IlHl lO Farm Supplies AIOA leesroékfor Sole wanna Pics loi uh York not old Lluidrm Bowl In lmlrslluo nounin pmTtfinAleX 3m curt may lOBfleestock Wanted lnieny cowl um up Steinfull nrtiruun in letter Apply no Burl nmlnfl kn1 ANTED he CllVBl for Vill Si no isles on or lily ioninv on houses notch Mun no rcnlonlbly riecd nnd rollbl or would hours in tennitlll and of my to Phono semi nvenln ion7 runner aoimln mum duo Dec to the ice of Bond ii vcn im Applchln ic mm high reducing dams ccrcdltcd nn mo Jenniy an ma lllA757B WANTED one year OCImplements cocxsiiurr Pm squirm SPECIAL SALE Power motif Combine from gimp 53 Common rel JR 5800 Swnthcrm reg nln 5581 xi so lnt model has LAMPB PA c7123 IOGHOlzy lODSeed and ed BALI or BAY wontilig DEKALB no proiit nuuntn The choico of better point up everywhere lap in iiun ty high en mone ttiio lulu evin Excellcn on unfity and more income over ecd sumo pulletl and dnyold chicks lvnllhble Fux service cu HUNTERS POULTEY FARM STROUD Tl coo nn ruinn luylng well nmounu strand ion3 viii sell in smnii iOFDairv Equipment VIKING flectrlc Cream Scpnrnlor med short time Elmvlie luFlcIs 11 AMortgage Loans lilDItTGAGES ill mozno nought sold Inl rmucd Commentl mi residential money ionized on uinin marquee Dorrie non gnge sum mu 15 Lost and Foimd LOSTl lldys watch Vhitn gold 22a nun 157475 lct Reward Return to lap 5t Wt POUND Quantity of money Owner me have lame by ldenn lying and suing for this ad Phone PA 347 157578 STMYEDFrem Loiv lion VCSprA Township black and white Holstein Heifer Anyone knowing Whalerbout cautIcLWil nur Dohson PA wooI iSInei LOSTFowl Beagle inst Satin day vicinity Dwell nnd Grove Ste lnnlsfii Townshl dog in No so Please nntitv dress Edit Stu Apt 151578 16 Personnii HYPNOTlSM If you suffer from lnsomnin lack confidence ulccssive smoking eating oridtinklnz emnttonnl or nervous disorders undesirable but its or pick of penny o1 mind tum cnn he Iovercnme he consultn uons DAY on EVENING PHONE PA oasii 10DISCOUNT3 MOUTON coAr size 14111 excel ent condition 35o Phone PA ssssi offrcgular price or DUOTHERM OIL SPAUE HEATERS sultlblcfor five ham Model nice cu rt in and conoiun PA WI men roamed sevenoniy in Piioivn EEATING nm gtSIMCOEC0Dl PA W511 $100 Phelps PA Mild EWSPAPER slag mil iocu ror hon houses stuc ourgel one feet lnrnintor excellent condition home or rhgne Orn ms erlect hook Phone PA cos mismatch Waitress roi mock gar Closed Suitday Phone IA quires Prion PA c4734 guns issisrnm mm write to Box oi Be nmincr mting phone in her and enclose old it cool we isAve AN apehlng im mm lndy in our oiiicc sing glrl refined with mntrleulntlnn onnssei Applyinown rm wrltlnr giving ilgcnnd experiencn lny lnThu Public Ukillfle Cnm milllom Box Rlnlo antti via7c PA 78 MUST nimucr srocx oEx Ave PA scion GARAGE folding door storm windows lrflw Illd mottrcnnl nk Apply Mnyor Motel PA amv USEDSALE FIRST choice am stu lhOWIll POOLE BROS c1 CLAPPnnrnNst Monitors came cans bhnketgwlth ths cednr ehen cur till Balls on scnnsrsllso rbert drier hone PA noon 911 107 DIECBUNT lull prion un Duo Thbrm uil spice lieten Sill ledorJn woven flamed Model 715 Seven only In Phone helUli dupnflmmt PA cooled motor cumpluzagwl Itch pom taken unit Apply all Servch tom Burton null nu lined Home Permlnenis ctcr hyjex cri saws GENERAL Electric iietrigo star in Phone 8H sPAce flcltn ismooo pm in mp Baxden 37076 io momAme module Range sfuri MOFFAT burner Bin avail own Lmmnme l8vlloorn and Board lSA Room for Rent a747a RAPE GUITAR good condition including use our lulldnrgufllnn chuonlbiel lim bed kilcnai suvé rm Edmond min or Iny non rnr is ammo st Phone =37m WISCDNEIN cylinder vty 113 150 BEAUTY slioP Cold Waves or enced licenced hairdruier PA 39552 BBBUMATIC PAiZNr you surm from hunches Iimhngn scitins try RUDIACAFS todly to hciiz bring you prompt rellef nru gist everywhere Lu nun 5768 i6A Wornans Corner uAvs YOUR wlniir cool short ed also Iiterations Phone FA cola poll7517 nousnirnnrme Mlple Ave coivrsoncAnLe Bedroom in good home Two blockllrom rllnawntnwn as 7iIe nnom Apply co IAIIGE comtomhie bedroom onntrni Anninon Lndy prclerr PA opium lvA75Ia FURNISHED nonmdowntown not 11 dellred Working peran Alatuner FA 667411 PunNisiinp uodion lltflien gr vilech Sui two girls piy utter ii on Plltc tvlc nurtlrn 13$ wntn Auction min For niicis mnnths old Gordon nix my lurkInc Cull mm with rhinestones nnd block hrnccv Canoes ismr mum AN ID ml Home cooling PA 55 ice11 mic Arm nonnp for on com trll bouillon Humbk Phon PA um CIITI nooin Arm BOAn hum AllMl loos Am noun tor Ian or girls Lam chin room mu upnls beds Laundry inclndoo end Phone PA mo iceMl l9 Legals DEBENTURES FOR SAL hundred Ind