Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1959, p. 2

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comma Oiflcer ol RCAF Station Edgar Wing Commander Hockney RCA EDGAR 615 is seen congratulating coration They are from left three airmen who were award to Flight Lieutenant John ed the Canadian Forw Three Airmen Win Decoration The Commanding Officer of ECAF Statlon Edgar Wing Com mander Hoolmcy CD rel ccntly presented the Canadian Forces Decoration to three airv 130 The presentation was made after the CO and his aide Flight Lieutenant Hammond had in spected the squadron on parade The first to receive the award was Flight Lieutenant John liar ris John started his career as an AC2 and rose to the rank of Flight Sergeant before receiving his commission in 1944 During World War ll he flew with tho RAFin England and India The second to receive tb award was Sergeant Joe Lev esque The sergeant joined tho RCAF in 1943 and was promoted to his present rank in Sgt Levesque is one of six rathers who served in the armed forces during World War ll Four were in the army and two in tho RCAF The third to receive the award was Corporal Bob Gilson Bob joined the HCAF in 1948 and re ceived his Air Gunner Wing at No Bombing and Gunnery School Mont Jolie shortly altu During December 1944 and Lime 1945 he flow as an air gunner with No 532 Path fiindchquadion in England TheCahadianfnzrces Decora tionis gilt in color in the form of decagon each of the ten sides being representative of provin anlfBum Smith House Fibre old Smith house on Pene tang Street will not after all be burned down Council has agreed to let Watson demolish it at no cost to the city Council twp weeks ago voted to burn therhouse alter receiving armootier Io wreck it The burning would be done under su rvision of the iiiechief uttbe Fir and Tratiic Com mittegthis week reported to councll it had received five olf ers to demolish the house Mr Watsons ofieris accepted subject to the condition he will remove the veranda immediate to allow for grading on Queeh Street which isbeing extéddcd throng thesite of the buildinglhevfemainder of the house must be demolished by the end of February and the grounds must be cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Public Act obverse the uncrowned elflgy word Cana ely The name of the recipient decoration ulations woman LEG caught his not and leg in further examination Barrie Court Wednesday with comer of Streets his proceedin ion by Masts he wantedto ask theofficer any questions stated that in his opinion the evidence given very fair lie had been warned that his drivers licence would be automatically cancelled by the Department of Transport in registering convictio the magistrate said that 7hevanied the responsibility was his for clear before he proceeded into the intersection He was fined $30 and costs cc of Canada it bears on the the Sovereign encircled by the Canadian Ro al Title with the on the lowest side On the reverse appears crown maple leaves and an eng is representative of the Navy Army and Air Force respectiv engrnved around theedge of the The Canadian Forces decor tion is awarded to officers men of the Canadian forces who in an approved capacity have completed period of 12 years service in accordance with regv Eighteenyearold Jhn Killy carrot machine at Holland River Gardens Co Ltd at Bradford Wednesday After being releas ed by another employee who need blowtorch to out metal bar he was taken to York Goun ty Hospital in Newmarket for George Diectrlch ofthe bib line ofinnisfll was charged breach of the Highway Traffic the vehicle badbeen in collision with two others at the High and Dunlap Constable McKenzie said that apparently Mr Diectrich had taken signal from driv on thatch ho wasawaitlng without first to see ti ih waynwas clear on tberigbf As result there was damage totallingo $500andthe charge against 7th CD Sergeant Joseph by RUSS DAVEY Executivemrecior Did youmiss it We hope not because Dave Wilson gavemany oivus the kind oi insight and stimulation which is so valuable ior us to share Who is Dave Dave is the Fra tcrnai Secretary who is on fur laugh from the YMCA in Poki ston and spent rather hectic day in Barrie last Tuesday What with newspaper interviews luncheon radio and television interviews supper with the Ys lien and an open meeting at C1 GE in the evening he had busy day and all who heard him found both pleasure and enrich ment as he described the politi cnleconomic and social situa tion in dikturbchnkistan which is struggling for nation hood At eyery