unnum township of nu datum um on hum 75 interest meuipto zo ynnn noted new so nominationsH000 Dell dhien 15 31 inf nun pro Blnk Alllllon Oldenlllcuglad all TorontoDominion hunk Afliflon or my member of council or oinnfou Imn he been ulended liT dlyl PEACOCK Reeve Phone ivy 7113 EELLL Trees PA 85684 £7578 21 Auction Sole SATURDAY DEC ol lmplnmenil iiny Till 3n some household effects Run in st Let rum Township new JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer museum WAGE Disrurc on or survey Concession luv mllu southeast Luge Term cllh sale It 12 pin By DON Arrrinm Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CP possi fessionul cmployaes from federal government service hasgidded to the governments staff problems Therpresident of the Profes sionnl Institute ofthe Publlc Service snmelz sold Wed uesdey professionals will start leaving their jobs by the hun ldieds within the next month if Pay increases are not granted He told this is not group move but an accumulation nfyin dividuni decisions arising from dissatisfaction with salariesfol lowing the governments an nouncement last month that it cannot afford general increases this yeanHe added Certainly Christmas is the deadline This move by profeSslonal em ploycgsviikeiy would affect par ticularly scientists and top tech nical staff involved in vital se curity Work in the department of national defence Mr Snmetz saidthere is con certed drive by private enter prise underway at themoment forthese men cranks INCLUDED Other professional government workers also were preparing to respond to nifcrsfrnm private in dustry universities and high schno The institute represents about 5000 of the governments 9000 professi al employees The dispute is expected bring sharpdebate when Parlia merit opens seveuweeks George Mcllinitb Liberal MP ttnw West bnsgiven no Innis surrounds 0nt CPl Irene Lena it three month old daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Link died of without at home Tuesday sne be lieved to have become entangled in blankeiswhile sleeping lBA75Ili biiity at mass exodus of pro Johnny Bright of Edmom ton Eskimos was nomcdto the Western lnierpmvinclhl Football Union ulnar team in November 1959 Bright holds more that record from college lootbdl pinyin the United Stiles and tut cannon set rushing innk for Canadian football at 1722 vyud in 296 curler GP Photo in No Action in Wide Autos TORONTO UP Attorncy General Roberts said Wednesday the province does not plan to take action against owners of 1960 cars which exceed the legal Winch maximum width He sold nine 1960 models are slightly wider than the limit specilled by the Highway frnf lic Act lucsdev the attorney general met officials at Ford Motor Co psny of Candida to discuss the legel widths They told him Ford ill slim down its 1961 models Six Fords purchased by pro vlnclnl police units will be re turned to the companys Onkvliin plentnnd equipped with shorter bumpers to hriogthem down to legal widths Moss Exodus 0i KeyWorkers lidds To Ottawa Stall Trouble like of motion to have tabledain the Commons report to the gov ernment by the civil service com mission on recommended pay rates The government has de dined to make the report pub Hi Adding pressure for govern ment action have been large pro test meetings by public servants across Canada threatened work stoppages and the national the Ontario governmentrecently in giving its employees general pay boost Schools Spread firms Bail Drive TORONTO CPlThe Univer sity of Torontos faculty commit tee on nuclear disarmament said Wednesday its movement against nuclear weapons is spreading to other universities and citizen groups The committee said its petition urging ban on testing and prm ductiun of nuclear weapons has arnilsed sympathetic intercst st McMaster University and Mc Giil University It had also aroused interest aniong privaicfcitizeiis in Tor onto and nearby Pickering Town ship AY Nov dugrs Bridge HALIFAX CB1116 Ilmmud log blue of toll collections an the boom Cartier Bridle in Monti reel be turned over to por m7 Commit early in matter wide open lama gulonrlrmport Minister been sold Wednesdu night lhn mmt followed rc ris nithruts count two or officials of the national bor borc board shortly before anio nuiic toll machines replaced man on the bridge Mr Heel told be we filed story was out in the DMvWG hnvo bed this under fumigation for two years he sold in an in terview We were pave chin to get em uh evidence or can Vldlon Mr Hens denied he was threat enedunresilltoftbedcdnlonto make toll collecting automatic but confirmed threats were made against Ciunent rupcrln tcndent of the bridle And Guy Benudet