meeting Davnrwas challenged with the question Do you find that the Moslems are reluctant to relate themsel ves to Christian organization Daves answer gave new depth of understanding to all of us as he said No the Moslems are proving themselves strong and interested members in our As sociation because the there and all sroinzd theworld empha oi Highway Traffic iict castes OccupiedMagistrates Court vehicle undcti tinrcstigntion then took of tovihobaulevard and parkedilis cars The charge was reduced to impaired driving and accused was found guilty with fine oi 5100 Accuseds solicitor stated that he will appeal the cas chargingxthere were some diff erences Ill the cvidencc given by the stable and that of crown wimessh arn in sunburn to bring tons attention that not seeing that the way was ona selling order and converse ly the maximuruyprice thattbe in raw and Crawford sndlcn Lia appreciated broker can pay on purchase WWI were Glenna Graham otolydlmrganiud last night or lngnitllcsesalqantthnYHYW whln Whit Clel Ai torney Kennedy the club rpeakcncalled to wu unablc to attend Levecque CD and Corporal Bob Gileon CD RCA Photo NEWSDF EY silcs that the YMCA is not iukl an association of Christian young men but it is Chrlitinn assotn tlon to whichnll people can be long The evening talk at the GE Club Room was Daves major presentation and froth the re sponse at those who did attend it can only be classed as high ly succequ occasion In addb tion to his splendid prescntatlnn of the evolution of Pakistan into nationhood and tho description of the growth at the in La hore in which he has played so important part Dave showed series splendid colored slides which depicted the people and the growth of this unusual country All oius plied him with questions at the end of his pres entation and were won over to this dedicated young man who presented his story so clearly and simply Many of us lnour daily lives whether through our choice of professions or our choice of lche ure time activities sock wayf to serve our fellow man Few of us am sure would find the courage and the sense of values which would allow us to rip up our homes and our liv es and transplant them intofa strange land where customs clothing food and language are all strange and difficult Wa have become so used to the many services and fnciities and resources thntyare at our heck and call that we would he very reluctant to ii these thingsfieven in the service of humanity Yet Dave Wilson made this choice and through his work in Pakistan has achieved degree of personal fulfilment which think most of his audiences of Tuesday last envied very mucbu This was splendid introduc tion for the people of Barrie into the work at the YMCA which goes under the banner of World Service We are assured of even greater response for spear of Daves kind lnclns ing we ouid like again to regi ter the almost appreciation to Canadian General Electric allowing usthe useof their so itnrium it was wonderful ser vice which nllof those present PEQGRAMJPMS COPPER WORK Mar Morris invites all those interested to the Adult Copper Tooling Class to cometo the Thursday eyening Nov 2v pm After hesitant start Max says verything is organiz ed for ambitious attack on cop per work GYM CENTRES So llalpcnny Lands and Forest ruperlntendaat from Midhurst who been booked to take chute Outdoor Life pampered his talk for on how and than gavelt to the whole elm Thlalntumlelt class with nothingtodotborflntbmr lo the Judo section found itself with extra volunteers some nttlredin straightfiklril and high heels which are not the beat habit on thla enerdse Although instructor Cicerole not admit Judo is form of wrestling selfdeien cc he says some of the man oeverl involve bodies flying through the air in the best Satur daynightonTV manner Fern Todds ballroom class was sparsely attended This at least gives thedancing ltudenta more personal attention And it was fortunate the balance of partners worked out well BOBBY GEOUPE There were two dosityouraeii hobby groups set up Onc played cards the office The other set up cameral llghtarand model and shutterbugged away contendedly Name oi model Joan Wallwln The group intends to use ndliler¢nt modeleach weekii suitieient volunteers oanboiound SoEd members heard about the hazards of spending strand ed threcmontha in Northwestern Ontario bushland the lovelife oi the bull moose walking on muskcg and watching buck disappearing into the forest with nys tent He liberélly interspersed his talk with informative material and humor one incident where hesteppcd elegantly into canoe only to flip thewholo caboodie in the river wnsfunnier for his des acription of the deadpnnlndian couple who watched his efforts As he disappearednndcr he cough out of jtha corner of his eye limpse of the Indians not agfliclrer at smile BACK BADDLED gt One doesnt often backpaddle in canoe butoncé when an ad venturousi camera fiend in the party dvd ed Ho li moose aportive Mrl Haipcnny decided to whack the thing with paddle Herwbncked it alright only to discover they were in shallow water The mouse plantedvhisfeet in the came as be reared his bull dozingdhody out of the water and the crew did fast disappearing octbackpnddling Howevernot all of the talk was limited to humorous incid eats and SoEd members think ing of taking off for the great outdoors will have profited by his talk Later the club held fashion parade Dresses were some of themost original seenfiwalking the city for years They were de signed on the spot by the gentle material usedku The PU tent on its backbfr Helpen andBenBroomstra The gar mentwasnvcnianpt nthcrthananckdrus What was it supposedtn be not Ina laid designer Franny shaltghtlngupooeoftheclgan bewonfauprire Speaking in Barrie and on the vital question oi Church Union is the Right llcv Wilkinson the Lord Bishop oi the Diocese oi Tomato Bishop Wilkinson is one at the leaderc in this subject The Brother hood of Anglican churchmen oi Trinity Church Barrie is aponsorlng the address which begins at pm at Trinity Par as can L06 SANTA CLAUS PARADE Elmvala Board of Trade will sponsor its annual Santa Claus parade Saturday Dec 12 Ernie Brown is chairman of the coll mitten new seeking floatsi LODT $1000 Thieves took an estimated $1000 worth of small electrical appliances and $50 in cash from Dunlops Appliances Limited in Moonstone Monday Victoria Harbour pntario Provincial Pol ice Coast Willlam Moban is in vestigating the brookin Universaliiieep To Leave Firm Universal Coolels vicepresi dent and general manager Horn ry Grozbord has resigned his position in Barrie toxas ethe presidency of another ompnny in southern0ntarln Otticials said this week that President McKee willtake iuli respons for manage mentiolflle timgbeing in ad dition to his other duties Mr Grozlzord will be leaving here lilac 11 He said in an interview that while he considered Universals prospects excellent he just happened tobe offered better position Mr Grnzbord handled the assignment of moving the recently fFEETFIRsT firm from Brantiord to Barrio is Adams swans At the third general of st Marys Parenth Association Grade class to achieving our LeCturer sés IPTA or whalgpnrpose any educating these children Ital what it the best method oi of to tend mung those children physically home card perils Mn Charles Tierney conven ed this Mill event and the price winners were lol Mtr Ed Marlon Mrs LeoMadlflfli AustinKyte Mrs Grihbin Mrs Joe Car Mrs French Hunter Mary Jane Keane Gonna Mrs Cliff Kelly Ethel Thomas Fiora Decorie Whalen Mrs Eugene Smith Lira Marie French Mrs Kapos hnakl Patsy Kyte Miss Dora Fitapntrick Grant Goodwin Pat Gribbln Mn Leo ORdlly Mn Russ Hinds inns Corugill Mn Boucher Mary Calvert Howaver the highllflit of this meeting was an outstandins talk given by Father Matthew Moe ban 0551 who was introduced by Msgr Clair as being pater of St Patricks Church Toronto head of the devotions in honor of Our Mother of Perpet ual Help and weltnown lecturer with regular Sunday broadcasts over CEML Hamilton Father Medians topic was The Child from canto 13 years old and tho Teenager 12 to no emf As means of coverk the subject matter be posed four questions who is in charge at the childs education in pension cam nurses The new HuntsviLIe Bypass on Highway 11 will be opened Fri day aiternoon Official speaker will be llonGeorgc Wardrope Minister at Reiorm Institutions in Ontario POOR ATTENDANCE gt The annual meeting of oruus ratepayers Monday cw only so to the Orilila House ovanrunns Mrs Mary Kathleen Hill oi llawkestona lost control other car Monday noon when it skid ded while making turn in the village Damage was $90 PARKER MAY STAND Former Midland mayor Chir les Parker has announced that ho is considering letting his name stand for post on the 1960 council frwnv BiiOIHERS mar Win brothers Herbert Caid well of Midland and flurry of Manitoba who hadnt seen each other in 31 yearsnvere reuliited in Midland on the weekend mournska There will bcrno parking on Barrie streets or boulevards be tween 1am and am in the months from November to May Barrie City Police Chief Ed ward Tschirbart reminded citi zens