Montreal harbor man ages in en Attempt to stop in stallation01 the machines One threat was made by gunmlp stallion FOR secnncr Brig Maurice Archer choir Prpbe man at the notionni berborl board said it bud beenhopnd the identities of the threatened men could be protected bech of their wives He added thAt no member of the board we thnnfcned Mr lines said he had not received letter lrom Douglas Fisher CCP member of the Com mons for Port Arthur who said in 0an Wednesday night he nakedthn mnfter be turned em to the railway committee The harbors board whlcli operates the span is within the province of the committee Mr Fisher said he suggested that three aspects of toll collee iionr at Jacques Cartier be in vestigated after rlnirn cut open Jun 14 Threats And rumors of threats against the minister and harbor bond am cinls The possible mnifm nncc of Income The poul blllty that political patronnge may be factor in form of kickback Mr lines said there were no dismissals of bridge employees for patronage reasons upon the change of government Committeellacklin To Hospital licquitted 0f Slaying Daughter PARRY SOUND CPJTFiailk Jacklln 42 Wednesday night was ordered committed to an Ontario hospital after belugacquitted by reason of insanity of the bludgeonslnying of his daughter The truck drivers 22yearold dnughter Dorothy wnsbnttercd to death on deserted road Just north of here last December whiln Jeddinc wile watched helplessly Jurors deliberated IV hours after Mr Justice Charles Stewart at the OntarloSupiems Court instructed them they could return only one of two verdicts gullty of murder or not guilty by reason of lnsnnity with few exceptions witnuses during the abdoy trial were due tors psychiatrists or policeA psychiatrist testified Wednesday that Jackiin is hi state of natural imbccllity other witnesses describedhim nementaliy deficient with the in lligence ofrnn elgbt enrold Allow 31 rainees To Complete Term TORONTO CPlSeven train ees of the Canadian School of Practical Nursing dismissed by Scarborough General Hospital will be nliowed to finish their training term hospital officials said Wednesday Sister St Rosaline dimctor of nursing at the hospital said she had been deeply concerned at re ports that the school planned to sue the government nnd felt it best to sever any connection with the school But on reconsidering the matter shesaid she decided the girls deserveiilsticc They wt to the schoolin good faith and should he allowed to finish their training period at the hospital Training terms and at different times for each trainee and range from one week to more than month from now sonar Horse sporkguVOte rite BELLEVlLLE or roy commission inquiry has infected this city with civic election thusiasm thatrnsy mslge some ballot papers appear likelvoting lists At Wednesday nights nominal lion meeting seven in were named to bontest the mhyoralty 42for 14 counc seats Last year th mayoral was decided by acclamotion and only 11 persons contested thesevep oneyear councilseatsl gt The commission report re leased earlier this month said the city rauup ammo deficit moron but ableto distinguish be tween right and wrong Dr Kenneth Grey of Tat onto lawyerpsychiatrist cold Jackiln told him it was the zloiceot God that told him to do Dr Alqtnnder Finlayson os sistant superintendent of the Oril lln Ontario Hospital School said he visited Jsclilln few days after he was jailed and concluded he was mentally ill Jacklin trembled uncontrollebly during the trial and kept fixed stare at the floor Dorothy eldest of his ninecbfl dren was killed with car bumper when she refused to am swer question about whether she intended to continue living in boarding house Easy BirihVSuit May Be For Queen OTTAWA CPT An easy birth decompression suit be worn by the Queen when she has her third child early next year the South African Informn iion Service said Wednesday An information office spokesl man said that while details of the suit are not available here it is designed for wear during in bor to eesé childbirth by com trolling air pressure on the abdo men The wearer can control pressure to suit bcr comfort The suit was developed by Witwatersrand University in lo hennesburg One has been lent to Kings College Hospital in Lon don at the specilic request of Dr John Peel the Queens gynaecol ogist Orange KISI through illegal ttcsnsaciionsend the gross neghgonce of the city council and some of its soo ior oiflcials The report Wiilmott of Cnhourg sugges Bellech voters look new civic administration to remedy the sl nation when they goto the polls so by Judge Arthur

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