today He also pointed out motorists should be carefulat all times to watch for signs pro hibiting parking for snow clear ing reasonal 38 SCH05 onentnsuonv t6 science fortham womanlyrested benchemistrysmnatm gt an and uh while mentally and spiritually to what are tho temples and bow can we help their nnsrnm Regarding question No must remember that of the ion oi the body and soul of another and father has come body and soul of the chlidsaid the speaker This unlan of In natine involves procreation and education and it is therefore the first duty oinparents to take charge The child must know that the parenlsara in charge Father Meeban pointed out that the parent has twp bands the right one to direct and correct and the leit to love and com fort Question No 2bas caused vary ing sentiments In some places the physical prowess is stressed inotbers great mathematical and scientific mind are the goal But we must member that all the while we are striv ing for the best physical and mental development we must also bear in mind that the soul the spiritual lilo must be bear lngdownonGodandthechlld must learn to serve God hero and hereafter he laid Total dedication of parents is what Father Meeban cm aldercd must in achieving the total education of the child1 who must be taught good habits hody habits mind habits will habits As in the business world the dedicated man is the success so totally dedicated parents can confidently upoct success DISCIPLINE Discipline and repeated not of sacritlca hare necessary to achieve the real purpose of complete education The thrilling annoying happy sad whirlwind years of theteen ager 12 to 20 years were beau tifully described by an under standing Eatber Meehan Ba stressed that the teentiger is no longer acbiid nor is be an adult Batherhc is serving as an appredtlce leaning to be an adultgWo can help him most by praying with him talking over his problems three of the main ones being liief sex and drink Regarding iiie he stressed faith trust in God Regarding sex explain the body and its naturalinclinations the beauty of marriage the real dangers involved in going steady too early Regarding drink explain that it isnota stimulant but deadener which can be used for good or evil ills advice was abstinenceuntil the teens are well over andperbaps indul gence at 25 great deal of material for thoughts and meditations was given by Father Meehan who was thanked fbr his talk by Major Streater short business meeting was held upstairs in St Josephs Auditorium while St Monicas newly formed PTA unit held meeting downstairs Both units joined for an informal halfhour over coffee r5 TIiIiiithfiiADVENTllR shapes ynun minds ind helps to start oareovs Eschsst complete laboratory With generous supply of ohemicalsequipmeot and apparatus hear rumours thatali the gym centres are gettingtogether saturday Dec 19 for special Saturday orning program Could be has something to do with Chnstmns This will be restricted to members only John McKenzie resident at innisf was charged with careless dr ing and also being intoxicated while in charge of vehicle Constable Jones told of having been at thescepe of the accident investigating ano ord However it does not nec essarily mean that the broker will automatically try your full price limit for the opportunity uists your broker will obtain thebest possible pric es for you whether it be on the Warts Department Teariul juniors PariIWith Cables rCounty members of 4H Clubs ho took their calves to the WinA tcr Fair came home alon Their calves were purchased atauo tinn and theCooperative Pack ers of Barrie sent their man ager Jimrny Simpson in sea that Simcoe County club mem bers got top price for their steers Ethelyn Ryder oi lnnisi had steer which brought sowcenta per poun David Cook of Brad ford steer 30c Pound Mary Rukdse Honeyw cents Douglas Speers Thornton 32 cents Beverley Newrnan Udney95 cents Ted vancise Stayoer allocate These call owners led their animals into the ring and until the final bidwas made when they parted Vwith them tearful eyes showed that parting was hard Simpson purchased hold do rize pork at costs fro 55 cents paid folthaw ham New carcass down to 35 ate all of which had been pro and had dlspidy lnrtliebigrcé Christmas diamond rind irr ther accident when this driver cdme past and hit the other purchase or the sale of securit leS Have you joined yet that is boys andgirls 14 scorr MeliALE Toomxflow THE SIZE sunswmIA RQBINSON 31 DUNLOP sat ChooseNopv in Our Selection GkAHAM AN rLEMi Ne

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